Release 02.2024
PRACTICE Script Language
User’s Guide
PRACTICE Script Language User’s Guide | 2
1989-2024 Lauterbach
PRACTICE Script Language User’s Guide
TRACE32 Online Help
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TRACE32 Documents ......................................................................................................................
PRACTICE Script Language .........................................................................................................
PRACTICE Script Language User's Guide ............................................................................... 1
History ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Why Use PRACTICE Scripts ................................................................................................... 3
Related Documents ................................................................................................................. 3
PRACTICE Script Structure .................................................................................................... 4
Function 4
Difference between Variables and PRACTICE Macros 4
PRACTICE Script Elements 5
Script Flow 6
Conditional Script Flow 7
Script Nesting 7
Block Structures 8
Switching PRACTICE Macro Expansion ON or OFF 11
Parameter Passing 12
Input and Output 13
File Operations ........................................................................................................................ 14
Automatic Start-up Scripts ..................................................................................................... 15
Logging the Call Hierarchy of PRACTICE Scripts ................................................................ 17
Debugging PRACTICE Scripts ............................................................................................... 19
Appendix A .............................................................................................................................. 21
How to Run Demo Scripts Copied from the PDF Manuals 21
Demo Scripts in the TRACE32 Demo Folder 24
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1989-2024 Lauterbach
PRACTICE Script Language User’s Guide
Version 04-Mar-2024
02-Nov-2022 In the chapter ‘Related Documents‘ a reference to ide_user.pdf has been added.
Why Use PRACTICE Scripts
Using PRACTICE scripts (*.cmm) in TRACE32 will help you to:
Execute commands right on start of the debugger
Customize the TRACE32 PowerView user interface to your project requirements
Set up the debugger with settings for the target board
Standardize repetitive and complex actions
Initialize the target (e.g. the memory to load an application)
Load the application and / or the symbols
Add your own and extend available features
Speed up debugging through automation
Share the debugger methods with other users and empower them to work more efficiently
Make debug actions reproducible for verification purposes and regression tests
Related Documents
“PowerView User’s Guide” (ide_user.pdf): In the chapter Operands and Operators you will find
everything that you need to know about operands and operators.
“Training Script Language PRACTICE” (training_practice.pdf): Describes how to run and create
PRACTICE script files (*.cmm).
“PRACTICE Script Language Reference Guide” (practice_ref.pdf)
PRACTICE Reference Card (
Video Tutorials (
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PRACTICE Script Structure
PRACTICE is a line-oriented test language which can be used to solve all usual problems of digital
measurement engineering. PRACTICE-II is an enhanced version of this test language, first developed in
1984 for in-circuit emulators.
The test language allows interactive script development with the possibility of a quick error removal and an
immediate script execution. The execution of PRACTICE testing scripts can be stopped and restarted at any
PRACTICE contains an extremely powerful concept for handling script variables and command parameters.
This macro concept allows to substitute parameters at any point within the commands. Since PRACTICE
variables can only occur as PRACTICE macros, conflicts between target program names are ruled out.
Difference between Variables and PRACTICE Macros
PRACTICE macros are based on a simple text replacement mechanism similar to C preprocessor macros.
However, in contrast to C preprocessor macros, a PRACTICE macro can change its contents during it’s life
time by simply assigning a new value.
Each time the PRACTICE interpreter encounters a macro it is replaced with the corresponding character
sequence. Only after performing all text replacements the resulting line is interpreted (just like the C compiler
only works on the fully preprocessed text).
PRACTICE macros are declared using the commands PRIVATE or LOCAL or GLOBAL.
The visibility of PRACTICE macros differs notably from other script languages (unless declared using the
PRIVATE command): they are accessible from all subsequently executed code while they are alive e.g. in:
Subroutines (GOSUBRETURN)
Sub-scripts (DO ENDDO)
Sub-blocks (IF …, RePeaT, WHILE, etc.)
