High School Graduates
at UW
Example High School
Fall 2017
Office of Institutional Analysis
Wyoming High School Graduates at the University of Wyoming
Prepared by the Office of Institutional Analysis at UW
This file contains:
Table 1. Admission Status of First-Time Student Applicants to UW, Summer and Fall 2017
The admission status of all first-time student applicants to the University of
Wyoming during summer and fall:
[Your] High School
Table 2 (a-d). Retention & Graduation, First-Time, Full-Time Students, 2008 - 2017
Retention and graduation data, including average ACT, high school GPA, and
UW first semester GPA for 10 years of fall cohorts:
a. Overall
b. Wyoming
c. [Your] High School
d. Chart Comparison of Average High School GPA and UW First Semester GPA
ble 3. Participation and Achievement of First-Time Students at UW, Fall 2017
Enrollment and course GPA in the highest enrolled introductory courses for:
[Your] High School
ble 4. List of Students from Wyoming High Schools, Fall 2017
All currently enrolled students at UW who are graduates of [Your] High School,
including their class and program.
Note: This list is not exclusively first-time students. It may contain upper-
class students as well as graduate students.
or additional information, contact:
ony Pownall
Office of Institutional Analysis
Dept 3314 Old Main 413
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone (307) 766-6837
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Number Percent
Assured 3,105 67.4% 2,019 65.3% 1,086 71.9% 84 73.0%
Admitted with Support 1,001 21.7% 677 21.9% 324 21.4% 25 21.7%
Declined 126 2.7% 93 3.0% 33 2.2% 5 4.3%
Withdrawn 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Incomplete 276 6.0% 244 7.9% 32 2.1% 1 0.9%
Unknown 96 2.1% 60 1.9% 36 2.4% 0 0.0%
4,604 3,093 1,511 115
Assured: Student meets minimum admission requirements.
Admitted with Support: Student participates in Synergy program or other academic transition programs to foster academic success.
Declined: Student may take hours at another school and reapply later (does not meet admit criteria).
Withdrawn: Student withdrew application.
High School
Admit Status
Overall Out-of-State Wyoming
Source: UW Student Information System (Banner)
# of HSGPA UW 1st
Students Mean # Mean Sem GPA Cont Left
1,681 23.9 1,550 3.47 2.67 72.1% 27.9%
1,576 23.9 1,454 3.43 2.64 73.1% 26.9%
1,458 24.2 1,329 3.43 2.67 73.5% 26.5%
1,531 24.4 1,393 3.46 2.68 75.6% 24.4%
1,578 24.3 1,410 3.48 2.68 73.9% 26.1%
1,568 24.5 1,416 3.48 2.77 75.4% 24.6%
1,554 24.6 1,428 3.46 2.75 76.2% 23.8%
1,674 24.6 1,550 3.48 2.89 76.4% 23.6%
1,534 24.5 1,406 3.47 2.91 78.1% 21.9%
1,684 24.7 1,538 3.48 2.90
# of % Grads in 4 Years or Less % Grads in 5 Years or Less % Grads in 6 Years or Less
Term Students Grad Cont Left Grad Cont Left Grad Cont Left
Fall 2008 1,681 24.3% 37.7% 38.0% 47.5% 13.1% 39.4% 53.8% 6.5% 39.7%
Fall 2009 1,576 25.7% 34.6% 39.7% 48.4% 11.2% 40.5% 55.2% 4.6% 40.2%
Fall 2010 1,458 26.5% 35.5% 38.1% 49.8% 11.1% 39.1% 55.1% 5.6% 39.3%
Fall 2011 1,531 25.8% 37.8% 36.4% 50.6% 12.0% 37.4% 57.7% 4.5% 37.8%
Fall 2012 1,578 26.9% 34.5% 38.7% 49.8% 11.0% 39.2%
Fall 2013 1,568 31.1% 33.6% 35.3%
ACT: ACT Composite Score Grad: % Graduated at UW before Fall 2017
HSGPA: High School Grade Point Average Cont: % Continuing at UW
UW 1st Sem GPA: First Semester Grade Point Average at UW Left: % Who Left UW
Fall 2017
Fall 2011
