A look into Chinese New Year
greetings & their meanings
Header image courtesy of Lao Ma (via Shutterstock)
We’ve all been theresurrounded by aunties and uncles, all eyes trained on you as you stand in front of a set
of beckoning red packets. All that stands between you and a little extra pocket money are a few phrases, a few
Chinese New Year well-wishes, and you’re set! But in that moment, dressed in your new outfit, fingers and
mouth still slightly oily from the radish cakes you just ate, your mind panics and no well-wishes come to
mind. Well, let us not repeat that humbling experience this yearthese Chinese New Year greetings and their
meanings (as well as who to say them to) should help you along.
Photo credits: Rodnae Productions (via Pexels)
General greetings
Chinese New Year may be a time to spend with family, but we should share the festivities and good-will with
everyone we meet! Here are some general Chinese New Year greetings that can be used to greet everyone,
from your parents to security guards.
新年快樂 Pronunciation: San1 nin4 faai3 lok6; xīn nián kuài lè Meaning: Happy new year!
牛年大 Pronunciation: Ngau4 nin4 daai6 gat1; niú nián dà jí Meaning: Happy new year of the Ox!
萬事如意 Pronunciation: Maan6 si6 jyu4 ji3; wàn shì rú yì Meaning: May everything go as you hope!
吉祥如意 Pronunciation: Gat1 coeng4 jyu4 yi3; jí xiáng rú yì Meaning: I wish you good fortune on all
of your desires.
心想事成 Pronunciation: Sam1 soeng2 si6 sing4; xīn xiǎng shì chén Meaning: May your heart’s desires
come true.
Photo credits: Rodnae Productions (via Pexels)
Health & well-being
After a year of face masks and hand sanitisers, it’s no surprise that we’re all looking for a breakthrough in
Covid-19 news. Together, we can fight the virus, starting with some Chinese New Year greetings focused
around health and well-being. Hopefully, this year will bring us only health and happiness!
身體健康 Pronunciation: San1 tai2 gin6 hong1; shēn tǐ jiàn kāng Meaning: May you have good health!
竹報平安 Pronunciation: Zuk1 bou3 ping4 on1; zhú bào píng ān Meaning: May you only hear good
and peaceful news.
Fun fact: The purpose of lighting firecrackers during Chinese New Year is to announce that the family is well
and no tragic incident had befallen them during the past year. They were also lit to scare off demons and evil
spirits at the start of the year. The modern firecracker is constructed of paper, but originally, they were made of
bamboo (; zuk1). As such, this Chinese New Year greeting literally translates into ”Bamboo reporting peace!”
一帆風順 Pronunciation: Jat1 faan4 fung1 seon6; yī fān fēng shun Meaning: May you have smooth sailing
in all your endeavours.
Fun fact: This Chinese New Year greeting emerged from sailors and travellers, reporting good winds for
(literal) smooth sailing.
歲歲平安 Pronunciation: Seoi3 seoi3 ping4 on1; suì suì píng ān Meaning: May you experience peace
in the years to come.
出入平安 Pronunciation: Ceot1 jap6 ping4 on1; chū rù píng ān Meaning: May you experience safety
and peace wherever you go.
Photo credits: Rodnae Productions (via Pexels)
In Chinese, the saying 家和万事兴 (gaa1 wo4 maan6 si6 hing1)”“The family that lives in harmony will have
prosperous affairs“fully encapsulates the value of the family unit in Chinese culture. During the Chinese New
Year season, it’s not uncommon to bestow words of well-wishing on someone’s entire family as part of your
exchange. Here are some family-friendly Chinese New Year greetings!
闔家歡樂 Pronunciation: Hap6 gaa1 fun1 lok6; hé jiā huān lè Meaning: Happiness and joy for the
whole family!
闔家幸福 Pronunciation: Hap6 gaa1 hang6 fuk1; hé jiā xìng fú Meaning: Happiness and good fortune
for the whole family
家宅安寧 Pronunciation: Gaa1 zaak6 on1 ning4; jiā zhái ān níng Meaning: May your home be filled
with peace and tranquillity!
笑口常開 Pronunciation: Siu3 hau2 soeng4 hoi1; xiào kǒu cháng kāi Meaning: May your year be filled
with laughter and smiles!
Fun fact:哈哈大笑” (haa1 haa1 daai6 siu3) means to laugh heartily and loudly, and is an extension of the
saying mentioned here. Its tones match up with traditional Chinese New Year dining, too, as families often eat
shrimp (; haa1) during this season of festivities. The Chinese word for shrimp is a homonym for “哈哈 (haa1
haa1), which is the Chinese equivalent of “Haha!”
家肥屋潤 Pronunciation: Gaa1 fei4 uk1 jeon6; jiā féi wū rùn Meaning: May your family be
Fun fact: The literal translation of this Chinese New Year greeting is “Family fat, house moist.”