NOTE: PRACTICE does not know the concept of variables with a corresponding type
like uint32 or uint8 in C.
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PRACTICE Script Elements
PRACTICE scripts consist of labels, commands, and comments:
Labels always start in the first column and are always followed by a colon. Labels are case sensitive.
Comments are prefaced by a semicolon ; or two forward slashes //.
Inline comments for Var.* commands must start with two forward slashes //.
Line Continuation Character
To continue a string on the next line, a backslash \ is used to indicate a line continuation in a
PRACTICE script (*.cmm). No white space permitted after the backslash. If the line continuation character
is used at the end of a comment line, then the next line is interpreted as a comment line as well.
Var.set func7(1.5,2.5) //execute a function in the target
DIALOG.OK "Please switch ON the TRACE32 debugger first"+\
" and then switch ON the target board."
//example comment starting with //
GOTO start
command and label
command to change the default device
command preceded by a device selector
comment starting with ;
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Script Flow
Several commands allow to control the script flow. Scripts may be divided in several modules. Subroutines
within a module are called by the GOSUB command, another module is called by the DO command.
STOP Stop temporarily
END Terminate script and clear stack
CONTinue Continue with script execution
DO Call script module
ENDDO Terminate script module
RUN Clear PRACTICE stack and call module
GOSUB Call subroutine
RETURN Return from subroutine
GOTO Branch within module
JUMPTO Branch to other module
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Conditional Script Flow
Conditional script execution is made by several commands:
For detailed information on logical operations refer to chapter “Operators” in “PowerView User’s Guide”
Script Nesting
PRACTICE scripts can be nested hierarchically. A second script may be called as a subroutine from the
initial script. This subroutine on its part may call up a third script as a subroutine. This allows a structured,
modular script development.
IF Conditional block execution
ELSE Block that is only compiled when the IF condition is
WHILE Conditional script loop
RePeaT Repetitive script loop
ON Event-controlled PRACTICE script execution
GLOBALON Global event-controlled PRACTICE script execution
WAIT Wait for event or delay time
IF OS.FILE(data.tst)
PRINT "File exists"
PRINT "File doesn't exist"
WHILE Register(pc)==0x1000
; step until pc = 1000H
RePeaT 100. Step ; step 100 times
RePeaT 0. Step ; step endless
ON ERROR GOTO errorexit
; Script containing two script calls
PRINT "Start"
DO modul1
DO modul2
; Execute script module 1
; Execute script module 2
; the file extension (*.cmm) can be
; omitted
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Block Structures
Several PRACTICE commands can be combined to form a block. A block is a collection of commands,
which are always executed simultaneously. Blocks usually require IF, WHILE, or RePeaT statements. They
can, however, be implemented anywhere in order to mark connective blocks. Blocks are marked by round
You can jump out of a block, but not into a block.
; Block nesting
IF &abc
PRINT "Function 1"
DO func1
PRINT "Function 2"
DO func2
IF &xyz GOTO start ;jump out of the block to the label ‘start’
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PRACTICE macros are character sequences with a maximum size of 4KB. The character sequence is
interpreted in the context where it is used. For a command, a PRACTICE macro can be interpreted e.g. as a
number, boolean expression, parameter, or simply as a string. PRACTICE macros can be expanded to
complete commands, too.
PRACTICE macros are generated by an allocation. PRACTICE macros found in a script file line are
replaced by the text they contain (except special commands, e.g. ENTRY). The macros can be put into
parentheses, if necessary. The double ampersand form (’&&’) of the assignment forces a recursive macro
resolution if the resolved value still contains macro names. Macros may be defined and modified inside the
interactive command line.
Macro names in PRACTICE always start with an ampersand sign (‘&’), followed by a sequence of letters (a-
z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and the underscore sign (’_’). The first character after the & sign must not be a
number. Macro names are case sensitive, so &a is different from &A.
Macro expansion does NOT take place inside the TRACE32 command line!
