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MILPERSMAN 1300-1400
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1. Purpose. This article provides the procedures for the
assignment, accountability, follow-up care, and disposition of
officer and enlisted personnel to or from a limited duty (LIMDU)
status for medical reasons.
2. Definitions
a. Abbreviated Medical Evaluation Board Report (AMEBR).
NAVMED 6100/5 Limited Duty AMEBR is a detailed summary of a
Service member’s medical condition(s) dictated by the attending
physician. An AMEBR is required to be submitted electronically
in the LIMDU Sailor and Marine Readiness Tracker (LIMDU SMART)
and is used to recommend a member on a first or additional
periods of LIMDU. An AMEBR is also used to place a Service
member on LIMDU for referral to the Department of the Navy
Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) as part of the Disability
Evaluation System (DES). NAVMED 6100/6 Return of a Patient to
Medically Unrestricted Duty Status from Limited Duty is used to
return a Service member to medically unrestricted duty after a
period of LIMDU and to identify any duty or assignment
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limitations. NAVMED 6100/5 and NAVMED 6100/6 are completed
electronically in the appropriate LIMDU tracking system (i.e.
NOTE: An AMEBR is not to be confused with a special function
eMEBR which is a form submitted in LIMDU SMART specifically to
refer a Service member to a PEB.
b. Deployability Category (DCAT) Code. DCAT identifies a
Service member’s deployability status. DCAT delineates the
deployability category assignment of varying conditions (e.g.,
medical, legal, humanitarian assignment, pregnancy, etc.) into
categories reportable to leadership and visible to personnel
with an official need to know (Navy Personnel Command
(NAVPERSCOM) detailers and other staff, etc.).
c. Deployability Coordinator. Per references (a) and (b),
every command and medical treatment facility (MTF) must appoint
in writing a single point of contact to act as the command
deployability coordinator. Commands with 50 or more LIMDU
personnel are encouraged to appoint a command deployability
coordinator as a primary duty. Deployability coordinators must
not be in a LIMDU status. Close liaison between parent commands
and MTFs is critical to ensure accurate accounting, tracking,
medical treatment, and expeditious movement of LIMDU personnel
through the transient pipeline.
d. Disability Evaluation System (DES). DES is the
mechanism for determining “fitness for duty” for continued naval
service, separation, or retirement of Service members because of
disability per references (c) and (d). DES processes include
the legacy DES and the Integrated Disability Evaluation System
(IDES). DES is initiated through the PEB.
e. Limited Duty (LIMDU). LIMDU is defined as the
assignment of a Service member with certain medical limitations
or restrictions concerning the duties the Service member may
perform in a duty status for a specified time. LIMDU is divided
into two separate categories: temporary limited duty (TLD) and
permanent limited duty (PLD).
f. NAVMED 1300/3 Medical Assignment Screening (MAS). MAS
is a short and concise medical screening form to specifically
review a Service member’s medical condition(s) and determine
whether a Service member is world-wide assignable (WWA) after
completion of a PEB and the DES.
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g. Medical Evaluation Board (MEB). A MEB is a panel of
providers attached to a MTF with a commander or commanding
officer designated to hold “convening authority” (CA) for LIMDU
assignment. MEBs make recommendations to the CA for determining
whether a member needs assignment to LIMDU.
h. Operational Screening (Sea Duty Screening). After a
LIMDU Service member is found fit for medically unrestricted
duty and is in receipt of permanent change of station (PCS)
orders to an operational command, the Service member must
complete operational screening per MILPERSMAN 1300-800 and
overseas screening per MILPERSMAN 1300-306, as applicable.
i. Physical Evaluation Board (PEB). A fact-finding board
evaluates all cases of disability on behalf of a Service member
and the Service per applicable laws, guidance, and directives.
