Uniform System of
Accounts for the
Lodging Industry
Uniform System of
Accounts for the
Lodging Industry
Eleventh Revised Edition
Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals
An International Association
American Hotel & Lodging Association
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject
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ISBN: 978-0-86612-447-8 (softcover)
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A few words from the publisher of this edition of the
Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
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vi Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
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Preface ................................................................................................. ix
The Eleventh Revised Edition ................................................................ xiii
Select Changes from the Tenth Revised Edition .................................... xv
Introduction ......................................................................................... xix
Part I Operating Statements ............................................................ 1
Summary Operating Statement (for Operators) ........................... 3
Summary Operating Statement (for Owners) ............................... 4
Schedule 1—Rooms .......................................................................... 8
Schedule 2—Food and Beverage .................................................... 24
Schedule 3—Other Operated Departments .................................. 38
Sub-schedule 3-1—Golf Course and Pro Shop ....................... 41
Sub-schedule 3-2—Health Club/Spa ........................................ 52
Sub-schedule 3-3—Parking ........................................................ 62
Sub-schedule 3-x—All Other Operated Departments ........... 70
Sub-schedule 3-xx—Minor Operated Departments ............... 80
Schedule 4—Miscellaneous Income ............................................... 82
Schedule 5—Administrative and General ..................................... 86
Schedule 6—Information and Telecommunications Systems .... 94
Schedule 7—Sales and Marketing .................................................. 102
Schedule 8—Property Operation and Maintenance .................... 110
Schedule 9—Utilities ........................................................................ 117
Schedule 10—Management Fees .................................................... 119
Schedule 11—Non-Operating Income and Expenses .................. 120
Schedule 12—House Laundry ........................................................ 126
Schedule 13—Staff Dining ............................................................... 133
Schedule 14—Payroll-Related Expenses ........................................ 141
Departmental Payroll Titles ............................................................. 145
Part II Financial Statements .............................................................. 151
Section 1 Balance Sheet................................................................... 153
Section 2 Statement of Income ...................................................... 169
Section 3 Statement of Comprehensive Income ......................... 171
Section 4 Statement of Owners’ Equity ........................................ 173
Section 5 Statement of Cash Flows ............................................... 179
Section 6 Notes to the Financial Statements ................................ 185
Part III Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics ................................. 187
Part IV Revenue and Expense Guide .................................................. 233
Part V Gross vs. Net Reporting ......................................................... 341
Update Part V Amended and Restated ................................................ 3
The first edition of the Uniform System of Accounts for Hotels was published in
1926 by the Hotel Association of New York City. It represented the first successful
organized effort to establish a uniform responsibility accounting system for the
lodging industry and one of the first such efforts in any industry.
All members of the original committees, appointed by the Hotel Association
of New York City to prepare a uniform system of accounts for hotels, deserve com-
mendation for their untiring devotion to the completion of this task. The personnel
of these committees were as follows:
Proprietor’s Committee
E. M. Statler, Chairman—Hotel Pennsylvania
L. M. Boomer—The Waldorf-Astoria Julius Manger—Hotel Times Square
I. Fluegelman—12 East 86th Street Fred A. Muschenheim—Hotel Astor
David H. Knott—Hotel Albert Charles G. Stamm—Hotel Willard
Arthur L. Lee—Hotel McAlpin George W. Sweeney—Hotel Commodore
Accountants’ Committee
William J. Forster, CPA, Chairman
R. H. Browne
......................................................................... Hotel McAlpin
W. E. Dodd
.......................................................................... Hotel San Remo
R. E. Frederickson
...................................................................... Hotel Astor
C. W. Kramer
.................................................................Hotel Pennsylvania
E. E. Lightburne
.......................................................... The Waldorf-Astoria
H. M. Phelps
............................................................... The Waldorf-Astoria
W. M. Ross, CPA
......................................................................The Biltmore
Thomas E. Ross, CPA
..............................................................The Biltmore
R. Schickler
...................................................................................... The Plaza
F. W. Squires, CPA
..................................................................... Hotel Astor
C. B. Stoner
.....................................................Hotels Statler Company Inc.
Accounting Societies
Chester P. Child, CPA, representing N.Y. State Society of CPAs
W. D. Cranstoun, CPA, representing American Institute of Accountants
One of the important results of the work of the Accountants’ Committee was the
organization of the Hotel Accountants Association of New York City. After the
printing of the first edition of the manual, a Manual Committee of the Association
was formed, which has been the medium through which the work of the origi-
nal group has been continued. The Hotel Accountants Association of New York
x Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
City became the founding chapter of the organization now known as Hospital-
ity Financial and Technology Professionals. The names of those who worked on
previous revisions of the uniform systems can be found in each of those revisions.
In 1961, to meet the needs of its members, the American Hotel & Lodging
Association appointed the National Association of Accountants to develop a uni-
form system of accounts for small hotels and motels. In 1979 and again in 1986,
members of the Committee on Financial Management of the American Hotel &
Lodging Association revised the original uniform system of accounts for small
hotels to reflect the changes in terminology used in the lodging industry. The
names of the committee members involved in these publications can be found in
the respective editions.
In 1996, a decision was made to combine the two uniform system books into
one publication, called the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry. A
subcommittee of the Committee on Financial Management of the American Hotel
& Lodging Association, with representation from the Hotel Association of New
York City and Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals, worked to pro-
duce the new guide. The names of those involved in the publication can be found
in that book.
The members of the Financial Management Committee of the American Hotel
& Lodging Association responsible for the Eleventh Revised Edition are:
Michael K. Craft, CPA, CHAE, CHTP, Chair ....... Peabody Hotel Group
Ralph R. Miller, CPA, CA, CBV, CHA, CHAE, Vice-Chair
................................................Inntegrated Hospitality Management, Ltd.
Kapila K. Anand, CPA .............................................................. KPMG, LLP
John Baldante, CPA ..................................................PKF O’Connor Davies
Cindy Braak ......................................................Marriott International, Inc.
Jeffrey C. Carter ..............................CW Capital Asset Management, LLC
Chad Crandall ....................................... Capital Hotel Management, LLC
Michael DeNicola ..............................FelCor Lodging Trust Incorporated
Dennis DuBois .............................................Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group
Christopher Garland .................................... Four Seasons Hotels Limited
Brad Garner .............................................................. Smith Travel Research
Kim Gauthier, CHAM, CHA ................................ Thayer Lodging Group
Alessandro Grassivaro ..... Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.
Howard Isaacson ............................................................RLJ Lodging Trust
Larry Kaminsky, CPA ......................................... LaSalle Hotel Properties
Robert Mandelbaum ................................ PKF Hospitality Research, LLC
Raymond D. Martz ..............................................Pebblebrook Hotel Trust
Craig Mason, CHAM, CHA, CCIM, CPM... Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
Timothy Morrey .........................................................................JHM Hotels
Terry Murray, CPA, CMA, MBA ..........................FRHI Hotels & Resorts
Louis Petruzzelli ................................................Mohonk Mountain House
Preface xi
Gordon Potter, CPA, Ph.D. ........................................... Cornell University
Victoria Richman ................................................. HVS Hotel Management
Michelle Russo ................................Hotel Asset Value Enhancement, Inc.
Raymond Schmidgall, Ph.D., CPA .................Michigan State University
Gina Tallarico ......................................................Hyatt Hotels Corporation
W. Peter Temling, CPA ...................................... The Temling Group, LLC
Melvyn M. Wilinsky, CPA (retired) . Outrigger Enterprises Group, Inc.
In 2018, HFTP acquired the copyright to the USALI, a logical step as the asso-
ciation has been connected to the resource since its origins as a sponsor and con-
tributor. The copyright was previously owned by the Hotel Association of New
York City.
The Eleventh Revised Edition
The Process
The Financial Management Committee (FMC) of the American Hotel & Lodging
Association is charged with the responsibility of maintaining the Uniform Sys-
tem of Accounts for the Lodging Industry and revising the document as needed.
The FMC comprises professionals involved in the lodging industry and includes
representatives from hotel owners, asset managers, hospitality management com-
panies, brand franchising organizations, independent properties, owner-operated
hotels, consultants, benchmark reporting firms, academia, and certified public
accountants. The FMC strives to maintain a balance of members from each of these
industry segments in order to benefit from the variety of industry knowledge and
expertise and to address the concerns of all parties. Industry trade associations
from around the world also participated in the process.
Purpose and Presentation
For the Eleventh Revised Edition, the FMC re-affirmed that the primary purpose
of the Uniform System is to provide operating statements that are formatted to
provide hotel owners, managers, and other interested parties with information
and data that are pertinent to the unique operating environment of the lodging
industry. The terminology and guidance of the Uniform System are intended to
be consistent with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
of America (GAAP). Throughout the text of the Uniform System, any reference to
GAAP refers to US GAAP. In an effort to make the Uniform System applicable to
hotel operations throughout the world, certain language has been adjusted to be
more global in nature.
Because the Uniform System is referenced in many industry contracts and
documents, the format and terminology of the Eleventh Revised Edition must be
followed in order for an operating statement to be presented “in conformity with
the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry.” To reflect their unique
operating conditions, lodging properties are encouraged to develop sub-accounts
and sub-schedules that provide more detail related to a particular revenue or
expense item. However, these sub-accounts and sub-schedules must then roll into
the appropriate line item on either a departmental schedule or the Summary Oper-
ating Statement.
The effective date of this Uniform System is January 1, 2015. Note that during
the initial year of implementation, comparisons to prior performance may be dis-
torted if the historical data cannot be adjusted to conform to the Eleventh Revised
Select Changes from the
Tenth Revised Edition
The Uniform System is periodically revised to reflect changes in industry practice
and to address issues that arise as the industry develops. Examples of contem-
porary industry issues and practices considered and addressed in this Eleventh
Revised Edition include, but are not limited to, the following:
Technology updates Cluster services
Sustainability Distribution channels
Globalization Enhanced ratio analysis
New terminology
The following paragraphs and bullet statements highlight the material changes
from the Tenth Revised Edition that are incorporated in the Eleventh Revised Edi-
tion. Be advised that additional changes are presented throughout the book.
Summary Operating Statement
The following statements highlight the material changes made to the presentation
of the Summary Operating Statement.
“Rentals and Other Income” has been changed to “Miscellaneous Income.”
“Revenue” has been changed to “Operating Revenue” and “Total Revenue”
has been changed to “Total Operating Revenue.”
“Information and Telecommunications Systems” has been added as a fifth
Undistributed Operating Department (see Part I, Schedule 6).
“Fixed Charges” has been changed to “Non-Operating Income and Expenses”
(see Part I, Schedule 11).
“Net Operating Income” has been changed to “Earnings Before Interest,
Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization,” commonly called EBITDA.
Two Summary Operating Statement formats have been developed:
For operators, a Replacement Reserve is deducted from EBITDA, and the
bottom line is “EBITDA less Replacement Reserve.”
For owners, Interest, Depreciation, Amortization, and Income Taxes are
deducted from EBITDA, and the bottom line is “Net Income.”
xvi Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Operating Schedules
The following statements highlight the material changes contained in the operat-
ing schedules.
Multiple Departments
In all departments, readers are advised to refer to Part V of the book, which
provides enhanced guidance on the reporting of revenues and expenses on a
gross versus net basis.
Additional guidance is provided in each revenue-producing department
regarding the handling of surcharges, service charges, and gratuities.
Categories have been added to each department schedule to provide addi-
tional information regarding Labor Costs and Related Expenses:
The aggregated salaries and wages of management and non-manage-
ment personnel are presented on the department schedule.
Service Charge Distribution is presented as a distinct cost category within
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. It has
been moved from Payroll-Related Expenses—Supplemental Pay.
Contracted, leased, and outsourced labor costs are presented inde-
New expense categories have been added to account for cluster services and
department-specific reservations expenses.
Administrative telecommunications expenses are no longer recorded within
each department. All administrative telecommunications expenses are now
recorded in the new Information and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6.
Rooms Department
The segmentation that is used to record rooms revenue reflects efforts to pro-
vide greater detail and definitions and to align with industry practices.
Resort fees are now recorded in Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. They are
not included in the calculation of average daily rate.
Enhanced guidance is provided regarding the handling of revenues and
expenses associated with mixed-ownership lodging facilities.
Enhanced guidance is provided regarding the allocation of package revenues
and the handling of package breakage, which has moved to Miscellaneous
Income—Schedule 4.
Food and Beverage Department
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2 presents the revenues from both food and
beverage venues. Separate food and beverage department schedules are not
Select Changes from the Tenth Revised Edition xvii
Enhanced guidance is provided regarding the handling of gift certificate
The term “cover” has been replaced with the term “customer” to reflect the
number of people served.
Other Operated Departments
Telecommunications is no longer an Other Operated Department. Guest-
room-generated revenues and cost of sales are now accounted for in Guest
Communications on Minor Operated Departments—Schedule 3-xx. Function
room-generated revenues and cost of sales are accounted for in Audiovisual
on Food and Beverage—Schedule 2. All telecommunications-related labor
expenses, administrative telecommunications costs, and the costs associated
with complimentary phone and Internet services are recorded on the new
Information and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6.
Miscellaneous Income
All resort fees and package breakage are recorded in Miscellaneous Income—
Schedule 4.
Additional guidance is provided regarding the handling of commissions,
business interruption insurance, foreign currency exchange, unused or for-
feited gift certificates, and interest income.
Undistributed Departments
The information and telecommunications systems department has been cre-
ated to consolidate all system-related technology expenses.
Additional guidance is provided regarding the handling of non-guest-related
foreign currency exchange income and expenses.
The segregation of sales and marketing expenses was eliminated.
Revenue management and catering sales functions have been clarified as
sales and marketing expenses.
Utility Taxes was eliminated as a separate expense category on Utilities—
Schedule 9.
Contract Services was added as an expense category on Utilities—Schedule 9
to incorporate the cost of energy audits.
Non-Operating Income and Expenses
The net revenue generated by ownership that is not managed or maintained
by the hotel is recorded as Non-Operating Income.
An Owner Expense category has been added to account for such items as
asset management fees, receiver fees, and owner-directed market studies and
xviii Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Additional guidance is provided regarding the handling of equipment rental,
unique municipal charges, and various employee housing expenses.
Financial Statements
The following statements highlight the material changes contained in the financial
Revenue and expense categories have been added to the Income Statement to
reflect changes made to the Summary Operating Statement.
A Statement of Comprehensive Income has been added to supplement the
Income Statement. An illustrative statement is provided.
A reference to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was added.
Gift certificates and cards have been removed from Other Current Liabilities
and made a separate line item.
Additional guidance is provided regarding the handling of inventories, oper-
ating equipment, and pre-opening expenses.
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics
The following statements highlight the material changes contained in Part III.
In recognition of the importance of operational and financial analysis, the
name of this section has been changed from “Ratios and Statistics” to “Finan-
cial Ratios and Operating Metrics.”
Ratios are presented for both operating departments and undistributed
For each department, a recommended schedule of key ratios is provided.
A recommended labor cost schedule is provided that presents detailed labor
cost data for each department.
Additional utility and waste consumption ratios are provided, as is a discus-
sion regarding the growing trend to measure sustainability and environmen-
tal impact.
Revenue and Expense Guide
The following statements highlight the material changes contained in the Revenue
and Expense Guide.
Guidance is provided regarding the proper recording of both revenues and
The Revenue and Expense Guide is now available in an electronic format that
is both sortable and searchable.
A uniform system of accounts establishes standardized formats and account clas-
sifications to guide individuals in the preparation and presentation of financial
statements. The information set forth in this uniform system is based on a consen-
sus of hotel owners, asset managers, hospitality management companies, brand
franchising organizations, independent properties, owner-operated hotels, con-
sultants, benchmark reporting firms, academia, and certified public accountants,
and is intended to be consistent with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States of America (GAAP).
The resulting standardization established by the uniform system of accounts
permits internal and external users of financial statements to compare the financial
position and operational performance of a particular property with similar types
of properties in the lodging industry.
Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, Eleventh Revised Edi-
tion, is divided into five parts. Part I details the financial reports related to the
operational activities of a lodging property, as shown in the Summary Operat-
ing Statements and its supporting schedules. It details the required format and
explains the line items for departmental statements essential in the reporting and
analyzing of operating results.
The Summary Operating Statements are not a GAAP financial statement,
but rather a statement that displays operating results, including property taxes,
insurance costs, and replacement reserves. Terms such as Gross Operating Profit,
Income Before Non-Operating Income and Expenses, and EBITDA Less Replace-
ment Reserve, which are used in the Summary Operating Statement, are not GAAP
terms, but are used within the hospitality industry.
The statements provided were developed with full-service lodging proper-
ties operating food and beverage venues in mind, but can be easily adapted to
other types of properties. For example, limited-service properties would delete
those schedules that do not apply to their business, such as the food and beverage
Likewise, individual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the Uni-
form System does not provide for the addition or substitution of other revenue and
expense line items. Rather, if a property determines that more detailed information
is required, sub-accounts/sub-schedules may be prepared. These sub-accounts/
sub-schedules are then to be rolled into the appropriate line items detailed in the
Uniform System.
Since the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry is used by lend-
ing institutions and specifically cited in many management contracts, those pre-
paring both the Summary Operating Statements and their supporting schedules,
and financial statements, must adhere to the prescribed statement formats and the
xx Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
classification of revenue and expense items if the financial statements are to be “in
conformity with the Uniform System.
Part II presents the formats and explains the line items appearing on the basic
Financial Statements produced for external users, such as lenders and stockhold-
ers. The statements include:
Balance Sheet
Statement of Income
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Statement of Owners’ Equity
Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to the Financial Statements
The format and level of detail for these basic financial statements should be devel-
oped to meet an owner’s Financial Statement needs, while remaining consistent
with GAAP.
Part III deals with Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics and presents a
series of ratios and other information useful in analyzing the financial and operat-
ing statements in both Part I and Part II.
Part IV contains the Revenue and Expense Guide.
Part V examines gross versus net reporting, as well as the treatment of sur-
charges, service charges, and gratuities.
Format of Accounts Outside the United States
The examples and formats used throughout this book follow U.S. accounting stan-
dards for the presentation of Financial Statements. Users of the book outside the
United States should be aware that the accounting requirements of their own juris-
dictions will not necessarily follow those of the United States. The laws of other
jurisdictions and the application of accounting standards may significantly affect
the format and presentation of financial statements.
In an effort to make the Uniform System applicable to hotel operations
throughout the world, certain language relative to the Operating Statements has
been adjusted to be more global in nature.
Part I
Operating Statements
2 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
There are two versions of the Summary Operating Statement, one for operators
and one for owners. Both statements are designed to:
Provide management with information regarding the results of operations,
Facilitate the comparison of such results among different lodging properties.
The two Summary Operating Statements are identical through Earnings before
Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. Thereafter, the presentations
The Operator’s Statement deducts a replacement reserve from EBITDA to
reflect what is understood in the industry as “the operating income” of the
The Owner’s Statement deducts all remaining expenses (interest, deprecia-
tion, amortization, and income taxes) from EBITDA to reflect the net income
of the entity.
The proper formats for the two versions of the Summary Operating Statement are
shown on the following pages. While properties may choose to delete some of
the columns or to show them in a different order, the revenue and expenses lines,
unless they are irrelevant, are to be included exactly as presented if the Summary
Operating Statement is to be “in conformity with the
Uniform System.”
Operating Statements 3
For a complete Statement of Income, refer to Part II.
All revenues and expenses should be shown as a percentage of total operating revenue, except departmental
expenses, which should be shown as a percentage of their respective departmental revenue.
Summary Operating Statement [For Operators]
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
rooms availaBle:
ooms sold:
rooms revPar:
otal revPar:
eriod of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ %
$ %
$ %
$ %
$ %
$ %
oPerating revenue
Food and Beverage
Other Operated Departments
Miscellaneous Income
total oPerating revenue
dePartmental exPenses
Food and Beverage
Other Operated Departments
total dePartmental exPenses
total dePartmental Profit
undistriButed oPerating exPenses
Administrative and General
Information and Telecommunications Systems
Sales and Marketing
Property Operation and Maintenance
total undistriButed exPenses
gross oPerating Profit
management fees
inCome Before non-oPerating inCome and exPenses
non-oPerating inCome and exPenses
Property and Other Taxes
total non-oPerating inCome and exPenses
earnings Before interest, taxes, dePreCiation, and
rePlaCement reserve
eBitda less rePlaCement reserve
4 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Summary Operating Statement [For Owners]
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
rooms availaBle:
ooms sold:
rooms revPar:
otal revPar:
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ %
$ %
$ %
$ %
$ %
$ %
oPerating revenue
Food and Beverage
Other Operated Departments
Miscellaneous Income
total oPerating revenue
dePartmental exPenses
Food and Beverage
Other Operated Departments
total dePartmental exPenses
total dePartmental Profit
undistriButed oPerating exPenses
Administrative and General
Information and Telecommunications Systems
Sales and Marketing
Property Operation and Maintenance
total undistriButed exPenses
gross oPerating Profit
management fees
inCome Before non-oPerating inCome and exPenses
non-oPerating inCome and exPenses
Property and Other Taxes
total non-oPerating inCome and exPenses
earnings Before interest, taxes, dePreCiation, and
interest, dePreCiation, and amortization
total interest, dePreCiation, and amortization
inCome Before inCome taxes
Income Taxes
net inCome
For a complete Statement of Income, refer to Part II.
All revenues and expenses should be shown as a percentage of total operating revenue, except departmental
expenses, which should be shown as a percentage of their respective departmental revenue.
Operating Statements 5
The Summary Operating Statements are divided into sections: Operating Rev-
enue, Departmental Expenses, Undistributed Operating Expenses, Management
Fees, Non-Operating Income and Expenses, and either Replacement Reserve or
Interest, Depreciation, and Amortization and Income Taxes. The following para-
graphs describe the content of each of these sections.
Operating Revenue
The Uniform System includes only four revenue categories. The first two cate-
gories, Rooms and Food and Beverage, report the results of those departments.
Operating revenue from any other department included in property operations—
for example, a golf course, spa, or parking—is included in Other Operated Depart-
ments. The fourth revenue category is Miscellaneous Income, which includes such
items as space rental, commissions, and interest income.
Total Operating Revenue is the sum of the amounts for all four categories of
revenue. The Total Operating Revenue line is considered to be 100 percent, and the
percentage for each revenue category is determined by dividing the dollar amount
for that revenue category by Total Operating Revenue.
Departmental Expenses
There are three categories of departmental expenses, each of which relates to an
operated department revenue category. In the schedules that accompany the Sum-
mary Operating Statements, departmental expenses are separated into as many
as four groups: Cost of Sales, Cost of Other Revenue, Labor Costs and Related
Expenses, and Other Expenses. The total of these groups of expenses for each cat-
egory of revenue is the amount reported on the respective line of the Summary
Operating Statements.
The percentage for each departmental expense is calculated by dividing the
dollar amount of the expense by the corresponding revenue dollar amount.
Total Departmental Expenses is the sum of the amounts for all categories of
departmental expenses. The percentage for Total Departmental Expenses is calcu-
lated by dividing Total Departmental Expenses by Total Operating Revenue.
Total Departmental Profit
Total Departmental Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Departmental
Expenses from Total Operating Revenue. The Total Departmental Profit percent-
age is calculated by dividing the dollar amount of Total Departmental Profit by
Total Operating Revenue.
Undistributed Operating Expenses
The Undistributed Operating Expenses section reports expenses that are con-
sidered applicable to the entire property. In order to achieve uniformity, it is not
appropriate to allocate these types of expenses to specific departments. The Undis-
tributed Operating Expenses are separated into five categories: Administrative
and General, Information and Telecommunications Systems, Sales and Marketing,
Property Operation and Maintenance, and Utilities.
6 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
The percentage for each Undistributed Operating Expense is calculated by
dividing the dollar amount of the expense by Total Operating Revenue.
Total Undistributed Expenses is the sum of the amounts for all five catego-
ries of Undistributed Operating Expenses. The percentage for Total Undistributed
Expenses is calculated by dividing Total Undistributed Expenses by Total Operat-
ing Revenue.
Gross Operating Profit
Gross Operating Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Undistributed Expenses
from Total Departmental Profit. The Gross Operating Profit percentage is calcu-
lated by dividing the dollar amount of Gross Operating Profit by Total Operating
Management Fees
Management Fees represents the cost for management services performed by a
management company to operate the property as a whole. If a management fee is
paid to another entity for the oversight of a department other than Rooms within the
property, such as Food and Beverage, that fee is charged to the specific department
for which the fee is incurred. The percentage for Management Fees is determined
by dividing the dollar amount of Management Fees by Total Operating Revenue.
Income Before Non-Operating Income and Expenses
Income Before Non-Operating Income and Expenses is calculated by subtract-
ing Management Fees from Gross Operating Profit. The percentage for Income
Before Non-Operating Income and Expenses is calculated by dividing the dollar
amount of Income Before Non-Operating Income and Expenses by Total Operat-
ing Revenue.
Non-Operating Income and Expenses
The items included under Non-Operating Income and Expenses include non-
operating Income, Rent, Property and Other Taxes, Insurance, and Other non-
operating expenses. The percentage for each of these expenses is calculated by
dividing the dollar amount of the expense by Total Operating Revenue.
Total Non-Operating Income and Expenses is the sum of the amounts shown
for Rent, Property and Other Taxes, Insurance, and Other non-operating expenses
offset by the non-operating Income amount. The Total Non-Operating Income and
Expenses percentage is calculated by dividing the dollar amount for Total Non-
Operating Income and Expenses by Total Operating Revenue.
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is
determined by subtracting the Total Non-Operating Income and Expenses from
Income Before Non-Operating Income and Expenses. The EBITDA percentage is
calculated by dividing the dollar amount for EBITDA by Total Operating Revenue.
Operating Statements 7
For Operators
Replacement Reserve
Many management contracts, loan agreements, and owners/operators specify the
establishment of a reserve to accumulate the funds required for future replace-
ments of furniture, fixtures, and equipment. These funds may also provide for
certain capital improvements and the replacement of existing assets such as the
major building systems. Replacement Reserve indicates the amount set aside for
the period covered by the Summary Operating Statement, whether or not the
reserve is actually funded. The percentage for Replacement Reserve is calculated
by dividing the dollar amount of the reserve by Total Operating Revenue.
EBITDA Less Replacement Reserve
EBITDA Less Replacement Reserve is determined by subtracting Replacement
Reserve from EBITDA. The EBITDA Less Replacement Reserve percentage is cal-
culated by dividing the dollar amount for EBITDA Less Replacement Reserve by
Total Operating Revenue.
For Owners
Net Income
To reconcile the Net Income presented on the Summary Operating Statement to
the Net Income presented on the Statement of Income (see Part II), expenses typi-
cally paid by the owner are deducted from EBITDA. These expenses include Inter-
est, Depreciation, Amortization, and Income Taxes. Total Interest, Depreciation
and Amortization is deducted from EBITDA to calculate Income Before Income
Taxes. Income Taxes are then deducted from Income Before Income Taxes to cal-
culate Net Income. The Net Income percentage is calculated by dividing the dollar
amount for Net Income by Total Operating Revenue.
8 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Transient Rooms Revenue
Total Transient Rooms Revenue
Group Rooms Revenue
Total Group Rooms Revenue
Contract Rooms Revenue
Other Rooms Revenue
Less: Allowances
total rooms revenue
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Complimentary F&B
Guest Services
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Cleaning Supplies
Cluster Services
Operating Statements 9
Rooms—Schedule 1 reflects the proper format for a Rooms department and desig-
nates the revenue and expense accounts that are approved as line items in the Uni-
form System.
Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the Uni-
form System
does not provide for the addition or substitution of other revenue or
expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-
schedule to provide more detail related to a particular revenue or expense item.
This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item.
Additionally, properties may choose to delete some of the columns or to show
them in a different order and remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Rooms—Schedule 1 is designed to reflect a minimum standard of report-
ing. Properties may develop additional support schedules to provide additional
ROOMS—SCHEDULE 1 (continued)
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Commissions and Fees—Group
Complimentary Food and Beverage
Complimentary In-Room/Media Entertainment
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Guest Relocation
Guest Supplies
Guest Transportation
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Licenses and Permits
Operating Supplies
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges
Printing and Stationery
Royalty Fees
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
dePartmental Profit
10 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
information necessary to properly evaluate and benchmark operations within the
Rooms department.
Refer to Part III for recommended operating metrics that are pertinent to the
Rooms department.
The line items for
Rooms—Schedule 1 are defined in the following pages.
The primary source of revenue for a lodging property generally arises from the
rental of rooms and suites to guests. Rooms Revenue is divided into four parts:
Transient Rooms Revenue, Group Rooms Revenue, Contract Rooms Revenue, and
Other Rooms Revenue.
Transient Rooms Revenue
Transient Rooms Revenue commonly includes revenue derived from rental of
rooms and suites by individuals or groups occupying fewer than 10 rooms per
night. It also includes rooms leased to guests who have established permanent
residence, with or without a contract. Transient stays typically include the follow-
ing categories:
Retail: A market positioned, seasonally priced room rate for transient busi-
ness. It is a non-discounted, non-qualified rate that is always available when
the hotel has rooms to sell.
Discount: A rate open to the general public (non-qualified) under which the
guest pays less than the Retail rate. Examples include advance purchase, loy-
alty redemptions or offers, packages, promotions, and online travel agency
(OTA) opaque.
Negotiated: A rate negotiated with special (typically corporate) accounts.
Identification with a particular company or organization is required to obtain
this rate.
Qualified: A rate that requires the customer to be associated with a particular
organization or to have a specific affiliation in order to book. Identification is
required upon check-in. Examples include senior citizen, AAA, government,
and employee rate.
Wholesale: A discounted room rate packaged with outside travel and/or car
rental prior to being sold to the guest. The rate is not visible to the guest.
Group Rooms Revenue
Group Rooms Revenue includes revenue derived from renting blocks of rooms
or suites to a group. A group is typically defined as 10 or more rooms per night
sold pursuant to a contract. Group Rooms Revenue is recorded net of discounts to
wholesalers for selling large blocks of rooms. Rebates or subsidies granted directly
to a group should be recorded as contra revenue. To facilitate effective sales and
marketing efforts, Group Rooms Revenue is generally segregated by market seg-
ment. Market segments typically include the following categories:
Operating Statements 11
Corporate: A negotiated rate for a block of rooms associated with a company
related to industries such as, but not limited to, manufacturing, retail, health-
care, insurance, financial, law firms, professional sports organizations, enter-
tainment companies, and transportation corporations.
Association/Convention: A negotiated rate for a block of rooms associated with
a trade, professional, or philanthropic association.
Government: A negotiated rate for a block of rooms associated with qualifying
government agencies including, but not limited to, active military, national
security, and health and human services.
Tour/Wholesalers: A negotiated rate for a block of rooms associated with tour
operators/wholesalers who package together travel components and sell
them as escorted tour group, escorted tour series, or inbound ad hoc group.
SMERF (Social, Military, Educational, Religious, Fraternal): A negotiated rate
for a block of rooms associated with organizations that fall into the catego-
ries of social (a celebratory or personal event), military (veterans, support,
and social groups), education (private or public organizations founded and
united for the specific purpose to educate), religious (faith-specific organi-
zations), and fraternal (honor societies, fraternities, sororities, unions, and
unique forms of organizations that limit membership to specific fields of
study, expertise, or employment).