Macro expansion only works in PRACTICE scripts (*.cmm):
e.g. PRINT &macroname or
Data.List &my_startaddress
&text="This is a test"
&command="Data.dump Register(PC)"
PRINT &int
PRINT "&int"
PRINT "&(int)nd"
; increment current value of &int
; after replacement: 0x2
; after replacement: "2nd"
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PRACTICE macros can be declared as GLOBAL or LOCAL or PRIVATE macros.
PRACTICE macros declared with GLOBAL are accessible at every script level and have an unlimited life-
LOCAL Macros
PRACTICE macros declared with LOCAL are visible in all subsequently executed code within their life-time
(unless hidden by later macro declarations). In particular they are visible in:
PRACTICE macros declared with PRIVATE exist inside the declaring block and are erased when the block
ends. They are only visible in:
LOCAL Declare local macros
GLOBAL Declare global macros
PRIVATE Declare private macros
Yes Subroutines (GOSUB ...RETURN)
Yes Sub-scripts (DO...ENDDO)
Sub-blocks (IF..., RePeaT, WHILE, etc.)
Yes The declaring block and all sub-blocks (e.g. IF..., RePeaT..., WHILE..., etc.)
No Subroutines (GOSUB...RETURN)
No Sub-scripts (DO...ENDDO)
NOTE: If a value is assigned to a macro which does not yet exist on the PRACTICE stack
or is an inaccessible PRIVATE macro, then the macro is implicitly created as a
LOCAL macro.
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Switching PRACTICE Macro Expansion ON or OFF
You can switch the PRACTICE macro expansion ON or OFF in the following embedded script blocks:
DIALOG.view blocks embedded in PRACTICE script files (*.cmm), as shown in the example
MENU.ReProgram blocks embedded in PRACTICE script files (*.cmm)
•PRACTICE script block embedded in dialog files (*.dlg)
•PRACTICE script block embedded in menu files (*.men)
An embedded block is delimited by opening round brackets “(”, “(&”, “(&+” or “(&-” and closed by closing
round brackets “)”.
Switching macro expansion ON is useful, for example, if you want to make a button text configurable.
Example: To try, simply copy this script to a test.cmm, and then run it in TRACE32 (See “How to...”).
ON Use (& or (&+ as opening block delimiter to switch ON macro expansion for this
block and its sub-blocks.
OFF Use (&- as opening block delimiter to switch OFF macro expansion for this block
and its sub-blocks.
LOCAL &btn
&btn="BUTTON ""Macro is expanded when script is loaded"" \
""PRINT """"It works!"""""""
(&+ ;macro expansion of the macro &btn needs to be
;switched on in this DIALOG.view block, which is embedded in
;a PRACTICE script
POS 0. 0. 35. 1.
BUTTON "Hardcoded button text"
(&- ;in this sub-block, macro expansion is switched off
&btn="No expansion here"
PRINT "&btn"
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Parameter Passing
Parameters can be passed to a subroutine with a parameter list. The parameters are assigned to local
PRACTICE macros, using the ENTRY command within the subroutine.
Subroutines can also be called up interactively by parameters. Arguments can be passed by the commands
DO, ENDDO, RUN, GOSUB, RETURN. They can also be the result of calling a command extension or
invoking the driver program on the host with arguments.
White spaces before or after operators inside expressions are interpreted as separators of
consecutive parameters.
ENTRY Parameter passing
GOSUB myTEST 0x0--0xfff
;by calling the subroutine myTEST, a memory test of the address range
;0x0--0xfff can be executed
ENTRY &range
Data.Test &range
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Input and Output
Several input and output commands allow interaction with the user. Input is normally done through an AREA
window. All print operations are displayed on the TRACE32 message line. The AREA window A000 is
displayed by default. Inputs and outputs can be re-routed to another AREA window.
The screen update may be controlled by the SCREEN commands.