Fall 2012
Fall 2013
Fall 2014
Fall 2015
Fall 2016
Fall 2010
Fall 2008
Fall 2009
ACT Fall to Fall Ret
Source: UW Student Information System (Banner)
# of ACT HSGPA UW 1st Fall to Fall Ret
Students Mean # Mean Sem GPA Cont Left
882 24.2 872 3.55 2.73 77.2% 22.8%
829 24.0 818 3.53 2.68 74.3% 25.7%
792 24.3 784 3.54 2.72 74.2% 25.8%
812 24.5 808 3.55 2.72 77.5% 22.5%
754 24.5 744 3.58 2.70 75.1% 24.9%
755 24.8 751 3.58 2.84 78.0% 22.0%
803 24.9 798 3.56 2.79 78.0% 22.0%
831 24.7 827 3.56 2.91 77.6% 22.4%
768 24.5 765 3.55 2.94 81.8% 18.2%
857 24.7 853 3.55 2.90
# of % Grads in 4 Years or Less % Grads in 5 Years or Less % Grads in 6 Years or Less
Term Students Grad Cont Left Grad Cont Left Grad Cont Left
Fall 2008 882 25.9% 42.7% 31.4% 50.6% 17.3% 32.1% 58.7% 8.8% 32.4%
Fall 2009 829 27.0% 38.6% 34.4% 50.7% 13.1% 36.2% 58.3% 5.7% 36.1%
Fall 2010 792 28.4% 38.8% 32.8% 52.9% 13.6% 33.5% 59.5% 7.3% 33.2%
Fall 2011 812 25.4% 42.0% 32.6% 52.1% 14.3% 33.6% 59.9% 6.3% 33.9%
Fall 2012 754 28.0% 39.4% 32.6% 52.5% 14.5% 33.0%
Fall 2013 755 33.8% 37.0% 29.3%
ACT: ACT Composite Score Grad: % Graduated at UW before Fall 2017
HSGPA: High School Grade Point Average Cont: % Continuing at UW
UW 1st Sem GPA: First Semester Grade Point Average at UW Left: % Who Left UW
Fall 2017
Fall 2011
Fall 2012
Fall 2013
Fall 2014
Fall 2015
Fall 2016
Fall 2010
Fall 2008
Fall 2009
Source: UW Student Information System (Banner)
# of ACT HSGPA UW 1st Fall to Fall Ret
Students Mean # Mean Sem GPA Cont Left
55 25.0 54 3.54 2.72 80.0% 20.0%
81 23.7 81 3.56 2.83 81.5% 18.5%
60 24.2 60 3.50 2.63 70.0% 30.0%
89 24.8 88 3.54 2.73 75.3% 24.7%
86 24.4 86 3.51 2.71 79.1% 20.9%
58 25.4 57 3.48 2.74 74.6% 25.4%
82 23.6 81 3.49 2.92 75.2% 24.8%
76 24.2 75 3.40 2.70 77.6% 22.4%
66 23.9 66 3.58 2.71 81.8% 18.2%
73 24.8 72 3.43 3.04
*To protect students’ privacy, UW GPA is not reported for population sizes less than 3.
# of
% Grads in 4 Years or Less % Grads in 5 Years or Less % Grads in 6 Years or Less
Term Students Grad Cont Left Grad Cont Left Grad Cont Left
Fall 2008 55 23.6% 54.5% 21.8% 60.0% 18.2% 21.8% 69.1% 4.6% 26.3%
Fall 2009 81 30.9% 45.7% 23.5% 55.6% 22.2% 22.2% 72.7% 4.9% 22.4%
Fall 2010 60 36.6% 41.5% 22.0% 51.7% 25.0% 23.3% 59.5% 7.3% 33.2%
Fall 2011 89 28.1% 39.3% 32.6% 52.1% 14.3% 33.6% 59.9% 6.3% 33.9%
Fall 2012 86 28.0% 39.4% 32.6% 52.5% 14.5% 33.0%
Fall 2013 74 39.2% 35.1% 25.7%
ACT: ACT Composite Score Grad: % Graduated at UW before Fall 2017
HSGPA: High School Grade Point Average Cont: % Continuing at UW
UW 1st Sem GPA: First Semester Grade Point Average at UW Left: % Left UW
Fall 2017
Fall 2016
Fall 2015
Fall 2012
Fall 2013
Fall 2014
Fall 2008
Fall 2009
Fall 2010
Fall 2011
Source: UW Student Information System (Banner)
# of HSGPA UW 1st # of HSGPA UW 1st # of HSGPA UW 1st
Students Mean Sem GPA Students Mean Sem GPA Students Mean Sem GPA
Fall 2008 1,681 3.47 2.67 882 3.55 2.73 55
Fall 2009 1,576 3.43 2.64 829 3.53 2.68 81
Fall 2010 1,458 3.43 2.67 792 3.54 2.72 60
Fall 2011 1,531 3.46 2.68 812 3.55 2.72 89
Fall 2012 1,578 3.48 2.68 754 3.58 2.70 86
Fall 2013 1,568 3.48 2.77 755 3.58 2.84 58
Fall 2014 1,554 3.46 2.75 803 3.56 2.79 82
Fall 2015 1,674 3.48 2.89 831 3.56 2.91 76 3.40 2.70
Fall 2016 1,534 3.47 2.91 768 3.55 2.94
66 3.58 2.71
Fall 2017 1,684 3.48 2.90 857 3.55 2.90 73 3.43 3.04
*To protect students’ privacy, UW GPA is not reported for population sizes less than 3.
