27th May 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we approach the end of the school year, there is absolutely no slow down in the amount of acvies and pace of school life. Over the past
couple of weeks, there have been a myriad of acvies for the children taking place both in and out of school me, including the Rounders
event, Town Sports, Commonwealth Games, Cricket event, Orienteering, Y3/4 Reading Breakfast, the Recepon and Y1 class trips, high school
taster days and our new Recepon class and INSPIRE visits, to name a selecon. Our sta connue to work every
minute and more, aending local authority and wider moderaon, training and professional development sessions, accompanying
children on out-of-hours acvies, co-ordinang events in school, preparing for events to come, and, of course, working relentlessly to ensure
all of our children receive the very best educaon and quickest migaon of learning loss from the pandemic which is possible. Today, we are
enjoying our much-missed Summer Fayre, and sll to come we have our Y2 Class Assembly, the Y5 Gala Concert and all of our Y6 Leavers
acvies in the nal days of term. This week, the children were thrilled to be lmed and photographed by a drone, as part of our updang of our
school promoonal materials. Im not sure who was more fascinated the children or the sta!
On Monday 11
July, the children will spend me with their new teacher, in preparaon for moving up into the next year group. A
transion meeng for Recepon parents has been arranged for the aernoon to explain how the curriculum changes as children move into the
key stage classes, and I will write to all parents to share the stang map for the next academic year. On Monday 18
July, the childrens end of
year school reports will come home, along with the individual results of this years statutory assessments. I am
exceponally pleased and proud of all of our children and sta for their phenomenal eorts this year following such a long period of
disrupon! The investment we have all made in ensuring childrens health and educaon remain as protected as possible has most
certainly paid o, and I look forward to sharing our overall school results and successes with you all before the end of term.
This year, we held our Recepon sports day at school, and our Key Stage sports days at the Wigan Rugby Club, to give our children the
experience of compeng and enjoying being on the most suitably-sized track. We also wanted to ensure that you, our parents, were able to see
your own children compete in more races and have a more personalised experience hence we held three separate sports day events at the
most suitable locaon (school and the Rugby Club). I would like to thank all parents who shared their posive feedback of these events. We
would really like to connue with this again next year, however to do this, I need to make a plea. We have had worries and concerns raised from
a number of dierent sources, including parents, children and sta. A school event, held at a separate locaon, is sll a school event and
therefore subject to the same condions as events held at school. For reasons of safeguarding, we have to insist that parents do not photograph
or lm at these events, just as in school. We do have a number of children who do not have photo
permissions in place, and some of these are for serious safeguarding reasons. Similarly, dogs are not allowed at school events, due to health and
safety requirements of schools. Children have the right to enjoy their events without being distracted or upset or at risk, and we ask that all
parents respect this and co-operate with us by following school rules and requests. Many thanks for your understanding and co-operaon.
The nal newsleer of the year will be sent out at the end of term. Unl then, I look forward to seeing you at the many more events we have
planned over the last two weeks.
Kind regards
Miss Prior
Friday 8th July 2022
We are delighted to share the
great news of our winning entries
for this years Primary Engineer
Awards. Congratulaons to:
The winners were invited to the
Awards Ceremony at Rochdale
Town Hall on 7th July to receive
their winner cercate and
trophy! The Winner and Highly
Commended entries have been
displayed at the exhibion.
Congratulaons to all those pupils who were nominated for
demonstrang the Woodeld value of Hard Work’.
Winners Disncon
Year R: Billie and Mason
Year 1: Ivy and Michela
Year 3: Annabelle
Year 4: Hattie and Johnnie
Year 5: Camilla
Year 6: Emily B
Year R: George D
Year 1: Sophie
Year 2: Sidney
Year 3: George
Year 4: Alfen
Year 5: Ava, Billy and
Highly Commended
Year 2: Fletcher
Year 3: Ethan
Year 4: Toni
Year 5: Amelia
Year R: Arthur
Year 1: Phoebe
Year 2: Eve
Year 5: Joshua
Year R: William, Alexandra and Olivia
Year 1: Lyla, Leyha and Dorothy
Year 2 Evelyn, Lucy and William
Year 3: Daniel, Isabel and Hae C
Year 4: Eva, Henry and Jack
Year 5: Ava, Camilla and Lewis
Year 6: Ben, Poppy and Sienna
News & Informaon
11th July Transion Meeng for YR Parents 2.45pm
12th July Y5 Schools Gala Concert—Robin Park
13th July Y2 Class Assembly
14th and 15th July Y6 Taster Days—Standish High School
20th July Y6 LeaversAssembly/Anne Dawson Awards 2pm
20th July Papa Luigis—Y6 LeaversMeal 4pm
21st July Y6 Bispham Hall
Year 1, Year 3 and Year 2, Year 4
We have been displaying our lost property at the
front of school and will do so unl the end of the
summer term. We must advise that any items of
lost property (including uniform, lunch boxes,
etc) will be disposed of at the end of this term.
We connue to distribute all lost items if clearly labelled, but so many of
the lost property items have no name labels. Thank you.