Contract Rooms Revenue
Contract Rooms Revenue includes revenue derived from a contract with another
entity for a consistent block of rooms for an extended period over 30 days. Con-
tract Rooms Revenue is recorded net of discounts. Examples include domiciled
airline crews, ongoing corporate training seminars, and incentive-based benefit
Other Rooms Revenue
Other Rooms Revenue is miscellaneous revenue associated with guestrooms. This
revenue is included in determining Total Rooms Revenue and is used in the cal-
culation of average daily rate (ADR). Items associated with Other Rooms Revenue
No-shows. This is revenue derived from a transient or group guest who has
individually guaranteed payment to reserve a room, but has failed to occupy
the room. No room nights are to be recorded for a no-show. Group attrition
and cancellation and transient guest cancellation after the cutoff date are
included in Attrition Fees and Cancellation Fees on
Miscellaneous Income—
Schedule 4
, not Other Rooms Revenue.
Day use. This is revenue derived from sources such as rooms used for hospi-
tality suites, dressing rooms, employment interviews, movie auditions, and
wholesale distributors (for example, clothing, toys, other merchandise). No
Food and Beverage services should be included.
12 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Early departure fees.
Late check-out fees.
Rental of rollaway beds and cribs.
Surcharges and service charges.
These charges generally include any manda-
tory, non-discretionary, or other charge automatically added to a customer
account in respect of the service or use of an amenity. Service charges in the
Rooms department are common in certain geographic areas. Resort fees are
not part of Rooms service charges and should be included in
Income—Schedule 4
. The key determining factors for the recording of sur-
charges and service charges (versus gratuities) are set out in Part V.
Items placed in the guestroom for sale to guests are not included in the cal-
culation of Other Rooms Revenue. For example, bottled water or packaged food
items that are charged to guests if consumed are considered Mini Bar Food Rev-
enue on
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2. Non–food and beverage items sold in the
room are credited to Miscellaneous Other Revenue on
Food and Beverage—Sched-
ule 2
. Properties without food and beverage operations would show commission
income on
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. However, if the property earns rev-
enue and incurs expenses, the gross amounts should be reported in Other Oper-
ated Departments.
Other Rooms Department Considerations
This section discusses other issues affecting the Rooms department. These include
package revenues, barter transactions, sales and excise taxes and transient occu-
pancy taxes, loyalty programs, wholesaler revenues, and e-channel revenues.
Package Revenues. Package revenues are lodging accommodations sold in
conjunction with other services provided by either the property or third parties as
part of a single transaction with the customer. For example, a guest could obtain
accommodations, meals, golf, spa treatment, and a rental vehicle for a single price.
Care needs to be taken to ensure that revenues are appropriately allocated among
Where properties provide incidental (gratis) food and/or beverages to a guest,
or where the guest cannot opt out of the food program, or where meals are pro-
vided as part of a franchise company brand standard, the cost of the food and/or
beverage item is charged to the Rooms department, and no allocation of revenues
should be made to the Food and Beverage department. In all other situations, such
as resorts that market their room product on a Modified American Plan basis, it is
appropriate to allocate the food and/or beverage revenue to the Food and Bever-
age department.
In the case where interdepartmental allocations are necessary (for example,
where revenues have to be allocated between Rooms and Food and Beverage or
other departments), the allocation is made proportionately based on the theoreti-
cal “market” values for the separate services if marketed on a standalone basis.
The “market” values represent average realized amounts achieved by the prop-
erty for similar services. The packaged revenue is then allocated based on the ratio
Operating Statements 13
among these market values. Ratios should be analyzed at least annually and modi-
fied more frequently if there are material changes to the market values (e.g., for
highly seasonal hotels like resorts).
Market values should be driven by the revenue component of the item, not by
the profit margin or cost of the item. The intent is to not inflate Rooms revenue by
leaving revenue belonging to other departments in Rooms.
As an example, consider the following spa package consisting of a guestroom
for one night, four meals, and the use of the property’s spa facilities at an inclusive
price of $240, not including taxes, gratuities, or service charges. Despite the fact
that the fair market value of the package is $320, only the $240 total amount will
show on the guest account plus sales, excise, and transient taxes as applicable to
each category of revenue. Special attention must be taken to ensure that the taxes
charged meet the requirements of the taxing authorities. The property computes
the departmental allocations of the $240 sales price as follows:
Department Market Value Ratio Package Allocations
Total $320 100% $240
In the case of packages that include a third-party vendor, the rate for the provi-
sion of the third-party service will likely be established by contractual arrange-
ment. The third-party portion of a package should be recognized as revenue in
the appropriate department and the remaining price of the package should be
allocated to the respective departments based on their relative market value.
In some circumstances, the guests will either not consume all of the compo-
nents that are included in the package or will spend more than the market value
allocated to the non-rooms component of the package. If the hotel elects not to
charge or refund the guest, the residual value that remains is commonly referred
to as package breakage. Package breakage should be recorded to
Income—Schedule 4
, regardless of whether it is a surplus or deficit. In cases where
breakage is either significant or consistently negative, the package structure and
pricing should be reviewed and adjusted accordingly.
Barter Transactions. Lodging properties often enter into barter transactions.
Typically, these arrangements require the property to provide accommodations
and possibly food, beverages, golf packages, and other services in exchange for
other services, such as advertising. These are non-monetary transactions that are
settled through the provision of goods and services. While the form and details
of barter transactions vary, they typically occur during periods of low occupancy.
Generally accepted accounting principles require that revenue and expenses
associated with barter transactions be recognized. Typically, this means that Pre-
paid Expenses will be charged with the value of the services to be received by the
property and Other Liabilities will be credited with the value of the services to
be provided by the property. As the property receives the services agreed to in
14 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
the barter transaction, it expenses the value of those services, leaving in Prepaid
Expenses only the unused value of the barter transaction. Similarly, as the prop-
erty provides the services agreed to in the barter transaction, it recognizes the
revenue by writing down the liability, leaving only the unredeemed value of the
services in Other Liabilities. The value assigned within the barter agreement to
the services received should, accordingly, be a conservative average of the market
rate for similar accommodations or services at the property. When rooms are part
of a barter transaction, they are counted as occupied rooms and the correspond-
ing statistics included.
Sales and Excise Taxes and Transient Occupancy Taxes. Most jurisdictions
levy sales or excise taxes on revenues. In addition, many jurisdictions assess a
transient occupancy, value added, accommodations, or resort tax on certain lodg-
ing revenues. In these cases, the property merely acts as a conduit in the collection
of taxes for the taxing authority. The property is required to pay the taxes to the
taxing authority regardless of whether the tax is charged to the guest. No revenue
is recognized. Special attention must be taken with regard to the treatment of com-
plimentary rooms by the taxing authorities.
Loyalty Programs. In an attempt to build customer loyalty and repeat busi-
ness, some properties and chains have implemented loyalty programs where low-
priced or free accommodations or services are provided to frequent guests based
on points earned at various levels of patronage. The value of the loyalty program
points is charged as a marketing expense when the points are issued with a corre-
sponding credit to a liability account. When a guest redeems the points, the value
of the points is credited to Rooms Revenue and debited to the liability account
if the loyalty program is solely at the property level, or to a receivable account if
the program is operated at a chain level. In the latter case, the cost is passed on
to the chain to reimburse the property. Special attention must be paid so that the
value assigned to points issued covers the liability associated with the estimated
redemption of points. When rooms are part of a loyalty program, they are counted
as occupied rooms and included in the corresponding statistics.
Wholesaler and OTA Revenues. Many lodging properties use the services of
a wholesaler in connection with the sale and distribution of guestrooms. In turn,
wholesalers generally market the rooms on behalf of the properties to retail travel
agents. To entice wholesalers to perform the marketing function, they are offered
a block or a set number of rooms at a discounted price. The rate offered to the
wholesaler is typically a discount off of the rack or posted room rate for the rooms
in the block. The block is typically non-binding, which means that the wholesaler
is not obligated to purchase any of the allotted rooms in the block. The marketing
and packaging efforts carried out by wholesalers are at no direct cost to the prop-
erty. From the property’s perspective, the marketing efficiency that a wholesaler
represents justifies the lower rate charged to the wholesaler. The property does not
exercise control over the pricing a wholesaler charges its customer.
Internet wholesalers focus not on travel agents, but rather on the end con-
sumer whom they reach by marketing over the Internet. However, OTA wholesal-
ers are no different from traditional wholesalers, and therefore the accounting for
an OTA wholesaler is the same as that afforded to traditional wholesalers.
Operating Statements 15
The fact that a wholesaler or an OTA wholesaler resells a room product either
in combination with other travel services or alone is irrelevant to the way a prop-
erty records the revenue received from a wholesaler. Guestroom sales to wholesal-
ers and other similar entities are recorded at the net rate received by the property
for the room, exclusive of any taxes or other charges, such as porterage, which may
be added to the sale. It is not appropriate for a property to record a sale to a whole-
saler at rack rates, which would have the effect of overstating revenues, average
daily rate, RevPAR, and expenses, by virtue of recording an artificial expense, or
commission, which would be implicit if the sale were grossed up. From a prop-
erty’s perspective, the sale occurs not to the end user, the consumer, but to the
wholesaler. It is at this point in the revenue cycle that the sale occurs, and it is with
the wholesaler that the property bears the risk of collection. Hence, it is at this
time that the sale is recorded on the books of the property and at the contracted
price with the wholesaler. What happens beyond that initial sale is not part of the
revenue cycle for the property and is therefore not reflected on the books of the
Commissions paid to travel agents and meeting planners are not synonymous
with the marketing services performed by a wholesaler. Travel agents are not
afforded special rates for individual bookings, as there is no marketing efficiency
brought to the hotel by a travel agent, unlike a wholesaler. Accordingly, commis-
sions are not treated as reductions in room rates, but are charged to the appropri-
ate commissions expense account in the Rooms department.
Mixed-Ownership Lodging Facilities. Properties of all types and sizes are
building or converting rooms into residential units creating “mixed-ownership”
entities. These facilities may be timeshares, strata, fractional use, or whole own-
ership. Merely operating these mixed-ownership projects as a lodging operation
does not in and of itself qualify the revenue stream to be recorded in the Rooms
department. Consideration must be given to the individual facts and circum-
stances of each project.
The first step in identifying the revenue treatment of the mixed ownership or
residential rental component is to determine if the reporting should be gross or
net (see Part V). When working through the criteria for gross versus net, weight
should be given to which party incurs the predominant economic loss if the renter
fails to pay.
Once the revenue treatment is determined, there are three scenarios for inclu-
sion in the Statement of Income.
Scenario 1: Property assumes the predominant economic risk long term: The prop-
erty enters into an agreement with the third-party unit owner that extends one
year or beyond and the units are included in the hotel room inventory for the full
year. Under the terms of the agreement, the property assumes the economic risk
associated with operating the third-party-owned units pursuant to the contractual
relationship. The associated revenue stream is recorded in the Rooms department
within the Transient, Group, Contract, and Other revenue categories as described
previously in this section and the units are considered available rooms in the
property room inventory. Alternately, a property could create a sub-schedule for
“mixed ownership” revenue and roll up the individual revenues and expenses
16 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
into the appropriate revenue and expense categories in the Rooms department.
Where the contract permits the unit owner a limited number of nights in the unit,
the unit owner would remain in the available room and would be recorded as a
complimentary room. Rental payments (or a proportionate share thereof) to third-
party owners due under the contractual agreement would be a Rent expense on
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Scenario 2: Property assumes the predominant economic risk short term:
The prop-
erty enters into an agreement with the third-party unit owner, whereby the unit
owner places the unit into a rental program during part, but not all, of the year.
Under the terms of the agreement, the property assumes the predominant eco-
nomic risk associated with operating the third-party-owned units pursuant to
the contractual relationship. For example, the property is responsible to reim-
burse or pay a rental/use fee to the third-party unit owner each time the unit
is rented, even if the revenue is not collected by the property. The associated
revenue stream is recorded in the Other Operated Departments section of the
Summary Operating Statement. The property may choose to track the revenue
and statistics as Transient, Group, Contract, and Other revenue within the Other
Operated Department. However, due to the temporary nature of the room avail-
ability, such rooms are not considered property room inventory and are not
included in room occupancy, ADR, and RevPAR statistics. Rental payments,
either fixed or a percentage of net revenue, to third-party owners due under the
contractual agreement would be a Rent expense on
Non-Operating Income and
Expenses—Schedule 11.
Labor costs and related expenses and operating expenses incurred by the
property to rent and service the units would be recorded in the expenses of the
Other Operated Department.
Scenario 3: Third-party unit owner assumes the predominant economic risk: The
third-party owner assumes the predominant economic risk for renting the unit
and reimburses the property for all expenses incurred by the property. The net rev-
enue received by the property as an agent is the commission revenue on the rental.
The recovery of any operating expenses or common area maintenance (“CAM”)
reimbursements is considered revenue received by the property and is recorded
Minor Operated Departments—Schedule 3-xx if the property earns a profit for
providing the services, or
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11 if the
property recovers the expenses without a profit. Examples of reimbursements
would be maintenance/cleaning fees for the room rental, reservations charges, and
administrative fees associated with the rental of the unit.
Labor costs and related expenses and operating expenses incurred by the
property to rent and service the units would be recorded in the expenses of the
Minor Operated Department or on
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule
, depending upon where the revenue is recorded as noted above.
Average rate and occupancy statistics are affected depending upon the facts
and circumstances. If the relationship between property and owner qualifies for
inclusion in the Rooms department (Scenario 1 above), then it is appropriate to
record the available and occupied third-party-owned units in the total rooms avail-
able and total occupied rooms statistics of the property. Failing to meet the criteria
Operating Statements 17
set forth with respect to inclusion of such rental revenue in the Rooms department
warrants the exclusion of the third-party-owned units from the Rooms depart-
ment operating statistics. Instead, such statistics are recorded on a supplemental
basis as discussed in Part III.
As indicated in the three scenarios above, under certain circumstances, mixed
ownership revenue in its entirety may be reported on a net basis within
neous Income—Schedule 4
and in other circumstances may be reported on a gross
basis in the Rooms department or Other Operated Departments. For additional
information, see Part V.
Allowances refers to a reduction in revenue due to a service problem, not an error
in posting. Errors in posting, such as posting an incorrect rate, are treated as adjust-
ments to revenue, regardless of the accounting period in which the error occurred.
Total Rooms Revenue
Total Rooms Revenue is calculated by summing Transient Rooms Revenue, Group
Rooms Revenue, Contract Rooms Revenue, and Other Rooms Revenue and sub-
tracting Allowances. Total Rooms Revenue is the amount that appears on the Sum-
mary Operating Statement under Operating Revenue—Rooms.
In completing the revenue section of Schedule 1, consider the Total Rooms
Revenue line to be 100 percent. The percentage for each source of revenue is deter-
mined by dividing the dollar amount for that revenue source by Total Rooms
Rooms department expenses are separated into two major categories: Labor Costs
and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Rooms department is provided in the Department Payroll Titles
section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example, if
a Rooms department employee works as a server at a Food and Beverage function,
his or her earnings for the function are charged to Salaries and Wages in the Food
and Beverage department, not to his or her home department.
18 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution.
Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of Rooms department
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless
of the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, pension contributions, and union
dues and fees. (See
Payroll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.) The distribution
of employee meal costs from
Staff Dining—Schedule 13 is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Operating Statements 19
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where reason-
able and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements and
cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related expenses.
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Rooms Revenue. Refer to Part III for recommended operating metrics that
are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Rooms department expenses
approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Individual properties may
delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for the addi-
tion or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to
develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular
expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropri-
ate line item listed below.
Cleaning Supplies. Includes the cost of products used in cleansing, sweeping,
polishing, waxing, and disinfecting areas associated with the Rooms department.
Cluster Services
. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a lim-
ited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as those
chargeable to Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily iden-
tifiable, labor costs and related expenses should be charged to their respective line
item and only other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical,
the fair allocation of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here
Commissions. Includes the remuneration paid to authorized agents for secur-
ing rooms business for the property, such as travel agent commissions. Travel
agent commissions are generally reflected as an expense of the Rooms department
regardless of whether the commission relates to accommodations only or to other
services as well. This practice is generally followed because allocations of these
commissions to other departments would not be cost-effective.
In some properties, blocks of rooms are provided to travel agents, wholesalers,
and consolidators at a negotiated rate. These rooms are subsequently remarketed to
the eventual guest. Revenue from these transactions is to be recorded at the nego-
tiated rate and no attempt made to record additional revenue based on a rack or
normal rate with an offset to commission expense.
Commissions also includes remuneration paid to rental agents for permanent
rooms business that may involve leases. In the case of leases, the remuneration is
prorated over the term of the lease.
Commissions and Fees—Group. Includes payments made to third-party
meeting planners who act as a liaison between a hotel and a group in finding
20 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
suitable meeting and accommodation space for the group, as well as fees paid to
third-party housing companies. Rebates or subsidies granted directly to a group
should be recorded as contra revenue.
Complimentary Food and Beverage. Includes the cost of food and beverage
items and related supplies provided on a gratis basis, such as a breakfast or an
evening reception, often provided in a club/concierge/executive lounge, as long
as these are not part of a package (e.g., weekend getaway). This also includes
complimentary coffee, often offered in the hotel lobby. Where labor is provided
by employees outside the Rooms department, refer to Labor Costs and Related
Expenses for guidance on allocating/transferring labor costs.
Complimentary In-Room/Media Entertainment. Includes the cost of provid-
ing media services (e.g., cable, music, games, satellite video) to guestrooms. It
does not include the cost associated with pay-for-a-fee media, which is charged to
Other Operated Departments or netted against revenue in Miscellaneous Income,
whichever is appropriate. When brand and/or hotel standards dictate complimen-
tary Internet to all guests, the access expense should be recorded on
and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations for promotional purposes to guests and vendors of the
Rooms department, such as the cost of newspapers provided to guests on a com-
plimentary basis, VIP gifts, guestroom flowers, or a complimentary fruit basket
sent to the room of a frequent guest.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Rooms
department by outside contractors and professional service providers rather than
by hotel employees, unless identified in this department with a specific line item.
Department-specific consulting services and the costs of contracting outside com-
panies to clean carpets and rugs, to perform night cleaning of the hotel lobby, or to
disinfect areas associated with the Rooms department are typical examples. If sup-
plies are purchased for contract companies to use, the supplies are charged to the
appropriate supply account. The cost of contracts for Rooms department laundry
and dry cleaning is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Rooms department personnel
billed to the property by the regional or corporate office or by the management
company, consistent with any contractual arrangements. Travel expenses of cor-
porate or management company Rooms department personnel that are incurred
while visiting the property, including the costs of meals and other applicable ser-
vices or amenities provided to corporate or management company staff while on
business in the property for the benefit of the property, are also charged to this
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in Rooms depart-
ment areas for holidays and special events. Decorations also includes the cost of
fresh floral arrangements used in the public areas. Guestroom flowers should be
included in Complimentary Services and Gifts.
Operating Statements 21
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of representation of the Rooms
department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent the Rooms
department, in business or professional organizations. Dues and Subscriptions is
also charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, and books
for use by the staff of the Rooms department.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Rooms department or as a replacement for
equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease payments made
under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property and Equipment
under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Guest Relocation. Includes the cost of renting accommodations in other prop-
erties when a decision is made to move a guest (usually on arrival) to another
property because of a lack of available rooms. This item also includes any inciden-
tal costs, gratuities, or compensation paid in connection with these circumstances.
Guest Supplies. Includes the cost of consumable supplies and amenities pro-
vided for guests in the guestroom, such as soaps, shampoos, lotions, toilet tissue,
shoeshine mitts, shower caps, and writing materials. The costs of any complimen-
tary or hotel/brand-required offering provided at no charge to all guests, such as
bottled water and coffee provided in the guestroom, are also included in Guest
Guest Transportation. Includes all costs associated with transporting guests
to and from the property, such as fuel costs, costs of washing and cleaning vehi-
cles, the occasional rental of vehicles for transporting large groups, and the costs
of contracting guest transportation services. The costs of mechanical maintenance
of vehicles used to transport guests are charged to
Property Operation and Main-
tenance—Schedule 8
. If a vehicle used to transport guests is leased, the cost of the
lease is charged to Rent on
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Includes the cost of laundry and dry cleaning ser-
vices applicable to the Rooms department, whether the services are performed by
an in-house facility or are contracted to an outside company. If the services are per-
formed by an in-house laundry, an allocation from
House Laundry—Schedule 12
is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning. This allocation is distributed to depart-
ments on an equitable basis reflecting usage, such as cost-per-pound, number of
pieces cleaned, number of orders processed, etc. If the services are performed by
an outside company, the amount charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning should
be based on invoices sent by the outside laundry. The cost of cleaning employee
uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Rooms department.
22 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Linen. Includes the cost, whether purchased or rented, of towels, face cloths,
bath mats, blankets, guest robes, pillowcases, sheets, comforters, duvets, and bed-
spreads used by the Rooms department. Also includes the cost of hand towels
used in public restrooms.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Rooms department that do not
apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the Rooms
department that are not included in the descriptions of specific supply accounts
such as Guest Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, and Printing and Stationery. Examples
are alarm clocks, irons, keycards, “Do-Not-Disturb” signs, ice buckets, drinking
glasses, and all general office supplies. The cost of consumable supplies and ame-
nities provided in guestrooms for guest use is charged to Guest Supplies.
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges. Includes the cost of stamps and
express mail charges specifically related to the Rooms department.
Printing and Stationery. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the Rooms
department, whether they are purchased from an outside source or produced
internally. The costs associated with providing a guestroom or service directory,
including the binder and the contents pages, are included here. The cost of writing
materials provided in guestrooms is charged to Guest Supplies.
Reservations. Includes the costs associated with participating in an internal
or external central reservation system, such as any fees paid for chain reservation
services. Reservations also includes the cost of any communication lines, includ-
ing Internet site communications costs, that are dedicated to generating reserva-
tions. System costs (non-transactional) related to a reservation system are charged
Information and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6.
When the hotel operator or franchisor combines its reservation and market-
ing assessments, management should seek guidance from the hotel operator or
franchisor regarding the percentage of the assessment attributable to reservations
versus marketing activities. The assessment should then be allocated accord-
ingly between the Rooms and Sales and Marketing departments. If management
is unable to attain guidance from the hotel operator or franchisor, then the total
assessment should be recorded as a Franchise and Affiliation Marketing expense
Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7.
Royalty Fees. Includes all costs associated with the right to use a brand name
in connection with a Rooms department activity. An example would be the fees
paid to a sports league for specialty themed guestrooms. The fees paid for the use
of a hotel brand name are charged to Franchise and Affiliation Fees—Royalties on
Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7.
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll costs, that can be directly
attributed to the training of employees in the Rooms department. Examples
include the costs of training materials, supplies, certification programs, and
instructor fees. The cost of employee wages incurred during training is charged
to Salaries and Wages.
Operating Statements 23
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food,
beverage, and entertainment expenses incurred by employees of the Rooms
department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenditures
(e.g., airfare, car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference reg-
istration fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, by employees of the
Rooms department traveling on property business
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Rooms
department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are also included in this
line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of the
Rooms department, whether performed by an in-hotel facility or contracted to an
outside company.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Rooms Revenue.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
the dollar amount of Total Expenses by Total Rooms Revenue.
Total Expenses is the amount that appears on the Summary Operating State-
ment under Departmental Expenses—Rooms.
Departmental Profit
Departmental Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Expenses from Total Rooms
Revenue. The percentage for Departmental Profit is calculated by dividing Depart-
mental Profit by Total Rooms Revenue.
24 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Food Revenue
Venue Food Revenue
In-Room Dining Food Revenue
Banquet/Conference/Catering Food Revenue
Mini Bar Food Revenue
Other Food Revenue
Total Food Revenue
Beverage Revenue
Venue Beverage Revenue
In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue
Banquet/Conference/Catering Beverage Revenue
Mini Bar Beverage Revenue
Other Beverage Revenue
Total Beverage Revenue
Less: Allowances
Total Food and Beverage Revenue
Other Revenue
Function Room Rental and Setup Charges
Cover Charges
Surcharges and Service Charges
Miscellaneous Other Revenue
Less: Allowances
Total Other Revenue
total revenue
Cost of sales and other revenue
Cost of Food and Beverage Sales
Cost of Food Sales
Cost of Beverage Sales
Total Cost of Food and Beverage Sales
Cost of Other Revenue
Audiovisual Cost
Miscellaneous Cost
Total Cost of Other Revenue
total Cost of sales and other revenue
gross Profit
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Banquet/Conference/Catering Service
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Operating Statements 25
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Banquet Expenses
Cleaning Supplies
Cluster Services
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Dishwashing Supplies
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Kitchen Fuel
Kitchen Smallwares
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Licenses and Permits
Management Fees
Menus and Beverage Lists
Music and Entertainment
Operating Supplies
Paper and Plastics
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges
Printing and Stationery
Royalty Fees
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
dePartmental Profit
26 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2 reflects the proper format for a Food and Beverage
department and designates the revenue and expense accounts that are approved
as line items in the
Uniform System. Individual properties may delete irrelevant
line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for the addition or substi-
tution of other revenue or expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to
develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular
revenue or expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into
the appropriate line item. Additionally, properties may choose to delete some of
the columns or to show them in a different order and remain “in conformity with
Uniform System.
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2 is designed to reflect a minimum standard of
reporting. Properties may develop additional support schedules, including but not
restricted to individual venue or kitchen schedules, to provide additional informa-
tion necessary to properly evaluate and benchmark individual venue operations
within the Food and Beverage department. Where individual venue schedules are
provided, they should be presented in the same format as
Food and Beverage—
Schedule 2.
Refer to Part III for recommended operating metrics that are pertinent to the
Food and Beverage department.
The line items for
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2 are defined in the following
Revenue includes all sales of food and beverages for consumption by guests as
well as certain services, charges, and non-consumable goods sold or applied in the
Food and Beverage department as Other Revenue.
Food Revenue and Beverage Revenue may include allocated portions of pack-
age revenues. As discussed under
Rooms—Schedule 1, package revenues are lodg-
ing accommodations sold in conjunction with other services provided by either
the property or third parties as part of a single transaction with the guest. Package
revenues are allocated to other departments based on the relative market values of
the items supplied by those departments.
For hotels that offer minor levels of food and beverage sales on an occasional
basis, the revenue and associated expenses may be reported as a Minor Oper-
ated Department or the revenues may be reported on a net basis on
Income—Schedule 4
. Further, some revenue items within the Food and Beverage
department may be reported on a net basis within the department. For additional
information, see Part V.
Food Revenue
Venue Food Revenue. Includes sales of food and non-alcoholic beverages in
and from specific dining areas in the property. Examples of venues are restau-
rants, lounges, delicatessens, bakeries, snack shops, pool areas, spas, fitness facili-
ties, and golf courses. Take-out revenue associated with a particular service venue
should be recorded as part of the business activities of the venue. Banquet rooms,
guestrooms, and group functions outside the property are not considered venues.
Operating Statements 27
In-Room Dining Food Revenue. Includes sales of food and non-alcoholic
beverages that require delivery to guests in their guestrooms. In-Room Dining
Food Revenue can also include sales that require delivery to other areas inside the
hotel or outside as in the example of condominiums that may be located near a
hotel. Group sales of food ordered from and serviced by the Banquet/Conference/
Catering department and delivered to guestrooms/suites or outside locations are
recorded as Banquet/Conference/Catering Food Revenue.
Banquet/Conference/Catering Food Revenue. Includes sales of food and non-
alcoholic beverages in a property’s banquet rooms and for group functions outside
the property. The banquet designation is used for sales related to groups of guests
occupying guestrooms, while catering sales are related to groups of guests who
are not occupying guestrooms. Banquet/Conference/Catering Food Revenue also
includes sales from food service performed by the Banquet/Conference/Catering
department in a guestroom/suite.
Mini Bar Food Revenue. Includes sales of packaged food and non-alcoholic
beverages—for example, candy, snacks, bottled water, and soft drinks—placed in
a guestroom.
Other Food Revenue. Includes sales of consumable food and non-alcoholic
beverage items not designated as Venue, In-Room Dining, Banquet/Conference/
Catering, or Mini Bar revenues.
Total Food Revenue
Total Food Revenue is calculated by summing Venue Food, In-Room Dining Food,
Banquet/Conference/Catering Food, Mini Bar Food, and Other Food Revenue.
Beverage Revenue
Beverage Revenue includes all sales of alcoholic beverages for consumption by
Venue Beverage Revenue. Includes beverage sales in and from specific din-
ing areas in the property. Examples of venues are restaurants, lounges, bars, pool
areas, and golf courses. Take-out revenue associated with a particular service
venue should be recorded as part of the business activities of the venue. Banquet
rooms, guestrooms, and group functions outside the property are not considered
In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue. Includes beverage sales that require
delivery to guests in their guestrooms. In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue can
also include sales that require delivery to other areas inside the hotel or outside
as in the example of condominiums that may be located near a property. Group
beverage sales ordered from and serviced by the Banquet/Conference/Catering
department and delivered to outside locations are recorded as Banquet/Confer-
ence/Catering Beverage Revenue.
Banquet/Conference/Catering Beverage Revenue. Includes beverage sales
in the property’s banquet rooms and for group functions outside the hotel. The
28 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
banquet designation is used for sales related to groups of guests occupying guest-
rooms, while catering sales are related to groups of guests who are not occupying
guestrooms. Banquet/Conference/Catering Beverage Revenues also include sales
from beverage service performed by the Banquet/Conference/Catering department
in a guestroom/suite.
Mini Bar Beverage Revenue. Includes sales of packaged beverages (bottles
and cans) placed in a guestroom.
Other Beverage Revenue. Includes sales of consumable beverage items not
designated as Venue, In-Room Dining, Banquet/Conference/Catering, or Mini Bar
Total Beverage Revenue
Total Beverage Revenue is calculated by summing Venue Beverage Revenue, In-
Room Dining Beverage Revenue, Banquet/Conference/Catering Beverage Rev-
enue, Mini Bar Beverage Revenue, and Other Beverage Revenue.
Allowances refers to a reduction in revenue due to a service problem, not an error
in posting. Errors in posting, such as charging an incorrect amount on a guest
check, are treated as adjustments to revenue, regardless of the accounting period
in which the error occurred.
Total Food and Beverage Revenue
Total Food and Beverage Revenue is calculated by summing Total Food Revenue
and Total Beverage Revenue and subtracting Allowances.
Other Revenue
Other Revenue includes sales of services and all products that are not consumable
food and beverage items.
Audiovisual. Generally includes the revenues derived from supplying audio-
visual equipment and services and Internet access revenue from banquet/confer-
ence/catering function guests, whether the equipment is owned by the property or
rented from a third party. If the services and equipment are obtained from a third
party, the costs incurred are charged to Audiovisual Cost.
In situations where the provision of audiovisual or Internet service is out-
sourced to a third-party contractor who pays the property a fee or commission,
and the contractual arrangements are made directly between the guest and the
contractor, and the credit risk and risk of loss reside with the contractor, only the
net fee or commission would be reported as revenue in Audiovisual.
For properties that do not operate a Food and Beverage department, the net
fee or commission from a third-party audiovisual contractor would be reported
as Commissions on
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. For properties that do not
operate a Food and Beverage department but do provide their own audiovisual
services, revenues and expenses would be reported on a gross basis as a Minor
Operating Statements 29
Operated Department on Other Operated Departments—Schedule 3. For additional
information, see Part V.
Function Room Rentals and Setup Charges. Includes revenue derived from
the rental of function rooms to guests. If a guestroom/suite is used as a function
room and Banquet/Conference/Catering Food and Beverage Revenue occurs, the
room rental revenue is recorded here. If Banquet/Conference/Catering Food and
Beverage Revenue do not occur in the guestroom/suite, the room rental revenue is
recorded as Other Rooms Revenue in the Rooms department.
Function room setup charges are charged to guests in addition to, or instead
of, function room rentals and relate to the activities for the preparation of func-
tion rooms for the use intended by the guests. Such charges should be reported as
Function Room Rentals and Setup Charges.
