xltable Documentation
Release 0.1
Renshaw Bay
Jan 29, 2018
1 Introduction 3
2 Example 5
3 Classes 7
4 Indices and tables 15
Python Module Index 17
xltable Documentation, Release 0.1
A package for writing excel worksheets with formulas and styles.
Contents 1
xltable Documentation, Release 0.1
2 Contents
xltable is an API for writing tabular data and charts to Excel. It is not a replacement for other Excel writing
packages such as xlsxwriter, xlwt or pywin32. Instead it uses those packages as a back end to write the Excel
files (or to write to Excel directly in the case of pywin32) and provides a higer level abstraction that allows the
programmer to deal with tables of data rather than worry about writing individual cells.
The main feature that makes xltable more useful than just writing the Excel files directly is that it can handle tables
with formulas that relate to cells in the workbook without having to know in advance where those tables will be placed
on a worksheet. Only when all the tables have been added to the workbook and the workbook is being written are
formulas resolved to their final cell addresses.
Tables of data are constructed using pandas.DataFrame objects. These can contain formulas relating to columns
or cells in the same table or other tables in the same workbook.
As well as writing tables to Excel, xltable can also write charts using tables as source data.
Integrating xltable into Excel can be done using PyXLL, https://www.pyxll.com. PyXLL embeds a Python interpreter
within Excel and makes it possible to use Excel as a front end user interface to Python code. For example, you could
configure a custom ribbon control for users to run Python reports and have the results written back to Excel.
xltable Documentation, Release 0.1
4 Chapter 1. Introduction
Write a dataframe with a formula to Excel:
from xltable import
import pandas as pa
# create a dataframe with three columns where the last is the sum of the first two
dataframe = pa.DataFrame({
"col_1": [1, 2, 3],
"col_2": [4, 5, 6],
"col_3": Cell("col_1") + Cell("col_2"),
}, columns=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"])
# create the named xltable Table instance
table = Table("table", dataframe)
# create the Workbook and Worksheet objects and add table to the sheet
sheet = Worksheet("Sheet1")
workbook = Workbook("example.xlsx")
# write the workbook to the file (requires xlsxwriter)
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6 Chapter 2. Example
class xltable.Workbook(filename=None, worksheets=[])
A workbook is an ordered collection of worksheets.
Once all worksheets have been added the workbook can be written out or the worksheets can be iterated over, and
any expressions present in the tables of the worksheets will be resolved to absolute worksheet/cell references.
filename (str) – Filename the workbook will be written to.
worksheets (list) – List of xltable.Worksheet instances.
Adds a worksheet to the workbook.
Write workbook to a .xlsx file using xlsxwriter. Return a xlsxwriter.workbook.Workbook.
Parameters kwargs – Extra arguments passed to the xlsxwriter.Workbook
to_excel(xl_app=None, resize_columns=True)
class xltable.Worksheet(name=’Sheet1’)
A worksheet is a collection of tables placed at specific locations.
Once all tables have been placed the worksheet can be written out or the rows can be iterated over, and any
expressions present in the tables will be resolved to absolute cell references.
Parameters name (str) – Worksheet name.
Worksheet name
add_table(table, row=None, col=0, row_spaces=1)
Adds a table to the worksheet at (row, col). Return the (row, col) where the table has been put.
xltable Documentation, Release 0.1
table (xltable.Table) – Table to add to the worksheet.
row (int) – Row to start the table at (defaults to the next free row).
col (int) – Column to start the table at.
row_spaces (int) – Number of rows to leave between this table and the next.
add_chart(chart, row, col)
Adds a chart to the worksheet at (row, col).
Chart (xltable.Chart) – chart to add to the workbook.
row (int) – Row to add the chart at.
Parameters tablename (str) – Name of table to get position of.
Returns Upper left (row, col) coordinate of the named table.
Parameters tablename (str) – Name of table to find.
Returns A xltable.Table instance from the table name.