The PEB adjudicates the nature, cause, degree of severity, and
permanency of a Service member’s disability. The board
evaluates the condition of the Service member against the
physical requirements of his or her office, grade, rank, or
rating. The potential outcomes of a Service member being
reviewed by a PEB include administrative dismissal if the case
does not meet eligibility criteria for referral, a finding of
“fit for duty” and continued naval service, or a finding of
“unfit for continued naval service” and subsequent separation or
retirement of the Service member.
j. Permanent Limited Duty (PLD). PLD is the continuation
on active duty or in the Ready Reserve of a Service member
determined “unfit for continued naval service” in a LIMDU
capacity as a result of the DES process. A Service member may
request a waiver for PLD under reference (c). If approved the
Service member will remain on active duty for a specified time.
Service members approved for PLD must be placed in an
appropriate DCAT with a projected rotation date (PRD) which
corresponds with the approved PLD date. Once placed in a PLD
status, the member may remain at the current command or be
assigned to a valid billet as directed by fleet manning control
authority priorities. Assignment must be made to an area where
required medical care is available.
k. Temporary Limited Duty (TLD). A Service member is
assigned a TLD status when a medical officer expects the Service
member to be able to be returned to medically unrestricted duty
in a reasonable period of time (12 months or less and based on
the medical condition(s)). Service members assigned to a TLD
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status will be placed in an appropriate DCAT code and their PRDs
will be adjusted to correspond with the expiration of TLD date.
3. Policy
a. Approval of LIMDU Requests. The MTF CA approves all
LIMDU requests if the LIMDU period will not result in an
extension of LIMDU beyond 12 consecutive months and the Service
member is expected to return to a medically unrestricted duty
status at the completion of the LIMDU period. Periods of LIMDU
will be condition-based, meaning the length of the LIMDU period
will correspond with the treatment provider’s estimated
timeframe for the Service member to recover and return to
medically unrestricted duty. At any time, per reference (b),
NAVPERSCOM Deployability Assessment and Assignment Branch (PERS-
454) senior medical officer may direct the cognizant MTF CA to
place a Service member on LIMDU, direct referral to a PEB, or
recommend administrative separation processing for a condition
not amounting to a disability (CnD).
b. Conclusion and Expiration of LIMDU. With the exception
of cases referred to a PEB, LIMDU concludes when a Service
member is returned to medically unrestricted duty by a MEB or
upon expiration of LIMDU. If a Service member’s medical LIMDU
status is not updated prior to the expiration of LIMDU, PERS-454
will change the Service member’s DCAT code to reflect the
Service member’s LIMDU is expired and the Service member will be
considered deployable and eligible for orders.
c. Fit Finding by PEB. Service members processed through
the DES and retained in the Military Services due to being found
fit for continued naval service by the PEB must be placed in an
appropriate DCAT and undergo all required screenings. A Service
member may be returned to a PEB if the condition(s) for which
the Service member was found fit worsens or another condition
requiring referral to the DES is identified.
d. Retention Waiver for Non-Deployability. Service members
who are in a LIMDU status for greater than 12 consecutive months
must be reviewed for retention by PERS-454. Recommendation for
retention will be based on the Service member’s ability to
perform appropriate military duties commensurate with his or her
office, grade, rank, rate, rating, or skill and the likelihood
the Service member’s medical condition(s) will allow him or her
to return to medically unrestricted duty. When the medical
condition(s) will not allow Service members to return to
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medically unrestricted duty, the Service members must be
directed to a PEB and the DES or be recommended for
administrative separation.
e. Request for Separation, Retirement, or Transfer to Fleet
Reserve. LIMDU will not prohibit personnel from requesting
separation, retirement, or transfer to the Fleet Reserve.
(1) LIMDU will not delay personnel with an approved
separation, retirement, or request for Fleet Reserve transfer.
Personnel pending separation or retirement will not be delayed
unless approved by NAVPERSCOM Officer Performance and
Separations Branch (PERS-834) (for all legal or performance-
flagged officer records); Officer Retirements Branch (PERS-835)
(for officer statutory retirements); Distribution Policy and
Procedures Branch (PERS-451) (for officer separations) or Bureau
of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) Enlisted Military Community
Management Division (BUPERS-32) (for enlisted personnel), or
other codes as appropriate. Approval may be considered if the
Service member is either hospitalized or accepted to the DES for
disability processing prior to the release or retirement date
per reference (b) and MILPERSMAN 1830-030.