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Photo credits: Vladislav (via Pexels)
The concept of filial piety, or respect for elders, is taught to children from a young age, so it should be no
surprise that there are specific Chinese New Year greetings frequently used to wish our grandmas and
grandpas a good new year!
龍馬精神 Pronunciation: Lung4 maa5 zing1 san4; lóng mǎ jīng shén Meaning: May you have the spirit
and vitality of a horse or dragon!
龍精虎猛 Pronunciation: Lung4 zing1 fu2 maang5; lóng jīng hǔ měng Meaning: May you have the spirit
of a dragon and ferociousness of a tiger!
壽比南山 Pronunciation: Zau6 bei2 naam4 saan1; shòu bǐ nán shān Meaning: May you live a long and
prosperous life (as the Zhongnan Mountains).
Fun fact: This saying is actually part of a couplet: 福如東海 (fuk1 jyu4 dung1 hoi2),壽比南山 (zau6 bei2
naam4 saan1). The first half of the couplet means, “May your happiness and luck be as vast as the East China
Sea (東海),” as water from here supposedly brought luck. The second half refers to the people who lived
in Zhongnan Mountains (终南山), who supposedly lived longer and healthier lives. As such, this is a common
couplet to say to the elderly, especially at birthdays.
福壽雙全 Pronunciation: Fuk1 sau6 soeng1 cyun4; fú shòu shuāng quán Meaning: May you enjoy both
longevity and good fortune.
身壯力健 Pronunciation: San1 zong3 lik6 gin6; shēn zhuàng lì jiàn Meaning: May you be healthy and
Photo credits: Rodnae Productions (via Pexels)
Students & children
It’s been a tough year for students as they grapple with online class and not being surrounded by peers. On top
of lai see packets, give your youngest friends some encouragement as they finish the academic year strong!
金榜题名 Pronunciation: Gam1 bong2 tai4 ming4; jīn bǎng tí míng Meaning: I wish you success and top
marks in your examinations.
Fun fact: The imperial examination was the civil servant entry examination system, and only the best and
brightest of China could pass. Scholars who passed would have their names recorded on the jīnbǎng (
; gam1 bong2), a tablet with gold inscriptions with the names of those who passed the exam, signed by the
emperor. This accomplishment brought great honour and status to their families and has become a saying for
students today.
學業有成 Pronunciation: Hok6 yip6 jau5 sing4; xué yè yǒu chéng Meaning: May you have academic
success and achievements.
鵬程萬裡 Pronunciation: Paang4 xing4 maan6 lei5; péng chéng wàn l Meaning: May your future
prospects be bright and brilliant.
Fun fact: The péng niǎo (鵬鳥; paang4 niu5) is a mythical bird that supposedly could reach up to 90,000 miles
in altitude, and create waves that would rise up to 3,000 miles with a flap of its wings. This saying compares the
future prospects of the recipient with the prowess of the bird.
學業進步 Pronunciation: Hok6 yip6 zeon3 bou6; xué yè jìn Meaning: May you have academic
聰明伶俐 Pronunciation: Cung1 ming4 ling4 lei6; cōng míng líng lì Meaning: May you be clever and
Photo credits: Olivia Colacicco (via Unsplash)
Businesses & work
Hong Kong is known as a hub for innovation and opportunities, and in a city of the hustle economy, we could all
use some extra luck in our workplace and career this year! Here are some Chinese New Year greetings for
professional success.
年年有餘 Pronunciation: Nin4 nin4 jau5 jyu4; nián nián yǒu yú Meaning: I wish you an
abundance/surplus year after year.
Fun fact: The character “” (jyu4) means “surplus,” and is a homonym of the word “” (jyu4), which means
“fish.” As such, certain regions of China will fry two fishes before the new year, keep it in the fridge until after
the new year before consuming, in a symbolic act of hoping the year provides a surplus of income and wealth.
招財進寶 Pronunciation: Ziu1 coi4 zeon3 bou2; zhāo cái jìn bǎo Meaning: May wealth and prosperity
be ushered in.
生意興隆 Pronunciation: Saang1 yi3 hing1 lung4; shēng yì xīng long Meaning: I hope your business
thrives and is prosperous
和氣生財 Pronunciation: Wo4 hei3 sang1 coi4; hé qì shēng cái Meaning: May amiability bring you
步步高升 Pronunciation: Bou6 bou6 gou1 sing1; bù bù gāo sheng Meaning: Each step brings upward
Fun fact: A Chinese New Year food staple is the new year pudding (年糕; nin4 gou1) and the radish cake (
蔔糕; lo4 baak6 gou1). The “(gou1) is a homonym with “” (gou1), and thus, these dishes are eaten to
symbolise the phrase “步步高升!”