Moodle - Recording a Presentation in Kaltura CS Desktop Recorder (My Media) (Windows) - 1
Moodle - Recording a Presentation in Kaltura CS Desktop Recorder (My Media)
At the end of this document, users will be able to use the Record a Presentation option in Kaltura.
This option gives you more options for presenting.
Kaltura works best with Mozilla Firefox. Versions of Google Chrome released after September
1, 2015 are no longer compatible with the software that runs Kaltura. Safari will only work if
third party cookies are enabled. Follow the University of Connecticut's directions to enable
third party cookies to use Kaltura with Safari.
Make sure that your Adobe Flash is up to date and any Adobe Flash plugins are installed.
For Mac computers, Java SE 6 is the Java client that runs best with Kaltura. The download file
needed is provided by Apple.
Accessing Kaltura My Media
To access the Kaltura My Media tool, log into Moodle and click on your name in the upper right
hand corner.
Click on the dropdown and select My Media.
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This will open your Kaltura My Media.
When you have recorded videos, they will appear here. You can use any of the videos recorded in
Kaltura in any of your courses.
To add media into Kaltura, click the Add New button.
Install Kaltura Capture Space Desktop Recorder
Select Record a Presentation.
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If you do not have the Kaltura CaptureSpace Desktop Recorder installed on your computer,
Kaltura will prompt you to download the program.
Scroll down to find the appropriate installer for your computer. Clicking the highlighted link will
bring you to the proper installer.
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Save the installer file.
Find the location that your computer saves downloads. Double click on the EXE file.
Windows will begin the download process.
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This message will appear when the program is finished downloading. Press OK.
Click on My Media to refresh the tool.
At this time, make sure your headset or microphone is plugged in.
Recording Presentation
Select Record a Presentation, which allows you to record a presentation.
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If the browser prompts you, select the Kaltura CaptureSpace Desktop Recorder and click the
checkbox to remember the choice.
Click OK.
You have five options. This document will focus on Presentations and Lectures.
Presentations and Lectures - This feature allows you to create a presentation with the following
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options present a PowerPoint, record your screen, record a webcam video, and audio.
Screen - This creates a media file consisting of a screen recording and audio.
Screen and Webcam - This creates a media file consisting of a screen recording and a webcam
video and audio.
Webcam - This creates a media file consisting only of a webcam video and audio.
Voice - This creates an audio-only media file.
Recording a Presentation - Screen
Click on the Presentations & Lectures option.
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You will be presented with a screen that has multiple options from which you can choose.
Examples include webcam and presentation or sound
1. Camera - this is your webcam - you can use the internal webcam on your computer or an
external webcam
2. Screen Capture - this is your current desktop
Use Screen Capture if you need to preserve the motion or animation in your PowerPoint.
This will NOT allow you to use the picture in picture format when recording with a webcam.
3. Presentation - this is the ability to upload a PowerPoint presentation
Using Presentation will turn your slides into static images (motion, animation, etc will not show
up in the video, but the text in the slides will be searchable.
This will allow you to use the picture in picture format when using webcam and the
presentation. When users view the video, they will be able to choose the different
arrangements of the webcam video and slides in the upper right hand corner when they view
the video.
4. Sound - this is the microphone - you can use the microphone or use an external microphone.
NOTE If you plug in an external webcam or microphone after you load the Kaltura CS Desktop
recorder, you will need to re-load the desktop recorder. Press Cancel to return to the menu and
exit the recorder. Then, reopen Kaltura using the steps above.
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Screen Capture (Recording) Option
This method preserves any animations or motion in your PowerPoints, but you will need to open
your PowerPoint on the desktop before launching Kaltura Desktop Recorder.
1. Resolution
There are two options for the resolution, either 720P or 1080P. The higher the number, the more
high definition the video is.
Select the resolution you desire by selecting either of the radio buttons.
2. Select the screen to record
If you have multiple monitors you wish to record, use the dropdown to select the monitor you wish
to record.
Select None to turn off the camera input.
3. Turn the screen recording on/off. Choose to turn the screen recording on and off by choosing
the appropriate radio button.
REMEMBER Using Presentation will turn your slides into static images (motion, animation, etc will
not show up in the video, but the text in the slides will be searchable. Use Screen Capture if you
need to preserve the motion or animation in your PowerPoint.
ALSO NOTE this will NOT allow you to use the picture in picture format when recording with a
Camera Option
1. Resolution
There are two options for the resolution, either 480P or 720P. The higher the number, the more
high definition the video is.
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Select the resolution you desire by selecting either of the radio buttons.
2. Camera Selection
Choose your webcam (or the external webcam) by clicking the dropdown and selecting the
camera you wish to use.
The top square will show you what the current input selected is.
Select None to turn off the camera input.
Presentation Option
This option allows you to run a PowerPoint as an input directly without recording your screen.
1. To show the Browse button to upload the PowerPoint, make sure that On is selected.
2. Click Browse. It will allow you to find the PowerPoint file and upload it.
REMEMBER Using Presentation will turn your slides into static images (motion, animation, etc will
not show up in the video, but the text in the slides will be searchable.
ALSO NOTE this will allow you to use the picture in picture format. When users view the video,
they will be able to choose the different arrangements of the webcam video and slides in the upper
right hand corner when they view the video.