(2) An officer with a pending statutory retirement or
separation date deemed physically unfit by a military physician
must request in writing to defer his or her statutory date. The
request is sent to Assistant Secretary of the Navy Military and
Reserve Affairs (ASN (M&RA)) via PERS-835 for retirements or via
PERS-451 for separations per reference (d).
NOTE: Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel is authorized to approve
a deferral request for a maximum of 30 days for any officer’s
statutory or mandatory retirement or separation date. Any
requested deferral beyond 30 days must be submitted to ASN
(M&RA) for adjudication and final decision.
f. LIMDU Central Coordination. PERS-454 is the central
coordinator for the placement and assignment of LIMDU personnel.
The function of this central coordination point is to distribute
LIMDU personnel. Upon receipt of availability PERS-454 will
review placement and assignment options. A Service member
assigned to TLD will be placed in a valid requisition provided
by NAVPERSCOM based on the following guidelines:
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(1) TLD is authorized locally by the CA responsible for
the MTF initiating TLD. PERS-454 will review all cases
requiring additional TLD in excess of 12 consecutive months.
(2) Service members are assigned to an MTF within
proximity capable of providing the required care.
(3) In addition to PCS costs and personnel requirements,
other factors are considered in making assignments to include
location of dependents, Service member's past type duty, and
physical restrictions imposed by an MEB.
(4) For enlisted personnel: prior to recommending
assignments to the assignment control authority (ACA) (the
member’s detailing team), NAVPERSCOM will consider the number of
personnel assigned to an activity, readiness impact, and the
distribution of TLD personnel in a geographical area per
reference (e).
4. Roles and Responsibilities
a. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)
(1) Ensure all TLD periods, pregnancies, and DES cases
are entered into the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS),
the current TLD computer tracking system (e.g., legacy DES and
LIMDU SMART), Veterans Tracking Application (VTA), or
replacement systems as required.
(2) Collaborate with PERS-454 and other stakeholders in
the development of all TLD training programs per reference (b).
(1) PERS-454
(a) Direct the cognizant MTF CA to place a Service
member in a TLD status, direct a Service member’s case be
entered into the DES and referred to a PEB, or recommend
administrative separation for a CnD per reference (b);
(b) Develop and implement the use of DCAT codes for
system input, tracking, and reporting of Service members’
deployability statuses;
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(c) Maintain an accurate roster of command
deployability coordinators through receipt of official
designation letters from each command;
(d) For enlisted Service members found fit for full
duty and WWA following a period of TLD, submit an availability
via the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) per
MILPERSMAN 1306-1702;
(e) Ensure timely and accurate accounting category
code (ACC) and DCAT code assignments are made for officer and
enlisted Service members when placed in or removed from a TLD
(f) Make appropriate NSIPS entries and DCAT code
changes for all Service members requiring changes to ACC 105 or
from ACC 105 to ACC 100 when applicable;
(g) Ensure Service members assigned TLD while on a
normal shore tour (NST) are retained on board with an ACC change
to 105 via NSIPS; and
(h) Ensure Service members PRDs are adjusted as
needed based on proposed LIMDU expirations.
(2) Officer Detailers
(a) When approved by PERS-454, assign officers to
duty compatible with the physical limitations dictated by the
(b) Ensure officers currently assigned to shore duty
remain at current duty station. No PCS orders are required.
PERS-454 will assign appropriate DCAT codes and change the
officers ACC from 100 to 105 in NSIPS. The PRD will only be
adjusted for those assigned to an NST when the TLD expiration
date exceeds the PRD; and
(c) Ensure officer detaches from types 2, 3, and 4
duty, or type assignment codes (TAC) C and D duty. PCS orders
will be issued by the assignment officer detaching the officer
from present duty (ACC 100 in most cases) and direct officer to
report to duty ashore in a TLD status (ACC 105 and appropriate
DCAT). The officer will be assigned to a valid billet if
available; otherwise, assignment will be made to a 9999 billet
sequence code. The officer's PRD will be set to the month and
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year at the approved TLD periods expiration as indicated by
PERS-454. If the officer has been issued PCS orders prior to
LIMDU and if medical treatment is available at the next duty
station, the officer may continue to execute the PCS orders.