Cover Charges. Includes charges to guests for entrance to events where food
and/or beverage is sold. Such events would typically provide some form of enter-
tainment or show.
Surcharges and Service Charges. Generally includes any mandatory, non-
discretionary, or other charge automatically added to a customer account in
respect of a service or the use of an amenity. The key determining factors for the
recording of surcharges and service charges are set out in Part V.
Miscellaneous Other Revenue. Includes all non–food and beverage and non-
consumable items or services sold to guests (such as memorabilia, apparel, and
logo merchandise) in the Food and Beverage department that are not included
in Audiovisual, Function Room Rentals and Setup Charges, Cover Charges, or
Surcharges and Service Charges. Miscellaneous Other Revenue also includes any
other revenue generated by the sale of non–food and beverage items in the guest-
room. Costs associated with providing these items and services are charged to
Miscellaneous Cost.
Allowances. Refers to a reduction in revenue due to a service problem, not an
error in posting. Errors in posting, such as charging an incorrect price, are treated
as adjustments to revenue, regardless of the accounting period in which the error
Total Other Revenue
Total Other Revenue is calculated by summing Audiovisual, Function Room Rent-
als and Setup Charges, Cover Charges, Surcharges and Service Charges, and Mis-
cellaneous Other Revenue and subtracting Allowances.
Total Revenue
Total Revenue is the sum of Total Food and Beverage Revenue and Total Other
Revenue. Total Revenue is the amount that appears on the Summary Operating
Statement under Operating Revenue—Food and Beverage.
In completing the revenue section of Schedule 2 or venue sub-schedules, the
Total Revenue line is considered to be 100 percent, and the percentage for each
30 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
source of revenue is determined by dividing the dollar amount for that revenue
source by Total Revenue.
Cost of Sales and Other Revenue
Cost of Food and Beverage Sales
Cost of Food Sales. Includes the cost of food served to guests in all segments
of food revenues. Cost of Food Sales also includes the cost of beverage items trans-
ferred from the beverage department and used in food preparation and service.
Spoilage, waste, and spillage are included in Cost of Food Sales. Food cost includes
the cost of coffee, tea, milk, juice, sodas, and other non-alcoholic beverages.
Cost of Food Sales does not include costs of food items that have been trans-
ferred to other departments to be used in preparation or decoration in those
departments. Such transfers are charged directly to the appropriate cost accounts
in the departments receiving the items. If food items are sold at cost and revenue
is not recorded (commissary and steward’s sales), the sale is credited to the Cost
of Food Sales.
Cost of Food Sales does not include the cost of food used in the prepara-
tion of meals provided for employees during the workday, even if employees are
charged for food consumed. The cost of employee meals and revenues collected
from employees are both charged to the
Staff Dining—Schedule 13 for allocation to
each department having employees. Cost of Food Sales does not include the cost
associated with food inventory items used for gratis presentation to guests, ven-
dors, employees, and third parties. The cost of this complimentary food is charged
as an expense to Complimentary Services and Gifts, Staff Dining, or Entertain-
ment—In-House, depending on who is entertained, in the department that makes
the gratis presentation. Finally, if a vendor provides a rebate on food purchased, it
is credited to the Cost of Food Sales.
The percentage for Cost of Food Sales is calculated by dividing Cost of Food
Sales by Total Food Revenue.
Cost of Beverage Sales. Includes the cost of alcoholic beverages served to
guests in all segments of beverage revenues. Cost of Beverage Sales also includes
the cost of food items (including non-alcoholic beverages) transferred from the
food department and used in alcoholic beverage preparation and service. Spoil-
age, waste, and spillage are included in Cost of Beverage Sales.
Cost of Beverage Sales does not include costs of beverage items that have been
transferred to other departments to be used in preparation or decoration in those
departments. Such transfers are charged directly to the appropriate cost accounts
in the departments receiving the items. If beverage items are sold at cost and
revenue is not recorded (commissary or steward’s sales), the sale is credited to the
Cost of Beverage Sales. Cost of Beverage Sales does not include the cost associ-
ated with beverage inventory items being used for gratis presentation to guests,
vendors, employees, and third parties. The cost of this complimentary beverage
is charged as an expense to Complimentary Services and Gifts, Staff Dining, or
Entertainment—In-House, depending on who is entertained, in the department
Operating Statements 31
that makes the gratis presentation. Finally, if beverage vendor rebates are legal
within a jurisdiction and a vendor provides a rebate on beverage purchased, it is
credited to the Cost of Beverage Sales.
The percentage for Cost of Beverage Sales is calculated by dividing Cost of
Beverage Sales by Total Beverage Revenue.
Total Cost of Food and Beverage Sales
Total Cost of Food and Beverage Sales is calculated by summing Cost of Food
Sales and Cost of Beverage Sales. The percentage for Total Cost of Food and Bever-
age Sales is calculated by dividing Total Cost of Food and Beverage Sales by Total
Food and Beverage Revenue.
Cost of Other Revenue
Cost of Other Revenue includes the costs associated with the sales of services and
all products that are not consumable food and beverage items, such as memora-
bilia, apparel, and logo merchandise. The percentage for each item under Cost
of Other Revenue is calculated by dividing the dollar cost by its corresponding
revenue amount.
Audiovisual Cost. Includes the cost associated with providing audiovisual
equipment and services to guests in the Food and Beverage department. The
income received from charging guests for these services is recorded as Audiovi-
sual under Other Revenue.
Miscellaneous Cost. Includes the cost associated with providing non–food
and beverage items such as memorabilia, apparel, and logo merchandise and ser-
vices other than audiovisual services to guests in the Food and Beverage depart-
ment. The income received from charging guests for these items and services is
recorded as Miscellaneous Other Revenue.
Total Cost of Other Revenue
Total Cost of Other Revenue is calculated by summing Audiovisual Cost and Mis-
cellaneous Cost. The percentage for Total Cost of Other Revenue is calculated by
dividing Total Cost of Other Revenue by Total Other Revenue.
Total Cost of Sales and Other Revenue
Total Cost of Sales and Other Revenue is the sum of Total Cost of Food and Bever-
age Sales and Total Cost of Other Revenue. The percentage for Total Cost of Sales
and Other Revenue is calculated by dividing the dollar amount of Total Cost of
Sales and Other Revenue by Total Revenue for the Food and Beverage department.
Gross Profit
Gross Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Cost of Sales and Other Revenue
from Total Revenue for the Food and Beverage department. The percentage for
Gross Profit is calculated by dividing the dollar amount of Gross Profit by Total
Revenue for the Food and Beverage department.
32 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Food and Beverage department expenses are separated into two major categories:
Labor Costs and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Food and Beverage department is provided in the Department
Payroll Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example, if
a Food and Beverage department employee regularly works as a server in a venue
and temporarily works for the Golf Course and Pro Shop department on a func-
tion, his or her earnings for the function are charged to Salaries and Wages of the
Golf Course and Pro Shop, not to his or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and Wages includes the earning associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of Food and Beverage
department staff.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Operating Statements 33
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless of
the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following items:
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Revenue for the Food and Beverage department. Refer to Part III for recom-
mended operating metrics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Food and Beverage department
expenses approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Individual proper-
ties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for
the addition or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties may
choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to
a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into
the appropriate line item listed below.
Banquet Expense. Includes the cost of items used in providing banquet ser-
vice for which matching Other Revenue and Cost of Other Revenue accounts can-
not be identified. If expenses can be matched to specific Other Revenue accounts
(Audiovisual or Miscellaneous), they are recorded as Cost of Other Revenue.
34 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
China. Includes the cost of purchased or rented table and service ware, plates,
bowls, serving platters, etc., constructed from any material (ceramic, glass, metal,
non-disposable plastic, etc.) and used in providing food service.
Cleaning Supplies. Includes the cost of products used in cleansing, sweeping,
polishing, waxing, and disinfecting areas associated with the Food and Beverage
department. The cost of cleaning supplies used in dishwashing is charged to Dish-
washing Supplies.
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable,
costs and related expenses
should be charged to their respective line item and
only other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair
allocation of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Commissions. Includes the remuneration paid to authorized agents for secur-
ing business strictly for the benefit of the Food and Beverage department. If an
agent secures business that includes revenue for both the Rooms and Food and
Beverage departments, then the entirety of the commission paid to that agent is
recorded in the Rooms department.
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations for promotional purposes to guests and vendors of the
Food and Beverage department, such as the cost of food provided to guests on a
complimentary basis during “Happy Hour” and VIP gifts.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Food
and Beverage department by outside contractors and professional service provid-
ers rather than by hotel employees. Engaging a third party to provide silent shop-
per services, department-specific consulting services, cleaning of function rooms
and kitchens, and cleaning of the ducts and other components of the kitchen ven-
tilation system are all examples of contract services. If supplies are purchased for
contract companies to use, the supplies are charged to the appropriate supply
account. The cost of contracts for Food and Beverage department laundry and dry
cleaning is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Food and Beverage department
personnel billed to the property by the regional or corporate office or by the man-
agement company, consistent with any contractual arrangements. Travel expenses
of corporate or management company food and beverage personnel that are
incurred while visiting the property, including the costs of meals and other appli-
cable services or amenities provided to corporate or management company staff
while on business in the property for the benefit of the property, are also charged
to this account.
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in Food and Beverage
department areas for holidays and special events that are not charged directly to
banquet guests. (The cost of decorations charged to banquet guests is recorded as
Operating Statements 35
Cost of Other Revenue.) Decorations also includes the costs of ice blocks used in
decorative carvings.
Dishwashing Supplies. Includes the cost of cleaning, rinsing, and soaking
agents used specifically in washing china, glassware, flatware, and utensils in the
Food and Beverage department.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of representation for the Food and
Beverage department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent the
Food and Beverage department, in business or professional organizations. Dues
and Subscriptions is also charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspapers,
magazines, and books for use by the staff of the Food and Beverage department.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Food and Beverage department or as a
replacement for equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease
payments made under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property
and Equipment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—
Schedule 11.
The costs of equipment rental charged to banquet guests are recorded
as Cost of Other Revenue.
Flatware. Includes the cost of all flatware, silverware, and serving pieces
(serving spoons, cake knives, ladles, etc.), either purchased or rented, used in pro-
viding food and beverage service.
Glassware. Includes the cost of purchased or rented containers constructed
from any material (glass, ceramic, metal, non-disposable plastic, etc.) used in the
consumption of beverages. Service items such as pitchers and tea sets are charged
to China, along with the costs of cups and mugs used for coffee service.
Ice. Includes the cost of ice used in food and beverage service, storage, or
preparation. The cost of ice blocks used in decorative carvings and not charged to
banquet guests is recorded as Decorations.
Kitchen Fuel. Includes the cost of such fuels as Sterno, propane, and charcoal
used in the warming, or sometimes specialized cooking, of food.
Kitchen Smallwares. Includes the cost of all kitchen smallwares (pots, pans,
and other small cooking apparatuses not included in Utensils), either purchased
or rented, used in the preparation of food products.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Includes the cost of laundry and dry cleaning
services applicable to the Food and Beverage department, whether the services
are performed by an in-house facility or are contracted to an outside company.
If the services are performed by an in-house laundry, an allocation from
Laundry—Schedule 12
is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning. This allocation is
distributed to departments on an equitable basis reflecting usage, such as cost-per-
pound, number of pieces cleaned, number of orders processed, etc. If the services
are performed by an outside company, the amount charged to Laundry and Dry
36 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Cleaning should be based on invoices sent by the outside laundry. The cost of
cleaning employee uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Food and Beverage department.
Linen. Includes the cost, whether purchased or rented, of table cloths, nap-
kins, table runners, table skirt clips, and skirting used by the Food and Beverage
Management Fees. Includes any amounts paid to a third-party individual or
company to operate or manage a food and beverage venue within the property,
whether the fees are computed as a fixed amount or a percentage of revenues or
Menus and Beverage Lists. Includes all costs of designing and printing menus
for the Food and Beverage department. The costs of decorative and protective cov-
ers are also charged to this line item.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Food and Beverage department
that do not apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
Music and Entertainment. Includes all costs of providing live or recorded
entertainment, including BMI, ASCAP, and similar artist royalties within the Food
and Beverage department. Entertainment costs charged to banquet guests are
recorded as Cost of Other Revenue.
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the Food and
Beverage department that are not included in the descriptions of specific supply
accounts such as Cleaning Supplies, Menus and Beverage Lists, Paper and Plastics,
and Printing and Stationery. An example would be general office supplies.
Paper and Plastics. Includes the cost of all general supplies for the Food and
Beverage department made from paper, plastic, and Styrofoam that are not specif-
ically assigned by definition to other line items. Items charged to this line include
chef hats, paper bags, aluminum foil, cellophane wrap, can liners, disposable plas-
tic utensils, disposable paper plates, stir sticks, paper napkins, and cocktail picks.
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges. Includes the cost of stamps and
express mail charges specifically related to the Food and Beverage department.
Printing and Stationery. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the Food
and Beverage department, whether they are purchased from an outside source or
produced internally. The cost of producing menus is charged to Menus and Bever-
age Lists.
Reservations. Includes the costs associated with venue-specific participa-
tion with third-party reservation or booking systems (e.g., OpenTable.com). The
third-party systems may be electronic or personal. The fees may include trans-
action costs or commissions in addition to the cost of communication channels,
mobile applications, or websites dedicated to the specific venue. System costs
(non-transactional) related to a reservation system are to be charged to
tion and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6.
Operating Statements 37
Royalty Fees. Includes all costs associated with the right to use a brand name
in connection with a Food and Beverage department activity. An example would
be the fees paid for a freestanding restaurant brand to identify a property food
and beverage venue. The fees paid for the use of a hotel brand name are charged
to Franchise and Affiliation Fees—Royalties on
Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7.
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll cost, that can be directly attrib-
uted to the training of employees in the Food and Beverage department. Examples
include the costs of training materials, supplies, and instructor fees. The cost of
employee wages incurred during training is charged to Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food
and beverage and entertainment expenses incurred by employees of the Food and
Beverage department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare, car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, by employees of the Food and
Beverage department traveling on property business.
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Food and
Beverage department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are also included
in this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of
the Food and Beverage department, whether performed by an in-hotel facility or
contracted to an outside company.
Utensils. Includes the cost of kitchen utensils (strainers, wine openers, cutting
boards/knives) used in food preparation, whether purchased or rented.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Revenue for the
Food and Beverage department.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total Revenue for the Food and Beverage department.
The sum of Total Cost of Sales and Other Revenue and Total Expenses is the
amount that appears on the Summary Operating Statement under Departmental
Expenses—Food and Beverage.
Departmental Profit
Departmental Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Expenses from Gross Profit.
The percentage for Departmental Profit is calculated by dividing Departmental
Profit by Total Revenue for the Food and Beverage department.
38 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Other Operated Departments—Schedule 3 illustrates the proper format for report-
ing the summary of the revenue and expense amounts for the Other Operated and
Minor Operated Departments. Only the revenues and expenses from the Other
Operated and Minor Operated Departments that exist at an individual property
are included on Schedule 3. To provide more detail, properties must prepare a
sub-schedule for each major Other Operated Department, as well as a summary
sub-schedule inclusive of all Minor Operated Departments. The totals from these
sub-schedules are then to be incorporated into the appropriate line items on Sched-
ule 3. The names of the line items under Departmental Revenue and Departmental
Expenses should be changed to the names of the actual other operated department
(e.g., Parking). Properties may choose to delete some of the columns or to show
them in a different order and remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Total Departmental Revenue is the amount that appears on the Summary
Operating Statement under Operating Revenue—Other Operated Departments.
Total Departmental Expenses is the amount that appears on the Summary Operat-
ing Statement under Departmental Expenses—Other Operated Departments. All
operated departments other than the Rooms and Food and Beverage departments
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
dePartmental revenue
Other Operated Department 1
Other Operated Department 2
- - -
Other Operated Department x
Minor Operated Departments
total dePartmental revenue
dePartmental exPenses
Other Operated Department 1
Other Operated Department 2
- - -
Other Operated Department x
Minor Operated Departments
total dePartmental exPenses
dePartmental Profit
Other Operated Department 1
Other Operated Department 2
- - -
Other Operated Department x
Minor Operated Departments
total other oPerated dePartment Profit
Departmental Expenses is the sum of Cost of Sales (when applicable) and Total Expenses.
Operating Statements 39
are classified on the Summary Operating Statement as Other Operated Depart-
ments. The following guidelines define an Other Operated Department:
The department should generate revenue, have direct operating expenses,
and be operated with a motivation to make a profit or limit the loss.
Revenues are reported on a gross basis without the deduction of operating
expenses, commissions, or fees. (For guidance, see Part V.)
A department that has no revenue and is operated solely to provide a com-
plimentary guest service is not classified as an Other Operated Department.
The net expense of such a department is allocated to the department(s) that
benefits most from the service. For example, if a property provides compli-
mentary guest parking but does not operate a for-pay parking operation, all
expenses for the complimentary parking operation would be charged to the
Rooms and/or Food and Beverage departments.
The exceptions are the costs associated with offering complimentary guest
calls and Internet connectivity. These costs should be recorded on
and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6.
If the majority of income to the property is “net revenue” (percent of income,
percent of profit, commission revenue, etc.), then the net revenues received
by the property are classified under
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. (For
guidance, see Part V.)
All of the expenses cannot be paid by third-party operators. If all of the
expenses result from a third party performing the services, the activity cannot
be classified as an Other Operated Department. (For guidance, see Part V.)
If the vast majority of financial risk and liability for an operating department
are assumed by a third-party management company (even though the depart-
ment and equipment are owned by the hotel’s owner), then the “net income”
of that department is classified as
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. (For
guidance, see Part V.)
Other Operated Department Schedule Formats
A property must include a sub-schedule for each of the Other Operated Depart-
ments that it runs or manages and a consolidated schedule for all Minor Operated
Departments. The total revenue and expenses for each Other Operated Depart-
ment are added to the total revenues and expenses from all Minor Operated
Departments on Schedule 3. The combined revenues and expenses for all Other
Operated Departments as shown on Schedule 3 are then listed on the Summary
Operating Statement.
The format for an Other Operated Department sub-schedule follows the same
base outline as the departmental schedules for the Rooms and Food and Beverage
departments. The following pages contain sample sub-schedules for Golf Course
and Pro Shop, Health Club/Spa, and Parking. In addition, a generic sub-sched-
ule is presented to provide guidance on the format of a sub-schedule for poten-
tial Other Operated Departments (e.g., Marina, Guest Laundry, Business Center,
40 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Retail Store). Finally, a sub-schedule is provided that summarizes and aggregates
all revenues and expenses for Minor Operated Departments.
Operating Statements 41
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Greens Fee Revenue
Tournament Fee Revenue
Golf Cart Rental Revenue
Golf Equipment Rental Revenue
Practice Range Fee Revenue
Lesson Fee Revenue
Golf Club Maintenance Revenue
Storage Fee Revenue
Membership Fee Revenue
Merchandise Revenue
Clothing Revenue
Other Revenue
Less: Allowances
total golf Course and Pro shoP revenue
Cost of sales
Cost of Merchandise Sales
Cost of Clothing Sales
total Cost of sales
gross Profit
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Golf Pros/Operations
Pro Shop
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Cleaning Supplies
Cluster Services
42 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Golf Course and Pro Shop—Sub-schedule 3-1 reflects the proper format for a
Golf Course and Pro Shop department and designates the revenue and expense
accounts that are approved as line items in the Uniform System. Individual proper-
ties may delete irrelevant line items, but the Uniform System does not provide for
the addition or substitution of other revenue or expense line items. Rather, prop-
erties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail
related to a particular revenue or expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule
is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item. Additionally, properties may
choose to delete some of the columns or to show them in a different order and
remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Gasoline and Lubricants
Grounds Maintenance and Landscaping
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Licenses and Permits
Management Fees
Operating Supplies
Printing and Stationery
Royalty Fees
Tournament Expenses
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
dePartmental Profit
Operating Statements 43
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the Golf
Course and Pro Shop Department.
The Total Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue, Total Expenses (including
Total Cost of Sales), and Departmental Profit shown on Sub-schedule 3-1 are then
reported on Schedule 3.
The line items for
Golf Course and Pro Shop—Sub-schedule 3-1 are defined in
the following pages.
Revenue from the Golf Course and Pro Shop department is classified into many
categories. These are defined below.
Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue may include an allocated portion of pack-
age revenues. As discussed under
Rooms—Schedule 1, package revenues are lodg-
ing accommodations sold in conjunction with other services provided by either
the property or third parties as part of a single transaction with the guest. Package
revenues are allocated to other departments based on the relative market values of
the items supplied by those departments.
Under certain circumstances, golf course and pro shop revenue in its entirety
may be reported on a net basis on
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. Further,
some revenue items within the Golf Course and Pro Shop department may be
reported on a net basis within the department. For additional information, see
Part V.
Greens Fee Revenue
Greens Fee Revenue includes revenue derived from charges to customers for play-
ing golf on the golf course. Examples of greens fees charged to this account are
those for hotel guests, club members, and general public. To the extent the golf
operations has a variety of users, such as member guest, resort guest and outside/
public guest, the revenues from greens fees can be recorded in a sub-schedule
within Greens Fee Revenue to track these individual guests.
Tournament Fee Revenue
Tournament Fee Revenue includes revenue derived from charges to customers for
the playing of golf in organized tournaments.
Golf Cart Rental Revenue
Golf Cart Rental Revenue includes revenue derived from the rental of electric or
gasoline-powered golf carts to customers of the Golf department.
Golf Equipment Rental Revenue
Golf Equipment Rental Revenue includes revenue derived from rental of all items
used to play golf, such as clubs and pull carts.
44 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Practice Range Fee Revenue
Practice Range Fee Revenue includes revenue derived from the use of golf prac-
tice facilities of any kind (driving, putting, etc.) whether the facilities are located
indoors or outdoors.
Lesson Fee Revenue
Lesson Fee Revenue includes revenue derived from all golf lessons given to cus-
tomers whether on the golf course or practice range.
Golf Club Maintenance Revenue
Golf Club Maintenance Revenue includes revenue derived from the cleaning and
repair of golf clubs for customers.
Storage Fee Revenue
Storage Fee Revenue includes revenue derived from renting personal lockers or
golf cart space to customers.
Membership Fee Revenue
Membership Fee Revenue includes revenue derived from charging customers for
a “membership” at the golf course, which normally allows the customer “mem-
ber” to exercise privileges not given to the general public. Examples of privileges
might be preferred tee times or discounts for golf or merchandise. To the extent
the golf operations offers a tiered membership program, such as full member and
social member, consider using a sub-schedule within Membership Fee Revenue to
track these revenues.
Merchandise Revenue
Merchandise Revenue includes revenue derived from all sales of non-clothing
items in the golf shop or anywhere on the golf course. Examples of merchandise
would be clubs, bags, and balls.
Clothing Revenue
Clothing Revenue includes revenues derived from all sales of clothing items in the
golf shop or anywhere on the golf course.
Other Revenue
Other Revenue includes revenue from any services or charges not previously spec-
ified, such as surcharges and service charges. Surcharges and service charges gen-
erally include any mandatory, non-discretionary, or other charge automatically
added to a customer account in respect of the service or use of an amenity. The key
determining factors for the recording of surcharges and service charges (versus
gratuities) are set out in Part V.
Operating Statements 45
Revenue from food and beverage items sold on the golf course (e.g., from golf
carts on the golf course) is reported on
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2.
Allowances refers to a reduction in revenue due to a service problem, not an error
in posting. Errors in posting, such as charging an incorrect amount, are treated as
adjustments to revenue, regardless of the accounting period in which the error
Total Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue
Total Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue is calculated by summing the revenue
items listed above and subtracting Allowances. This amount is shown on Schedule
3 as Departmental Revenue—Golf Course and Pro Shop.
In completing the revenue section of Sub-schedule 3-1, the Total Golf Course
and Pro Shop Revenue line is considered to be 100 percent, and the percentage
for each source of revenue is determined by dividing the dollar amount for that
revenue source by Total Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue.
Cost of Sales
Cost of Sales is divided into two categories: Cost of Merchandise Sales and Cost of
Clothing Sales. The percentage for each of the costs of sales is calculated by divid-
ing the dollar cost by its corresponding revenue amount.
Cost of Merchandise Sales
Cost of Merchandise Sales includes the cost of non-clothing items sold to custom-
ers of the Golf Course and Pro Shop department. Inventory losses due to damaged
or missing items are also charged to the Cost of Merchandise Sales. Cost of Mer-
chandise Sales does not include the cost associated with non-clothing items used
for gratis presentation to customers, vendors, and employees of any department
in the property. The cost of any complimentary items is charged as an expense
to Complimentary Services and Gifts for the department that makes the gratis
Cost of Clothing Sales
Cost of Clothing Sales includes the cost of clothing items sold to customers of
the Golf Course and Pro Shop department. Inventory losses due to damaged or
missing items are also charged to the Cost of Clothing Sales. Cost of Clothing
Sales does not include the cost associated with clothing items used for gratis
presentation to customers, vendors, and employees of any department in the
property. The cost of any complimentary clothing items is charged as an expense
to Complimentary Services and Gifts expense for the department that makes the
gratis presentation.
46 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Total Cost of Sales
Total Cost of Sales is the sum of Cost of Merchandise Sales and Cost of Clothing
Sales. The percentage for Total Cost of Sales is calculated by dividing Total Cost of
Sales by the sum of Merchandise Revenue and Clothing Revenue.
Gross Profit
Gross Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Cost of Sales from Total Golf Course
and Pro Shop Revenue. The percentage for Gross Profit is calculated by dividing
Gross Profit by Total Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue.
Golf Course and Pro Shop department expenses are separated into two major cat-
egories: Labor Costs and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Golf Course and Pro Shop department is provided in the Depart-
ment Payroll Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example,
if a Golf Course and Pro Shop department employee regularly works as a caddie
in the Golf Course and Pro Shop Department and temporarily works for the Food
and Beverage department on a function, his or her earnings for the function are
charged to Salaries and Wages in the Food and Beverage department, not to his or
her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and wages include the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of tournament staff.
Operating Statements 47
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless
of the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue. Refer to Part III for recommended oper-
ating metrics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
48 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Golf Course and Pro Shop depart-
ment expenses approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Individual
properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not pro-
vide for the addition or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties
may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related
to a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled
into the appropriate line item listed below.
Cleaning Supplies. Includes the cost of products used in cleansing, sweeping,
polishing, waxing, and disinfecting areas associated with the Golf Course and Pro
Shop department.
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable,
costs and related expenses
should be charged to their respective line item and
only other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair
allocation of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations for promotional purposes to guests and vendors of the
Golf Course and Pro Shop department, such as VIP gifts, golf balls, and sun visors.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Golf
Course and Pro Shop department by outside contractors and professional service
providers rather than by hotel employees, unless identified in this department
with a specific line item. The cost of contracting outside companies to clean the
carpets in the pro shop and department-specific consulting services are typical
examples. If supplies are purchased for contract companies to use, the supplies are
charged to the appropriate supply account. The cost of contracts for the golf course
and pro shop laundry and dry cleaning is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Golf Course and Pro Shop depart-
ment personnel billed to the property by the regional or corporate office or by
the management company, consistent with any contractual arrangements. Travel
expenses of such corporate or management company personnel that are incurred
while visiting the property, including the costs of meals and other applicable ser-
vices or amenities provided to corporate or management company staff while on
business in the property for the benefit of the property, are also charged to this
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in Golf Course and
Pro Shop areas for holidays and special events.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of representation of the Golf Course
and Pro Shop department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent
the Golf Course and Pro Shop department, in business or professional organiza-
tions. Dues and Subscriptions is also charged with the cost of subscriptions to
Operating Statements 49
newspapers, magazines, and books for use by the staff of the Golf Course and Pro
Shop department.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Golf Course and Pro Shop department or as
a replacement for equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease
payments made under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property
and Equipment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—
Schedule 11.
Gasoline and Lubricants. Includes the cost of gasoline and lubricants for
gasoline-powered golf carts, mowers, tractors, and trucks used in operating the
golf course.
Grounds Maintenance and Landscaping. Includes the cost of maintaining the
golf course and related roads and paths. Examples include fertilizers, insecticides,
other chemicals, sand, topsoil, seeds, flowers, and shrubs.
Irrigation. Includes the cost of repairing golf course water and drainage sys-
tems, sprinklers, water controllers, and computerized water systems, as well as the
cost for water treatment. The cost of the water used for irrigation is charged to the
Water line item below.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Includes the cost of laundry and dry cleaning ser-
vices applicable to the Golf Course and Pro Shop department, whether the services
are performed by an in-house facility or are contracted to an outside company.
If the services are performed by an in-house laundry, an allocation from
Laundry—Schedule 12
is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning. This allocation is
distributed to departments on an equitable basis reflecting usage, such as cost-per-
pound, number of pieces cleaned, number of orders processed, etc. If the services
are performed by an outside company, the amount charged to Laundry and Dry
Cleaning should be based on invoices sent by the outside laundry. The cost of
cleaning employee uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Golf Course and Pro Shop department.
Linen. Includes the cost, whether purchased or rented, of towels, face cloths,
bath mats, and table cloths used by the Golf Course and Pro Shop department.
Management Fees. Includes the fees charged by an organization (other than
the hotel’s management company) to manage the Golf Course and Pro Shop
department operations.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Golf Course and Pro Shop
department that do not apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
50 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of operating and general office supplies
needed to operate the Golf Course and Pro Shop department that are not included
in the descriptions of specific supply accounts such as Cleaning Supplies, Decora-
tions, Grounds Maintenance, Linen and Landscaping, or Printing and Stationery.
Examples are practice range balls and containers, golf flag pins, ice chests, course
signage, and paper cups.
Printing and Stationery. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the Golf
Course and Pro Shop department, whether they are purchased from an outside
source or produced internally. Examples include scoring cards and pencils.
Reservations. Includes the cost associated with participation with third-party
reservation or booking systems (e.g., Golfnow.com). The third-party systems may
be electronic or personal. The fees may include transaction costs or commissions
in addition to the cost of communication channels, mobile applications, or web-
sites dedicated to the specific venue. System costs (non-transactional) related to a
reservation system are charged to
Information and Telecommunications Systems—
Schedule 6
Royalty Fees. Includes all costs associated with the right to use a brand name
in connection with a Golf Course and Pro Shop department activity. An example
would be the fees paid for use of a brand name to identify a golf course, including
franchise fees. The fees paid for the use of a hotel brand name are charged to Fran-
chise and Affiliation Fees—Royalties in
Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7.
Tournament Expenses. Includes all costs associated with administering a golf
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll cost, that can be directly
attributed to the training of employees in the Golf Course and Pro Shop depart-
ment. Examples include the costs of training materials, supplies, certification pro-
grams, and instructor fees. The cost of employee wages incurred during training is
charged to Salaries and Wages.
Transportation. Includes all costs associated with transporting guests to and
from a remote golf course, such as fuel costs, costs of washing and cleaning vehi-
cles, or the occasional rental of vehicles for transporting large groups, or the costs
of contracting guest transportation services. The cost of mechanical maintenance
of vehicles used to transport guests is charged to
Property Operation and Mainte-
nance—Schedule 8
. If a vehicle used to transport guests is leased, the cost of the
lease is charged to Rent under Non-Operating Income and Expenses —Schedule 11.
Not included in this account are the costs associated with the maintenance
of golf carts owned by the hotel. These costs are charges to Vehicle Repairs and
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food
and beverage expenditures for travel and entertainment by employees of the Golf
Course and Pro Shop department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
Operating Statements 51
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, incurred by employees of the
Golf Course and Pro Shop department traveling on property business.
