Work from home
What is the difference between working from home and a non-residential activity?
The District Plan defines work from home as an occupation, art, craft, business, trade or profession
that is carried out in a residential building by no more than three people, at least one of whom lives in
that building as their main place of residence. The exception to this is the Inner Residential Area north
of John Street/Hutchison Road where all workers have to live on the premises.
Work from home does not include the repair or maintenance of motor vehicles or internal
combustion engines (except residents’ motor vehicles). For conditions relating to residential areas see
rule 5.1.2. If all of these conditions can be met then resource consent will not be required. Any signs
must meet the conditions of rule or resource consent will be required.
A non-residential activity is defined by the District Plan as any activity that does not meet the
definitions of a residential activity or working from home and will need resource consent. A
guide to non-residential activities can be found in rule 5.4.1. Generally they may include
establishing or adding to shops, churches, service stations, childcare facilities or medical centres that
are located within residential areas (including building additions or alterations).
What information should I provide to the Council with my application?
The information required with any resource consent application depends on what the proposed activity
is and, if relevant, includes a written assessment of the environmental effects and plans. To assess
environmental effects of your activity we recommend that you answer the criteria in rule 5.4.1 (– This is what the planning officer’s assessment will be based on.
What about signs?
You are allowed signs relating to a non-residential activity. Details should be included in your resource
consent application, including what these signs will look like and whether they will be illuminated. If
your site contains a listed heritage building or is within a heritage area, rules relating to signs are
stricter (see Plan Change 43, 21D Heritage Rules: Signs).
If you have any questions relating to resource consents, please contact a customer
service planning technician on 801 3590 or email
District Plan rules are regularly updated, with updates going through a consultation and hearings process. The applicant must
be aware of these changes and may need to meet both the operative and proposed plan requirements. Recent plan changes to
note are Plan Change 72: Residential Review. You can see further plan changes and more details on our website
or please contact a planning technician on 801 3590 or email [email protected]
* Rules referred to in this tip sheet are within chapter 5 of the District Plan.
Docs no: 1813521