Row the next table will start at unless another row is specified.
class xltable.Table(name, dataframe, include_columns=True, include_index=False, style=’default’,
column_styles={}, column_widths={}, row_styles={}, header_style=None, in-
Represents of table of data to be written to Excel, and may include :py:class:xltable.Expression‘s that will be
converted into Excel formulas when the table’s position is fixed.
name (str) – Name of the table so it can be referenced by other tables and charts.
dataframe (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the data for the table.
include_columns (bool) – Include the column names when outputting.
include_index (bool) – Include the index when outputting.
style (xltable.TableStyle) Table style, or one of the named styles ‘default’ or
column_styles (xltable.CellStyle) Dictionary of column names to styles or
named styles.
column_widths (dict) – Dictionary of column names to widths.
header_style (xltable.CellStyle) – Style or named style to use for the cells in
the header row.
index_style (xltable.CellStyle) Style or named style to use for the cells in
the index column.
Named table styles:
default: blue stripes
plain: no style
8 Chapter 3. Classes
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Named cell styles:
pct: pecentage with two decimal places.
iso-date: date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
2dp: two decimal places.
2dpc: thousand separated number to two decimal places.
get_data(workbook, row, col, formula_values={})
Returns 2d numpy array for this table with any formulas resolved to the final excel formula.
workbook (xltable.Workbook) – Workbook the table has been added to.
row (int) – Row where the table will start in the sheet (used for resolving formulas).
col (int) – Column where the table will start in the sheet (used for resolving formulas).
formula_values – dict to add pre-calculated formula values to (keyed by row, col).
class xltable.Chart(type, subtype=None, title=None, legend_position=None, x_axis=None,
y_axis=None, show_blanks=None, width=480, height=288)
Chart objects reference data from Table instances and are written to Excel worksheets as Excel charts.
type (str) – Chart type (see below).
subtype (str) – Chart sub type (see below).
title (str) – Chart title
legend_position (str) – right (default), left, top, bottom or ‘none’ for no legend.
width (int) – Chart width.
height (int) – Chart height.
Chart types and sub-types:
xltable Documentation, Release 0.1
add_series(values, **kwargs)
Adds a series to the chart.
values – A xltable.Expression object that evaluates to the data series.
categories – A xltable.Expression object that evaluates to the data series.
name – Name to show in the legend for the series
line – Line style, eg {‘color’: ‘blue’, ‘width’: 3.25} or {‘none’: True}
marker – dict specifying how the markers should look, eg {type: square}.
trendline – dict specifying how the trendline should be drawn, eg {type: linear}.
class xltable.ArrayFormula(name, formula, width, height, value=None, include_columns=False,
include_index=False, style=’default’, column_styles={}, col-
Represents an array formula to be written to Excel.
Subclass of xltable.Table.
name (str) – Name of table so it can be referenced by other tables and charts.
formula (xltable.Formula) – Array formula.
width (int) – Number of columns.
height (int) – Number of row.
value (pandas.DataFrame) – Precalculated formula result to save in the workbook.
include_columns (bool) – Include the column names when outputting value.
include_index (bool) – Include the index when outputting value.
style (xltable.TableStyle) Table style, or one of the named styles ‘default’ or
column_styles (xltable.CellStyle) Dictionary of column names to styles or
named styles.
column_widths (dict) – Dictionary of column names to widths.
class xltable.Expression(value=None)
Base class for all worksheet expressions.
Expressions are used to build formulas referencing ranges in the worksheet by labels which are resolved to cell
references when the worksheet is written out.
Expressions may be combined using binary operators.
10 Chapter 3. Classes
xltable Documentation, Release 0.1
class xltable.ArrayExpression(expr)
Wraps an expression in an array formula (ie. surrounds it with {})
Parameters expr (xltable.Expression) – Expression to be wrapped
class xltable.Cell(col, row=None, row_offset=0, table=None, col_fixed=None, row_fixed=None,
Reference to a cell in a table.
col – Column label this refers to.
row – Row label this refers to, or None to use the current row.
row_offset – Offset from the row, used when resolving.
table – Name of table the column is in, if not in the same table this expression is in. Use
“%s!%s” % (worksheet.name, table.name) if refering to a table in another worksheet
col_fixed – If True when converted to an address the column will be fixed.
row_fixed – If True when converted to an address the row will be fixed.
class xltable.Column(col, include_header=False, table=None, col_fixed=True, row_fixed=True,
Reference to a column in a table.
col – Column label this refers to.
include_header – True if this expression should include the column header.
table – Name of table the column is in, if not in the same table this expression is in. Use
“%s!%s” % (worksheet.name, table.name) if refering to a table in another worksheet
col_fixed – If True when converted to an address the column will be fixed.
row_fixed – If True when converted to an address the row will be fixed.