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Golf
Course and Pro Shop department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are
also included in this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform
Uniform Laundry. This includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees
of the Golf Course and Pro Shop department, whether performed by an in-hotel
facility or contracted to an outside company.
Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance. Includes the cost of repairing and main-
taining golf carts (including the cost of batteries for the golf carts along with the
costs associated with charging the batteries), mowers, tractors, and trucks used in
operating the golf course. The cost of building repairs and maintenance should be
charged to the Property Operation and Maintenance department.
Water. Includes the cost of water used for irrigation and water features/haz-
ards on the golf course.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Golf Course and
Pro Shop Revenue.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue.
The sum of Total Cost of Sales and Total Expenses is shown on Schedule 3 as
Departmental Expenses—Golf Course and Pro Shop.
Departmental Profit
Departmental Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Expenses from Gross Profit.
The percentage for Departmental Profit is calculated by dividing Departmental
Profit by Total Golf Course and Pro Shop Revenue. Departmental Profit is then
shown on Schedule 3 as Departmental Profit—Golf Course and Pro Shop.
52 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Massage and Body Treatment Revenue
Skin Care Revenue
Hair Care Revenue
Nail Care Revenue
Fitness Revenue
Health and Wellness Revenue
Membership Fee Revenue
Retail Revenue
Other Revenue
Less: Allowances
total health CluB/sPa revenue
Cost of sales
gross Profit
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Athletic Supplies
Cleaning Supplies
Cluster Services
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Operating Statements 53
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Health and Beauty Products
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Licenses and Permits
Management Fees
Operating Supplies
Printing and Stationery
Royalty Fees
Swimming Pool
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
dePartmental Profit
Health Club/Spa—Sub-schedule 3-2 reflects the proper format for a Health Club/Spa
department and designates the revenue and expense accounts that are approved
as line items in the Uniform System. Individual properties may delete irrelevant
line items, but the Uniform System does not provide for the addition or substi-
tution of other revenue or expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to
develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular
revenue or expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into
the appropriate line item. Additionally, properties may choose to delete some of
the columns or to show them in a different order and remain “in conformity with
the Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the
Health Club/Spa department.
The Total Health Club/Spa Revenue, Total Expenses (including Total Cost of
Sales), and Departmental Profit shown on Sub-schedule 3-2 are then reported on
Schedule 3.
The line items for Health Club/Spa—Sub-schedule 3-2 are defined in the fol-
lowing pages.
54 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Revenue from the Health Club/Spa department is classified into many categories.
These are defined below.
Health Club/Spa Revenue may include an allocated portion of package rev-
enues. As discussed under
Rooms—Schedule 1, package revenues are lodging
accommodations sold in conjunction with other services provided by either the
property or third parties as part of a single transaction with the guest. Package
revenues are allocated to other departments based on the relative market values of
the items supplied by those departments.
Under certain circumstances, health club/spa revenue in its entirety may be
reported on a net basis on
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. Further, some rev-
enue items within the Health Club/Spa department may be reported on a net basis
within the department. For additional information, see Part V.
Massage and Body Treatment Revenue
Massage and Body Treatment Revenue includes revenue derived from fees
charged to customers for massage and body treatment services.
Skin Care Revenue
Skin Care Revenue includes revenue derived from facial treatments and waxing
Hair Care Revenue
Hair Care Revenue includes revenue derived from styling, coloring, and chemical
Nail Care Revenue
Nail Care Revenue includes revenue derived from manicures and pedicures.
Fitness Revenue
Fitness Revenue includes revenue derived from personal training, fitness evalua-
tions, and exercise classes.
Health and Wellness Revenue
Health and Wellness Revenue includes revenue derived from programs such as
medically supervised services, nutrition classes, wellness consultations, and well-
ness programs.
Membership Fee Revenue
Membership Fee Revenue includes revenue derived from daily facility fees, guest
fees, initiation fees, and membership dues.
Operating Statements 55
Retail Revenue
Retail Revenue includes revenue derived from the sales of apparel, gifts, accesso-
ries, products, sundries, and other retail items.
Other Revenue
Other Revenue includes revenue from any other services and charges not previ-
ously specified, such as surcharges and service charges. Surcharges and service
charges generally include any mandatory, non-discretionary, or other charge
automatically added to a customer account in respect of the service or use of an
amenity. The key determining factors for the recording of surcharges and service
charges (versus gratuities) are set out in Part V.
Revenue from food and beverage sales sold in the Health Club/Spa depart-
ment is reported on
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2.
Allowances refers to a reduction in revenue due to a service problem, not an error
in posting. Errors in posting, such as charging an incorrect amount, are treated as
adjustments to revenue, regardless of the accounting period in which the error
Total Health Club/Spa Revenue
Total Health Club/Spa Revenue is calculated by summing the revenue items listed
above and subtracting Allowances. This amount is shown on Schedule 3 as Depart-
mental Revenue—Health Club/Spa.
In completing the revenue section of Sub-schedule 3-2, the Total Health Club/
Spa Revenue line is considered to be 100 percent, and the percentage for each
source of revenue is determined by dividing the dollar amount for that revenue
source by Total Health Club/Spa Revenue.
Cost of Sales
Cost of Sales includes the cost of apparel, gifts, accessories, products, sundries, and
other retail items sold to customers of the Health Club/Spa department. Inventory
losses due to damaged or missing items are also charged to the Cost of Sales. Cost
of Sales does not include the cost associated with items used for gratis presenta-
tion to customers, vendors, and employees of any department in the property.
The cost of any complimentary items is charged as an expense to Complimentary
Services and Gifts expense for the department that makes the gratis presentation.
The percentage for Cost of Sales is calculated by dividing Cost of Sales by
Retail Revenue.
Gross Profit
Gross Profit is calculated by subtracting Cost of Sales from Total Health Club/Spa
Revenue. The percentage for Gross Profit is calculated by dividing Gross Profit by
Total Health Club/Spa Revenue.
56 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Health Club/Spa department expenses are separated into two major categories:
Labor Costs and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Health Club/Spa department is provided in the Department Pay-
roll Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Salaries and Wages includes the earnings paid to employ-
ees for duties that relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, over-
time pay, and shift differential pay. If an employee works in a department other
than his or her regular home department, his or her earnings must be charged as
Salaries and Wages in that other department, regardless of the duties being per-
formed. For example, if a Health Club/Spa department employee regularly works
as a spa technician in the Health Club/Spa Department and temporarily works for
the Food and Beverage department on a function, his or her earnings for the func-
tion are charged to Salaries and Wages in the Food and Beverage department, not
to his or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and
non-management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles
should be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s
Salaries and wages include the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. Spa therapists and technicians fre-
quently work as individual contracted labor. Payments made to these contracted
employees should be recorded in this cost category.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll
system for hotel employees.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Operating Statements 57
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless
of the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Health Club/Spa Revenue. Refer to Part III for recommended operating met-
rics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Health Club/Spa department
expenses approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Individual proper-
ties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for
the addition or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties may
choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to
a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into
the appropriate line item listed below.
58 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Ambience. Includes the cost to provide the sensory environment within the
spa, including background music, candles, aromatherapy oils, and diffusers.
Athletic Supplies. Includes the cost of non-capitalized gym equipment, as
well as supplies used during fitness classes.
Cleaning Supplies. Includes the cost of products used in cleansing, sweep-
ing, polishing, waxing, and disinfecting areas associated with the Health Club/Spa
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable, labor
costs and related expenses should be charged to their respective line item and only
other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair alloca-
tion of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations for promotional purposes to guests and vendors of the
health club/spa department, such as VIP gifts, razors and shaving cream, sham-
poo, Q-tips and cotton balls, fruit juices, and herbal teas.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Health
Club/Spa department by outside contractors and professional service providers
rather than by hotel employees, unless identified in this department with a specific
line item. The cost of contracting outside companies to clean the spa or whirlpool
and department-specific consulting services are typical examples. If supplies are
purchased for contract companies to use, the supplies are charged to the appro-
priate supply account. The cost of contracts for the Health Club/Spa department
laundry and dry cleaning is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Health Club/Spa department per-
sonnel billed to the property by the regional or corporate office or by the manage-
ment company, consistent with any contractual arrangements. Travel expenses of
such corporate or management company personnel that are incurred while vis-
iting the property, including the costs of meals and other applicable services or
amenities provided to corporate or management company staff while on business
in the property for the benefit of the property, are also charged to this account.
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in the Health Club/
Spa areas for holidays and special events.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of representation of the Health
Club/Spa department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent the
Health Club/Spa department, in business or professional organizations. Dues and
Subscriptions is also charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspapers, maga-
zines, and books for use by the staff of the Health Club/Spa department.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Operating Statements 59
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment
that may be used either sporadically in the Health Club/Spa department or as a
replacement for equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease
payments made under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property
and Equipment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—
Schedule 11.
Health and Beauty Products. Includes the cost of items used in producing
Massage and Body Treatment Revenue, Skin Care Revenue, Hair Care Revenue,
and Nail Care Revenue. Items charged to this line include nail polish, face cream,
shampoo, and massage oils.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Includes the cost of laundry and dry cleaning
services applicable to the Health Club/Spa department, whether the services are
performed by an in-house facility or are contracted to an outside company. If the
services are performed by an in-house laundry, an allocation from
House Laun-
dry—Schedule 12
is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning. This allocation is dis-
tributed to departments on an equitable basis reflecting usage, such as cost-per-
pound, number of pieces cleaned, number of orders processed, etc. If the services
are performed by an outside company, the amount charged to Laundry and Dry
Cleaning should be based on invoices sent by the outside laundry. The cost of
cleaning employee uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Health Club/Spa department.
Linen. Includes the cost, whether purchased or rented, of towels, face cloths,
bath mats, and bathrobes used by the Health Club/Spa department.
Management Fees. Includes the fees charged by an organization (other than
the hotel’s management company) to manage the Health Club/Spa department
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Health Club/Spa department
that do not apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
Operating Supplies
. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the Health
Club/Spa department that are not included in the descriptions of specific supply
accounts such as Athletic Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, or Printing and Stationery.
Examples would be toilet paper, life preservers, clothing hangers, and a weight
Printing and Stationery. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the Health
Club/Spa department, whether they are purchased from an outside source or pro-
duced internally. Examples are the forms used to track exercise routines, guest
treatment forms, equipment instructions, file folders, and pencils.
Reservations. Includes the cost associated with participation with third-party
reservation or booking systems (e.g., SpaFinder). The third-party systems may be
electronic or personal. The fees may include transaction costs or commissions in
addition to the cost of communication channels, mobile applications, or websites
60 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
dedicated to the specific venue. System costs (non-transactional) related to a reser-
vation system are to be charged to
Information and Telecommunications Systems—
Schedule 6.
Royalty Fees. Includes all costs associated with the right to use a brand name
in connection with a Health Club/Spa department activity. An example would
include the fees paid for use of a brand name to identify the health club/spa. The
fees paid for the use of a hotel brand name are charged to Franchise and Affiliation
Fees—Royalties in
Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7.
Swimming Pool. Includes the cost of materials, supplies, pool chemicals, and
contracts relating to the maintenance and repair of swimming pools when the
Health Club/Spa department is responsible for managing the pool. If the Health
Club/Spa department is not responsible for managing the pool, then these costs
are recorded on
Property Operation and Maintenance—Schedule 8.
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll cost, that can be directly attrib-
uted to the training of employees in the Health Club/Spa department. Examples
include the costs of training materials, supplies, certification programs, and
instructor fees. The cost of employee wages incurred during training is charged to
Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food
and beverage expenses for travel and entertainment by employees of the Health
Club/Spa department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, incurred by employees of the
Health Club/Spa department traveling on property business.
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Health
Club/Spa department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are also included
in this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of the
Health Club/Spa department, whether performed by an in-hotel facility or con-
tracted to an outside company.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Health Club/Spa
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total Health Club/Spa Revenue.
Operating Statements 61
The sum of Cost of Sales and Total Expenses is shown on Schedule 3 as
Departmental Expenses—Health Club/Spa.
Departmental Profit
Departmental Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Expenses from Gross Profit.
The percentage for Departmental Profit is calculated by dividing Departmental
Profit by Total Health Club/Spa Revenue. Departmental Profit is then shown on
Schedule 3 as Departmental Profit—Health Club/Spa.
62 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Self-Parking Revenue
Valet Parking Revenue
Other Revenue
Less: Allowances
total Parking revenue
Cost of sales
gross Profit
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Cleaning Supplies
Cluster Services
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Licenses and Permits
Management Fees
Operating Supplies
Printing and Stationery
Royalty Fees
Operating Statements 63
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
dePartmental Profit
PARKING—SUB-SCHEDULE 3-3 (continued)
Parking—Sub-schedule 3-3 reflects the proper format for a Parking department
and designates the revenue and expense accounts that are approved as line items
in the Uniform System. Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items,
but the Uniform System does not provide for the addition or substitution of other
revenue or expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-
account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular revenue or
expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropri-
ate line item. Additionally, properties may choose to delete some of the columns
or to show them in a different order and remain “in conformity with the Uniform
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the
Parking department.
The Total Parking Revenue, Total Expenses (including Cost of Sales), and
Departmental Profit shown on Sub-schedule 3-3 are then reported on Schedule 3.
The line items for Parking—Sub-schedule 3-3 are defined in the following pages.
Parking revenue is classified into Self-Parking Revenue, Valet Parking Revenue,
and Other Revenue.
Parking Revenue may include an allocated portion of package revenues. As
discussed under Rooms—Schedule 1, package revenues are lodging accommoda-
tions sold in conjunction with other services provided by either the property or
third parties as part of a single transaction with the guest. Package revenues are
allocated to other departments based on the relative market values of the items
supplied by those departments.
Under certain circumstances, parking revenue in its entirety may be reported
on a net basis on Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. Further, some revenue items
within the Parking department may be reported on a net basis within the depart-
ment. For additional information, see Part V.
64 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Self-Parking Revenue
Self-Parking Revenue includes revenue derived from use of the parking facilities
by customers without valet service.
Valet Parking Revenue
Valet Parking Revenue includes revenue derived from use of the parking facility
by customers with valet service.
Other Revenue
Other Revenue includes revenue from any other services or charges not previ-
ously specified. Examples would include surcharges and service charges, automo-
bile repair, car washes, or gasoline sales. Surcharges and service charges generally
include any mandatory, non-discretionary, or other charge automatically added to
a customer account in respect of the service or use of an amenity. The key deter-
mining factors for the recording of surcharges and service charges (versus gratu-
ities) are set out in Part V.
Allowances refers to a reduction in revenue due to a service problem, not an error
in posting. Errors in posting, such as charging an incorrect amount, are treated as
adjustments to revenue, regardless of the accounting period in which the error
Total Parking Revenue
Total Parking Revenue is calculated by summing the revenue items listed above
and subtracting Allowances. This amount is shown on Schedule 3 as Departmental
In completing the revenue section of Sub-schedule 3-3, the Total Parking Rev-
enue line is considered to be 100 percent, and the percentage for each source of
revenue is determined by dividing the dollar amount for that revenue source by
Total Parking Revenue.
Cost of Sales
Cost of Sales includes the cost for any items sold when the revenue is included in
Other Revenue. The cost of gasoline sold would be an example of a Cost of Sales.
The percentage for Cost of Sales is calculated by dividing Cost of Sales by Other
Gross Profit
Gross Profit is calculated by subtracting Cost of Sales from Total Parking Revenue.
The percentage for Gross Profit is calculated by dividing Gross Profit by Total
Parking Revenue.
Operating Statements 65
Parking expenses are separated into two categories: Labor Costs and Related
Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Parking department is provided in the Department Payroll Titles
section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example,
if a Parking department employee regularly works as a valet parker in the Parking
department and temporarily works for the Food and Beverage department on a
function, his or her earnings for the function are charged to Salaries and Wages in
the Food and Beverage department, not to his or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and
non-management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles
should be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of valet parking staff.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
66 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless
of the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Parking Revenue. Refer to Part III for recommended operating metrics that
are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Parking department expenses
approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Individual properties may
delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for the addi-
tion or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to
develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular
expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropri-
ate line item listed below.
Cleaning Supplies. Includes the cost of products used in cleansing, sweeping,
polishing, waxing, and disinfecting areas associated with the Parking department.
Operating Statements 67
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable, labor
costs and related expenses should be charged to their respective line item and only
other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair alloca-
tion of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations for promotional purposes to guests and vendors of the
Parking department and VIP gifts.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the parking
department by outside contractors and professional service providers rather than
by hotel employees, unless identified in this department with a specific line item.
The cost of contracting outside companies to paint lines on the parking surface
and department-specific consulting services are typical examples. If supplies are
purchased for contract companies to use, the supplies are charged to the appropri-
ate supply account. The cost of contracts for the Parking laundry and dry cleaning
is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Parking department personnel
billed to the property by the regional or corporate office or by the management
company, consistent with any contractual arrangements. Travel expenses of such
corporate or management company personnel that are incurred while visiting the
property, including the costs of meals and other applicable services or amenities
provided to corporate or management company staff while on business in the
property for the benefit of the property, are also charged to this account.
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in Parking depart-
ment areas for holidays and special events.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of representation of the Parking
department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent the Parking
department, in business or professional organizations. Dues and Subscriptions is
also charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, and books
for use by the staff of the Parking department.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Parking department or as a replacement for
equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease payments made
under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property and Equipment
under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Includes the cost of laundry and dry cleaning ser-
vices applicable to the Parking department, whether the services are performed
by an in-house facility or are contracted to an outside company. If the services are
68 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
performed by an in-house laundry, an allocation from
House Laundry—Sched-
ule 12
is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning. This allocation is distributed
to departments on an equitable basis reflecting usage, such as cost-per-pound,
number of pieces cleaned, number of orders processed, etc. If the services are per-
formed by an outside company, the amount charged to Laundry and Dry Clean-
ing should be based on invoices sent by the outside laundry. The cost of cleaning
employee uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Parking department.
Management Fees. Includes the fees charged by an organization (other than
the hotel’s management company) to manage Parking department operations.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Parking department that do not
apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the parking
department that are not included in the descriptions of specific supply accounts
such as Cleaning Supplies, Laundry Supplies, or Printing and Stationery. An
example would be car wash supplies.
Printing and Stationery. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the Park-
ing department, whether they are purchased from an outside source or produced
internally. An example would be gate tickets.
Rent. Includes the costs associated with the temporary rental of additional
parking spaces or a parking lot, usually to accommodate extra guests during spe-
cial events or busy periods. Not included are the rental payments made for a long-
term lease of parking spaces in a lot or garage that would be recorded in the Rent
section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11
Royalty Fees. Includes all costs associated with the right to use a brand name
in connection with a Parking department activity. An example would include the
fees paid for use of a brand name to identify the parking facility. The fees paid for
the use of a hotel brand name are charged to Franchise and Affiliation Fees—Roy-
alties in
Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7.
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll cost, that can be directly attrib-
uted to the training of employees in the Parking department. Examples include the
costs of training materials, supplies, certification programs, and instructor fees.
The cost of employee wages incurred during training is charged to Salaries and
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food,
beverage, and entertainment expenses incurred by employees of the Parking
department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, incurred by employees of the
Parking department traveling on property business.
Operating Statements 69
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Parking
department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are also included in this
line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of the
Parking department, whether performed by an in-hotel facility or contracted to an
outside company.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Parking Revenue.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total Parking Revenue.
The sum of Cost of Sales and Total Expenses is shown on Schedule 3 as
Departmental Expenses—Parking.
Departmental Profit
Departmental Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Expenses from Gross Profit.
The percentage for Departmental Profit is calculated by dividing Departmental
Profit by Total Parking Revenue. Departmental Profit is then shown on Schedule 3
as Departmental Profit—Parking.
70 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Less: Allowances
total [sChedule name] revenue
Cost of sales
gross Profit
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Sub-Categories as needed
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Cleaning Supplies
Cluster Services
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Licenses and Permits
Management Fees
Operating Supplies
[Other detailed expenses as warranted]
Printing and Stationery
Operating Statements 71
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Royalty Fees
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
dePartmental Profit
The generic Other Operated Departments—Sub-schedule 3-x reflects the proper for-
mat for an Other Operated Department and designates the revenue and expense
accounts that are approved as line items in the Uniform System. Sub-schedule 3-x
in intended to be used for other operated departments other than
the three
already detailed (Golf Course and Pro Shop, Health Club/Spa, and Parking)—for
example, a retail store, a marina, a business center, or a tennis and pro shop. The
hotel should define its additional departments.
When the need for an additional department sub-schedule exists, use the
generic format set forth in Sub-schedule 3-x. Because each Other Operated Depart-
ment may have significant costs that are unique to that department, hotels are
in this one area only to insert additional Other Expense line items in Sub-
schedule 3-x. These unique expenses should be added under Other Expenses as
appropriate. Examples of potential unique expenses are provided in the descrip-
tive paragraph for the bracketed line item labeled [Other detailed expenses as war-
ranted]. Properties may choose to develop further sub-accounts to provide even
more detail related to a particular revenue or expense item. These additional sub-
accounts/sub-schedules are then to be rolled into the appropriate line item on Sub-
schedule 3-x. Additionally, properties may choose to delete some of the columns
or to show them in a different order and remain ”in conformity with the Uniform
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the
Other Operated Departments.
The Total Revenue, Total Expenses (including any applicable cost of sales),
and Departmental Profit shown on Sub-schedule 3-x are then reported on Sched-
ule 3.
The following presents a description of the base revenue and expense items
that should be included in the sub-schedules for Other Operated Departments. In
addition, examples of other revenue and expense items that are commonly found
in Other Operated Departments are provided.
72 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Special Notice for Mixed Ownership/Condominium Hotels
The revenues and direct operating expenses associated with the management of
condominium units are recorded as an Other Operated Department unless the
property has assumed an economic risk pursuant to a contractual relationship that
extends for the full reporting year. If the property has assumed economic risk for
the full year, then the revenues, expenses, and rooms statistics are recorded in
their appropriate categories as prescribed by the
Uniform System.
Under certain circumstances, other operated department revenue in its
entirety may be reported on a net basis on
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. Fur-
ther, some revenue items within the Other Operated Department may be reported
on a net basis within the department. For additional information, see Part V.
Special Notice for Casino Hotels
The Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry is not recommended for
use by casino hotels with significant gaming operations. It is recommended that
casino hotels use accounting classification systems specific to the gaming industry.
For hotels that receive minor revenue from gaming, revenues and direct oper-
ating expenses are recorded as an Other Operated Department. Examples include
hotels with card rooms or gaming machines within the lounge.
Revenue consists of the gross sales derived from the department. The following
list describes the revenue typically found in select other operated departments.
The list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Additional significant revenues should
be segregated in sub-schedules as warranted.
Other Operated Departments may include an allocated portion of package
revenues. As discussed under
Rooms—Schedule 1, package revenues are lodging
accommodations sold in conjunction with other services provided by either the
property or third parties as part of a single transaction with the guest. Package
revenues are allocated to other departments based on the relative market values of
the items supplied by those departments
Under certain circumstances, other operated department revenue in its
entirety may be reported on a net basis on
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. Fur-
ther, some revenue items within the Other Operated Department may be reported
on a net basis within the department. For additional information, see Part V.
Operated Department Revenue
Transportation: Usage Revenue, Special Vehicle Rentals
Guest Laundry: Guest Dry Cleaning/Laundry, Alterations and
Swimming Pool/Beach: Usage Revenue, Membership Fees, Equipment
Rental, Lessons
Tennis and Pro Shop: Court Rental, Retail Revenue, Lessons, Merchan-
dise, Equipment Rental
Operating Statements 73
Other Recreation: Skeet Shooting, Ropes Course, Skiing, Rock
Business Center: Typing Services, Document Printing
Marina: Slip Rental, Gas, Groceries, Fishing Equipment
Retail Store: Clothing, Merchandise, Candy, Newspapers
Children’s Camp: Registration Fees, Day Care, Babysitting
Barber/Beauty Shop: Hair Cuts/Styling, Merchandise
Mixed Ownership: Room Rental
Gaming: Card Games, Slot Machines
If needed, an Other Revenue line may be added to capture revenue from any
other services or charges not covered by the revenue line items chosen for the
Other Operated Department, such as surcharges and service charges. Surcharges
and service charges generally include any mandatory, non-discretionary, or other
charge automatically added to a customer account in respect of the service or use
of an amenity. The key determining factors for the recording of surcharges and
service charges (versus gratuities) are set out in Part V.
Allowances refers to a reduction in revenue due to a service problem, not an error
in posting. Errors in posting, such as charging an incorrect amount, are treated as
adjustments to revenue, regardless of the accounting period in which the error
Total Revenue
Total Revenue is calculated by summing the revenue items for a respective Other
Operated Department and subtracting Allowances. This amount appears on
Schedule 3 as Departmental Revenue—[Schedule Name].
In completing the revenue section of Sub-schedule 3-x, the Total [Schedule
Name] Revenue line is considered to be 100 percent, and the percentage for each
source of revenue is determined by dividing the dollar amount for that revenue
source by Total [Schedule Name] Revenue.
Cost of Sales
Cost of Sales includes the cost for any items sold. If individual merchandise items
or categories of similar items are listed separately under Revenue, these same
items or categories of items should also be listed separately under Cost of Sales.
The percentage for Cost of Sales is calculated by dividing the cost by its corre-
sponding revenue amount. If there are separate entries under Cost of Sales, the
percentage for Total Cost of Sales is calculated by dividing the cost by the sum of
the corresponding revenue amounts.
74 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
If a Cost of Sales line item is necessary, a Gross Profit line item is necessary
as well. If an Other Operated Department does not have a cost of sales, the sub-
schedule will not use the Cost of Sales and Gross Profit line items.
Gross Profit
Gross Profit is calculated by subtracting Cost of Sales from Total Revenue. The per-
centage for Gross Profit is calculated by dividing Gross Profit by Total [Schedule
Name] Revenue.
Other Operated Department expenses are separated into two major categories:
Labor Costs and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example,
if a Gift Shop Department employee regularly works as a clerk in the Gift Shop
department and temporarily works for the Food and Beverage department on a
function, his or her earnings for the function are charged to Salaries and Wages in
the Food and Beverage department, not to his or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions
that would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these
situations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-
party contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the
use of individuals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of Gift Shop
department staff.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Operating Statements 75
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless
of the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total [Schedule Name] Revenue. Refer to Part III for recommended operating met-
rics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Other Operated Department
expenses approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. As always, proper-
ties may delete irrelevant line items. For Sub-schedule 3-
x only, properties also
may insert
additional Other Expenses that are substantial and unique to an Other
76 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Operated Department. Properties also may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-
schedule to provide more detail related to a particular expense item. This sub-
account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item listed below.
Cleaning Supplies. Includes the cost of products used in cleansing, sweep-
ing, polishing, waxing, and disinfecting areas associated with the Other Operated
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable, labor
costs and related expenses should be charged to their respective line item and only
other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair alloca-
tion of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations for promotional purposes to guests and vendors of the
Other Operated Department and VIP gifts.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Other
Operated Department by outside contractors and professional service providers
rather than by hotel employees, unless identified in this department with a spe-
cific line item. The cost of contracting outside companies to clean the carpets in the
Other Operated Department and department-specific consulting services are typi-
cal examples. If supplies are purchased for contract companies to use, the supplies
are charged to the appropriate supply account. The cost of contracts for Other
Operated Department laundry and dry cleaning is charged to Laundry and Dry
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company personnel associated with the
Other Operated Department billed to the property by the regional or corporate
office or by the management company, consistent with any contractual arrange-
ments. Travel expenses of such corporate or management company personnel that
are incurred while visiting the property, including the costs of meals and other
applicable services or amenities provided to corporate or management company
staff while on business in the property for the benefit of the property, are also
charged to this account.
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in the Other Operated
Department for holidays and special events.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of representation of the Other
Operated Department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent
the Other Operated Department, in business or professional organizations. Dues
and Subscriptions is also charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspapers,
magazines, and books for use by the Other Operated Department staff.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Operating Statements 77
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Other Operated Department or as a replace-
ment for equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease pay-
ments made under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property and
Equipment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Sched-
ule 11.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Includes the cost of laundry and dry cleaning
services applicable to the Other Operated Department, whether the services are
performed by an in-house facility or are contracted to an outside company. If the
services are performed by an in-house laundry, an allocation from
House Laun-
dry—Schedule 12
is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning. This allocation is dis-
tributed to departments on an equitable basis reflecting usage, such as cost-per-
pound, number of pieces cleaned, number of orders processed, etc. If the services
are performed by an outside company, the amount charged to Laundry and Dry
Cleaning should be based on invoices sent by the outside laundry. The cost of
cleaning employee uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Other Operated Department.
Linen. Includes the cost, whether purchased or rented, of table cloths, nap-
kins, table runners, and skirting used by the Other Operated Department.
Management Fees. Includes the fees charged by an organization (other than
the hotel’s management company) to manage the operations of the Other Oper-
ated Department.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Other Operated Department that
do not apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
Operating Supplies
. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the Other
Operated Department that are not included in the descriptions of specific supply
accounts such as Cleaning Supplies or Printing and Stationery.
Other Detailed Expenses as Warranted. Includes significant expenses com-
monly found in specific Other Operated Departments. The following expenses,
if they exist, are presented as examples of separate expense line items typically
found in the associated Other Operated Department. The list is not exhaustive.
Additional significant expenses should be segregated as warranted.
Operated Department Expense
Transportation: Gas, Parts
Guest Laundry: Cleaning Supplies, Chemicals
Swimming Pool/Beach: Chemicals
Tennis and Pro Shop: Nets and Tapes, Maintenance
Other Recreation: Skeet Rifles, Ropes Course Equipment, Snow
Shoes, Rock Climbing Gear
78 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Business Center: Copier/Printer/Computer Parts & Supplies
Marina: Maintenance
Retail Store: Display Equipment
Children’s Camp: Arts and Crafts Equipment, Kids’ Meals
Barber/Beauty Shop: Beauty Products
Mixed Ownership: Operating expenses similar to Rooms department
Gaming: Cards, Chips
Printing and Stationery. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the Other
Operated Department, whether they are purchased from an outside source or pro-
duced internally.
Royalty Fees
. Includes all costs associated with the right to use a brand name
in connection with an Other Operated Department activity. The fees paid for the
use of a hotel brand name are charged to Franchise and Affiliation Fees—Royalties
Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7.
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll cost, that can be directly
attributed to the training of employees in the Other Operated Department. Exam-
ples include the costs of training materials, supplies, certification programs, and
instructor fees. The cost of employee wages incurred during training is charged to
Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food,
beverage, and entertainment expenses incurred by employees of the Other Oper-
ated Department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, incurred by employees of the
Other Operated Department traveling on property business.
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Other
Operated Department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are also included
in this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of
the Other Operated Department, whether performed by an in-hotel facility or con-
tracted to an outside company.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total [Schedule Name]
Operating Statements 79
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total [Schedule Name] Revenue.
The sum of Total Cost of Sales (if any) and Total Expenses is shown on Sched-
ule 3 as Departmental Expenses—[Schedule Name].
Departmental Profit
Departmental Profit is calculated by subtracting Total Expenses from Gross Profit.
The percentage for Departmental Profit is calculated by dividing Departmental
Profit by Total [Schedule Name] Revenue. Departmental Profit is then shown on
Schedule 3 as Departmental Profit—[Schedule Name].