Summer 2022
Term Ends Thursday 21st July
Autumn 2022
Term Begins Monday 5th September
Half Term Monday 24th-Friday 28th October
Term Ends Friday 16th December
Spring 2023
Term Begins Wednesday 4th January
Half Term Monday 20th-Friday 24th February
Term Ends Friday 31st March
Summer 2023
Term Begins Tuesday 11th April
Half Term Monday 29th May-Friday 9th June*
Term Ends Friday 21st July
* Please note holiday paern changes for Easter/half term 2023.
We have a selecon of good quality second hand and new school
uniform items in a range of sizes on display at the front of school.
Please speak to Mrs Ellison if you would like anything for the remainder
of the summer term. We request a small donaon of £1-£1.50 per item.
(nominated by the lunch sta for following our Values)
Year R: Arthur, Piper and Joanie
Year 1: Holly, Sophie and Phoebe
Year 2 Thomas, Fletcher and Maxwell
Year 3: Patrick, Bobby and Emily B
Year 4: Thea, Ethan and Jack
Year 5: Megan, Noah and Layton
Year 6: Rhian, Molly and Emily B
The increased emphasis on ensuring complete coverage of curriculum
subjects, along with the disrupon to educaon over the past two years,
together mean that the government are scrunising aendance more
closely than ever, and new rules around this are coming into force for
Over the year, we have seen an increase in the number of children being
collected early from school for various reasons, including going on weekend
holidays and aending swimming lessons. We are at the point where this is
becoming very disrupve for the classes and the school oce, aecng the
ecient running of the school and the learning of the children both for
those collected and those who witness numerous children leaving early.
Therefore, we ask that from September, families do not request to collect
children from school early unless it is an emergency or absolutely
Medical/dental and/or other appointments should be made outside of
school hours unless it is a scheduled specic appointment eg with a
consultant. Swimming lessons or other aer-school acvies should be
booked allowing enough me for children to be collected at the usual me.
Everyone had a fantasc aernoon supporng our Summer Fayre this
year with our Year 6 pupils demonstrang their enterprise skills and
running their own stalls. Funds raised from the Y6 enterprise will go
towards their leavers meal at Papa Luigis and a nal trip to Bispham
Thank you to everyone involved for your fantasc support!
A further reminder that chocolate bars and snacks containing nuts should
not be sent into school as a snack or as part of your childs lunch box.
There are people in school who could become extremely ill if they are
around nuts so we discourage anyone from bringing these in to school.
Thank you for your co-operaon.
A reminder that school starts at 08.50 and children will be supervised by
sta from 08.40. Please do not allow your children onto the school
premises without an adult before this me. Unfortunately, if children
connue to arrive early, the main school gate will have to remain closed
unl 08.40.
During the warmer/sunnier weather, please ensure your child has had
sun-protecon applied before coming to school and brings a hat to wear
outside. If rain is forecast, please make sure your child brings a coat.
Thank you.
On Monday 20th June, a group of Year 5
pupils aended an Orienteering Event at
Haigh Hall organised by Wigan School
Games. Everyone worked together as a
team and were a credit to themselves
and school. Well done!
Well done Kieran and Ethan who took part in
the Joining Jack’ 5 mile bike ride on 19th
A new approach to our sports days this
year—well done to the Sharks teams
and all the children taking part in the
events. We have some sporng stars amongst our pupils.
Thank you to our parents/carers who were able to support
the events by accompanying the children to Wigan RUFC, and
especially to Miss Kelsall and Mr Isherwood for organising the
The Y5/6 Cricket Fesval at Norley Hall
Cricket Club took place on 23rd June.
Our team were very successful, winning
3 out of 4 games. Pictured are our team
proudly wearing their Wigan Games
Congratulaons to everyone taking part.
A huge well done to Woodelds Y3/Y4 and Y5/Y6 Town Sports Teams who competed
at Robin Park on 28th and 30th June. A number of our pupils have successfully
qualied for the nals—informaon to follow.
Congratulaons to our Y3 and Y4 pupils
taking part in the Commonwealth Games
event at Standish on 7th July.
The event was created so that people can join in, challenge themselves, support each others mental and
physical health and also bring awareness to this well-needed charity, all whilst remembering my Rory. Exercise is
so important not only for your physical health, but your mental health as well. It has also been my most biggest
outlet to help whilst grieving too.
This is an open event where absolutely everybody can join in. You can take on this challenge doing 5K a day. You
can choose to run, walk, ride, swimcomplete it in the best way you possibly can.
I would absolutely love it if you wanted to share your progress throughout the month by posng on your social
media, tag us in at @runforrory on Instagram and I can share your fantasc achievements, so others can support
you and you will be inspiring others too.
Thank you so much for all your help, support and donaons! I will always be forever grateful.Ms Long
Can you run/walk/jog 5K every day in July?
Ms Long, Mum of former pupil Rory, is compleng her challenge
again this year to raise funds for Bereavement UK. Last year, an
amazing £3,000 was raised—this year, Ms Long hopes to raise even
more for this worthwhile charity.
Follow @runforrory on Instagram for