PERS-454 will assign an appropriate DCAT code to reflect LIMDU
status. ACC will be managed by PERS-454 for officers who do not
require orders.
NOTE: Any deviation from policy requires PERS-454 approval.
(3) Enlisted Detailers
(a) When approved by PERS-454, the Service member
will be assigned to duty compatible with the physical
limitations dictated by the LIMDU AMEBR.
(b) Ensure enlisted Service members currently
assigned to shore duty remain at current shore duty stations.
No PCS orders are required. PERS-454 will assign the
appropriate DCAT code, change the Service member’s ACC from 100
to 105 in NSIPS, and adjust the PRDs for those assigned to an
NST when the TLD expiration date exceeds the PRD. Nuclear and
submarine Service members will be handled per subparagraph 6d of
this article.
(c) For Service members assigned to operational
duty, PERS-454 will coordinate with NAVPERSCOM Enlisted
Distribution Division (PERS-40) to place the Service member in a
valid LIMDU billet per the YH availability received (see
subparagraphs 4d(9)(c) and 4d(10) below for more information).
NOTE: Any deviation from policy requires PERS-454 approval.
c. MTF
(1) Develop steps to ensure assignment of TLD periods
are based on BUMED’s recommended recovery period for the
specific medical condition. Condition-based duration LIMDU must
not exceed 12 consecutive months;
(2) Enter all TLD cases into LIMDU SMART or the
replacement system and all DES cases into VTA. Update member’s
status in MRRS;
(3) Assist command deployability coordinators and TLD
Service members with obtaining appointments on a priority basis;
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(4) Establish local procedures to ensure the Service
member reports to the MTF patient administration office
immediately upon recommendation for placement on, extension of,
or removal from TLD;
(5) Immediately inform the Service member's parent
command upon determination the Service member is to be processed
for TLD. Ensure MRRS and LIMDU SMART are updated within 24
hours for PERS-454 visibility following CA approval;
(6) Ensure deployability coordinator conducts monthly
meetings with tenant deployability coordinators to review
current cases, discuss potential problems, and analyze existing
(7) Provide training to tenant command deployability
coordinators and view access to LIMDU SMART, MRRS, and relevant
(8) Provide deployability coordinator assistance when
parent commands are unable to schedule appointments;
(9) Provide guidance to medical providers assigning TLD.
At any time during a period of TLD, the attending medical
officer may make one of the following determinations:
(a) Service member is able to return to medically
unrestricted duty,
(b) Service member requires additional TLD not to
exceed 12 consecutive months (TLD exceeding 12 consecutive
months requires NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) approval), or
(c) Service member requires referral to a PEB.
(10) Ensure all cumulative TLD periods of 12 consecutive
months or less are approved by the cognizant MTF’s CA;
(11) When TLD cases are returned to medically
unrestricted duty, the AMEBR requires signature from the
cognizant MTF CA. MTF CA signing of NAVMED 6100/6 must be
completed no more than 5 working days from the date a Service
member was returned to medically unrestricted duty;
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(12) Ensure providers make return to medically
unrestricted duty determinations and recommendations of
additional TLD or PEB no later than 30 days prior to the
expiration of TLD;
(13) Ensure Service members on TLD complete face-to-face
medical reevaluation 30 days prior to the end of their TLD
periods and determine one of the following:
(a) The Service member is able to return to
medically unrestricted duty,
(b) The Service member is recommended for an
additional period of TLD (not to exceed 12 months
(c) The Service member requires referral to a PEB,
(d) The Service member requires administrative
separation processing for a CnD.
(14) If a Service member is recommended for additional
periods of TLD that exceed 12 consecutive months, forward the
case via LIMDU SMART to PERS-454 for review, waiver
consideration, or other action;
(15) Ensure MTF deployability coordinator reports all
TLD and DES cases in MRRS and LIMDU SMART; and
(16) Comply with all PERS-454 directives to place
Service members in a TLD status, referral to the DES, and or
recommendation for administrative separation processing within
30 days of notification. Any additional information or
adjudication appeal requests must be submitted to PERS-454
within 30 days.
d. Command
(1) Ensure TLD Service members report for all scheduled
appointments and remain available for all follow-up care.