80 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Minor Operated Departments—Sub-schedule 3-xx reflects the proper format for
minor operated departments. The revenue and expense items shown in Sub-
schedule 3-xx are totally at the discretion of an individual hotel. However, each
revenue item must have a matching expense item and vice versa. Properties may
choose to delete some of the columns or to show them in a different order and
remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Minor Operated Departments are sources of income that meet the guidelines
to present revenues and expenses on a gross basis, yet generate limited income and
incur minor direct operating expenses. The minor levels of revenues and expenses
do not warrant the presentation of a full operated department sub-schedule. Oper-
ated departments with Labor Costs and Related Expenses should not be included
in Minor Operated Departments. For additional information, see Part V.
Refer to Part III for recommended operating metrics that are pertinent to the
Minor Operated Departments.
The Total Minor Operated Departmental Revenue, Total Minor Operated
Departmental Expenses, and Total Minor Operated Departmental Profit from Sub-
schedule 3-xx are then shown on Schedule 3.
Examples of income sources and the associated direct expenses that are fre-
quently (but not always) classified as Minor Operated Departments are:
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
dePartmental revenue
Minor Operated Department 1
Minor Operated Department 2
- - -
Minor Operated Department x
Less: Allowances
total dePartmental revenue
dePartmental exPenses
Minor Operated Department 1
Minor Operated Department 2
- - -
Minor Operated Department x
total minor oPerated dePartmental exPenses
dePartmental Profit
Minor Operated Department 1
Minor Operated Department 2
- - -
Minor Operated Department x
total minor oPerated dePartment Profit
Departmental Expenses is the sum of Cost of Sales (when applicable) and Total Expenses.
Operating Statements 81
Vending machines owned and stocked by the hotel will have Vending Rev-
enue and Vending Expenses.
Retail kiosks operated by front desk personnel and stocked by hotel will have
Retail Kiosk Revenue and Retail Kiosk Expenses. Typical sale items include
newspapers, soft drinks, toiletries, and microwave foods.
Video game machines owned and maintained by the hotel will have Video
Game Revenue and Video Game Expenses.
In-Room Movie Rental systems owned and operated by the hotel will have
Movie Rental Revenue and Movie Rental Expenses.
Guest Laundry and Dry Cleaning provided by an outside vendor, but par-
tially serviced by the hotel, will have Guest Laundry and Dry Cleaning Rev-
enue and Guest Laundry and Dry Cleaning Expenses.
Guest Communications includes revenues received from guests’ use of tele-
phones, fax machines, and the Internet in the guestroom. The gross or net
(commission) revenue generated from Internet service charges in function
rooms should be recorded as Audiovisual revenue in the Food and Bever-
age department. Only the cost of sales associated with guestroom-generated
communications revenue should be included in the Minor Operated Depart-
ment Expenses. The costs associated with offering complimentary guest calls
and Internet connectivity anywhere within the property should be recorded
on Information and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6, as should all
labor- and maintenance-related expenses. Guestroom Communications will
have Guestroom Telephone Revenue, Guestroom Internet Revenue, Guest
Fax Revenue, Guestroom Telephone Cost of Sales, Guestroom Internet Cost of
Sales, and Guest Fax Cost of Sales.
Services and CAM (common area maintenance) charges sold to third-party
unit owners at a profit will have Services and CAM Revenue and Services and
CAM Expenses.
Occasional food and beverage service provided by hotels that do not rou-
tinely sell food and beverage will have Occasional Food Revenue, Occasional
Beverage Revenue, Occasional Room Rental Revenue, Occasional Food Cost
of Sales, Occasional Beverage Cost of Sales, and Other Occasional Food and
Beverage Expenses.
Some income sources may meet the requirement to be reported on a net basis on
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4. See Part V for more information.
82 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4 reflects the proper format for a schedule sup-
porting the Miscellaneous Income amount reported on the Summary Operating
Statement. Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the Uniform
does not provide for the addition or substitution of other income line items.
Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide
more detail related to a particular income item. This sub-account/sub-schedule
is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item. Additionally, properties may
choose to delete some of the columns or to show them in a different order and
remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Revenue is classified as Miscellaneous Income if it meets the standards for
reporting revenues on a net basis. (Audiovisual net revenue is a potential excep-
tion; it is reported as Audiovisual on Food and Beverage—Schedule 2 for properties
that have a Food and Beverage department.) For additional information, see Part V.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to Miscel-
laneous Income.
The line items for Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4 are defined in the follow-
ing pages.
Attrition Fees
Fee income received from groups that do not fulfill their guaranteed number of
reservations for guestrooms, food and beverage, and other services is included in
this line item.
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Attrition Fees
Cancellation Fees
Cash Discounts Earned
Guest-Related Foreign Currency Transaction Gains
Guest Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Interest Income
Net Revenue from Renting Mixed-Ownership Units
Other Breakage
Package Breakage
Proceeds from Business Interruption Insurance
Resort Fees
Space Rental and Concessions
total misCellaneous inCome
Operating Statements 83
Cancellation Fees
Fee income received from transient guests and groups that cancel their reserva-
tions for guestrooms, food and beverage, and other services after a contracted or
cutoff date is included in this line item. “No-show” revenue from individual guests
who do not show for a guaranteed reservation and “early departure fees” from the
guests who check out earlier than the scheduled departure date are included in
Other Revenue in the Rooms department.
Cash Discounts Earned
Discounts earned by the payment of hotel creditors’ accounts within the discount
period are included in this line item. The revenue recognized should be the amount
of the cash discount earned. Sales and occupancy tax discounts resulting from the
hotel remitting payments within the taxing jurisdiction’s discount period are also
included in this category.
When the hotel earns a cash discount on a purchase it makes, the discount is
recorded as a deduction from cost of sales or in an individual expense item. It is
not included in this revenue category.
Commissions received from third parties for services, such as leased gaming and
vending machines, taxicab stands, parking lots, automobile rentals, non-owned or
non-operated audiovisual services (for properties without a Food and Beverage
department), guestroom Internet connectivity, automated teller machines, photog-
raphy, and use of a payment (credit/debit) card purchasing service are included
in this line item. Separate sub-categories could be used to identify significant rev-
enue items.
For properties that operate a Food and Beverage department, the fee or com-
mission revenue from a third-party audiovisual contractor would be reported as
Other Revenue—Audiovisual on
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2.
Guest-Related Foreign Currency Transaction Gains (Losses)
Foreign currency gains or losses resulting from exchanging foreign currency
for hotel guests, groups, and banquets into the local currency of the country are
included in this line item.
Foreign currency gains or losses resulting from non-guest transactions should
be reported on
Administrative and General—Schedule 5 or Non-Operating Income
and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Guest Laundry and Dry Cleaning
The net income earned for cleaning guest laundry from third-party-operated con-
cessions is included in this line item.
84 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Interest Income
Interest earned on cash investments, bank deposits, notes receivable, accounts
receivable, and from other sources is included in this line item. Interest earned
from capital reserve accounts and any restricted funds accounts should be reported
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Net Revenue from Renting Mixed-Ownership Units
When it is determined that the mixed ownership rentals should be reported on a
net basis, the net revenue received by the property as an agent is the commission
revenue on the rental.
Other Breakage
Unused or forfeited gift cards or gift certificates and un-presented or expired
prepaid coupons, where escheat laws do not require them to be turned over to
a government authority, should be recorded as revenue. As it relates to prepaid
coupons, only the discounted value should be recorded as revenue.
Package Breakage
When guests do not consume all of the components that are included in a pack-
age, or spend more than the market value allocated for the package, the surplus
or deficit is commonly referred to as breakage. If the hotel elects not to charge or
refund the guest for the breakage, the residual value should be recorded to Mis-
cellaneous Income, regardless of whether it is a surplus or deficit. In cases where
breakage is either significant or consistently negative, the package structure and
pricing should be reviewed and adjusted accordingly.
Proceeds from Business Interruption Insurance
The gross amount of the agreed settlement with an insurance company for a
business interruption claim is included in the line item, less the extra expenses
included in the settlement that are credited to accounts receivable. Extra expenses
are those expenses that are a direct result of the insurable loss and not part of
normal property operations, such as relocation of guests or professional fees to
prepare the claim. The gross settlement net of the extra expenses is recorded to
this account and the deductible portion of the claim is recorded as an insurance
expense on
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Resort Fees
Resort fees are mandatory fees charged at either a flat amount or a percentage
of the room rate. They are charged per room night rather than per person and
allow the guest to use services such as fitness facilities, spa, pool, local phone calls,
Internet access, airport transportation, golf driving range, and other recreational
Subject to the determination to report revenue on a net or gross basis as out-
lined in Part V, if the resort fee covers guest use of a service provided by a third
Operating Statements 85
party, the amount of gross or net revenue attributable to the third-party service
will be included in Resort Fee revenue. The amount due to the third-party ser-
vice will be treated either as a cost in the appropriate department (gross revenue
reporting) or as a pass through in the balance sheet (net revenue reporting).
Space Rental and Concessions
Many properties wish to offer their guests services and/or merchandise that are
not provided by the operated departments previously discussed. In these cases,
properties contract the operations of such activities through rental or concession
agreements. Space Rental and Concessions includes the revenue generated from
the rental of space within the property. Examples are gifts shops, coffee kiosks,
and car rental agencies that lease space from the hotel. The amount paid by tenants
entering into leases with the property is amortized over the term of the lease and
reported in Miscellaneous Income.
Rental revenue earned from commercial leases not directly associated with
the operation of hotel and not managed or maintained by hotel management
should be reported on Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11. Exam-
ples include owner-directed office leases, billboards, and cell towers.
Commissions to renting agents are amortized over the term of the lease and
are charged against Administrative and General—Professional Fees.
This line item includes any income not classified under another caption. Examples
include in-room safes, safety deposit boxes, and in-room refrigerator rental.
Total Miscellaneous Income
Total Miscellaneous Income is calculated by summing all of the amounts listed
above. This amount appears on the Summary Operating Statement under Operat-
ing Revenue—Miscellaneous Income.
In completing Schedule 4, Total Miscellaneous Income is considered to be 100
percent, and the percentage for each source of income is determined by dividing
the dollar amount of that source by Total Miscellaneous Income.
86 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
General Support
Human Resources
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Audit Charges
Bank Charges
Cash Overages and Shortages
Centralized Accounting Charges
Cluster Services
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Credit and Collection
Credit Card Commissions
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Human Resources
Legal Services
Licenses and Permits
Loss and Damage
Operating Statements 87
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Non-Guest-Related Foreign Currency Exchange
Gains (Losses)
Operating Supplies
Payroll Processing
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges
Professional Fees
Provision for Doubtful Accounts
Settlement Costs
Staff Transportation
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
Administrative and General—Schedule 5 reflects the proper format for an Admin-
istrative and General department and designates the expense accounts that are
approved as line items in the Uniform System. Individual properties may delete
irrelevant line items, but the Uniform System does not provide for the addition or
substitution of other revenue or expense line items. Rather, properties may choose
to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a par-
ticular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the
appropriate line item. Additionally, properties may choose to delete some of the
columns or to show them in a different order and remain “in conformity with the
Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the
Administrative and General department.
The line items for Administrative and General—Schedule 5 are defined in the
following pages.
Administrative and General expenses are separated into two major categories:
Labor Costs and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associ-
ated with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and
88 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Payroll-Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions
typically included in the Administrative and General department is provided in
the Department Payroll Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example,
if an Administrative and General department employee regularly works as an
accounting clerk in the Administrative and General department and temporarily
works for the Food and Beverage department on a function, his or her earnings for
the function are charged to Salaries and Wages in the Food and Beverage depart-
ment, not to his or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of security staff.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless of
the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following items:
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Operating Statements 89
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property. Refer to Part III for recommended
operating metrics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Administrative and General
department expenses approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Indi-
vidual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does
not provide for the addition or substitution of other expense line items. Rather,
properties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more
detail related to a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then
to be rolled into the appropriate line item listed below.
Audit Charges. Includes the cost of any accounting audits, whether internal or
external, performed for the property. Audits performed specifically at the request
of and for the benefit of ownership would be recorded in Owner Expenses on
Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Bank Charges. Includes bank charges assessed for banking services and trans-
actions such as overdrafts, monthly service charges, stop payments, check charges,
wire and bank transfer charges, and other related items.
Cash Overages and Shortages. Includes cashiers’ overages and shortages.
Centralized Accounting Charges. Includes the cost of centralized accounting
charges (e.g., fees for accounts payable, statement of income preparation, and pay-
roll processing) and sales/use/occupancy tax preparation assessed by the corpo-
rate office or management company.
90 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable,
costs and related expenses
should be charged to their respective line item and
only other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair
allocation of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations to guests or vendors associated with the Admin-
istrative and General department and VIP gifts. Complimentary Services and
Gifts for promotional purposes should be coded to
Sales and Marketing—Sched-
ule 7.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Admin-
istrative and General department by outside contractors and professional service
providers rather than hotel employees, unless identified in this department with a
specific line item. The costs of contracting outside companies for document reten-
tion services is an example. If supplies are purchased for contract companies to
use, the supplies are charged to the appropriate supply account.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company administrative personnel billed
to the property by the regional or corporate office or the management company,
consistent with any contractual arrangements. Costs should be assigned to the
Administrative and General department only when these salaries and expenses
cannot be billed to this account in any other department in the property. Travel
expenses of such corporate or management company personnel that are incurred
while visiting the property, including the costs of meals and other applicable ser-
vices or amenities provided to corporate or management company staff while on
business in the property for the benefit of the property, are also charged to this
Credit and Collection. Includes the cost of collecting guest accounts, such as
attorney’s fees and credit and check verification services.
Credit Card Commissions. Includes the cost of commissions paid to credit
card organizations.
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in the Administrative
and General areas for holidays and special events.
Donations. Includes the cost of any contributions made by the property.
Examples include charitable, political, social, and community donations.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of representation of the Adminis-
trative and General department, or of members of the staff when authorized to
represent the Administrative and General department, in business or professional
organizations. Dues and Subscriptions is also charged with the cost of subscrip-
tions to newspapers, magazines, and books for use by the staff of the Administra-
tive and General department.
Operating Statements 91
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Administrative and General department
or as a replacement for equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equip-
ment lease payments made under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other
Property and Equipment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and
Expenses—Schedule 11.
Human Resources. Includes all costs directly related to the human resources
function, such as recruitment, relocation, background checks, non-legal cost of Visa
for an ex-pat employee, employee temporary housing, physician fees and medi-
cal supplies, and all expenses associated with the cost of house media, social and
sports activities, employee awards, and events and activities intended to improve
employee relations and morale. If these expenses are significant, a property may
develop a sub-schedule to provide more detail, but the sub-schedule total must
roll up into this line item.
Legal Services. Includes court costs and the cost of attorney fees, attorney
retainers, fees associated with acquiring visas for ex-pats, expert witnesses, related
travel, and other reimbursable expenses other than those incurred in connec-
tion with an insurance claim. Legal fees incurred for insurance-related matters
are charged to the appropriate insurance category on
Non-Operating Income and
Expenses—Schedule 11.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Administrative and General department.
Loss and Damage. Includes the payments made for guest property lost or
damaged in excess of the amounts recovered from insurance companies.
Miscellaneous. Includes any Administrative and General department
expenses that do not apply to the other line items discussed in this section. Volume
rebate payments received from credit card organizations would be credited to this
account unless clearly and easily identifiable to a particular expense category.
Non-Guest-Related Foreign Currency Exchange Gains (Losses). Foreign
exchange (FX) gains or losses relating to hotel accounts receivable and accounts
payable should be recorded here, while all other FX gains or losses not related to
guest transactions should be recorded on
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—
Schedule 11.
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the Adminis-
trative and General department that are not included in the descriptions of specific
supply accounts. Examples are general office supplies, such as facsimile machines
and calculators, and expendable office supplies, such as notepads, pens, pencils,
and paper clips. This account also includes the cost of printed forms used in the
92 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Administrative and General department, whether they are purchased from an
outside source or produced internally.
Payroll Processing. Includes the cost incurred when a third-party service is
used to process payroll.
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges. Includes the cost of stamps and
express mail charges specifically related to the Administrative and General
Professional Fees. Includes the cost of public accountants (other than audit
fees) and other professional consultants, excluding attorneys. The amount
recorded includes professional fees, travel, and other reimbursable expenses. For
example, amortization of commissions paid to rental agents who have assisted
in securing tenants for space rented in the property is charged to this account.
Department-specific consulting fees are charged to the appropriate department.
Consulting fees incurred for insurance-related matters are charged to the appro-
priate Insurance category on
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Provision for Doubtful Accounts. Includes any charge made to provide for
the probable loss on accounts and notes receivable.
Security. Includes the cost of contract security for onetime events and other
related expenses, such as armored car service and safety and lock boxes. Full-time
third-party security in lieu of hotel staff should be charged to Salaries and Wages.
Settlement Costs. Includes the costs associated with settling uninsurable
claims, including damage awards in connection with the settling of a lawsuit and
contractual disputes. For example, the costs associated with employee or other
discrimination claim settlements are charged to this line item.
Staff Transportation. Includes the cost of transportation other than that
directly related to guests, such as the costs associated with transporting employ-
ees to the property. Subsidized public transit passes given to staff as a recruiting or
retention benefit are expensed to Employee Benefits in each department.
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll costs, that can be directly
attributed to the training of employees in the Administrative and General depart-
ment. Examples include the costs of training materials, supplies, certification pro-
grams and instructor fees. The cost of employee wages incurred during training is
charged to Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food,
beverage, and entertainment expenses incurred by employees of the Administra-
tive and General department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, incurred by employees of the
Administrative and General department traveling on property business.
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Admin-
istrative and General department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are
Operating Statements 93
also included in this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of the
Administrative and General department, whether performed by an in-hotel facil-
ity or contracted to an outside company.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Rev-
enue for the entire property.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Expenses is the amount that appears on the Summary Operating State-
ment under Undistributed Operating Expenses—Administrative and General.
94 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Information Technology
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Cost of Services
Cost of Cell Phones
Cost of Internet Services
Cost of Local Calls
Cost of Long Distance Calls
Other Cost of Services
Total Cost of Services
System Expenses
Administrative and General
Centralized Information System Charges
Energy Management
Food and Beverage
Health Club/Spa
Human Resources
Information Security
Information Systems
Property Operation and Maintenance
Sales and Marketing
Total System Expenses
Operating Statements 95
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Other Expenses
Cluster Services
Contract Services
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Operating Supplies
Other Equipment
System Storage and Optimization
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
Information and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6 reflects the proper for-
mat for an Information and Telecommunications Systems department and desig-
nates the expense accounts that are approved as line items in the Uniform System.
Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the Uniform System
does not provide for the addition or substitution of other revenue or expense line
items. Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to
provide more detail related to a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-
schedule is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item. Additionally, proper-
ties may choose to delete some of the columns or to show them in a different order
and remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the
Information and Telecommunications Systems department.
The line items for Information and Telecommunications Systems—Schedule 6
are defined in the following pages.
Information and Telecommunications Systems expenses are separated into four
major categories: Labor Costs and Related Expenses, Cost of Services, System
Expenses, and Other Expenses.
96 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Information and Telecommunications Systems department is pro-
vided in the Department Payroll Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages.
Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties
that relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay,
and shift differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than
his or her regular home department, his or her earnings must be charged as
Salaries and Wages in that other department, regardless of the duties being
For example, if an Information and Telecommunications Systems
department employee regularly works as a computer operator in the Informa-
tion and Telecommunications Systems department and temporarily works for the
Food and Beverage department on a function, his or her earnings for the function
are charged to Salaries and Wages in the Food and Beverage department, not to his
or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of PBX operators.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless of
the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following items:
Operating Statements 97
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property. Refer to Part III for recommended
operating metrics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Note Regarding Cost of Services, System Expenses, and Other Expenses
These expense groupings include the significant Information and Telecommunica-
tions Systems department expenses approved in the
Uniform System. Individual
properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not pro-
vide for the addition or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties
may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related
to a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled
into the appropriate line item listed below.
Cost of Services
Cost of Cell Phones. Includes the cost of cell phone plans and equipment for
hotel employees.
Cost of Internet Services. Includes the cost of providing administrative and
complimentary guest Internet services, such as access charges, miscellaneous
equipment not eligible for capitalization, and fees.
98 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Cost of Local Calls. Includes the cost of administrative and complimentary
guest calls designated as non-toll calls by the service provider, such as the associ-
ated costs for any trunk lines, access charges, usage fees, and utility taxes.
Cost of Long Distance Calls. Includes the cost of administrative calls desig-
nated as toll calls by the service provider, such as the associated costs for any trunk
lines, access charges, usage fees, and utility taxes.
Other Cost of Services. Includes any expense associated with providing tele-
communications services that does not apply to the other line items discussed in
this section.
Total Cost of Services
Total Cost of Services is calculated by summing all items listed under Cost of Ser-
vices. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Cost of Services
is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Revenue for the
entire property.
System Expenses
System Expenses for each area includes systems not specified elsewhere in the
Information and Telecommunications Systems department that are used by and
primarily benefit the area noted. System Expenses includes items such as soft-
ware licenses and maintenance, software as a service fees, hosting storage fees,
and technical support fees.
Administrative and General. Includes any expenses of an accounting system
and security system for the property.
Centralized Information System Charges. Includes expenses for corporate or
brand systems that provide for centralized information technology solutions.
Energy Management. Includes any expenses of an energy management sys-
tem for the property.
Food and Beverage. Includes any expenses of a point-of-sale system or reser-
vation system for the Food and Beverage department except transaction costs or
commissions related to a venue-specific third-party reservation or booking system.
Golf. Includes any expenses of a point-of-sale or reservation system for a Golf
Course and Pro Shop department on the property except transaction costs or com-
missions related to a venue-specific third-party reservation or booking system.
Hardware. Includes any expenses for non-capitalized equipment (e.g., key-
boards, computer mouse, etc.)
Health Club/Spa. Includes any expenses of a point-of-sale or reservation sys-
tem for a Health Club/Spa department except transaction costs or commissions
related to a venue-specific third-party reservation or booking system.
Human Resources. Includes any expenses of a human resources system (e.g.,
payroll, HRIS, time clocks) for the property.
Operating Statements 99
Information Security. Includes any expenses of the Information and Telecom-
munications Systems department that are for the purpose to secure information
data (e.g., PCI compliance software and affiliated costs).
Information Systems. Includes any expenses of a local (LAN) or wide area
network (WAN) system and e-mail for the property (e.g., hardware).
Other. Includes any expenses of a point-of-sale or reservation system for
other facilities on the property except transaction costs or commissions related to
a venue-specific third-party reservation or booking system.
Parking. Includes any expenses of a parking lot or valet parking system for
the property.
Property Operation and Maintenance. Includes any expenses of a property or
preventive maintenance system for the property that is used to track work orders
and preventive maintenance items.
Rooms. Includes any expenses of a property management system and key
coding system for the property.
Sales and Marketing. Includes any expenses of a sales, catering, and market-
ing system for the property.
Telecommunications. Includes any expenses of a telecommunications system
for the hotel (e.g., VoIP, T-1).
Total System Expenses
Total System Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under System
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total System
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Rev-
enue for the entire property.
Other Expenses
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable,
costs and related expenses
should be charged to their respective line item and
only other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair
allocation of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Infor-
mation and Telecommunications Systems department by outside contractors and
professional service providers rather than by hotel employees, unless identified
in this department with a specific line item. The cost of contracting outside com-
panies for data backup and department-specific consulting services are typical
examples. If supplies are purchased for contract companies to use, the supplies
are charged to the appropriate supply account.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Information and Telecommuni-
cations Systems department personnel billed to the property by the regional or
100 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
corporate office or by the management company, consistent with any contractual
arrangements. Travel expenses of such corporate or management company per-
sonnel that are incurred while visiting the property, including the costs of meals
and other applicable services or amenities provided to corporate or management
company staff while on business in the property for the benefit of the property, are
also charged to this account.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of membership of the Information
and Telecommunications Systems department, or of members of the staff when
authorized to represent the Information and Telecommunications Systems depart-
ment, in business or professional organizations. Dues and Subscriptions is also
charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, and books for
use by the Information and Telecommunications Systems department staff.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Information and Telecommunications Sys-
tem department or as a replacement for equipment out of service on a tempo-
rary basis. Equipment lease payments made under a qualified operating lease are
charged to Other Property and Equipment under the Rent section of
ing Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Information and Telecommuni-
cations Systems department that do not apply to the other line items discussed in
this section.
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the Infor-
mation and Telecommunications Systems department that are not included in
the descriptions of specific supply accounts. An example would be general office
Other Equipment. Includes any purchases of small value equipment that can-
not be assigned to a particular system and would not be capitalized for the Infor-
mation and Telecommunications Systems department.
System Storage and Optimization. Includes any expenses related to an offsite
or onsite repository/storage of data for the hotel.
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll cost, that can be directly attrib-
uted to the training of employees in the Information and Telecommunications Sys-
tems department. Examples include the costs of training materials, supplies, certi-
fication programs and instructor fees. The cost of employee wages incurred during
training is charged to Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food,
beverage, and entertainment expenses incurred by employees of the Information
and Telecommunications Systems department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
Operating Statements 101
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, incurred by employees of the
Information and Telecommunications Systems department traveling on property
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Informa-
tion and Telecommunications Systems department, whether purchased or rented.
Repair costs are also included in this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is
charged to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of the
Information and Telecommunications Systems department, whether performed
by an in-hotel facility or contracted to an outside company.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Rev-
enue for the entire property.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by summing Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses,
Total Cost of Services, Total System Expenses, and Total Other Expenses. The per-
centage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing Total Expenses by Total Oper-
ating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Expenses is the amount that appears on the Summary Operating State-
ment under Undistributed Operating Expenses—Information and Telecommuni-
cations Systems.
102 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Agency Fees
Cluster Services
Collateral Material
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Direct Mail
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Familiarization Trips
In-House Graphics
Loyalty Programs
Operating Supplies
Outside Sales Representation
Outside Services Market Research
Outside Signage
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges
Operating Statements 103
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Trade Shows
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7 reflects the proper format for a Sales and Mar-
keting department and designates the expense accounts that are approved as line
items in the Uniform System. Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items,
but the Uniform System does not provide for the addition or substitution of other
revenue or expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-
account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular expense item.
This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item.
Additionally, properties may choose to delete some of the columns or to show
them in a different order and remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the Sales
and Marketing department.
The line items for Sales and Marketing—Schedule 7 are defined in the follow-
ing pages.
Sales and Marketing expenses are separated into two major categories: Labor
Costs and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Sales and Marketing department is provided in the Department
Payroll Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example, if
104 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
a Sales and Marketing department employee regularly works as an administrative
assistant in the Sales and Marketing department and temporarily works for the
Food and Beverage department on a function, his or her earnings for the function
are charged to Salaries and Wages in the Food and Beverage department, not to his
or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of Sales and Marketing
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless of
the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following items:
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Operating Statements 105
Expenses—Schedule 14.) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property. Refer to Part III for recommended
operating metrics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Sales and Marketing department
expenses approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Individual proper-
ties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for
the addition or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties may
choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to
a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into
the appropriate line item listed below.
Agency Fees. Includes fees paid to advertising and/or public relations agencies.
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable,
costs and related expenses
should be charged to their respective line item and
only other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair
allocation of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Collateral Material. Includes the cost of brochures, salespersons’ kits, maps,
floor plans, and similar materials used to describe the property’s services.
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations for promotional purposes to guests, prospective
groups, and vendors associated with Sales and Marketing, such as VIP gifts, pens,
golf balls, shirts, and key chains.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Sales and
Marketing department by outside contractors and professional service providers
rather than hotel employees, unless identified in this department with a specific
line item. Companies providing revenue management services and department-
specific consulting services are typical examples. If supplies are purchased for
106 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
contract companies to use, the supplies are charged to the appropriate supply
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Sales and Marketing department
personnel billed to the property by the regional or corporate office or by the man-
agement company, consistent with any contractual arrangements. Travel expenses
of such corporate or management company personnel that are incurred while vis-
iting the property, including the costs of meals and other applicable services or
amenities provided to corporate or management company staff while on business
in the property for the benefit of the property, are also charged to this account.
Decorations. The cost of guest-facing holiday and special event decorations
(inside and outside) is charged to this account. Department-specific decorations
are charged to the appropriate department.
Direct Mail. Includes the cost of mailing lists, letter writing, postage, address-
ing envelopes or cards, and other work of this nature, including Internet e-mail
blasts or other electronic versions of direct mail.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of membership of the Sales and
Marketing department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent
the Sales and Marketing department, in business or professional organizations.
Dues and Subscriptions is also charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspa-
pers, magazines, and books for use by the Sales and Marketing department staff.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Sales and Marketing department or as a
replacement for equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease
payments made under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property
and Equipment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—
Schedule 11.
Familiarization Trips. Includes all costs associated with travel agents or
meeting planners coming to a property for the purpose of familiarizing them with
the property and gaining additional sales business from them. Rooms recorded
as complimentary and food and beverage consumed at the property are recorded
here at cost for familiarization (also called Fam or FAM) trips.
Franchise and Affiliation Marketing. Includes any costs paid to a franchise
or affiliation entity for the purpose of promoting the brand on a national or
regional basis. When the hotel operator or franchisor combines its reservations
and marketing assessments, management should seek guidance from the hotel
operator or franchisor regarding the percentage of the assessment attributable
to reservations versus marketing activities. The assessment should then be allo-
cated accordingly between the Rooms and Sales and Marketing departments,
respectively. If management is unable to attain guidance from the hotel operator
Operating Statements 107
or franchisor, then the total assessment should be recorded to Franchise and
Affiliation Marketing.
Franchise and Affiliation Fees—Royalties. Includes royalties for the licens-
ing/branding/naming of the property itself. Fees paid for national advertising are
charged to Franchise and Affiliation Marketing. Room reservation fees paid to the
franchise company are charged to the Rooms department.
In-House Graphics. Includes the cost of directories, signs, brochures, and
other costs associated with merchandising the services of the property on the
Loyalty Programs. Includes any costs associated with programs designed
to build guest loyalty to the property or brand. Costs associated with coopera-
tive loyalty programs, such as frequent flyer programs, are also charged to this
account. Additionally, this account is charged with any fees associated with the
administration of the property’s loyalty or similar programs. The actual cost of
executing the loyalty or similar programs, such as the charge based on revenue or
sold room nights, is charged to this account. Reimbursement by brand programs
to the property for discounted or free guest stays due to redemption of brand loy-
alty points/credits would be recognized as rooms revenue and not a credit to this
Media. Includes the cost of advertising on radio and television, including pro-
duction costs, as well as advertising in newspapers, magazines, directories, and
on the Internet (e.g., OTA and consortia ads). When such costs are significant, a
property may break out the items in a series of sub-accounts, such as consumer
media, newspapers, prep and production, radio, trade media, consortia, pay-per-
click, and telephone directories, but the total of each of these items must be rolled
into this line item.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses related to the Sales and Marketing
department that do not apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the Sales
and Marketing department that are not included in the descriptions of specific
supply accounts. Examples are general office supplies, such as facsimile machines
and calculators, and expendable office supplies, such as notepads, pens, pencils,
and paper clips. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the Sales and Market-
ing department, whether they are purchased from an outside source or produced
Outside Sales Representation. Includes the fees, commissions, and expenses
paid to third parties, other than travel agents and meeting planners, whose ser-
vices are retained for the purpose of selling and generating revenue for the prop-
erty. Travel costs associated with this position would be recorded to the respective
travel line items.
Outside Services Market Research. Includes the cost of any analysis prepared
by independent research or consulting firms for the purpose of reviewing demo-
graphic characteristics, analyzing guest history, or providing market intelligence
108 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
regarding bookings and reviews. Examples include Hotelligence, STR, PKF, Travel
Click, monitoring of social media, and reader board services.