Sound Option
1. Sound Input Selection
Choose your microphone (or the external microphone) by clicking the dropdown and selecting the
microphone you wish to use.
The top square will show you what the current input selected is.
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2. Turn sound on/off. If you do not wish to record any sound at all, including webcam audio, use
the radio buttons to turn the sound on/off.
Otherwise, leave this on.
Once Settings Are Complete
Select the Record button when you are ready to record. There are three examples below of
different settings you can use.
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SETTINGS EXAMPLE 1 - Recording a PowerPoint Presentation with Sound (No
This shows you an example of what it should look like if you only want to record a PowerPoint
presentation and sound.
This is useful for when you just want to provide the PowerPoint slides and your voice.
REMEMBER Using Presentation will turn your slides into static images (motion, animation, etc will
not show up in the video, but the text in the slides will be searchable.
ALSO NOTE this will allow you to use the picture in picture format. When users view the video,
they will be able to choose the different arrangements of the webcam video and slides in the upper
right hand corner when they view the video.
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SETTINGS EXAMPLE 2 - Recording a PowerPoint Presentation with Webcam and
This shows you an example of what it should look like if you wanted to include a webcam
recording, presentation, and sound.
If you were doing a lecture capture in a classroom with an external webcam or if you wanted to
record your face while explaining, this would be the option to use.
REMEMBER Using Presentation will turn your slides into static images (motion, animation, etc will
not show up in the video, but the text in the slides will be searchable).
ALSO NOTE this will allow you to use the picture in picture format. When users view the video,
they will be able to choose the different arrangements of the webcam video and slides in the upper
right hand corner when they view the video.
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Presentation Recording Process (if no error)
Kaltura will open the PowerPoint needed, then will switch to Presentation Mode and start the
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If you have selected webcam, it will show up in the bottom right of the screen with the control
option buttons.
You can Pause the presentation you can pause the recording using Control + P.
You can also click Done when the presentation is completed.
Click Cancel to cancel the recording.
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SETTINGS EXAMPLE 3 - Recording a Screen Recording with Sound
Screen Capture
This shows you an example of what it should look like if you wanted to include a screen recording
and sound.
This method preserves any animations or motion in your PowerPoints, but you will need to open
your PowerPoint on the desktop before launching Kaltura Desktop Recorder.
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Screen Capture Recording Process
There will be a countdown from 5.
During the countdown, go to the Slide Show menu and select From Beginning.
During the recording, you can pause the recording using Alt + P.
You can choose to draw on the recording by using Alt + D.
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Draw allows you to use your cursor to make notations on the screen.
NOTE Wait a few seconds before beginning the presentation so there is room to edit the video to
show just the PowerPoint.
This is a view of the PowerPoint when paused.
Select Done to complete the recording.
The other options in the recording menu are options to Draw, Pause, and Cancel.
Cancel will discard your recording.
Editing the Recording (ALL METHODS)
Preview your video by using the Play/Pause button.
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There are four options you can use in the Editing option.
Trim - Using the Trim tool, you can edit the beginning and end of the video.
Chop - Using the Chop tool, you can take out clips from the video.
Titles - Add a title animation before your recording.
Credits - Add a credits animation after your recording.
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Click the Trim tool. Two blue markers are displayed on the video strip.
1. Use the Start marker to highlight where you wish the recording to start.
2. Use the End marker to highlight where you wish the recording to end.
The region to the left and right of the markers is greyed out, denoting it will be trimmed.
Note Trimming is only possible if the resulting video is longer than 10 seconds.
3. Click Apply to apply the edit.
4. Click Done to confirm the edit.
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Click the Chop tool. Two blue markers are displayed on the video strip.
1. Use the Start and End markers to highlight the part of the recording you want to retain.
The region to the left and right of the markers are greyed out.
Note Chopping is only possible if the resulting video is longer than 10 seconds.
2. Click Apply to apply the edit.
3. Click Done to confirm the edit.
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Using the Titles tool adds a title animation before your recording.
1. Use the arrows to choose a design.
2. Click on the text in the title and subtitle to edit the text.
3. Click on the text settings to change the font, font size, and other text settings.
4. Click Apply to apply the edit.
NOTE Only click Done if you are completed with all of the edits.
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Using the Credits tool adds a credits animation after your recording.
1. Use the arrows to choose a design.
2. Click on the text in the title and subtitle to edit the text.
3. Click on the text settings to change the font, font size, and other text settings.
4. Click Apply to apply the edit.
NOTE Only click Done if you are completed with all of the edits.
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Uploading Your Recording (ALL METHODS)
Once you have clicked Done, Kaltura may ask you if you wish to upload the recording as a New
upload, to replace the Original file, or Cancel.
Add a title describing the media, an optional description, and tags.
The title will will default to the file name of the media uploaded.
Tags help you organize your files by associating them with one category. To add tags, type the
word or letters with which you wish to tag your media - ex. BIO101 - and select the tag that appears
that matches your designation.
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1. Click Upload to upload the media to Moodle.
2. Click Preview to go back into the Edit screen to make any changes.
3. Click Save to save the video to the desktop recorder.
Once you click Upload, you will see the progress of the upload. Once it is completed, go back to
Moodle to add the media into your course.