Comply with the following guidelines:
(a) TLD Service members will not be assigned on
temporary additional duty or temporary duty (TDY) outside the
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geographic area of the primary care provider without medical
(b) Coordinate the scheduling of appointments with
TLD Service members and cognizant MTF.
(c) For Service members on TLD, ensure leave
requests (other than emergency leave) are coordinated with the
command deployability coordinator and do not conflict with
medical appointments.
(2) Monitor Service members in temporary or permanently
non-deployable status and maintain close liaison with their
respective command career counselors on issues of expirations of
hard/soft end active obligated service (SEAOS) or mandatory
separation while on TLD, DES, or PEB in line with reference (b).
Contact BUPERS-32 for enlisted personnel and PERS-451 for
officers for guidance concerning Service members with an expired
SEAOS or mandatory separation date during a period of TLD, DES,
or PEB. Navy Reserve activities will monitor Selected Reserve
(3) Designate a command deployability coordinator to
function as liaison for the Deployability Program and send a
copy of the official designation letter to the servicing MTF and
PERS-454 at mill_DAO[email protected]il. Commands with 50 or more
LIMDU personnel are encouraged to appoint a command
deployability coordinator as a primary duty and assign
collateral deployability coordinators on a 1:50 ratio to assist
in the management of LIMDU personnel.
(4) Per reference (b), commands will use written
counseling and fitness reports or performance evaluations to
document a Service member’s failure to comply with
responsibilities to maintain individual readiness (e.g., missing
medical or dental appointments or intentional failure to
disclose status affecting deployability).
(5) Upon Service member’s hospitalization, maintain
close liaison with the MTF and hospital. If required TDY orders
may be issued for a period of hospitalization. If PCS orders
are required, contact PERS-454 for coordination.
(6) Assist Service members in scheduling necessary
appointments prior to expiration of TLD by coordinating with the
MTF deployability coordinator. The parent command deployability
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coordinator is responsible for obtaining TLD members medical
evaluation status no later than 30 days prior to the expiration
of TLD.
(7) For Service members under orders who are
subsequently placed on TLD, submit an order cancellation request
message to the applicable detailer if follow-on assignment is
not compatible with physical limitations or near an MTF.
(8) Ensure the completion of a MAS (documented on NAVMED
1300/1 Medical, Dental, and Educational Suitability Screening)
when applicable. A MAS is required upon a determination of
“fitness for continued naval service” by a PEB. This action
must be completed within 15 days of a PEB finding a member
fit. Submit an assignment limited message to PERS-454
within 24 hours of MAS completion. “Fit” findings without any
assignment limitations must be submitted to personnel support
detachment (PSD) or transaction service center (TSC) as per
MILPERSMAN 1306-801.
(9) Submit a message report for Service members assigned
to overseas duty (type duty codes 3, 4, or 6 or TACs C and D) to
the appropriate ACA (detailing team), copy PERS-454, comment on
the availability of required medical care at the overseas
activity and on the Service member's abilities to be used
effectively on board with current condition(s) during the TLD
(a) If required medical care is available and the
Service member's condition does not prevent him or her from
being used productively on board during the period of TLD,
comply with procedures identified for Service members assigned
to shore duty (type duty code 1 or TAC S).
(b) For officers, if required medical care is not
available or the Service members current condition(s) prevent
their effective use on board during the period of TLD, commands
will submit an early return request via BUPERS Online (BOL)
and coordinate with their detailers for orders as per MILPERSMAN
(c) For enlisted personnel, if required medical care
is not available or the Service members current conditions
prevent their effective use on board during the period of TLD,
commands will submit a YH availability report (a class “Y”
availability to place member on TLD or refer to PEB) and an
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“early return request via BOL as per MILPERSMAN 1306-1702 and
MILPERSMAN 1300-306.