Outside Signage. Includes the cost of posters, billboards, reader boards, high-
way or directional signage, and other signs, including rental costs and service
Photography. Includes the cost of photographs used in various types of pro-
motional and publicity programs, including the cost of using professional models.
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges. Includes the cost of stamps and
express mail charges attributable to the Sales and Marketing department except
those costs associated with direct mail campaigns.
Promotion. Includes the cost of goods and services provided to any individ-
ual or organization to promote the property in the community and the industry
other than media advertising. Examples include entry fees to events held by civic
groups to create a presence and awareness of the property, sponsoring gift cer-
tificates for non-profit and other organizations, participation in charity golf tour-
naments, and client appreciation parties. If food and beverage is involved, it is
recorded here at the cost of the food and beverage items provided.
Trade Shows. Includes the cost of promoting the property at various trade
shows, excluding travel expenses of attending representatives, but including the
cost of the booth, registration fees, promotional logo items, and rental of exhibition
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll cost, that can be directly attrib-
uted to the training of employees in the Sales and Marketing department. Exam-
ples include the costs of training materials, supplies, certification programs and
instructor fees. The cost of employee wages incurred during training is charged to
Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food,
beverage and entertainment expenses incurred by employees of the Sales and
Marketing department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet), other than food, bever-
age, and entertainment, incurred by employees of the Sales and Marketing depart-
ment traveling on property business.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of dry cleaning clothing worn by employ-
ees of the Sales and Marketing department, whether performed by an in-hotel
facility or contracted to an outside company, when this service is offered as a ben-
efit to Sales and Marketing department employees. Such employees generally do
not wear property-provided uniforms.
Website. Includes the cost of website development and maintenance, includ-
ing website registration fees, link costs, and the cost of producing a virtual tour,
key word buys, content management, costs related to new media including social
and mobile, search engine optimization, dynamic landing page management,
hotel response costs to third-party consumer sites such as TripAdvisor, online
Operating Statements 109
marketing planning, and centralized labor or centrally managed costs associated
with e-commerce that are distributed to the local property.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Rev-
enue for the entire property.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Expenses is the amount that appears on the Summary Operating State-
ment under Undistributed Operating Expenses—Sales and Marketing.
110 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Cluster Services
Contract Services
Dues and Subscriptions
Electrical and Mechanical Equipment
Elevators and Escalators
Engineering Supplies
Equipment Rental
Floor Covering
Furniture and Equipment
Grounds Maintenance and Landscaping
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Kitchen Equipment
Laundry Equipment
Licenses and Permits
Light Bulbs
Operating Supplies
Painting and Wallcovering
Swimming Pool
Operating Statements 111
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Vehicle Repair
Waste Removal
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
Property Operation and Maintenance—Schedule 8 reflects the proper format for
a Property Operation and Maintenance department and designates the expense
accounts that are approved as line items in the Uniform System. Individual prop-
erties may delete irrelevant line items, but the Uniform System does not provide
for the addition or substitution of other revenue or expense line items. Rather,
properties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more
detail related to a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then
to be rolled into the appropriate line item. Additionally, properties may choose to
delete some of the columns or to show them in a different order and remain “in
conformity with the Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the
Property Operation and Maintenance department.
The line items for Property Operation and Maintenance—Schedule 8 are
defined in the following pages.
Property Operation and Maintenance expenses are separated into two major cat-
egories: Labor Costs and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Property Operation and Maintenance department is provided in
the Department Payroll Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regular
112 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages in
that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example, if a
Property Operations and Maintenance department employee regularly works as an
engineer in the Property Operation and Maintenance department and temporarily
works for the Food and Beverage department on a function, his or her earnings for
the function are charged to Salaries and Wages in the Food and Beverage depart-
ment, not to his or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and
non-management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles
should be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of engineering staff.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless
of the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Operating Statements 113
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property. Refer to Part III for recommended
operating metrics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Property Operation and Mainte-
nance department expenses approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System.
Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System
does not provide for the addition or substitution of other expense line items.
Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide
more detail related to a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is
then to be rolled into the appropriate line item listed below.
Building. Includes any cost of material and contracts related to repairing and
maintaining the building, both interior and exterior. The cost of locksets, as well
as the cost associated with sign maintenance, is charged to this account unless the
scope of work would dictate that it should be capitalized.
Cluster Services. Includes allocation for costs shared between hotels in a
limited geographic area (as opposed to nationally consolidated services such as
Corporate Office Reimbursables). Where reasonable and easily identifiable,
costs and related expenses
should be charged to their respective line item and
only other expenses are charged to Cluster Services. Where not practical, the fair
allocation of the total cluster service expenses should be recognized here.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Property
Operation and Maintenance department by outside contractors and professional
service providers rather than by hotel employees, unless identified in this depart-
ment with a specific line item. The cost of contracting outside companies for pest
control or interior landscaping and department-specific consulting services are
114 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
typical examples. If supplies are purchased for contract companies to use, the sup-
plies are charged to the appropriate supply account.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Property Operation and Main-
tenance department personnel billed to the property by the regional or corporate
office or by the management company, consistent with any contractual arrange-
ments. Travel expenses of such corporate or management company personnel that
are incurred while visiting the property, including the costs of meals and other
applicable services or amenities provided to corporate or management company
staff while on business in the property for the benefit of the property, are also
charged to this account.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of membership of the Property
Operation and Maintenance department, or of members of the staff when autho-
rized to represent the Property Operation and Maintenance department, in busi-
ness or professional organizations. Dues and Subscriptions is also charged with
the cost of subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, and books for use by the Prop-
erty Operation and Maintenance department staff.
Electrical and Mechanical Equipment. Includes the cost of materials and
contracts related to repairing and maintaining general equipment not specifically
identified elsewhere.
Elevators and Escalators. Includes the cost of materials and contracts related
to repairing and maintaining elevators and escalators.
Engineering Supplies. Includes the costs related to any maintenance and
chemical supplies and small tools used in the Property Operation and Mainte-
nance department.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Property Operations and Maintenance
department or as a replacement for equipment out of service on a temporary basis.
Equipment lease payments made under a qualified operating lease are charged to
Other Property and Equipment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income
and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Floor Covering. Includes the cost of materials and contracts related to repair-
ing floor covering throughout the building.
Furniture and Equipment. Includes the cost of repairing and replacing furni-
ture and equipment not specifically addressed elsewhere. For example, the cost of
contracts, materials and supplies such as textiles, fibers, lumber, metal parts, and
glass related to the repair of furniture, including beds, tables, dressers, chairs, cur-
tains and draperies, and other articles of similar nature is charged to this account,
as is the cost of repairing guestroom televisions.
Operating Statements 115
Grounds Maintenance and Landscaping. Includes the cost of supplies and
contracts related to the maintenance of grounds, such as parking lot resealing
and stripping and snow removal. For properties located in an area where snow
removal tends to be a significant operating expense, a sub-account may be estab-
lished for snow removal, with the total cost of that account rolled into Grounds
Maintenance and Landscaping.
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Equipment. Includes the cost of
materials and contracts related to repairing and maintaining all heating, ventila-
tion, and air conditioning equipment.
Kitchen Equipment. Includes the cost of materials and contracts related to
repairing and maintaining kitchen equipment.
Laundry Equipment. Includes the cost of materials and contracts related to
repairing and maintaining laundry equipment.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Property Operation and Maintenance department.
Life/Safety. Includes the cost of regulatory inspection fees, certification tests,
and materials and contracts to maintain fire control panels, tamper and flow
switches, smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, and pull stations.
Light Bulbs. Includes the cost of replacement light bulbs.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Property Operation and Main-
tenance department that do not apply to the other line items discussed in this
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of items needed to operate the Property
Operations and Maintenance department that are not included in the descriptions
of specific accounts. An example would be general office supplies.
Painting and Wallcovering. Includes the cost of materials, supplies, and con-
tracts related to painting and wallcovering throughout the property.
Plumbing. Includes the cost of repairing and maintaining plumbing equip-
ment and facilities throughout the property, including kitchen and bathroom fix-
tures, supply lines, and drains, but excluding sprinkler systems.
Swimming Pool. Includes the cost of materials, supplies, pool chemicals, and
contracts relating to the maintenance and repair of swimming pools when a sepa-
rate Other Operated Department does not exist.
Training. Includes the costs, other than payroll cost, that can be directly attrib-
uted to the training of employees in the Property Operation and Maintenance
department. Examples include the costs of training materials, supplies, certifica-
tion programs and instructor fees. The cost of employee wages incurred during
training is charged to Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food,
beverage, and entertainment expenses incurred by employees of the Property
Operation and Maintenance department traveling on property business.
116 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, incurred by employees of the
Property Operation and Maintenance department traveling on property business.
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Property
Operations and Maintenance department, whether purchased or rented. Repair
costs are also included in this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged
to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of
the Property Operation and Maintenance department, whether performed by an
in-hotel facility or contracted to an outside company.
Vehicle Repair. Repairs
and maintenance on hotel-owned or -leased vehi-
cles. Costs associated with fuel and cleaning would stay within the depart-
ment operating the vehicles.
Waste Removal.
Includes the costs of removing trash, rubbish, and any other
types of waste. Any costs associated with recycling of glass or other items as well
as the rental charges for a trash container or compactor are also included in this
line item.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Rev-
enue for the entire property.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Expenses is the amount that appears on the Summary Operating
Statement under Undistributed Operating Expenses—Property Operation and
Operating Statements 117
Utilities—Schedule 9 reflects the proper format for a Utilities department and des-
ignates the expense accounts that are approved as line items in the Uniform Sys-
Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the Uniform Sys-
does not provide for the addition or substitution of other revenue or expense
line items. Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule
to provide more detail related to a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-
schedule is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item. Additionally, proper-
ties may choose to delete some of the columns or to show them in a different order
and remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the
Utilities department.
The cost of electricity purchased from outside producers is charged to this account
and would include taxes/assessments and any bulk/future purchase fees or
The cost of gas purchased from outside producers is charged to this account and
would include taxes/assessments and any bulk/future purchase fees or allocations.
The cost of oil purchased from outside producers is charged to this account and
would include taxes/assessments and any bulk/future purchase fees or allocations.
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Chilled Water
Other Fuels
Contract Services
total exPenses
118 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
The cost of water and sewer is charged to this account and would include taxes/
assessments and water treatment/filtration.
If a property has a cogeneration or desalinization plant, a sub-schedule may
be developed to provide more detail, but the sub-schedule total must roll up into
this line item.
The cost of steam purchased from outside producers is charged to this account and
would include taxes/assessments and any bulk/future purchase fees or allocations.
Chilled Water
The cost of chilled water and additives is charged to this account and would
include taxes/assessments and any bulk/future purchase fees or allocations.
Other Fuels
The cost of other fuels (for example, propane, kerosene, diesel, geothermal, solar,
wind) purchased from outside producers is charged to this account and would
include any taxes/assessments and any bulk/future purchase fees or allocations.
Contract Services
This account includes services from firms that are engaged in energy audits, water
reclamation, infrared detection for energy consumption, and other services pro-
vided with the goal of reducing energy consumption.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by summing all of the items listed under Utilities. The
percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Expenses is calculated by
dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Expenses is the amount that appears on Summary Operating Statement
under Undistributed Operating Expenses—Utilities.
Operating Statements 119
Management Fees—Schedule 10 reflects the proper format for reporting manage-
ment fees and designates the expense accounts that are approved as line items in
the Uniform System. Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for the addition or substitution of other revenue
or expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-account/
sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular expense item. This sub-
account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item. Addition-
ally, properties may choose to delete some of the columns or to show them in a
different order and remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to Man-
agement Fees.
Base Fees
Management fees computed as a fixed amount or a percentage of revenues or
profit are charged to this item.
Incentive Fees
Management fees that are contingent upon achieving certain predefined levels of
performance are charged to this item.
Total Management Fees
Total Management Fees is the sum of Base Fees and Incentive Fees. The percentage
for Total Management Fees is calculated by dividing Total Management Fees by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Management Fees is the amount that appears on Summary Operating
Statement under Management Fees.
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
management fees
Base Fee
Incentive Fees
total management fees
120 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11 reflects the proper format for
non-operating income and expenses and designates the income and expense
accounts that are approved as line items in the Uniform System. Individual proper-
ties may delete irrelevant line items, but the Uniform System does not provide for
the addition or substitution of other income or expense line items. Rather, prop-
erties may choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail
related to a particular income or expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule
is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item. Additionally, properties may
choose to delete some of the columns or to show them in a different order and
remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to non-
operating income and expenses.
The line items for Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11 are
defined in the following pages.
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Cost Recovery Income
Interest Income
Other Income
total inCome
Land and Buildings
Other Property and Equipment
total rent
ProPertY and other taxes
Business and Occupation Taxes
Other Taxes and Assessments
Personal Property Taxes
Real Estate Taxes
total ProPertY and other taxes
Building and Contents
total insuranCe
Cost Recovery Expense
Gain/Loss on Fixed Assets
Owner Expenses
Unrealized Foreign Exchange Gains or Losses
total other
total non-oPerating inCome and exPenses
Operating Statements 121
Cost Recovery Income
Income collected from third parties for the recovery of common area maintenance
(CAM) and out-of-pocket expenses, where the property does not earn a profit, is
recorded here. GAAP requires the recording of revenue for cost recovery, where
it would qualify as gross reporting under the gross versus net guidelines (see
Part V), regardless of whether the property earns a profit or not. If the property
does earn a profit on their cost recovery, it should be reported in
Minor Operated
Departments—Sub-schedule 3-xx.
Interest Income
Interest income generated by funds deposited in reserve or restricted accounts that
generate interest is recorded here.
Other Income
Other income generated by the facility that is not associated with operations or
managed by the operator (e.g., antenna, billboard and retail space in the building,
CAM recovery for spaces directed and managed by the owner) is recorded here.
Total Income
Total Income is calculated by summing all items listed under Income. The percent-
age for each line item expense as well as Total Income is calculated by dividing the
dollar amount of that line item by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Income is the amount that appears on Summary Operating Statement
under Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Income.
Note: Since this income line is embedded in an expense category, be sure to
record it in such a fashion that it offsets the non-operating expenses.
The costs associated with the leasing and rental of property and equipment are
charged to Rent. Rent expense includes operating leases, ground lease rent, and
rentals of property and equipment, other than those rented for a specific func-
tion or event such as a specific banquet or New Year’s Eve party. The rental of
property or equipment for a specific event is generally short-term and the costs
charged to the appropriate department. For example, tables and chairs rented for
an outdoor wedding reception for a Food and Beverage department client are
charged to the appropriate line item/account on
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2.
The costs associated with the following are examples of operating leases and rent-
als that are included in Rent: land and building leases, information systems and
telecommunications or audiovisual equipment, vehicle leases, copiers, and leased
or rented items other than those related to a specific function. Lease payments
for property and equipment financed under a capital lease per GAAP definitions
122 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
would not be expensed in this section, but instead should be treated as required
according to GAAP.
Land and Buildings
If the property is on a ground lease or is leased under an operating lease, this
line item is charged with the lease payment base plus any participating rent. This
would include property leases for a facility/complex in order to provide housing
for employees. Any subsidies for the cost of renting the housing paid by employ-
ees would be credited to this account.
Other Property and Equipment
Other rentals include any other major items (for example, vehicles, copy machines,
and information or telecommunications equipment) which, had they not been
rented, would be purchased and capitalized as property and equipment. Rent for
off-site storage due to on-premises space limitations and managed by hotel staff
would also be charged here. Rental of miscellaneous equipment (copiers, projec-
tors, and sound equipment) for a specific function, such as a banquet or similar
function, or merely to meet peak demand for a short-term period, is charged to
the appropriate department and is not considered a rental expense chargeable to
this line item.
Total Rent
Total Rent is calculated by summing the items listed under Rent. The percentage
for each line item expense as well as Total Rent is calculated by dividing the dollar
amount of that line item by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Rent is the amount that appears on Summary Operating Statement
under Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Rent.
Property and Other Taxes
Business and Occupation Taxes
Taxes such as gross receipts tax on sale of rooms, food, and beverage that cannot
be passed along to customers are charged to this line item.
Other Taxes and Assessments
Any taxes or assessments other than income, payroll, or those listed above are
charged to this line item and separately identified if material in a sub-schedule.
Business Improvement District (BID) or assessments for public improvements are
included in this category. This line also includes assessments by an entity (e.g.,
associations, non-government agencies) on an ongoing regular basis as part of
a monthly or quarterly amount due. If there are clearly defined services in the
assessment (e.g., snow or waste removal), then these individual costs should be
recorded in the respective expense area of the Summary Operating Statement.
Operating Statements 123
Personal Property Taxes
Taxes on furnishings, fixtures, and equipment are charged to this line item.
Real Estate Taxes
This account is charged with all taxes assessed against the real property by a
government or public agency. This account also includes any professional fees
incurred by the property in appealing a tax assessment. Refunds received from an
overpayment of taxes are recorded to this account as a contra item.
Total Property and Other Taxes
Total Property and Other Taxes is calculated by summing all items listed under
Property and Other Taxes. The percentage for each line item expense as well as
Total Property and Other Taxes is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Property and Other Taxes is the amount that appears on Summary
Operating Statement under Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Property and
Other Taxes.
Building and Contents
The cost of insuring the property’s business building and contents against damage
or destruction by fire, weather, sprinkler leakage, terrorism, flood, boiler explo-
sion, plate glass breakage, or any other cause is charged to this account, as are
costs incurred for underinsurance, such as costs incurred as a result of coinsurance
and legal or settlement costs.
General insurance costs, including premiums relating to liability, including direc-
tors and officers coverage and miscellaneous professional liability coverage,
employment practices liability insurance (EPLI), fidelity, umbrella, automobile,
innkeepers, liquor, cyber and theft coverage, are charged to this account. Payroll-
related insurance (workers’ compensation) is included in Employee Benefits in the
appropriate departmental schedule to which the associated payroll is charged.
Premium adjustments resulting from the audit of underwriting assumptions sub-
mitted to insurance carriers are reported here, as are legal settlement costs.
This account includes amounts expended as a result of deductible provisions of
insurance policies and self-insured retentions.
Total Insurance
Total Insurance is calculated by summing all items listed under Insurance. The
percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Insurance is calculated by
124 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
dividing the dollar amount of that line item by Total Operating Revenue for the
entire property.
Total Insurance is the amount that appears on Summary Operating Statement
under Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Insurance.
Cost Recovery Expense
Expenses that will be recovered by the property from a third party without profit
are recorded here. Cost recovery income and cost recovery expense should net to
Gain/Loss on Fixed Assets
This represents the difference between the net book value of an asset and the
amount received upon its disposal.
Owner Expenses
Owner-directed expenses that are not associated with hotel operations (e.g., asset
management fees, receiver fees, owner directed market studies or audits) are
charged to this line item.
Unrealized Foreign Exchange Gains or Losses
The foreign exchange gains or losses that occur when the foreign currency
accounts on the Balance Sheet are revalued at the end of the accounting period
are unrealized gains or losses. Unrealized gains and losses have no bearing on
the normal and customary operation of the hotel and should be recorded here.
When the assets or liabilities on the Balance Sheet are utilized in the operation of
the hotel, any loss or gain on foreign exchange will be recorded in Administrative
and General as those expenses are realized. Examples of accounts with unrealized
foreign exchange gains and losses would be the revaluation of foreign currency
bank accounts, FF&E reserve accounts, and foreign denominated debt.
Total Other
Total Other is calculated by summing all items listed under Other. The percentage
for each line item expense as well as Total Other is calculated by dividing the dol-
lar amount of that line item by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Other is the amount that appears on Summary Operating Statement
under Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Other.
Total Non-Operating Income and Expenses
Total Non-Operating Income and Expenses is the sum of the amounts shown for
Rent, Property and Other Taxes, Insurance, and Other non-operating expenses off-
set by the non-operating Total Income amount. The percentage for Non-Operating
Operating Statements 125
Income and Expenses is calculated by dividing Non-Operating Income and Expenses
by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Total Non-Operating Income and Expenses is the amount that appears on
Summary Operating Statement under Total Non-Operating Income and Expenses.
126 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Cleaning Supplies
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Laundry Supplies
Licenses and Permits
Operating Supplies
Printing and Stationery
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
Cost of Guest and Outside Laundry
Concessionaires’ Laundry
Operating Statements 127
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Cost of house laundrY
Allocation to Rooms
Allocation to Food and Beverage
Allocation to Department 1
Allocation to Department 2
- - -
Allocation to Department x
total alloCations
net reCoverY
House Laundry—Schedule 12 reflects the proper format for a House Laundry
department and designates the expense accounts that are approved as line items in
the Uniform System. Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for the addition or substitution of other revenue
or expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-account/
sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular expense item. This sub-
account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropriate line item. Addition-
ally, properties may choose to delete some of the columns or to show them in a
different order and remain “in conformity with the Uniform System.
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the
House Laundry department.
This schedule is allocated to various departments on an equitable basis.
The line items for House Laundry—Schedule 12 are defined in the following
House Laundry expenses are separated into two major categories: Labor Costs
and Related Expenses and Other Expenses.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the House Laundry department is provided in the Department Payroll
Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
128 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example, if
a House Laundry department employee regularly works as an ironer in the House
Laundry department and temporarily works for the Food and Beverage depart-
ment on a function, his or her earnings for the function are charged to Salaries and
Wages in the Food and Beverage department, not to his or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of laundry staff.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless
of the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.)
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Operating Statements 129
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property. Refer to Part III for recommended
operating metrics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant House Laundry department
expenses approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Individual proper-
ties may delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for
the addition or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties may
choose to develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to
a particular expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into
the appropriate line item listed below.
Cleaning Supplies. Includes the cost of products used in cleansing, sweeping,
polishing, waxing, and disinfecting areas associated with the House Laundry. The
cost of materials and supplies used for laundering purposes is charged to Laundry
Complimentary Services and Gifts. Includes the cost of providing gift items
used in gratis presentations for promotional purposes to guests and vendors of the
House Laundry department and VIP gifts.
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the House
Laundry department by outside companies rather than hotel employees. The cost
of contracting outside companies to clean areas associated with the House Laun-
dry department is an example. If supplies are purchased for contract companies
to use, the supplies are charged to the appropriate supply account. The cost of
contracts for the House Laundry department laundry and dry cleaning is charged
to Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company House Laundry department
130 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
personnel billed to the property by the regional or corporate office or by the
management company. Travel expenses of such corporate or management com-
pany personnel that are incurred while visiting the property, including the costs
of meals and other applicable services or amenities provided to corporate or
management company staff while on business in the property for the benefit of
the property, are also charged to this account.
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in House Laundry
areas for holidays and special events.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of membership of the House Laun-
dry department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent the
House Laundry department, in business or professional organizations. Dues and
Subscriptions is also charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspapers, maga-
zines, and books for use by the House Laundry department staff.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the House Laundry department or as a replace-
ment for equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease pay-
ments made under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property and
Equipment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Sched-
ule 11.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Includes the cost of laundry and dry cleaning ser-
vices applicable to the House Laundry department that are contracted to an out-
side company. When services are performed by an outside company, the amount
charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning is based on invoices sent by the outside
laundry. The cost of cleaning employee uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Laundry Supplies. Includes the cost of supplies used for laundering and dry
cleaning purposes.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
House Laundry department.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the House Laundry department that
do not apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of operating and general office supplies
needed to operate the House Laundry department that are not included in the
descriptions of specific supply accounts such as Cleaning Supplies, Laundry Sup-
plies, or Printing and Stationery.
Printing and Stationery. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the House
Laundry department, whether they are purchased from an outside source or pro-
duced internally.
Operating Statements 131
Training. Includes the costs, other than time, that can be directly attributed to
the training of employees in the House Laundry department. Examples include
the costs of training materials, supplies, and instructor fees. The cost of employee
wages incurred during training is charged to Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food
and beverage expenses for travel and entertainment by employees of the House
Laundry department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, by employees of the House
Laundry department traveling on property business.
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the House
Laundry department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are also included
in this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of
the House Laundry department, whether performed by an in-hotel facility or con-
tracted to an outside company.
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Rev-
enue for the entire property.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses to
Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is calculated by dividing
Total Expenses by Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Cost of Guest and Outside Laundry
Where no separate guest laundry is maintained, this line item is credited on an
equitable basis to reflect the cost of processing guest laundry.
Concessionaires’ Laundry
Where laundering is done at cost for concessionaires such as spas or beauty salons
or other related hotels, the proceeds received should be credited to the Credits
account in order to offset departmental expenses.
Whenever laundering is done for third parties for the purpose of making a
profit, the gross versus net principles should be applied. If reporting gross, the
revenues and expenses should be recorded in Other Operated Departments, with
132 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
a credit to the House Laundry department for the allocated expenses. If reporting
net, the revenue should be reported on
Miscellaneous Income—Schedule 4.
Cost of House Laundry
Cost of House Laundry is Total Expenses less Credits.
Cost of House Laundry is allocated to the departments using an equitable basis
reflecting usage, such as cost-per-pound, number of pieces cleaned, etc.
Net Recovery
Cost of House Laundry less Total Allocations equals Net Recovery, which should
always net to zero to reflect full allocation of this department.
Operating Statements 133
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Cost of Food
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted
Labor and Bonuses
Salaries and Wages
Sub-Total: Salaries and Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor
Bonuses and Incentives
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges,
Contracted Labor and Bonuses
Payroll-Related Expenses
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Cleaning Supplies
Contract Services
Dishwashing Supplies
Dues and Subscriptions
Equipment Rental
Kitchen Fuel
Kitchen Smallwares
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Licenses and Permits
Operating Supplies
Paper and Plastics
Printing and Stationery
134 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Staff Dining—Schedule 13 reflects the proper format for a Staff Dining department
and designates the revenue and expense accounts that are approved as line items
in the Uniform System. Individual properties may delete irrelevant line items,
but the Uniform System does not provide for the addition or substitution of other
revenue or expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to develop a sub-
account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular revenue or
expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropri-
ate line item. Additionally, properties may choose to delete some of the columns
or to show them in a different order and remain “in conformity with the Uniform
Refer to Part III for operating ratios and statistics that are pertinent to the Staff
Dining department.
This schedule is allocated to various departments on an equitable basis.
The line items for Staff Dining—Schedule 13 are defined in the following
Staff Dining department expenses are separated into three major categories: Cost
of Food, Labor Costs and Related Expenses, and Other Expenses.
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Uniform Costs
Uniform Laundry
Total Other Expenses
total exPenses
net revenue
Cost of staff dining
Allocation to Rooms
Allocation to Food and Beverage
Allocation to Department 1
Allocation to Department 2
- - -
Allocation to Department x
total alloCations
net reCoverY
Operating Statements 135
Cost of Food
Cost of Food includes the cost of food items furnished for employee meals,
whether consumed in a staff dining facility or in hotel food and beverage venues.
Properties with staff dining facilities usually requisition the food items from either
the storeroom or kitchen on a daily basis. Cost of Food is simply the cost of the
products requisitioned each day, as evidenced on the respective vendor invoices,
plus the cost of food consumed for on-duty meals consumed in food and beverage
venues. The percentage for Cost of Food is calculated by dividing Cost of Food by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property.
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes all of the payroll expenses associated
with Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor, Bonuses, and Payroll-
Related Expenses for employees and contractors. A list of the positions typically
included in the Staff Dining department is provided in the Department Payroll
Titles section at the end of Part I.
Salaries and Wages. Includes the earnings paid to employees for duties that
relate to the operation of the property, such as regular pay, overtime pay, and shift
differential pay. If an employee works in a department other than his or her regu-
lar home department, his or her earnings must be charged as Salaries and Wages
in that other department, regardless of the duties being performed. For example, if
a Staff Dining department employee regularly works as a cook in the Staff Dining
department and temporarily works for the Food and Beverage department on a
function, his or her earnings for the function are charged to Salaries and Wages in
the Food and Beverage department, not to his or her home department.
Salaries and Wages should be delineated by significant management and non-
management payroll titles within the department. If necessary, payroll titles should
be aggregated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Salaries and Wages includes the earnings associated with temporary employ-
ees when such expenses are processed through the property’s payroll system.
Service Charge Distribution. Includes the cost of service charges paid through
the payroll system for hotel employees.
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor. Includes the gross cost of con-
tracted, leased, and outsourced labor incurred when a property enters into an
agreement with a third-party contractor to provide employees to fill positions that
would normally be held by individuals paid on the regular payroll. In these situ-
ations, the property records or tracks the hours worked and pays the third-party
contractor on an hourly or other agreed basis. A typical example is the use of indi-
viduals brought into the property to fill in for a shortage of Staff Dining service
Contracted, Leased and Outsourced Labor includes the gross cost associated
with shared staffing arrangements when such arrangements are supported by for-
mal agreements.
136 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Bonuses and Incentives. Includes bonuses (contractual and discretionary),
incentive pay, and other types of performance pay designed to drive revenue
through sales, profit, or guest satisfaction.
Total Salaries, Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses. Cal-
culated by summing Salaries and Wages, Service Charge Distribution, Contracted,
Leased and Outsourced Labor, and Bonuses and Incentives.
Payroll-Related Expenses. Includes amounts paid for an employee for duties
that relate to the operation of the property and amounts paid for an employee who
works in a department other than his or her regular home department regardless
of the duties being performed. Payroll-Related Expenses includes the following
Payroll Taxes. Includes the employer share of contributions to national and
state retirement, unemployment, disability and medical insurance programs,
and other mandated payroll-related taxes or social insurance items. (See
roll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Supplemental Pay. Includes personal days, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay,
jury duty pay, relocation pay, paid time off, and severance pay. (See
Related Expenses—Schedule 14.
Employee Benefits. Includes all other payroll-related expenses, such as
employer-paid health insurance expenses, cost of meals furnished to employ-
ees, pension contributions, and union dues and fees. (See
Expenses—Schedule 14.
) The distribution of employee meal costs from Staff
Dining—Schedule 13
is charged to this line.
Total Payroll-Related Expenses. Calculated by summing Payroll Taxes, Sup-
plemental Pay, and Employee Benefits.
Note regarding shared staffing arrangements and cluster services: Where rea-
sonable and easily identifiable, labor costs related to shared staffing arrangements
and cluster services should be charged to salaries and wages or payroll-related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by summing Total Salaries,
Wages, Service Charges, Contracted Labor and Bonuses and Total Payroll-Related
Expenses. The percentage for each labor cost component as well as Total Labor
Costs and Related Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by
Total Operating Revenue for the entire property. Refer to Part III for recommended
operating metrics that are pertinent to Labor Costs and Related Expenses.
Other Expenses
This expense grouping includes the significant Staff Dining department expenses
approved as Other Expenses in the
Uniform System. Individual properties may
delete irrelevant line items, but the
Uniform System does not provide for the addi-
tion or substitution of other expense line items. Rather, properties may choose to
Operating Statements 137
develop a sub-account/sub-schedule to provide more detail related to a particular
expense item. This sub-account/sub-schedule is then to be rolled into the appropri-
ate line item listed below.
China. Includes the cost of purchased or rented plates, bowls, serving platters,
etc., constructed from any material (ceramic, glass, metal, non-disposable plastic,
etc.) and used in providing food service to employees, with the exception of non-
alcoholic beverage items. The cost of containers for consumption of non-alcoholic
beverages is charged to Glassware.