PRINT Print to screen
BEEP Stimulate sound generator
ENTER Window based input
INKEY Character input
PRINT "The PC address is " Register(pc) ; print message
BEEP ; end acoustic signal
INKEY ; wait for keystroke
INKEY &char
IF &char=='A'
GOSUB func_a
IF &char=='B'
GOSUB func_b
; wait for keystroke
AREA.Create IO-Area
AREA.Select IO-Area
AREA.view IO-Area
PRINT "Set the PC value"
Register.Set pc &pc
; create a window named
; IO-Area
; select this window for
; open this window
; print text
; get value
; set register PC
; delete I/O window
; reset AREA system
SCREEN.display Update screen now
SCREEN.ALways Update screen after every command line
SCREEN.ON Update screen on print commands
SCREEN.OFF Don’t update screen as long as script is running
SCREEN.WAIT Halt PRACTICE script execution until the data to be
displayed in a window has been processed.
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File Operations
Test data can be written to and read from files. Files must be opened first before accessing them.
Example 1: A new file called test.dat is created, and register information is written to the newly created file.
The result is then displayed in a TYPE window.
Example 2: The test.dat file is opened for reading. Two lines are read from this file and stored in two
PRACTICE macros, which are then printed to the TRACE32 message line.
OPEN Open file
CLOSE Close file
READ Read data from file
WRITE Write data to file
APPEND Append data to file
OPEN #1 test.dat /Create
WRITE #1 "PC: " Register(pc)
WRITE #1 "SP: " Register(sp)
TYPE test.dat
OPEN #1 test.dat /Read
READ #1 %LINE &pc ;line 1 of file
READ #1 %LINE &sp ;line 2 of file
PRINT "&pc " "&sp"
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Automatic Start-up Scripts
When the TRACE32 software is installed, the script autostart.cmm is copied to the TRACE32 system
directory. The autostart.cmm is always automatically executed after TRACE32 has booted. It provides
various convenience features defined by Lauterbach.
It is recommended not to change the autostart.cmm, because every software update from Lauterbach will
restore the file autostart.cmm to its default content.
The autostart.cmm calls the following scripts if they exist:
~~/system-settings.cmm, where ~~ represents the TRACE32 system directory.
It is recommended to add here extra TRACE32 settings that should be available to all users of a
TRACE32 installation. Typical extra settings are menu/toolbar extensions or user-defined
UAD/user-settings.cmm, where UAD represents the user-specific application data directory. The
TRACE32 function VERSION.ENVironment(UAD) returns the path of this directory.
Users can add all their preferred extra TRACE32 settings to the user-settings.cmm script.
Typical extra settings are all settings of the SETUP command group and personal menu/toolbar
./work-settings.cmm, where the leading “.” represents the working directory from where
TRACE32 was started.
What to Know about all Other Start-up Scripts
If you have a script that sets up your debug environment and if this script should be executed automatically
after autostart.cmm is done, you can specify this script as parameter for the TRACE32 executable.
It is possible to pass parameters directly to the start-up script.
Parameters can be read by the start-up script as described in “Parameter Passing”, page 12.
NOTE: If you don’t use the command line option -s <startup_script> and don’t have the
file autostart.cmm either, TRACE32 will fall back to a legacy mode and execute
the script t32.cmm from the working directory or from the TRACE32 system
directory if the t32.cmm does not exist in the working directory.
c:\t32\t32arm.exe -s g:\and\arm\start_up.cmm
c:\t32\t32arm.exe -s g:\and\arm\start_up.cmm param1 param2 param3
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The command line option --t32-safestart suppresses the execution of the autostart.cmm and of any other
start-up script.
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Logging the Call Hierarchy of PRACTICE Scripts
The call hierarchy of PRACTICE scripts (*.cmm) can be logged automatically or manually. In either case, the
log mechanism is based on the LOG.DO command.
During start-up of TRACE32, the PRACTICE script calls are always logged automatically. The log file
contents are output to an autostart log file in the temporary directory of TRACE32. On every start-up of
TRACE32, the previous autostart log file is overwritten and a new one is generated. The current autostart
log is accessible via the File menu in TRACE32.
