About Us ....................................................................................................................... 2
Message from the President ....................................................................................... 3
Sponsors and Partners ................................................................................................ 4
Achievements in 2017 .................................................................................................. 5
Introduction to ARECA
ARECA (“Asia Region Casualty Actuaries”) was formed in 2015 as the newest re-
gional afliate of the Casualty Actuarial Society. ARECA provides continuing educa-
tion programs, information and other support to actuarial programs at universities
across Asia, networking opportunities for current and future actuaries, and now the
ARECA scholarship.
Follow Us
Check out our photos at https://
About Us
Guanjun Jiang
VP China
Herb Desson
VP Southeast Asia
(2015 – 2017)
Benny Yuan
Delvin Cai
Tony Gu
President 2017
Bo Huang
President 2018
Bo Huang
VP East Asia
VP Southeast Asia
Waswate Ayana
WechatFor more information about
ARECA, visit the CAS website at
017 was a fruitful year for ARECA. Supported by many CAS members and
friends, we organized and participated in a number of successful events, such as
the SAS General Insurance seminar, ARECA Singapore, Shenzhen, and Bangkok
meetings and member gatherings. In collaboration with the CAS home ofce team
and its Asian Regional Committee, ARECA has become a trusted platform for provid-
ing CPD/networking opportunities to property & casualty actuarial professionals in
the high-growth Asia region.
The ARECA Scholarship program was implemented in late 2017. Along with the
increasing participation by university faculty and students in our events, this initia-
tive will help attract more candidates to CAS exam track in the future.
It has been our privilege working with a dedicated ARECA leadership team (Raksa
Wimonsutthikul, Guanjun Jiang, Herb Desson, Waswate Ayana, Benny Yuan, Delvin
Cai,), who have received strong support from the CAS leaders and staff (Bob Conger,
Roger Hayne, Nancy Braithwaite, Michael Chou, and others) over the past twelve
months. We would like to thank them for taking time out of their busy schedule to
volunteer and their valuable contributions to the profession.
Looking into 2018, ARECA will soon have a new leadership team. We look for-
ward to your continued support and more opportunities to work closely with other
organizations and stakeholders. It is also exciting that a full-time Staff Actuary based
in China has been approved by the CAS board. This demonstrates the CAS leader-
ship’s commitment to the region and will no doubt enhance the services to all CAS
members in Asia.
For those of you who observe the Chinese New Year, we wish you a happy holi-
day season and a prosperous Year of the Dog!
Bo Huang President 2018
Tony Gu President 2017
Message from the President
Sponsors and Partners
ARECA Shenzhen Seminar
Our venue sponsors
Partnering organizations
CAS at the Singapore Actuarial Society General
Insurance Seminar
25-26 May 2017
n May 25-26 2017, the Singapore Actuarial Society (SAS) successfully hosted its
ninth conference focused on General Insurance, with the conference theme be-
ing ‘Disrupt or be Disrupted’. The Casualty Actuarial Society was invited to or-
ganize several sessions for the conference. CAS Past-president Mary Frances Miller,
Yuxiang Lei, and Guanjun Jiang presented topics on Peer-to-Peer startups, Internet
of Things, and a panel discussion on The Power of Distribution in a World of Speed;
While ARECA President Tony Gu gave an introduction to the regional afliate to more
than a hundred actuaries and insurance executives from across Asia.
ARECA Singapore Meeting
25 August 2017
s a follow up to the SAS Conference in May, ARECA also
organized its third annual meeting on August 25, at the
Guy Carpenter ofce in Singapore. Our venue sponsor
and host delivered an opening presentation on Emerging
Risks; Cyber Modelling, Agriculture Insurance, and IFRS 17
completed the lineup for the seminar.
Achievements in 2017
ARECA Shenzhen Meeting
14 November 2017
he Shenzhen seminar was ARECAs fourth China seminar and the rst in the city
known as China’s Silicon Valley. It was held at the recently completed landmark
PingAn International Finance Centre and was sponsored by Sunlight Consulting
Co. Ltd., headquartered in Shanghai. The meeting featured general insurance ex-
perts from consultancies such as KPMG and PwC and new tech companies such as
Ding Ran Technology and Zhong An Insurance. The audience included local risk pro-
fessionals, academics and actuarial science students from Shenzhen, Hong Kong,
and cities in Southern China.
Achievements in 2017 (continued)
ARECA Bangkok Meeting
17 November 2017
he Bangkok seminar was
held at the Royal Orchid
Sheraton Hotel and fea-
tured the theme ‘Shaping the
Future Through Regulation and
Technology’. Topics explored in-
clude rice insurance, cyber risk,
and blockchain technology. This
years panel discussion invited
two experienced CAS members:
Kevin Dyke, FCAS, from the De-
partment of Insurance and Fi-
nancial Services in Michigan,
U.S.A.; and Scott Yen, FCAS,
from Etiqa Insurance in Malay-
sia, to share their knowledge in
the regulatory space and Asia
markets. The seminar also fea-
tured drawings for prizes such
as the latest Apple watch series
CAS Immediate Past President Nancy Braithwaite and CAS International Ambas-
sador Bob Conger attended both seminars and provided attendees with an update
on CAS initiatives, including The CAS Institute’s Certied Specialist in Predictive An-
alytics (CSPA) credential and the CAS’s newly announced Technology Based Exam-
ination (TBE) process.
Achievements in 2017 (continued)
Achievements in 2017 (continued)
Recognition Ceremonies
November 2017
ne of the highlights during the ARECA week
was to recognize our newly qualied mem-
bers in Greater China and in Thailand. Con-
gratulations to Mr Brian Yat Fung Chan, ACAS;
Ms. Raksa Wimonsutthikul FCAS; Mr. Kamolphan
Weeraklaew, FCAS; Mr. Kasin Sutuntivorakoon,
FCAS; and Mr. Thanyanop Lausuksringam, FCAS.
ARECA Scholarship
December 2017
he ARECA Actuarial Scholarship was of-
cially launched on the 6th of December. The
primary element of the scholarship competi-
tion is for the applicant to prepare an essay (ap-
proximately ve pages) addressing one of several
business scenarios that are illustrative of the is-
sues that are analyzed by property / casualty actu-
aries in their daily work.
Scholarship awards of US $1000, $600, and
$400 (cash) will be awarded to three students. In addition, ARECA and CAS plan to
publish the winning scenario essays, and to invite the three winning students to par-
ticipate in an upcoming local ARECA meeting (or other actuarial event) during 2018.
The funding for these scholarships is sponsored by AXIS, part of the AXIS Capital
group of companies, which includes global insurers and reinsurers providing clients
and distribution partners with a broad range of specialized risk transfer products and
Happy Chinese
New Year!