Cleaning Supplies. Includes the cost of products used in cleansing, sweep-
ing, polishing, waxing, and disinfecting areas associated with the Staff Dining
Contract Services. Includes expenses for activities performed for the Staff
Dining department by outside companies rather than hotel employees. The costs
of contracting outside companies to clean carpets and rugs or to disinfect areas
associated with the Staff Dining department are typical examples. Other examples
include the cost of contracting outside companies to wash windows and degrease
hoods. If supplies are purchased for contract companies to use, the supplies are
charged to the appropriate supply account. The cost of contracts for the Staff Din-
ing department laundry and dry cleaning is charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
Corporate Office Reimbursables. Includes the allocations of salaries and
expenses of corporate or management company Staff Dining department person-
nel billed to the property by the regional or corporate office or by the manage-
ment company. Travel expenses of such corporate or management company per-
sonnel that are incurred while visiting the property, including the costs of meals
and other applicable services or amenities provided to corporate or management
company staff while on business in the property for the benefit of the property, are
also charged to this account.
Decorations. Includes the cost of decorative items used in the Staff Dining
areas for holidays and special events.
Dishwashing Supplies. Includes the cost of cleaning, rinsing, and soaking
agents used specifically in washing china, glassware, flatware, and utensils in the
Staff Dining department.
Dues and Subscriptions. Includes the cost of representation of the Staff Din-
ing department, or of members of the staff when authorized to represent the Staff
Dining department, in business or professional organizations. Dues and Subscrip-
tions is also charged with the cost of subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, and
books for use by the staff of the Staff Dining department.
Entertainment—In-House. Includes the food and beverage at cost, gratuities,
service charges, and sales taxes (if applicable) consumed in the entertainment of
guests, vendors, and business clients in the property’s food and beverage facilities.
Equipment Rental. Includes the costs of renting any type of equipment that
may be used either sporadically in the Staff Dining department or as a replacement
for equipment out of service on a temporary basis. Equipment lease payments
138 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
made under a qualified operating lease are charged to Other Property and Equip-
ment under the Rent section of
Non-Operating Income and Expenses—Schedule 11.
Flatware. Includes the cost of all flatware and serving pieces (serving spoons,
cake knives, ladles, etc.), either purchased or rented, used in providing food ser-
vice in the Staff Dining department.
Glassware. Includes the cost of purchased or rented containers constructed
from any material (glass, ceramic, metal, non-disposable plastic) used in provid-
ing food service in the Staff Dining department.
Ice. Includes the cost of ice used in food service, storage, or preparation in the
Staff Dining department.
Kitchen Fuel. Includes the cost of fuel used for cooking in the Staff Dining
Kitchen Smallwares. Includes the cost of all kitchen smallwares (pots, pans,
and other small cooking apparatuses not included in Utensils), either purchased
or rented, used in the preparation of food products in the Staff Dining department.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Includes the cost of laundry and dry cleaning
services applicable to the Staff Dining department, whether the services are per-
formed by an in-house facility or are contracted to an outside company. If the ser-
vices are performed by an in-house laundry, an allocation from House Laundry is
charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning. If the services are performed by an outside
company, the amount charged to Laundry and Dry Cleaning should be based on
invoices sent by the outside laundry. The cost of cleaning employee uniforms is
charged to Uniform Laundry.
Licenses and Permits. Includes the cost of national and local jurisdiction
licenses, including costs of inspections needed for licensing, for all activities of the
Staff Dining department.
Linen. Includes the cost, whether purchased or rented, of table cloths, nap-
kins, table runners, and skirting used by the Staff Dining department.
Miscellaneous. Includes any expenses of the Staff Dining department that do
not apply to the other line items discussed in this section.
Operating Supplies. Includes the cost of operating and general office sup-
plies needed to operate the Staff Dining department that are not included in the
descriptions of specific supply accounts such as Cleaning Supplies and Printing
and Stationery.
Paper and Plastics. Includes the cost of paper supplies used by the Staff Din-
ing department.
Printing and Stationery. Includes the cost of printed forms used in the Staff
Dining department, whether they are purchased from an outside source or pro-
duced internally. Examples include placards identifying menu items.
Training. Includes the costs, other than time, that can be directly attributed
to the training of employees in the Staff Dining department. Examples include
Operating Statements 139
the costs of training materials, supplies, and instructor fees. The cost of employee
wages incurred during training is charged to Salaries and Wages.
Travel—Meals and Entertainment. Includes the reimbursable cost of food
and beverage expenses for travel and entertainment by employees of the Staff Din-
ing department traveling on property business.
Travel—Other. Includes the cost of travel and reimbursable expenses (e.g.,
airfare car rental, hotel room and tax, guestroom Internet, conference registration
fees), other than food, beverage, and entertainment, by employees of the Staff Din-
ing department traveling on property business.
Uniform Costs. Includes the cost of employee uniforms used in the Staff Din-
ing department, whether purchased or rented. Repair costs are also included in
this line item. The cost of cleaning uniforms is charged to Uniform Laundry.
Uniform Laundry. Includes the cost of cleaning uniforms for employees of the
Staff Dining department, whether performed by an in-hotel facility or contracted
to an outside company.
Utensils. Includes the cost of all tools needed in the process of food prep-
aration in the Staff Dining department, such as butcher knives, spatulas, and
Total Other Expenses
Total Other Expenses is calculated by summing all items listed under Other
Expenses. The percentage for each line item expense as well as Total Other
Expenses is calculated by dividing the line item amount by Total Operating Rev-
enue for the entire property.
Total Expenses
Total Expenses is calculated by adding Cost of Food, Total Labor Costs and
Related Expenses, and Total Other Expenses. The percentage for Total Expenses is
calculated by dividing Total Expenses by Total Operating Revenue for the entire
Net Revenue
Net Revenue includes revenue derived from the sale of, or recovery from, employee
meals, including sales of coffee, tea, milk, and soft drinks.
Cost of Staff Dining
Cost of Staff Dining is Total Expenses less Net Revenue. Cost of Staff Dining is
distributed to the various departments incurring a payroll expense on an equitable
basis reflecting usage, such as number of employees fed, percentage of payroll,
etc., and charged to Employee Benefits.
140 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Net Recovery
Cost of Staff Dining less Total Allocations equals Net Recovery, which should
always net to zero to reflect full allocation of this department.
Operating Statements 141
Period of
Current Period Year-to-date
$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ %
PaYroll taxes
National Disability Insurance
National Medical Insurance
National Retirement Contribution
National Unemployment Insurance
State Disability Insurance
State Medical Insurance
State Retirement Contribution
State Unemployment Insurance
total PaYroll taxes
suPPlemental PaY
Other Pay
Personal Days
Severance Pay
Sick Pay
Holiday Pay
Vacation/Paid Time Off
total suPPlemental PaY
emPloYee Benefits
Automobile Allowance
Child Care
Contributory Savings Plan
Dental Insurance
Disability Insurance
Group Life Insurance
Health Insurance
Housing and Educational
Nonunion Insurance
Nonunion Pension
Public Subsidized Transportation
Stock Options
Union Insurance
Union Other
Union Pension
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
total emPloYee Benefits
total PaYroll-related exPenses
142 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Payroll systems in use today typically allow properties to charge payroll taxes and
benefits directly to departments as salaries and wages are calculated, thus elimi-
nating the need for allocation.
Payroll-Related Expenses—Schedule 14 illustrates a
format for summarizing the total payroll taxes and employee benefits paid by a
lodging property. Individual properties may delete irrelevant items, but the
form System
does not permit combining or moving items between the two catego-
ries if the financial statements are to be “in conformity with the
Uniform System.
Payroll Taxes
National Disability Insurance. Includes the employer share of contributions
required by legislation to disability compensation programs administered by gov-
ernment agencies at the federal or national level.
National Medical Insurance. Includes the employer share of contributions
required by legislation to government administered medical programs (e.g., Medi-
care, National Insurance System).
National Retirement Contribution. Includes the employer share of contribu-
tions required by legislation to retirement programs administered by government
agencies at the federal or national level (e.g., Social Security portion of FICA, Can-
ada Pension Plan, or National Insurance System).
National Unemployment Insurance. Includes the employer share of contribu-
tions required by legislation to unemployment compensation programs adminis-
tered by government agencies at the federal or national level (e.g., FUTA, Cana-
dian Employment Insurance, or National Insurance System).
State Disability Insurance. Includes the taxes or assessments imposed on
employers by state or provincial agencies for employee disability benefits.
State Medical Insurance. Includes the employer share of contributions
imposed by governmental agencies at the state or provincial level.
State Retirement Contribution. Includes the employer share of contributions
required by legislation to retirement programs administered at the state or provin-
cial level (e.g., Quebec Pension Plan).
State Unemployment Insurance. Includes the unemployment taxes imposed
by governmental agencies at the state or provincial level.
Supplemental Pay
Other Pay. Includes all other forms of supplemental pay not otherwise
Personal Days. Includes the cost associated with paid personal days and paid
jury duty for hotel employees.
Severance Pay. Includes the cost associated with pay in lieu of services for
hotel employees that are discharged.
Sick Pay. Includes the cost associated with paid sick days for hotel employees.
Operating Statements 143
Holiday Pay. Includes the cost associated with paid holidays for hotel
Vacation/Paid Time Off. Includes the cost associated with paid vacation/PTO
days for hotel employees.
Employee Benefits
Automobile Allowance. Includes the cost of providing payment to employees
for personally-owned vehicles and allowances for the use of an auto including
lease payments made directly to the leasing company, but not travel reimburse-
ments, which are recorded in the respective Travel—Other account.
Child Care. Includes the cost of child care for employees’ children.
Contributory Savings Plan. Includes the employer’s portion for any retire-
ment matching programs offered to employees (e.g., 401(k), Registered Retire-
ment Savings Plan). This line item also includes any administrative costs associ-
ated with these programs.
Dental Insurance. Includes the net employer cost of dental insurance cover-
age for employees.
Disability Insurance. Includes the insurance premium for employee disabil-
ity insurance.
Expat Benefits. Includes the cost of benefits exclusively benefiting employees
hired under an ex-patriot contract and would include such items as cost of living
adjustments, education for family members, hardship premiums, tax equalization
and transportation for home leave.
Group Life Insurance. ��Includes the net employer cost for any group life
insurance policy.
Health Insurance. Includes the net employer cost of health insurance cover-
age for employees.
Housing and Educational. Includes the cost associated with reimbursing
some or all of the expenditures to employees for living off-property or sending
themselves or family members to school.
Meals. Includes the cost of providing meals to employees consumed both
in staff dining and those consumed in hotel venues less amounts charged to the
Miscellaneous. Includes the cost of providing employees with benefits not
included under other captions.
Nonunion Insurance. Includes the cost of accident and other insurance for
employees not participating in a union fund.
Nonunion Pension. Includes the cost associated with nonunion pension plans.
Profit Sharing. Includes the employer’s contribution to profit sharing plans.
144 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Public Subsidized Transportation. Includes the cost to provide subsidized
funding for public transportation to hotel employees.
Stock Benefits. Includes the cost (value) of company stock issued to employ-
ees as compensation.
Stock Options. Includes the cost related to the value of stock options issued
to employees.
Union Insurance. Includes the employer’s cost of union employees’ benefit
funds for insurance on life, health, accident, hospitalization, and other purposes.
Union Other. Includes dues, legal fund, and other contractual obligations of
the employer for an employee union.
Union Pension. Includes the employer’s portion of costs associated with union
employees’ pension benefit funds.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Includes workers’ compensation insur-
ance premium and other associated costs.
Operating Statements 145
Departmental Payroll Titles
This section lists the typical job titles found in each of the departments of a lodg-
ing property. There may be variations in job titles based on an operator’s or chain’s
own practices. Individual properties may choose to use the same names or differ-
ent names for the positions, but the
Uniform System does not allow properties to
combine departments other than what has been described earlier in this guide and
remain “in conformity with the
Uniform System.”
The relative operational and supervisory responsibilities of a position serve
as the guiding principle for the assignment of the payroll titles to their respec-
tive departmental sub-categories. Managerial versus non-managerial designations
assist in the analysis of payroll efficiency and productivity (see Part III).
In general, the payroll titles listed under “Management” reflect positions that
typically manage and supervise other employees. These positions tend to be full-
time and salaried.
The payroll titles listed under the non-management sub-categories normally
do not supervise other employees. The hours worked by the non-management
personnel may be subject to variation depending on levels of business. They are
usually paid on an hourly, weekly, or monthly basis that is subject to overtime and
not determined on an annual basis.
Rooms director, operations manager, front office manager, front desk manager,
assistant front desk manager, night manager, director of guest services, guest ser-
vices manager, chef concierge, executive housekeeper, director of housekeeping,
housekeeping manager, director of reservations, reservations manager, transpor-
tation manager, club floor manager
Front Office
Desk clerk, night desk clerk (former night auditor), bell captain, bell/luggage
attendant, door attendant, dispatcher
Guest Services
Concierge, guest services representative, activities attendant, guest services
Floor supervisor, room attendant, house attendant, public area attendant, turn-
down attendant, night attendant, sewing attendant, uniform room attendant
146 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Housekeeping/linen runner, linen control supervisor, linen room attendant, uni-
form room attendant
Reservations agent, guest historian
Complimentary Food and Beverage Club
Club floor attendant, breakfast attendant
Food and Beverage
Director of food and beverage, food and beverage manager, director of venues,
restaurant manager, beverage manager, director of convention services, conven-
tion services manager
Executive chef, executive sous chef, sous chef, chef de cuisine, pastry chef, kitchen
manager, executive steward, stewarding manager
Captain, bartender, server, busperson, porter, attendant, runner, houseperson
Chef, garde manager, chef de partie, cook, pastry cook, butcher, baker, steward,
Sommelier, maître d’, host(ess), captain, bartender, server, busperson, porter,
attendant, runner, cashier, houseperson
Golf Course/Pro Shop
Director of golf course maintenance, director of golf, golf pro, golf pro shop man-
ager, retail manager, golf course maintenance manager
Operating Statements 147
Golf Pros/Operations
Golf instructor, golf marshal, golf course attendant, caddy, golf ranger, golf pro
assistant, instructor, starter
Greens supervisor, greens keeper, gardener, general maintenance, driver,
mechanic, golf cart maintenance, repair attendant, golf cart storage attendant
Pro Shop
Golf cashier, locker room attendant, club storage attendant, golf pro shop cashier,
golf pro shop attendant, sales clerk
Health Club/Spa
Department manager/director, sales manager/director, retail manager/director,
salon supervisor
Fitness consultant/technician, pool attendant/lifeguard (when operated by Health
Group activity coordinator, reception agent, sales associate
Group activity coordinator, spa technicians, salon technicians
Parking manager
Valet/parking attendant, parking cashier
148 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Administrative and General
Managing director, general manager, resident manager, hotel manager, director
of operations, quality assurance manager, controller, director of finance, assis-
tant director of finance, assistant controller, accounting manager, credit manager,
chief accountant, accounts receivable manager, financial analyst, audit manager,
accounts payable manager, cost controller, profit improvement manager, director
of purchasing, director of security, director of human resources, human resources
manager, training director, benefits manager, employee relations manager,
employment manager, package room manager, security manager
Accounts payable clerk, accounts receivable clerk, general cashier, paymaster, staff
accountant, group billing clerk, accounting clerk
General Support
Administrative assistant
Human Resources
Human resources coordinator, benefits coordinator
Purchasing and Receiving
Buyer, clerk, receiving agent, storekeeper, purchasing agent, purchasing coordina-
tor, storeroom and receiving, general storeroom attendant, receiving clerk, pack-
age room attendant
Security officer
Information and Telecommunications Systems
Director of information systems, MIS manager, systems manager, PBX manager
Information Technology
Systems analyst, programmer, computer operator
PBX operator
Operating Statements 149
Sales and Marketing
Director of sales and marketing, director of marketing, director of sales, direc-
tor of public relations, director of marketing communications, director of revenue
optimization, director of catering, director of group sales, sales manager, public
relations manager, pricing/revenue manager, catering sales manager, e-commerce
manager, CRM (customer relationship management) manager
Research analyst, sales assistant
Property Operation and Maintenance
Director of engineering, chief engineer, engineering manager, environmental
manager, energy manager
Groundskeeper, equipment operator, heavy machine operator, general main-
tenance engineer, general maintenance laborer, carpenter, electrician, painter,
plumber, engineer, engineering coordinator, mechanic, life guard (properties
without Health Club/Spa)
House Laundry
Laundry/valet manager
Folder, press machine operator, ironer, finisher, washer, wringer, extractor, puller,
tumbler, sorter, marker, checker, collection and delivery employee, linen atten-
dant, chute attendant, sewing attendant, valet attendant
Staff Dining
Staff dining manager
Staff dining attendant, staff dining cook
Part II
Financial Statements
152 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
A complete set of financial statements includes a Balance Sheet, a Statement of
Income, a Statement of Comprehensive Income, a Statement of Owners’ Equity,
a Statement of Cash Flows, and Notes to the Financial Statements that amplify
the information presented in the basic statements. The Balance Sheet reflects the
financial position of the business by detailing the assets, liabilities, and own-
ers’ equity as of a given date. The Statement of Income presents revenues and
expenses associated with operations over a given period. The Statement of Com-
prehensive Income presents non-owner transactions that affect an entity’s equity.
(Note: Recent professional promulgations require entities to present net income
and other comprehensive income in either a single continuous statement or in
two separate, but consecutive, statements of net income and other comprehensive
income as presented herein.) The Statement of Owners’ Equity summarizes trans-
actions, including owners’ transactions, affecting equity over a given period. The
Statement of Cash Flows presents information about the operating, investing, and
financing activities that affected cash over a given period.
It should be noted that the financial statements discussed in Part II and the
examples presented have been developed following accounting principles gener-
ally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). There are comprehensive
bases of accounting other than GAAP under which financial statements can be
prepared, including the cash basis, income tax basis, and International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS). IFRS is another set of accounting principles promul-
gated by the International Accounting Standards Board and is practiced, in some
form, by most countries in the world. Such principles, as yet, have not been adopted
in the United States. Therefore, this book does not address such standards.
While the usefulness of the other accounting bases is recognized, the prin-
ciples and practices relating to the preparation of financial statements under these
other bases are beyond the scope of this book.
Some of the major websites that detail the differences between GAAP and
IFRS are as follows:
The IFRS Foundation offers free access to the current year’s consolidated
unaccompanied [without implementation guidance and basis for conclu-
sions] English language IFRS and official interpretations. This includes IFRS,
International Accounting Standards (IAS), International Financial Reporting
Interpretation Committee statements (IFRICs), and Standing Interpretations
Committee standards (SICs). www.ifrs.org/IFRSs/Pages/IFRS.aspx
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has a general
IFRS resource page on their website: http://www.ifrs.com/index.html
The AICPA also published U.S. and International Accounting: Understanding
the Differences. www.ifrs.com/publications.html. There is a charge for this
Should a question arise related to financial statement presentation, the prin-
ciples of GAAP prevail.
Financial Statements 153
Section 1
Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet presents a listing of a business’s assets and the claims to those
assets, called liabilities and owners’ equity, as of a given date. Assets represent
those items owned by the business; liabilities represent the claims to the assets by
outsiders, and owners’ equity represents the claims of the owners to the assets.
The accounts appearing on the Balance Sheet may be arranged in either an
account format or a report format. The account format of the Balance Sheet lists the
asset accounts on the left side of the page and the liability and the owners’ equity
accounts on the right side of the page. The report format of the Balance Sheet
lists assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity in a single column. These arrangements
allow the form of the Balance Sheet to reflect that either assets equal liabilities plus
owners’ equity or that assets minus liabilities equal owners’ equity.
An illustration of the account format of the Balance Sheet follows. This illus-
tration includes accounts applicable to many types of lodging properties. Each line
item appearing on the Balance Sheet is explained in the pages that follow.
The number and types of accounts that appear on the Balance Sheet will vary
according to the needs and requirements of the business. Accordingly, appropri-
ate modification should be made to the suggested format to accommodate the
individual requirements of the business, while remaining consistent with GAAP.
It is important to remember, however, that similar items should be appropriately
grouped and that all significant items should be reflected separately. Significant
items are those that are considered material for financial statement purposes.
154 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Year Prior Year
Current assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
House Banks $ $
Demand Deposits
Temporary Cash Investments
Total Cash
Restricted Cash
Short-Term Investments
Accounts Receivable
Notes Receivable
Current Maturities of Non-current Receivables
Total Receivables
Less Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Net Receivables
Due To/From Owner, Management Company,
or Related Party
Operating Equipment
Prepaid Expenses
Deferred Income Taxes—Current
Total Current Assets
non-Current reCeivaBles, Net of Current Maturities
ProPertY and equiPment
Leaseholds and Leasehold Improvements
Furnishings and Equipment
Construction in Progress
Total Property and Equipment
Less Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization
Net Property and Equipment
other assets
Intangible Assets
Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance
Deferred Charges
Deferred Income Taxes—Non-current
Operating Equipment
Restricted Cash
Preopening Expenses
Total Other Assets
total assets $ $
Financial Statements 155
Liabilities and Owners’ Equity
Current Year Prior Year
Current liaBilities
Notes Payable
Banks $ $
Total Notes Payable
Due To/From Owner, Management Company
or Related Party
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Advance Deposits
Income Taxes Payable
Deferred Income Taxes—Current
Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt
Total Current Liabilities
long-term deBt, Net of Current Maturities
Mortgage Notes, other notes, and similar liabilities
Obligations Under Capital Leases
Total Long-Term Debt
other long-term liaBilities
deferred inCome taxes—Non-current
Commitments and ContingenCies
owners’ equitY—one of the formats found on
the next page
total liaBilities and owners’ equitY $ $
156 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Alternative Owners’ Equity Presentations in the Balance Sheet
Stockholders’ Equity
Current Year Prior Year
____% Cumulative Preferred Stock, $ ____ par
value, authorized ____ shares; issued and
outstanding ____ shares
$ $
Common Stock, $____ par value, authorized ____
shares; issued and outstanding ____ shares
Additional Paid-In Capital
Retained Earnings
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss),
Net of Income Tax
Less: Treasury Stock, ____ shares of Common Stock,
at cost
Total Stockholders’ Equity $ $
Partners’ Equity
Current Year Prior Year
General Partners $ $
Limited Partners
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss),
Net of Income Tax
Total Partners’ Equity $ $
Current Year Prior Year
Members’ Equity $ $
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss),
Net of Income Tax
Total Members’ Equity $ $
Current Year Prior Year
Owner’s Equity $ $
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss),
Net of Income Tax
Total Owner’s Equity $ $
Financial Statements 157
Current Assets
This section of the Balance Sheet includes accounts that are to be converted to
cash or used in operations within 12 months of the Balance Sheet date. Non-
current assets (such as Non-current Receivables, Property and Equipment, and
Other Assets) refer to accounts that are not expected to be converted to cash or
used in operations within 12 months of the Balance Sheet date. The accounts
appearing under the Current Assets section of the Balance Sheet are commonly
listed in the order of their liquidity.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents include Cash on Hand (House Banks), Demand
Deposits, and Temporary Cash Investments. Temporary Cash Investments are
those investments of a demand nature or that have maturities within 90 days at
the time of purchase.
Restricted Cash
Cash that is restricted should be separately classified as current or non-current
based on the purpose of the restriction. If the purpose of the restriction is to pay for
capital improvements, furniture and fixtures, or portions of the debt that would
be classified as long term, the cash should be classified as long term. If the cash is
restricted to pay portions of the debt that are classified as current or for current
expenses such as real estate taxes, the cash should be classified as current.
Short-Term Investments
Short-Term Investments are not Temporary Cash Investments, but are intended
to be converted to cash or cash equivalents within a year. Short-Term Investments
are, essentially, trading securities and are reflected at market value with the unre-
alized gain or loss recognized in the Statement of Income. The basis for valuation
of such securities is disclosed in the Notes to the Financial Statements.
This line item groups Accounts Receivable and Notes Receivable. Based on the
needs of the property, a supporting schedule may accompany the Balance Sheet,
detailing significant items included within current receivables.
Accounts Receivable. Consists of the total amount due to the property from
accounts carried in the guest and city ledgers. Accounts not expected to be col-
lected within the next 12 months are included under Non-current Receivables. Sig-
nificant credit balances are included in current liabilities under Advance Deposits
or Other Liabilities, depending on the nature of the credit balance.
Notes Receivable. Includes notes that are expected to be collected within the
next 12 months. Notes that are not expected to be collected within the next 12
months are included under Non-current Receivables.
158 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Maturities of Non-current Receivables. Includes amounts that are
expected to be collected within the next 12 months. Amounts that are not expected
to be collected within the next 12 months are included under Non-current
Other. Includes those receivables that are not either Accounts or Notes Receiv-
able, such as Accrued Interest Receivables.
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. Represents an allowance for the portion
of current accounts and notes receivable estimated to be uncollectible. The allow-
ance is based on historical experience, specific appraisal of individual accounts, or
other accepted methods. Accounts that become uncollectible are charged to this
account and recoveries of accounts previously written off are credited to it. The
balance at the end of any period, however, represents the best estimate of the por-
tion of accounts and notes receivable that will not be collected.
Due To/From Owner, Management Company, or Related Party
Due to/from accounts contain the balances due to or from the owner, a manage-
ment company, or other related entities for loans, advances for capital improve-
ments, management fees, and other expenses or advances provided to a property.
The accounts are classified as current or long term based on their payment terms.
For example, if a management company has made advances for capital improve-
ments that are being repaid over a period of years or are offset against future
distributions, these amounts are reflected as long term. The various due to/from
accounts are not offset against each other unless there is a legal right to offset them.
Inventories includes the cost of merchandise held for sale and the cost of supplies
used in operating the property. The cost of merchandise held for sale includes
such items as food, beverages, gift merchandise, and guest supplies. The cost of
supplies used in operating the property includes such items as cleaning supplies
and guest supplies. The basis for valuing inventory is disclosed in the Notes to the
Financial Statements and, if individual inventory categories are significant, they
are separately stated.
Operating Equipment
Operating Equipment includes linen, china, glassware, silver, and uniforms. When
a property purchases operating equipment items, it must determine the period of
consumption and expense the purchase over that time period. If the estimated
usage of the equipment is less than one year, the item is considered a current asset
and expensed ratably to the appropriate department expense account over its esti-
mated period of consumption, not to exceed 12 months. The reasonable useful
life of linen, china, glassware, silver and uniforms is typically 12 months or less,
and therefore should be expensed over this period to the department that has the
benefit of the asset.
Financial Statements 159
Operating equipment items with useful lives of more than one year are
treated as long-term assets and recorded under Other Assets. Whether the items
are categorized as current or long-term assets, operating equipment items are not
depreciated, but are expensed to the appropriate department expense account.
On a periodic basis, the property should verify the accuracy of the estimated con-
sumption by taking a physical inventory of the operating equipment that remains
unissued in the storeroom and comparing the value to the Balance Sheet value on
the date of the inventory. Variances may result in an adjusting entry or a correction
of the consumption estimate.
Prepaid Expenses
Prepaid Expenses generally represents payments for items that will benefit future
operating periods. Normally, the amounts are charged to operations based upon
when the benefits are received. Examples include insurance, property taxes, rent,
interest, maintenance, the unused net benefit under barter contracts, and other
similar items.
Deferred Income Taxes—Current
Deferred Income Taxes—Current represents the tax effects of temporary differ-
ences between the bases of current assets and current liabilities for financial and
income tax reporting purposes. For example, only the direct write-off of a bad debt
is deductible for tax purposes; therefore, a provision for an Allowance for Doubt-
ful Accounts will result in a current deferred tax asset. Deferred Income Taxes—
Current is presented as net current assets or net current liabilities as circumstances
dictate. The deferred tax asset must be evaluated for realization and a valuation
allowance established for any portion that is not to be realized.
Other current assets include items not shown elsewhere that are reasonably
expected to be realized in cash or otherwise in the next 12 months. The category is
normally used to capture minor items that are not separately disclosed.
Non-current Receivables, Net of Current Maturities
Non-current Receivables represents accounts and notes that are not expected
to be collected during the next 12 months. Amounts due from owners, officers,
employees, and affiliated entities are shown separately, unless insignificant. If
any Non-current Receivables are estimated to be uncollectible, an Allowance for
Doubtful Non-current Receivables is established using procedures similar to those
described under the caption Allowance for Doubtful Accounts.
Investments generally includes debt or equity securities, whether or not they
are traded in recognized markets, and ownership interests that are expected to
be held on a long-term basis. Investments in marketable equity securities and
160 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
debt securities, where there is not the intent and ability to hold such securities
to maturity, are considered “available for sale” and are reflected at market value
with unrealized gains and losses being shown, net of tax effects, as a separate
component of equity. Investment in debt securities where there is the intent and
ability to hold such securities to maturity are considered “held to maturity” and
reflected at amortized cost. Investments in affiliated entities are shown separately,
unless insignificant. Investments in entities over which the reporting entity has
the ability to exercise significant influence (generally by ownership of more than
20 percent) are recorded using the equity method. The equity method requires
the recording of the investor’s share of the investee’s operations in the Income
Statement and an adjustment in the carrying value of the investment. The method
of accounting for and the basis for valuing investments is dictated by GAAP and
disclosed in the Notes to the Financial Statements.
Property and Equipment
This grouping of accounts includes owned Land; Buildings; Furnishings and
Equipment; the cost of Leaseholds and Leasehold Improvements; and Construc-
tion in Progress. It also includes similar assets held under capital leases. If mate-
rial, assets held under capital leases are separately presented on the Balance Sheet
or in the Notes to the Financial Statements.
Depreciation is a method of allocating the net cost (after reduction for expected
salvage value) of the individual assets or classes of assets to operations over their
anticipated useful lives. There are several different methods used for depreciation,
including straight-line, declining balance, and other variants. Under GAAP, the
straight-line method of depreciation is preferred. Declining balance is a method of
depreciation usually used for tax depreciation. The number of years chosen for the
life of an asset or class of assets also varies somewhat in practice for similar items;
however, the methods and the lives used should result in a reasonable allocation
of the cost of the assets to operations over their useful lives.
Amortization is a method of ratably charging off to income intangible assets
with a life greater than one year.
The total Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization should appear as a
separate line item. This amount is subtracted from the Total Property and Equip-
ment line to arrive at the Net Property and Equipment line. The methods of
depreciation and amortization used are identified in the Notes to the Financial
GAAP requires that a long-lived asset (group) be tested for impairment
whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that its carrying amount
may not be recoverable. The recoverability test is based on the estimated future
cash flows that are directly associated with, and that are expected to arise as a
direct result of the use and eventual disposition of, the long-lived asset (group)
that is being tested. GAAP pronouncements describe how the test is to be per-
formed. An impairment loss is recognized only if the carrying amount of a long-
lived asset (group) is not recoverable and is reflected as a loss on impairment
(difference between the value and the cost) in the Income Statement. The carry-
ing amount of the asset (group) is generally not recoverable when the sum of the
Financial Statements 161
cash flows expected to be generated from the use of a long-lived asset (group)
and its value upon disposition (undiscounted and without interest charges) is
less than the carrying amount of the asset (group). If the test is not met, impair-
ment does not exist and, therefore, no loss is recognized, even if the net book
value of the asset (group) exceeds its fair value.
If a lodging operation has property and equipment held for sale, the classifi-
cation of the assets and the related operations should be reflected in accordance
with GAAP.
Other Assets
Intangible Assets
Intangible assets are assets that lack physical substance. Many intangible assets
are readily identifiable, such as patents, trademarks, customer lists, etc. Goodwill
is an unidentifiable intangible asset.
Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the
net assets acquired in the purchase of a business. Goodwill is evaluated periodi-
cally for impairment and an impairment loss recognized, if necessary, based on
such evaluation.
Current GAAP literature provides guidelines on the amortization of all other
intangible assets.
Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance
Some organizations purchase life insurance on the lives of key individuals. Many
of these policies have a cash surrender value that is recorded as an asset and dis-
closed separately if significant. Changes in the amount of the Cash Surrender
Value are reflected as adjustments to Insurance Expense.