In addition, you can manually log PRACTICE script calls at any time after TRACE32 has started. When you
initiate the log, you can choose folder and file name. To display the log file, use the TYPE or the EDIT
command on the TRACE32 command line.
To enable logging, use one of the following options:
autostart.cmm: On start-up of TRACE32, the autostart.cmm is called automatically, and the
LOG.DO command in the autostart.cmm generates the autostart log file.
--t32-logautostart: This command line option starts LOG.DO internally to generate an autostart
log file.
- This option is only needed (a) if you do not have the autostart.cmm or (b) if the script block
with the LOG.DO command has been deleted from the autostart.cmm.
- For a description of the command line options and an example for --t32-logautostart, refer to
“Command Line Arguments for Starting TRACE32” in TRACE32 Installation Guide, page
53 (installation.pdf).
Tip: To explicitly disable all PRACTICE script calls on start-up, use --t32-safestart.
TRACE32 command line: Use the LOG.DO <file> command to generate your log file.
To access the autostart log file in TRACE32:
1. Start TRACE32 via T32Start.
The autostart.cmm generates the autostart log file automatically.
2. Choose File menu > Automatic Scripts on Start > View Autostart log.
The file opens in the TYPE window. The screenshot shows an example of an autostart log file:
A The file name convention of the autostart log is described below.
B The log file header tells you how the autostart log was generated.
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File name convention of the autostart log file: ~~~/<id>_t32m<arch>_<xx>_autostart.log
~~~ Path prefix of the temporary directory of TRACE32. See also
<id> ID of the PowerView GUI that was started. See also OS.ID().
t32m<arch> Name of the PowerView executable (without file extension), e.g.
<xx> The instance number of the PowerView executable.
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Debugging PRACTICE Scripts
TRACE32 supports extensive debugging features for PRACTICE scripts. The PEDIT command allows you
to create and edit PRACTICE scripts. Two basic windows show the script, the internal stack, and the
PRACTICE macros.
In a PLIST window, you can set an unlimited number of program breakpoints to debug your PRACTICE
scripts. Double-clicking an entire line sets a breakpoint; double-clicking the same line again removes the
breakpoint. That is, you can toggle breakpoints by double-clicking a line.
Alternatively, right-click a line, and then select Toggle breakpoint from the popup menu.
Enabled breakpoints are flagged with a small
red bar, disabled breakpoints are flagged with a small gray bar
in the PLIST window.
PMACRO.list List PRACTICE script nesting and PRACTICE macros
PBREAK.Set Set breakpoints in PRACTICE scripts
PBREAK.Delete Delete breakpoints
PBREAK.List Display breakpoint list
PBREAK.ENable Enable breakpoint
PBREAK.DISable Disable breakpoint
Script nesting
Line numbers
PRACTICE breakpoints are listed
in the PBREAK.List window.
Double-clicking a line toggles a
breakpoint (set/delete).
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The PMACRO.list window shows the script nesting, the local and global PRACTICE macros and the ON
and GLOBALON definitions:
Double-clicking a PRACTICE macro (e.g. &val1) inserts it into the TRACE32 command line, where you can
modify the parameter of the PRACTICE macro.
Scripts can be executed step by step with the PSTEP command. The Stop button in the TRACE32 main
toolbar stops any running PRACTICE script.
PSTEP <script> Start script to be debugged in single step mode
PBREAK.Set 4. test.cmm
DO test.cmm
; set breakpoint
; run till line 4
; single step
Local macros
Global macros
Local macro
Double-click to modify the parameter.
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Appendix A
In this appendix:
Here are a few suggestions how to run demo scripts you have copied from the pdf manuals:
- Create PRACTICE script on the fly [more].
- Create a permanent toolbar button for a test.cmm [more].
- Run a copied script as an embedded script [more].
