Title stata.com
confirm Argument verification
Description Syntax Option Remarks and examples Also see
confirm verifies that the arguments following confirm . . . are of the claimed type and issues
the appropriate error message and nonzero return code if they are not.
confirm is useful in do-files and programs when you do not want to bother issuing your own
error message. confirm can also be combined with capture to detect and handle error conditions
before they arise; see [P] capture.
confirm existence string
file filename
numeric | string | date
format string
frame name
confirm names names
number string
confirm matrix string
confirm scalar string
new | numeric | string | str# | alias | type
variable varlist
, exact
where type is
byte | int | long | float | double | str# | strL }
exact specifies that a match be declared only if the names specified in varlist match. By default,
names that are abbreviations of variables are considered to be a match.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
confirm existence
confirm file
confirm format
confirm frame
confirm names
confirm number
confirm matrix
confirm scalar
confirm variable
2 confirm Argument verification
confirm existence
confirm existence displays the message ’’ found where something expected” and produces
a return code of 6 if string does not exist.
confirm file
confirm file verifies that filename exists and is readable and issues the appropriate error message
and return code if not.
confirm new file verifies that filename does not exist and that filename could be opened for
writing, and issues the appropriate error message and return code if not.
The possible error messages and return codes are
Message Return code
found where filename expected 7
file not found 601
file already exists 602
file could not be opened 603
Return codes of 7 and 603 are possible for both confirm file and confirm new file. For
confirm new file, a return code of 603 indicates that the filename is invalid, the specified directory
does not exist, or the directory permissions do not allow you to create a new file. For instance, even
if filename does not exist, confirm new file newdir\newfile will generate an error if newdir does
not exist and if you do not have permissions to create a file in newdir. confirm new file filename
will fail if you do not have adequate permissions to create a new file in the current working directory.
confirm format
confirm format verifies that string is a valid variable display format. It produces the message
string found where format expected
with a return code of 7 if the format is not valid. It produces the message
’’ found where format expected
with a return code of 7 if the format is empty.
confirm numeric format specifies that the argument must be a valid numeric format. Valid
numeric formats are general, fixed, and exponential. If not, it produces a return code of 7 and the
string found where numeric format expected
’’ found where numeric format expected
if string is empty.
confirm Argument verification 3
confirm string format specifies that the argument must be a valid string format. If not, it
produces a return code of 7 and the message
string found where string format expected
’’ found where string format expected
if string is empty.
confirm date format specifies that the argument must be a valid date format. If not, it produces
a return code of 7 and the message
string found where date format expected
’’ found where date format expected
if string is empty.
confirm frame
confirm frame verifies that name is a frame (see [D] frames). It produces the message
frame name not found
with a return code of 111 if a frame named name does not exist.
confirm new frame verifies that name is valid to be used as the name of a frame and that a frame
with that name does not already exist. The possible messages and return codes are the following:
Message Return code
found where frame name expected 7
frame already defined 110
invalid name 198
confirm names
confirm names verifies that the argument or arguments are valid names according to Stata’s
naming conventions. It produces the message
{name | nothing} invalid name
with a return code of 7 if the names are not valid.
4 confirm Argument verification
confirm number
confirm number verifies that the argument can be interpreted as a number, such as 1, 5.2, -5.2,
or 2.5e+10. It produces the message
{string | nothing} found where number expected
with a return code of 7 if not.
confirm integer number specifies that the argument must be an integer, such as 1 or 2.5e+10,
but not 5.2 or 5.2. If not, it produces a return code of 7 and a slight variation on the message above:
{string | nothing} found where integer expected
confirm matrix
confirm matrix verifies that string is a matrix. It produces the message
matrix string not found
with a return code of 111 if string is not a matrix.
confirm scalar
confirm scalar verifies that string is a scalar. It produces the message
scalar string not found
with a return code of 111 if string is not a scalar.
confirm variable
confirm variable verifies that varlist can be interpreted as an existing varlist of any types of
variables. If not, the appropriate error message and nonzero return code are returned:
Message Return code
found where numeric variable expected 7
found where string variable expected 7
found where str# variable expected 7
found where strL variable expected 7
found where alias variable expected 7
no variables defined 111
variable not found 111
invalid name 198
confirm numeric variable specifies that all the variables are numeric. If the variable exists but
is not numeric, Stata displays the message
varname found where numeric variable expected
confirm Argument verification 5
’’ found where numeric variable expected
with a return code of 7 if varlist is not specified.
confirm string variable specifies that all the variables are strings, meaning str# or strL. If
the variable exists but is not a string variable, Stata displays the message
varname found where string variable expected
’’ found where string variable expected
with a return code of 7 if varlist is not specified.
confirm str# variable specifies that all the variables are str#, such as str10 or str42, but
are not strLs.
confirm alias variable specifies that all the variables were created by fralias add. If the
variable exists but was not created by fralias add, Stata displays the message
varname found where alias variable expected
confirm type variable specifies that all variables are of the indicated storage type. For example,
confirm int variable myvar, confirm float variable myvar thatvar, or confirm strL
variable blobvar. As with confirm string variable, the appropriate message and return code
of 7 are possible. When there is an alias variable in varlist, the linked variable’s storage type is
confirm new variable verifies that varlist can be interpreted as a new varlist. The possible
messages and return codes are
Message Return code
found where varname expected 7
already defined 110
invalid name 198
Example 1
confirm is a cheap way to include minimal syntax checking in your programs. For instance, you
have written a program that is supposed to take a one-integer argument. Although you do not have to
include any syntax checking at all the program will probably fail with some error if the argument
is incorrectit is safer to add one line at the top of the program:
confirm integer number ‘1’
Now if the first argument is not an integer, you will get a reasonable error message, and the program
will stop automatically.
6 confirm Argument verification
Example 2
More sophisticated programs often combine the confirm and capture commands. For instance,
ttest has a complex syntax: if the user types ttest var=5, it tests that the mean of var is 5
using one set of formulas, and if the user types ttest var=var2, it tests equality of means by
using another set of formulas. Whether there is a number or a variable to the right of the equal sign
determines which set of formulas ttest uses. This choice was done by
capture confirm number ‘exp’
if _rc==0 {
(code for test against a constant )
(code for test of two variables )
Also see
[P] capture Capture return code
[D] fralias Alias variables from linked frames
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