(10) For enlisted personnel, ensure YH availabilities,
submitted via encrypted e-mail to [email protected],
contain the following:
(a) Physical limitations and or geographical
(b) Family members location, if applicable;
(c) For overseas locations, include in remarks
whether local treatment facilities can provide adequate medical
care and submit an early return request via BOL; and
(d) (Optional) any special circumstances (e.g.,
Service member’s current household goods status, etc.) or
whether the command would like to recommend a specific unit for
the Service member’s assignment.
(11) Command’s activity manning manager will coordinate
with NAVPERSCOM Placement Management Branch (PERS-4013) to
ensure TLD Service members with ACC 105 and corresponding DCAT
codes are staffed to an appropriate billet per ACA business
(12) For nuclear-trained enlisted personnel, complete
requirements and forward documentation. The Service member's
command will ensure the member completes all medical
requirements needed to determine fitness for duty onboard
submarines and or fitness for duty involving exposure to
ionizing radiation and that documentation is forwarded to the
servicing PSD, TSC, or personnel office. Screening is completed
by the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) Nuclear
Enlisted Community Management Team (OPNAV N133D) for nuclear-
trained operators. Nuclear-trained surface and nuclear-trained
submarine Service members must not be made available from LIMDU
until screened by OPNAV N133D prior to expiration of their LIMDU
period per references (f) and (g).
(13) For Nuclear-trained enlisted community
(a) Required Notification for Examinations and or
Screening. The servicing PSD, TSC, or personnel office for a
Service member assigned to LIMDU will ensure the Service member
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and command are aware of all required physical examinations and
or screening in time to be completed prior to the expiration of
the LIMDU period per reference (g).
(b) Documentation to OPNAV N133D for Nuclear-Trained
Operators. The servicing PSD, TSC, or personnel office
submitting the availability for assignment to a LIMDU status on
a nuclear-trained surface or nuclear-trained submarine member
must forward a copy of the medical board report, with
enclosures, to OPNAV N133D by separate correspondence.
e. PSD or TSC
(1) Ensure regular gain and travel transactions are
processed for all Service members with LIMDU orders,
(2) If the Service members are recommended for referral
to the PEB, Service members commands will forward all final PEB
disposition paperwork to PSD or TSC,
(3) Ensure timely and accurate ACC assignments are made
for officer and enlisted Service members when they are placed in
or removed from a PEB status,
(4) For enlisted Service members found fit for full duty
and WWA following a period of PEB fit finding, submit a YJ
availability report (a class “Y” availability submission for
return to duty or fit for full duty by PEB without assignment
limitations) through NSIPS per MILPERSMAN 1306-1702, and
(5) Make appropriate NSIPS entries for all Service
members gained in or changed to PEB ACC 355.
f. Service member
(1) Report to the MTF patient administration office
immediately upon being recommended for placement, extension of,
or removal from LIMDU,
(2) Attend all required medical appointments. All
medical appointments for a Service member in a LIMDU status must
be attended as directed by the medical officer. Any time there
is a change in LIMDU status, the Service member must report it
to his or her local chain of command and the command
deployability coordinator within 24 hours, and
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NOTE: Missing a medical appointment may be punishable under the
Uniform Code of Military Justice per reference (h).
(3) If the Service member is executing PCS orders and is
hospitalized en route, the gaining command and Service member
(if able) must contact the originating detailer and PERS-454 for
an order modification.
5. Forms
a. NAVMED 6100/1 Medical Board Report Cover Sheet. A
medical administrative document that reports on the present
state of health of a Service member and provides a considered
clinical opinion regarding a Service member's physical fitness
for duty. This form is found and completed electronically in
the LIMDU SMART System.
b. NAVMED 1300/3 Medical Assignment Screening. A medical
administrative document for active duty Service members to return
to medically unrestricted duty or identify assignment
limitations after a PEB. This screening is for Navy active duty
Service members only and requires complete demographic
information including name, rank or grade, and Social Security
c. NAVMED 6100/5 Limited Duty Medical Evaluation Board
Report. An abbreviated report is used to assign Service members
to TLD. This form is used to refer Service members to a PEB.