Run a demo script from the TRACE32 ~~\demo folder [more].
How to Run Demo Scripts Copied from the PDF Manuals
The pdf manuals provide a few read-to-run demo scripts (in addition to the PRACTICE script
segments). One way to try these demo scripts is to create a test.cmm in the PEDIT window, copy and
paste the demo script into the *.cmm file, and then execute it.
For how-to information, see step-by-step procedure below.
Create a PRACTICE Script on the Fly
1. At the TRACE32 command line, type:
The PRACTICE script editor PEDIT opens, displaying the test.cmm. The path prefix ~~~ expands
to the temporary directory of TRACE32.
2. Paste the demo script that you have copied from a manual into the test.cmm.
3. Append ENDDO at the end of the demo script (if ENDDO is missing from the demo script).
4. Click Save.
5. To step through line by line, click Debug in the PEDIT window,
and then Step in the PLIST window.
6. To execute the PRACTICE script file, click Do in the PEDIT window.
7. Optionally, click Macro to view the PRACTICE stack frame.
PEDIT ~~~/test.cmm
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Create a Permanent Toolbar Button for mytest.cmm
1. Add the following to c:\t32\system-settings.cmm (create the file if it does not yet exist):
2. Restart TRACE32.
3. Click the new toolbar button to open the PRACTICE script editor.
MENU.AddTool "My test" "TS,R" "PEDIT ~~~/mytest.cmm"
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Run a Demo Script as an Embedded Script
To reproduce the following step-by-step procedure, we suggest that you copy this demo script:
To run a demo script as an embedded script:
1. Copy the demo script from the pdf manual.
2. At the TRACE32 command line, type PLIST to open a PLIST window.
3. Click Enddo until the PLIST window displays no script loaded.
4. Click Step. The PLIST window displays single step.
5. Paste the demo script into the TRACE32 command line.
6. Do one of the following:
- Click Continue to run the embedded script.
- Click Step to step through line by line.
;set a test pattern to the virtual memory of TRACE32
Data.Set VM:0--0x4f %Byte 1 0 0 0
Data.dump VM:0x0 ;open the Data.dump window
;visualize the contents of the TRACE32 virtual memory as a graph
Data.DRAWFFT %Decimal.Byte VM:0++0x4f 2.0 512.
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Demo Scripts in the TRACE32 Demo Folder
Using the Search for scripts window in TRACE32, you can search for PRACTICE demo scripts (*.cmm) in
your local TRACE32 demo folder as well as for the newest scripts on the Lauterbach website.
The Search for scripts window displays a brief description for each script you have selected. The
descriptions are extracted from the metadata in the script header. Double-clicking a script lets you preview
the source code of a script before running it.
To search for demo scripts in your local TRACE32 demo folder:
1. Choose File menu > Search for Script to open the window of the same name,
or at the TRACE32 command line type: WELCOME.SCRIPTS
2. Under Example search, enter what you are looking for, e.g. a chip or board name.
The wildcard (*) is supported.
3. Optionally, set the filter to Chip or Board.
4. Click Search.
The demo scripts meeting the search criteria are listed at the bottom of the window.
A Click the hyperlink to continue your search at
B PRACTICE script templates are highlighted in gray, ready-to-run scripts are highlighted in
C Allows you to add your own search paths to the demo script search.
D Clicking the column header changes the sort order.
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To preview and run a demo script:
1. Click a script to automatically switch to the Selection tab, where you can view a brief description
of the selected script [A].
2. To view the source code of a script in the PSTEP window, double-click the script
or right-click, and then click View/Start from the popup menu.
3. To run the script, click Continue in the PSTEP window.
Popup Menu - Option Description
View/Start Opens the script in the PSTEP window.
Edit Opens the script in the PEDIT window.
Open Folder Opens the file explorer and selects the script file.
New Search Switches to the Search tab, where you can start a new search.
Tree view Displays an file-explorer-like tree view of the folders and demo scripts.