Overall Wyoming
Example High School
Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017
Overall HSGPA Wyoming HSGPA Example High School HSGPA
Overall UW 1st Sem GPA Wyoming UW 1st Sem GPA Example High School UW 1st Sem GPA
Source: UW Student Information System (Banner)
Course # Course Title # Course GPA # Course GPA # Course GPA
ACCT 1010 Principles of Accounting I 7 3.00 61 2.75 112 2.71
AGEC 1010 Principles of Macroeconomics -- -- 27 2.51 55 2.61
AGEC 1020 Principles of Microeconomics 2 3.33 11 2.91 40 3.00
ANSC 1010 Introduction to Animal Science -- -- 12 3.28 49 2.65
ANTH 1200 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 1 3.00 45 2.95 75 2.99
ANTH 1300 Intro Archaeology 7 3.43 38 2.82 56 2.93
ARMY 1010 Intro to Mili Sci -- -- 12 3.17 38 3.53
ASTR 1050 Survey of Astronomy 1 4.00 23 2.96 41 3.05
BUSN 1101 FYS: Decision Making in BUSN 2 3.50 57 3.09 114 3.06
CHEM 1000 Intro Chemistry -- -- 14 3.36 41 3.51
CHEM 1020 Gen Chemistry I 14 2.38 191 2.44 390 2.44
CHEM 1050 Advanced Gen Chemistry I 3 3.22 25 2.89 42 3.15
COSC 1010 Intro Comp Sci I 2 2.83 31 2.59 52 2.62
CRMJ 1001 Intro to Criminal Justice 8 2.67 26 2.83 48 2.67
ECON 1010 Principles of Macroeconomics 10 3.13 78 2.62 150 2.61
ECON 1020 Principles of Microeconomics 1 3.00 27 2.95 55 2.93
ECON 1200 Econ Law & Govt 4 4.00 41 3.15 81 3.06
EDST 2450 Fndts Development & Learning 4 3.75 25 3.68 34 3.76
ENGL 1010 Coll Comp/Rhet 32 2.99 253 2.71 597 2.74
ES 1060 Intro to Problem Solving 3 3.78 32 3.20 74 2.87
ES 1101 FYS: Intro Engr 1 4.00 35 3.49 85 3.48
FCSC 1141 Principles of Nutrition 1 2.00 18 2.15 36 2.44
GEOL 1100 Physical Geology 1 2.33 32 2.37 70 2.53
HIST 1211 U.S. To 1865 2 3.50 23 2.91 58 3.12
HIST 1251 Wyoming History 3 2.33 20 2.85 43 3.12
HLED 1006 Personal Health 2 3.00 28 3.43 63 3.46
HP 1020 Fr Honors Colloq I 5 4.00 33 3.70 98 3.63
HP 1151 Fr Honors Colloq I 3 4.00 101 3.77 145 3.80
ITEC 2360 Tchng with Tech 2 4.00 32 3.75 39 3.77
KIN 1101 FYS: KIN-The Sci of Human Mvmt 2 2.50 27 3.44 45 3.31
LIFE 1010 General Biology 13 2.54 159 2.55 348 2.57
MATH 0921 LC: Algebra I 2 3.00 13 2.38 34 1.91
MATH 0925 LC:Algebra II -- -- 30 1.27 56 1.36
MATH 1000 Problem Solving -- -- 24 2.78 48 2.57
MATH 1400 College Algebra 12 3.08 114 2.54 222 2.49
MATH 1405 Trigonometry 4 2.50 37 2.51 84 2.55
MATH 1450 Algebra & Trig 3 2.67 58 2.29 94 2.33
MATH 2200 Calculus I 2 0.00 99 2.48 218 2.42
MATH 2205 Calculus II 2 3.33 42 2.48 88 2.59
MATH 2210 Calculus III 4 3.25 23 2.91 47 3.15
MATH 2350 Business Calc 4 3.00 22 2.59 42 2.64
MGT 1040 Legal Environment of Business 5 3.07 15 2.98 35 3.09
MUSC 1370 Marching Band 3 4.00 34 3.97 49 3.98
POLS 1000 American & Wyoming Govt 19 2.67 140 2.43 309 2.52
PSYC 1000 Gen Psychology 10 2.20 144 2.44 264 2.55
SOC 1000 Sociological Princ 13 2.79 63 2.76 108 2.59
SPAN 1010 1st Yr Spanish I 3 3.33 30 2.64 46 2.69
STAT 2070 Introductory Statistics 5 3.40 32 3.19 50 3.24
UWYO 1101 FYS: Various Topics 16 3.50 221 3.01 452 3.05
FYS: First-Year Seminar
Overall UW
First-Time Students
High School
Introductory Core Courses
First-Time Students
First-Time Students
Source: UW Student Information System (Banner)
Note: Includes all students from this high school who were enrolled at UW Fall 2017 (and don't have a privacy flag).
Student Name Class Program
1 Doe, Jane Senior BS in Accounting
2 Doe, John Second Bachelor BA in Biological Sci Educ
3 Ford, Henry Junior BS in Electrical Engineering
4 Howard, Frank Graduate Student MS in Architectural Engineering
5 Joe, Cowboy Sophomore BA in Criminal Justice
6 Joe, Cowgirl Senior BA in Secondary Ed/English
7 Smith, Frank Sophomore BA in Communication
8 Thomas, CJ Senior BS in Civil Engineering
9 White, Brad Freshman BA in Chemistry
EXAMPLE PAGE - This is an example of Figure 4.
The individual high schools receive the list of names for their
Table4.ListofStudentsfromWyo mingHighSchools