This form is found and completed electronically in the LIMDU
SMART System.
d. NAVMED 6100/6 Return of a Patient to Medically
Unrestricted Duty from Limited Duty. This form is found and
completed electronically in the LIMDU SMART System.
e. NAVPERS 1300/16 Report of Suitability for Overseas
Assignments. Page 3 of this form is used to identify medical
suitability of the Service member.
f. NAVPERS 1221/6 Navy Enlisted Classification Change
Request. This form removes or changes the NECs that identifies
enlisted personnel trained as nuclear propulsion plant operators
and supervisors.
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6. Procedures
a. Upon Notification of a Service members Enrollment into
(1) For Service members assigned to shore duty, PSD or
TSC will change ACC from 100 or 105 to 355. PERS-454 will
assign appropriate DCAT code. See subparagraph 6d of this
article for nuclear and submarine personnel assignment.
(2) For Service members in receipt of orders, PSD or TSC
will change ACC from 100 or 105 to 355. For officers, the ACC
will not be changed to ACC 105 until ACC 355 is available.
(3) Members found to be "assignment limited" will be
assigned the appropriate DCAT code by PERS-454. PERS-454 may
direct one of the following actions:
(a) Recommend administrative separation processing
for a CnD,
(b) Additional LIMDU, or
(c) Referral to the PEB
b. Upon Receipt of a Completed AMEBR or Return of Service
member to Medically Unrestricted Duty:
(1) MTF. When a Service member is determined by the
cognizant MTF to be able to return to medically unrestricted
duty, no more than 5 working days may elapse between return to
medically unrestricted duty, CA signature, and notification to
the command deployability coordinator. All determinations for
return to medically unrestricted duty require CA signature. If
a Service member was found “fit for duty” and fit for continued
naval service by a PEB, the parent command will ensure the
Service member completes a MAS within 15 days of the PEB
findings. Forward completed assignment screening to PSD or TSC
within 24 hours.
(2) PSD or TSC. PSD or TSC will ensure LIMDU gain and
travel transactions are processed for all Service members with
ACC 105 orders.
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(3) PERS-454
(a) Assignment of Members Returned to Medically
Unrestricted Duty. Service members, assigned to or who are
currently on shore duty, will have the period of LIMDU applied
to their NST. If the LIMDU is completed before expiration of
their assigned PRD, the PRD will not be adjusted. Post-LIMDU
assignments will follow normal sea/shore flow.
(b) Personnel Retained After Being Found Unfit by
PEB (PLD). PERS-454 will place Service members in ACC 105.
(c) Personnel with Approved Retirement or Fleet
Reserve Dates. For Service members able to return to medically
unrestricted duty and who have approved retirement or Fleet
Reserve dates or are beyond high year tenure, no availability is
required. PERS-454 will assign appropriate DCAT code and change
ACC to 100.
c. Early Separation. Refer to MILPERSMAN 1910-216 and
MILPERSMAN 1910-218 as appropriate.
d. Policy for Enlisted Nuclear-Trained and Submarine
Service members on LIMDU. Nuclear-trained surface, nuclear-
trained submarine, and non-nuclear-trained submarine Service
members require additional screening and administrative
processing for assignment to or from a LIMDU status. All of the
above Service members, regardless of sea/shore type duty code or
type assignment code, must be made available (class YH
availability) for assignment to LIMDU with a PRD established for
the length of the LIMDU period.
(1) Procedures. To eliminate delays in returning
Service members to full duty, appropriate actions must be
immediately executed and meticulously tracked to ensure all
requirements are completed in a timely manner.
(2) Medical Evaluation. All nuclear-trained surface,
nuclear-trained submarine, and non-nuclear-trained submarine
Service members detached for hospitalization or LIMDU must be
expeditiously evaluated by an undersea medical officer to
determine potential for continued service in the nuclear field
or submarine force. If nuclear field or submarine
disqualification is appropriate, the Service member's parent
command must submit the disqualification finding and NAVPERS
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1221/6 Navy Enlisted Classification Change Request per reference
(3) Inquiries. Inquiries related to screening status or
requirements for all nuclear-trained enlisted personnel should
be directed to OPNAV N133D.