class xltable.Index(include_header=False, table=None, col_fixed=True, row_fixed=True,
Reference to a table’s index.
include_header – True if this expression should include the index header.
table Name of table that owns the index, if not the table this expression is in. Use
“%s!%s” % (worksheet.name, table.name) if refering to a table in another worksheet
col_fixed – If True when converted to an address the column will be fixed.
row_fixed – If True when converted to an address the row will be fixed.
class xltable.Range(left_col, right_col, top_row=None, bottom_row=None, include_header=True, ta-
ble=None, col_fixed=True, row_fixed=True, **kwargs)
Reference to a range in a table.
left_col – Left most column label this refers to.
right_col – Right most column label this refers to.
top_row – Top most row label, or None to select from the top of the table.
bottom_row – Bottom most row label, or None to select to the bottom of the table.
xltable Documentation, Release 0.1
include_header – Include table header in the range.
table – Name of table the column is in, if not in the same table this expression is in. Use
“%s!%s” % (worksheet.name, table.name) if refering to a table in another worksheet
col_fixed – If True when converted to an address the column will be fixed.
row_fixed – If True when converted to an address the row will be fixed.
class xltable.Formula(name, *args, **kwargs)
Formula expression.
E.g. to create a formula like “=SUMPRODUCT(a, b)” where a and b are columns in a table you would do:
formula = Formula("SUMPRODUCT", Column("col_a"), Column("col_b"))
name – Name of Excel function, eg “SUMPRODUCT”.
args – Expressions to use as arguments to the function.
class xltable.TableStyle(stripe_colors=(15397370, 16777215), border=None)
Style to be applied to a table.
Parameters stripe_colors (tuple) Background cell colors to use as RGB values, e.g.
0xFF0000 for red.
class xltable.CellStyle(is_percentage=None, decimal_places=None, date_format=None, thou-
sands_sep=None, excel_number_format=None, bold=None, size=None,
text_color=None, bg_color=None, text_wrap=None, border=None,
align=None, valign=None)
Style to be applied to a cell or range of cells.
is_percentage (bool) – True if the cell value is a percentage.
decimal_places (int) – Number of decimal places to display the cell value to.
date_format (str) – Format to use for date values (use Python date format, e.g. ‘%Y-
thousands_sep (bool) – True to display numbers with thousand separator.
excel_number_format (str) Excel number format; overrides other numeric settings
(eg thousands_sep).
bold (bool) – True to make cells bold.
size (int) – Text size, or use one of the string size aliases x-small, small, normal, large,
x-large or xx-large.
text_color (int) – Text color as an RGB value, e.g. 0xFF0000 for red.
bg_color (int) – Background color as an RGB value, e.g. 0xFF0000 for red.
border Can only be used when writing using xlsxwriter. Can be an xlsxwriter border
style index (integer) or a dictionary of styles keyed by border position (top, bottom, left,
class xltable.Value(value, style=None)
Value wrapper that can be used in a table to add a style.
12 Chapter 3. Classes
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value – Value that will be written to the cell.
xltable.CellStyle – Style to be applied to the cell.
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14 Chapter 3. Classes
Indices and tables
xltable Documentation, Release 0.1
16 Chapter 4. Indices and tables
Python Module Index
xltable, 1
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18 Python Module Index
add_chart() (xltable.Worksheet method), 8
add_series() (xltable.Chart method), 10
add_sheet() (xltable.Workbook method), 7
add_table() (xltable.Worksheet method), 7
ArrayExpression (class in xltable), 10
ArrayFormula (class in xltable), 10
Cell (class in xltable), 11
CellStyle (class in xltable), 12
Chart (class in xltable), 9
Column (class in xltable), 11
Expression (class in xltable), 10
Formula (class in xltable), 12
get_data() (xltable.Table method), 9
get_table() (xltable.Worksheet method), 8
get_table_pos() (xltable.Worksheet method), 8
Index (class in xltable), 11
name (xltable.Worksheet attribute), 7
next_row (xltable.Worksheet attribute), 8
Range (class in xltable), 11
Table (class in xltable), 8
TableStyle (class in xltable), 12
to_excel() (xltable.Workbook method), 7
to_xlsx() (xltable.Workbook method), 7
Value (class in xltable), 12
Workbook (class in xltable), 7
Worksheet (class in xltable), 7
xltable (module), 1