Deferred Charges
Deferred Charges typically relates to financing activities and represents direct
costs of obtaining financing such as loan fees and bond issuance costs. Such costs
are usually amortized over the life of the related financing. The method and period
of amortization is disclosed in the Notes to the Financial Statements.
Deferred Income Taxes—Non-current
Deferred Income Taxes—Non-current represents the tax effects of temporary dif-
ferences between the bases of non-current assets and non-current liabilities for
financial and income tax reporting purposes. For example, if a liability is accrued
that will not be paid for an extended period and the expense is deductible only
when paid for tax purposes, the accrual will result in a non-current deferred
income tax asset. Deferred Income Taxes—Non-current is presented as net non-
current assets or net non-current liabilities as circumstances dictate. The deferred
tax asset must be evaluated for realization and a valuation allowance established
for any portion that is more likely than not to be realized.
162 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Operating Equipment
Operating equipment includes linen, china, glassware, silver, and uniforms. When
a property purchases operating equipment items, it must establish the period
of consumption. If the period of consumption of the operating equipment items
is expected to be less than one year, the items are classified as current assets.
Whether the items are categorized as current or long-term assets, operating equip-
ment items are not depreciated, but are expensed to the appropriate department
expense account. Most purchases of operating equipment are expected to be con-
sumed within a period of one year or less. However, if a property makes a bulk
purchase of china, for example, and the expected usage period is greater than one
year, the usage period is appropriately stated at the longer time period and the
items are expensed to the appropriate department expense accounts. On a peri-
odic basis, the property should verify the accuracy of the estimated consumption
by taking a physical inventory of the operating equipment that remains unissued
in the storeroom and comparing the value to the Balance Sheet value on the date
of the inventory. Variances may result in an adjusting entry or a correction of the
consumption estimate.
Restricted Cash
Cash that is restricted should be separately classified as current or non-current
based on the nature of the restriction. For example, if the restriction is to pay for
capital improvements, furniture and fixtures, or portions of the debt that would be
classified as long term, the cash should be classified as long term.
Preopening Expenses
Costs of start-up activities are variously referred to in practice as preopening, pre-
operating, organization, and start-up costs. Under GAAP, such costs are charged
to operations as incurred.
Non-current items that cannot be included under other groupings, such as security
deposits, initial franchise costs, and other miscellaneous or individually imma-
terial assets, are included under this caption. Restricted cash balances that are
restricted to, for example, the acquisition of property and equipment (e.g., FF&E
reserves) could also be included in this classification when such amounts are not
material. The nature of these items, if material, is to be clearly indicated on the Bal-
ance Sheet or in the Notes to the Financial Statements. Amortization policies are
also disclosed in the Notes to the Financial Statements.
Financial Statements 163
Current Liabilities
Notes Payable
Notes Payable includes short-term notes that are payable within the next 12
months, classified on the Balance Sheet as notes due to banks and notes due to
other creditors.
Due To/From Owner, Management Company, or Related Party
Due to/from accounts contain the balances due to or from the owner, a manage-
ment company, or other related entities for loans, advances for capital improve-
ments, management fees, and other expenses or advances provided to a property.
The accounts are classified as current or long term based on their payment terms.
For example, if a management company has made advances for capital improve-
ments that are being repaid over a period of years or are offset against future
distributions, these amounts are reflected as long term. The various due to/from
accounts are not offset against each other unless there is a legal right to offset them.
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable represents amounts due to vendors. Amounts due to concession-
aires for guest charges collected by the property may be included with Accounts
Payable or shown separately.
Accrued Expenses
Accrued Expenses represents expenses incurred, but not payable until after the
Balance Sheet date. Each item of Accrued Expense, if material, is listed separately,
either on the Balance Sheet or in the Notes to the Financial Statements. Examples
include salaries and wages and related benefits, vacation pay, interest, manage-
ment fees, rent, taxes other than on income, and utilities.
Advance Deposits
Advance Deposits represents amounts received that are to be applied as part of the
payment for future sales of rooms, food and beverage, or other goods and services.
Income Taxes Payable
Income Taxes Payable represents the estimated obligations for income taxes.
Deferred Income Taxes—Current
Deferred Income Taxes—Current represents the tax effects of temporary differ-
ences between the bases of current assets and current liabilities for financial and
income tax reporting purposes. For example, revenue recognized in the financial
statements before it is taxable will result in Deferred Income Taxes—Current if it
164 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
will be taxable in the next year. Deferred Income Taxes—Current is presented as
net current assets or net current liabilities as circumstances dictate.
Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt
Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt includes the principal payments of mort-
gage notes, other notes, and similar liabilities, and the installments on capital
leases due within the next 12 months.
Gift Certificates and Cards
Gift Certificates and Cards includes unredeemed amounts recognized as a liability
by the issuing entity, whether that be the hotel or the corporate office. As the cer-
tificates and cards are redeemed, the appropriate revenue is recognized and the
liability is reduced.
Current liabilities not included under other captions are shown here. The category
is normally used to capture minor items that are not separately disclosed. Exam-
ples include the unearned portion of amounts received or charged to non-guests
for the use of recreational facilities, unclaimed wages, and the net liability under
barter contracts.
Long-Term Debt
This category includes mortgage notes, other notes, and similar liabilities and obli-
gations under capital leases that are not payable during the next 12 months.
Mortgage Notes, Other Notes, and Similar Liabilities
For this caption, the following information is disclosed either on the Balance Sheet
or in the Notes to the Financial Statements:
Interest rates
Payment or sinking fund requirements
Maturity dates
Collateralization and assets pledged
Financial restrictive covenants
Payment and sinking fund payments required for each of the five years sub-
sequent to the Balance Sheet date
Obligations Under Capital Leases
For Obligations Under Capital Leases, disclosure is made with regard to the future
minimum lease payments for each of the five years subsequent to the Balance
Sheet date and the total future minimum lease obligations, with a deduction for
Financial Statements 165
the imputed interest necessary to reduce the net minimum lease payments to pres-
ent value.
Other Long-Term Liabilities
Long-term liabilities that do not require satisfaction within a year and are not
included under other captions are included here. Examples include deferred com-
pensation, deferred management fees, tenants’ lease deposits, and accrued obliga-
tions for pension and other post-employment benefits. The nature of these items,
if material, should be clearly indicated on the Balance Sheet or in the Notes to the
Financial Statements.
Deferred Income Taxes—Non-current
Deferred Income Taxes—Non-current represents the tax effects of temporary dif-
ferences between the bases of non-current assets and non-current liabilities for
financial and income tax reporting purposes. For example, the use of accelerated
depreciation for tax purposes and straight-line depreciation for financial report-
ing purposes will result in non-current deferred income taxes. Deferred Income
Taxes—Non-current is presented as net non-current assets or net non-current lia-
bilities as circumstances dictate.
Commitments and Contingencies
The Commitments and Contingencies caption is indicated on the Balance Sheet
only to bring the reader’s attention to such items. No dollar amounts are shown
on the Balance Sheet. Adequate disclosure of all significant commitments and
contingencies is made in the Notes to the Financial Statements. Examples include
commitments for purchase contracts, employment contracts, long-term leases,
management agreements, contingencies for pending or threatened litigation, and
certain guarantees of indebtedness of others.
The Owners’ Equity section of the Balance Sheet is presented differently for cor-
porations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and sole proprietorships,
depending upon the type of equity ownership. Balance Sheet presentation formats
are shown earlier in this section. Examples of detailed presentations of Statements
of Owners’ Equity are shown in Section 4.
Stockholders’ Equity
Capital Stock. Capital Stock denotes the shares of ownership of a corpora-
tion that have been authorized by its articles of incorporation. The most preva-
lent classes of Capital Stock are Preferred and Common Stock. The par or stated
value and the number of shares authorized and issued for each class of stock is
166 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
presented on the Balance Sheet. Changes during the period should be shown in
the Statement of Stockholders’ Equity.
Additional Paid-In Capital. Additional Paid-In Capital includes cash, prop-
erty, and other capital contributed to a corporation by its shareholders in excess of
the stated or par value of Capital Stock. Changes during the period are shown in
the Statement of Stockholders’ Equity.
Retained Earnings. Retained Earnings represents the accumulated Net
Income not distributed as dividends but retained in the business. Changes during
the period are shown in the Statement of Stockholders’ Equity. Negative retained
earnings are generally referred to as deficits.
Treasury Stock. Treasury Stock represents the cost of the company’s stock
acquired by the company and not retired, and is reflected as a reduction in total
Stockholders’ Equity. Changes during the period are shown in the Statement of
Stockholders’ Equity.
Partners’ Equity
Partners’ Equity represents the net equity of the partners in the partnership and is
classified where appropriate as general and limited partners’ equity. Changes dur-
ing the period are shown in the Statement of Partners’ Equity.
Contributions. Contributions include the amount of any additional assets
that the partners invested in the business during the period just ended.
Withdrawals. Withdrawals include the amount of any assets that are taken
out of the business and distributed to the partners during the period just ended.
Limited Liability Company
Members’ Equity
Members’ Equity represents the net equity of the members in the limited liability
company. Changes during the period are shown in the Statement of Members’
Contributions. Contributions include the amount of any additional assets
that the members invested in the business during the period just ended.
Withdrawals. Withdrawals include the amount of any assets that are taken
out of the business and distributed to the members during the period just ended.
Sole Proprietorship
Owner’s Equity
The Owner’s Equity of a sole proprietorship is similar to the equity of a partnership
except that it represents the interest of one individual as opposed to a number of
Financial Statements 167
partners. Changes during the period should be shown in the Statement of Owner’s
Contributions. Contributions include the amount of any additional assets
that the owner invested in the business during the period just ended.
Withdrawals. Withdrawals include the amount of any assets that are taken
out of the business and distributed to the owner during the period just ended.
Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Comprehensive Income refers to net income plus “other comprehensive income,”
which includes certain revenues, expenses, gains, and losses that are reported
as separate components of equity instead of net income. Other comprehensive
income currently includes:
Unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale marketable securities.
Unrealized gains and losses that result from a transfer of a debt security to the
available-for-sale category from the held-to-maturity category.
Foreign currency translation adjustments.
Gains and losses on foreign currency transactions that are designed and are
effective as economic hedges on a net investment in a foreign entity.
A change in the fair value of a derivative instrument that qualifies as the hedg-
ing instrument in a cash flow derivative.
Gains and losses on inter-company foreign currency transactions that are of a
long-term investment nature when the entities to the transaction are consoli-
dated, combined, or accounted for under the equity method.
Minimum pension liability adjustments.
Financial Statements 169
Section 2
Statement of Income
The Statement of Income reflects the results of operations for a period of time.
The time covered by this statement usually ends at the Balance Sheet date. When
the statement reflects a net loss, the title is generally changed to a Statement of
Hospitality organizations prepare income statements for both external users
(e.g., potential investors, creditors, and owners not active in managing the busi-
ness) and internal users (i.e., managers of the business). These statements differ in
the amount of information presented. The statement presented to external users
is typically relatively brief, providing only summary detail about the results of
A sample GAAP income statement for external users follows. The degree of
detail presented in the statement is somewhat discretionary, although captions for
revenue, expenses, interest, depreciation, and income taxes are included unless
the amounts are insignificant. To the extent that any individual revenue or expense
item is significant, separate disclosures are made.
A format useful for analytical users such as managers operating the property,
asset managers, and similarly involved parties is presented and discussed in Part
I as the Summary Operating Statement.
170 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Year Prior Year
Rooms $ $
Food and Beverage
Other Operated Departments
Miscellaneous Income*
Total Revenue
Food and Beverage
Other Operated Departments
Administrative and General
Information and Telecommunications Systems
Sales and Marketing
Property Operation and Maintenance
Management Fees
Non-Operating Expenses
Interest Expense
Depreciation and Amortization
Loss or (Gain) on the Disposition of Assets
Total Expenses
inCome Before inCome taxes
inCome taxes
Total Income Taxes
net inCome $ $
*For the Statement of Income, Miscellaneous Income includes non-operating income. This
differs from Miscellaneous Income on the Summary Operating Statements.
Financial Statements 171
Section 3
Statement of Comprehensive Income
The Statement of Comprehensive Income reflects non-owner activity that affects
the entity’s equity. The time period for this Statement follows the Statement of
172 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Year Prior Year
net inCome $ $
other ComPrehensive inCome, Before tax
Unrealized gains on available-for-sale marketable securities
Unrealized gains for the period
Unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities
other ComPrehensive inCome, Before inCome tax
comprehensive income
other ComPrehensive inCome (loss), net of inCome tax
ComPrehensive inCome $ $
Financial Statements 173
Section 4
Statement of Owners’ Equity
A separate Statement of Owners’ Equity should be presented if there is significant
activity in the accounts during the period. If net income or loss is the only change
to the equity accounts in the period, it is permissible to reconcile the change in
retained earnings at the bottom of the Statement of Income and exclude presenta-
tion of the separate owners’ equity statement. The format of the owners’ equity
statement will depend on the type of entity. The following pages show examples
of the type of presentation for corporations, partnerships, limited liability compa-
nies, and sole proprietorships.
Preferred Stock Common Stock Treasury Stock
of Shares
of Shares
Income (Loss),
Net of Income
BalanCe at Beginning of Prior Year $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Add (Deduct)
Net Income
Dividends Declared
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses)
Net Proceeds from Sale of Stock
Treasury Stock Acquired
BalanCe at end of Prior Year $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Add (Deduct)
Net Income
Dividends Declared
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses)
Net Proceeds from Sale of Stock
Treasury Stock Acquired
BalanCe at end of Current Year $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustments should also be reflected in this statement.
Financial Statements 175
Income (Loss),
Net of Income
Taxes Total
BalanCe at Beginning of Prior Year $ $ $ $
Add (Deduct)
Net Income
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses)
BalanCe at end of Prior Year $ $ $ $
Add (Deduct)
Net Income
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses)
BalanCe at end of Current Year $ $ $ $
Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustments should also be reflected in this statement.
176 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Income (Loss),
Net of Income
Taxes Total
BalanCe at Beginning of Prior Year $ $ $
Add (Deduct)
Net Income
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses)
BalanCe at end of Prior Year $ $ $
Add (Deduct)
Net Income
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses)
BalanCe at end of Current Year $ $ $
Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustments should also be reflected in this statement.
Financial Statements 177
Income (Loss),
Net of Income
Taxes Total
BalanCe at Beginning of Prior Year $ $ $
Add (Deduct)
Net Income
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses)
BalanCe at end of Prior Year $ $ $
Add (Deduct)
Net Income
Change in Unrealized Gains (Losses)
BalanCe at end of Current Year $ $ $
Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustments should also be reflected in this statement.
Financial Statements 179
Section 5
Statement of Cash Flows
The Statement of Cash Flows summarizes the change in Cash and Temporary
Cash Investments over the same period of time as that covered by the Statement of
Income. Temporary Cash Investments are readily convertible investments with a
maturity of less than three months at the time of purchase. The change in Cash and
Temporary Cash Investments is classified as being derived from three activities:
operating, investing, and financing.
Cash flows from operating activities represent the amount of cash gener-
ated by property operations. Operating activities include transactions involving
acquiring, selling, and delivering goods for sale, as well as providing services.
Cash flows from operating activities for a property include cash collected from
customers, cash paid to employees and other suppliers, interest paid and received,
taxes paid, and other operating payments and receipts. Cash from operating activ-
ities measures the amount that net income would have been if the cash method
were used for measuring revenues and expenses.
Cash flows from investing activities represent changes in cash arising from
transactions related to asset accounts that do not affect operations. Transactions
include acquisition and disposal of property and facilities as well as the purchase
and sale of investments, whether they are current or non-current.
Cash flows from financing activities represent cash changes related to liability
and equity accounts that do not affect operations. These include obtaining and
repaying debt (whether current or non-current), issuing and repurchasing stock,
and dividend payments.
Cash flows from operating activities can be computed using either the direct
or indirect method. The direct method identifies the operating cash receipts and
cash disbursements. The indirect method determines the cash from operations by
adjusting net income for non-cash items. The indirect method is useful for identify-
ing why net income differs from cash from operating activities. The direct method
is easier to interpret, as it specifically identifies the cash inflows and outflows from
If the direct method of presentation is used, a summarized reconciliation
of the significant items constituting the difference between net income and cash
flows from operating activities should also be presented.
While the Statement of Cash Flows summarizes all significant sources and
uses of cash, there is also a requirement to disclose significant non-cash invest-
ing and financing activities. This information is generally presented in narrative
form immediately below the Statement. Items that should be disclosed include the
purchase of capital assets by incurring debt or through capital lease transactions.
Transactions involving the sale of assets where the seller provides financing is
another example requiring disclosure.
180 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Direct Method
Statement of Cash Flows
Cash flows from oPerating aCtivities
Guest Receipts $ $
Other Receipts
Payroll Disbursements
Other Operating Disbursements
Interest Paid
Income Taxes Paid
Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Operating
Cash flows from investing aCtivities
Capital Expenditures
Decrease (Increase) in Restricted Cash
Proceeds from Asset Dispositions
Proceeds from Sale of Investments
Purchases of Investments
Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Investing
Cash flows from finanCing aCtivities
Proceeds from Debt or Equity Financing
Debt Repayments
Dividends Paid
Distribution to Owners/Partners
Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Financing
inCrease (deCrease) in Cash and temPorarY
Cash investments
Cash and temPorarY Cash investments, Beginning
of Period
Cash and temPorarY Cash investments, end of Period $ $
suPPlemental information related to nonCash investing and finanCing aCtivities
(disClose signifiCant items seParatelY.)
Financial Statements 181
Indirect Method
Statement of Cash Flows
Cash flows from oPerating aCtivities
Net Income $ $
To Cash Provided By (Used In) Operating Activities:
Depreciation and Amortization
Loss (Gain) on Sale of Property and Equipment
Deferred Taxes
Decrease (Increase) in Accounts Receivable
Decrease (Increase) in Inventory
Decrease (Increase) in Prepaids
Increase (Decrease) in Payables
Increase (Decrease) in Accruals
Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Operating
Cash flows from investing aCtivities
Capital Expenditures
Decrease (Increase) in Restricted Cash
Proceeds from Asset Dispositions
Proceeds from Sale of Investments
Purchases of Investments
Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Investing
Cash flows from finanCing aCtivities
Proceeds from Debt or Equity Financing
Debt Repayments
Dividends Paid
Distribution to Owners/Partners
Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Financing
inCrease (deCrease) in Cash and temPorarY
Cash investments
Cash and temPorarY Cash investments, Beginning
of Period
Cash and temPorarY Cash investments, end of Period $ $
Cash Paid for interest
Cash Paid for inCome taxes
suPPlemental information related to nonCash investing and finanCing aCtivities
(disClose signifiCant items seParatelY)
182 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Guest Receipts
Guest Receipts includes all receipts from guest-related activities including those
applicable to unearned income.
Other Receipts
Other Receipts includes proceeds from transactions other than with guests; for
example, from casual sales of furnishings, salvage, interest and dividends received,
and other activities.
Payroll Disbursements
Payroll Disbursements includes salary and wage payments as well as related pay-
ments for employee benefits.
Other Operating Disbursements
Other Operating Disbursements includes payments for food and beverage, other
merchandise and supplies, energy, rent, taxes other than income, franchise and
other management fees, and other expenditures incurred by operations.
Interest Paid
Interest Paid includes cash payments to lenders and other creditors for interest.
The amount should be shown net of interest capitalized.
Income Taxes Paid
Income Taxes Paid includes all payments for taxes based on income. It does not
include amounts paid for sales or occupancy taxes.
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Capital Expenditures
Capital Expenditures represents payments to purchase property, buildings, equip-
ment, and other productive assets. These payments include interest payments
capitalized as part of the cost of those assets. A separate disclosure may be appro-
priate for the portion of the capital expenditures that results in an increase in the
revenue-generating capacity of the lodging property. Separating cash payments
that represent an increase in revenue-generating capacity from cash payments that
are required to maintain operating capacity is helpful in enabling users to deter-
mine whether the lodging property is investing adequately in the maintenance of
its operating capacity.
Financial Statements 183
Decrease (Increase) in Restricted Cash
The change in the non-current restricted cash is included in this item. The change
represents the difference between the additional cash set aside or restricted and
the use of those funds for the restricted purpose.
Proceeds from Asset Dispositions
The Proceeds from Asset Dispositions, reduced by selling cost payments, are
included in this item. This item should not include any amount of the sales con-
sideration that has been financed by the seller.
Proceeds from Sale of Investments
The net Proceeds from the Sale of Investments, after deduction of selling expenses,
should be included in this item.
Purchases of Investments
The purchase price paid for investments, including the transaction costs paid,
should be included in this item.
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Proceeds from Debt or Equity Financing
The net proceeds after deduction of transaction costs should be included in this
item. Separate captions are shown if amounts are significant. This item includes
long- and short-term financing.
Debt Repayments
Aggregate principal repayments on indebtedness should be included in this item.
Dividends and Distributions Paid
The amount of Dividends Paid to owners should be included. Other distributions
to owners should be included, with appropriate modification of the caption if the
entity is not a corporation.
Financial Statements 185
Section 6
Notes to the Financial Statements
In order for a financial presentation to be complete, the financial statements are
accompanied by explanatory notes. The notes should describe all significant
accounting policies followed by the organization. Commonly required disclosures
include, but are not limited to, policies regarding the following:
Description of business
Earnings per share
Stock-based compensation
Basis of consolidation
Use of estimates
Cash and temporary cash investments
Inventory methods and valuation
Accounting for investments, including the valuation of marketable securities
Property, plant, and equipment
Depreciation and amortization policies
Accounting for deferred charges
Advertising costs
Accounting for pensions
Revenue recognition
Accounting for income taxes
Fair value of financial instruments
Lease disclosure
Computation of net income (loss) per share (only public companies)
Foreign currency translation
Concentration of credit risk
Disclosure of accounting policy–related footnotes should be followed by
such additional notes as are necessary to provide for full disclosure of all signifi-
cant events or conditions reflected in the financial statements (including adequate
disclosure of all significant commitments and contingencies mentioned on the
186 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Balance Sheet), or as otherwise required by the rules of professional accounting
or regulatory organizations. Typical events and conditions that are disclosed in
the notes accompanying financial statements include the following:
Changes in accounting methods
Long-term debt agreements
Pension and/or profit-sharing plans
Other post-retirement and post-employment benefits
Income taxes
Long-term contracts
Extraordinary items of income or expense
Significant long-term commitments, including leases
Foreign operations
Related-party transactions
Contingent liabilities, including pending litigation
Subsequent events
Stockholders’ equity transactions
Financial instruments (including derivatives)
Impairment or disposal of long-lived assets
Restructuring costs
Extinguishment of debt
Discontinued operations
Business combinations
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
Business segment information (public companies only)
Quarterly financial information (public companies only)
Organization (geographic and nature of business)
Major customers
Part III
Financial Ratios and
Operating Metrics
188 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
The use of financial ratios and operating metrics as a basis of comparison, mea-
surement, and communication is prevalent within the lodging industry. The use-
fulness of these tools is predicated on a commonality of definition and under-
standing. The various financial ratios and operating metrics that can be developed
and be useful are numerous. The intent of this section is to provide a consistent,
uniform definition of basic lodging industry financial ratios and operating met-
rics. This section includes only those financial ratios and operating metrics that are
in widespread general use within the industry. It is not intended to be a complete
listing and definition of all possible relevant financial ratios and operating metrics.
Ratio Analysis
Financial statements issued by lodging properties contain a large amount of infor-
mation. A thorough analysis of this information requires more than simply read-
ing the reported figures and other disclosures. Users of financial statements need
to be able to interpret the reported results, and make them yield information that
reveals aspects of the property’s financial situation or operation that could other-
wise go unnoticed. This is accomplished through analysis of financial ratios and
operating metrics, which compares related facts and figures reported in the finan-
cial statements and supporting operating schedules.
A ratio gives mathematical expression to a relationship between two fig-
ures, and is calculated by dividing one figure by the other. Ratios are meaningful
only when compared to useful criteria. Useful criteria with which to compare the
results of ratio analysis include:
Other properties and industry averages
The corresponding ratio calculated for a prior period
Planned (budgeted) ratio goals
Ratio analysis can be extremely useful. However, ratios are only indicators;
they do not resolve problems or actually reveal what the problems may be. At best,
when ratios vary significantly from past periods, budgeted standards, or industry
averages, they indicate that problems may exist. When problems appear to exist,
analysis and investigation is necessary to determine the appropriate corrective
Comparisons to Other Properties and Industry Averages
The comparison of financial performance measurements to other properties and
industry averages can be valuable. However, care must be used when compar-
ing the performance of one hotel’s operation to the average performance of the
industry at large, a competitive set of properties, or a comparable group or type of
properties. Consider the following points:
The data should be used as a benchmark to measure the performance of the
subject hotel against properties of similar size, age, location, revenue mix,
chain-segment, ownership structure, management, facilities and services
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 189
offered, amenities offered, etc. Careful consideration should be given to the
comparability of these criteria and the degree to which the criteria influence
each revenue and expense item.
Variances from the average should be used as an indication of the need for
further investigation. There may be perfectly valid reasons why a particular
hotel should be achieving a performance level above or below the industry-
wide, competitive set, or comparable group average.
The data presented are averages, not standards. You may wish to exceed the
average profit and income levels and achieve lower expense ratios.
Comparisons to Prior Periods or Budgets
While comparison to industry-wide, competitive set, or comparable property sta-
tistics has some use for general benchmarking of a property, an internal analysis of
a hotel’s operation from period to period or against planned goals (as expressed in
the budget) is an invaluable practice. This discipline can provide insight to answer
such questions as:
How have revenues and expenses changed from period to period?
What has been the correlation between movements in revenues, expenses,
and rooms occupied?
Which departments are ahead of or behind budget?
Which departments are operating efficiently or inefficiently?
Was the budget realistic?
Note that during the initial year of implementation of this
Uniform System,
comparisons to prior performance may be distorted if the historical data cannot be
adjusted to conform to the Eleventh Revised Edition.
Methods of Analysis—Fixed vs. Variable
There are various ways to analyze ratios and compare statistics. The proper
method used is often dictated by the fixed or variable nature of the revenue or
expense item.
In general, fixed revenues and expenses are those that are set by contractual agree-
ment or established by third parties for periods of time, typically one year. The
volume of business has little effect on the amount paid for these expense items
or the revenues received. Examples of fixed expenses are property/liability insur-
ance, property taxes, base annual salaries, and dues and subscriptions. Examples
of fixed revenue could be rental payments from a restaurant or retail operation
leasing space from the property.
190 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Variable revenues and expenses are those that are driven by the volume of busi-
ness at the hotel. In the lodging industry, volume of business is predominantly
measured by the number of rooms occupied, as well as number of food and
beverage customers served. Variable expenses are closely tied to the number of
rooms occupied and would include housekeeping costs, complimentary breakfast
expense, laundry, and guest supplies. Rooms and food revenue are two examples
of revenues that vary with the number of rooms occupied.
Some expenses vary directly with changes in revenue. Franchise fees, manage-
ment fees, and credit card commissions are examples of expenses that frequently
vary with changes in revenue.
There are some revenue and expense items that have both fixed and variable com-
ponents to them. For instance, Rooms departmental labor costs typically have a
fixed component (management salaries) and a variable component (room atten-
dant wages).
Methods of Calculation and Comparison
The most common calculations made to analyze lodging data are as follows:
Per occupied room
Per available room
Percentage of revenue
Total dollars
Since the volume of rooms occupied most frequently drives
variable revenues
and expenses, these line items are most frequently analyzed on a per-occupied-
room basis. On the other hand,
fixed expenses are typically examined on a per-
available-room or total dollar basis. Analysis of both fixed and variable expenses
as a percentage of revenue can be valuable. Each method will provide the analyst
with a different perspective. Often, multiple methods are necessary to gain a com-
prehensive picture of a property’s performance.
When making industry-wide, competitive property, or comparable property
comparisons, total dollar comparisons should not be used. Instead, measure-
ments need to be scaled to account for differences in room counts. Therefore,
fixed revenue and expense comparisons among properties are frequently made
on a dollar-per-available-room basis. Measurements calculated on a dollar-per-
occupied-room or percentage-of-revenue basis are already proportioned for com-
parable comparative analysis.
Operating Metrics
Operating metrics assist owners and management in analyzing the operations of
a lodging property. These operating metrics relate expenses to business volume
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 191
and/or revenue and are useful for control purposes when the results are compared
to budgeted or planned goals, as well as other properties and industry averages.
Significant variations between actual results and budgeted results, planned goals,
or other properties and industry averages may indicate the need for further inves-
tigation and analysis to determine underlying causes and appropriate corrective
Caution should be used when using operating ratios for comparison across
competitive sets or comparable property groups. Several factors influence the rela-
tive market position of one property compared to another.
Operating metrics may be prepared at a variety of frequencies depending on
user requirements. Some operating metrics are prepared and separately reported
on a daily or weekly basis, with additional reporting provided with monthly
financial reporting.
Note for mixed-ownership hotels: For lodging properties that include units
owned by third parties, it is appropriate to develop a supplemental schedule of
ratios and statistics that includes the performance of these units. The performance
measurements that would be affected are identified in the Definitions section of
Part III by two asterisks (**).
The following discussions present operating metrics for each operating
department and select undistributed departments. After that, labor metrics that
can be applied to all departments in a hotel are presented.
For each department we also provide recommended tables that present the
key operating metrics for that department. The Financial Management Committee
believes these metrics are critical to understand the performance of each depart-
ment. Other pertinent metrics should be added as needed.
Rooms Department Operating Metrics
The following tables are recommended for the presentation of key Rooms depart-
ment operating metrics. After the tables, formulas are provided for select ratios,
along with descriptions of their potential use.
Current Month YTD
to Budget
to Prior
to Budget
to Prior
Rooms Operating Metrics: Revenue Mix, %
Transient Rooms
Total Transient
Group Rooms
192 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Month YTD
to Budget
to Prior
to Budget
to Prior
-Tour Wholesalers
Total Group Rooms
Contract Rooms
Other Rooms Revenue
Less: Allowances
Total Rooms Revenue Mix
Rooms Operating Metrics: Average Daily Rate
Transient Rooms
Total Transient
Group Rooms
-Tour Wholesalers
Total Group Rooms
Contract Rooms
Total ADR (inclusive of Other Rooms Rev. & Net
of Allowances)
Rooms Operating Metrics: Room Inventory
1. Total Room Inventory (Total Keys in Property)
2. Seasonally Closed Rooms
3. Extended Closed Rooms
4. Rooms for Permanent House Use
5. Total Rooms Not Available for Sale (2 + 3 + 4)
6. Rooms Available (1 - 5)
Room Occupancy Statistics
7. Transient Rooms
Total Transient
8. Group Rooms
-Tour Wholesalers
Total Group Rooms
9. Contract Rooms
10. Rooms Sold
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 193
Current Month YTD
to Budget
to Prior
to Budget
to Prior
12. Complimentary Rooms
13. Rooms Occupied
14. Vacant Rooms
6. Rooms Available
11. Occupancy % (10/6)
Number of Guests
19. Transient
20. Group
21. Contract
22. Complimentary
23. Total Guests
Per Available Room Statistics
Revenue per Available Room
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Per Occupied Room Statistics
Average Daily Rate
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses per
Occupied Room
Other Expenses
Cleaning Supplies
Cluster Services
Commissions and Fees Group
Complimentary Food & Beverage
Complimentary In-Room Media/Entertainment
Complimentary Services and Gifts
Contract Services
Dues and Subscriptions
Entertainment—In House
Equipment Rental
Guest Relocation
Guest Supplies
Guest Transportation
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Licenses and Permits
Operating Supplies
Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges
Printing and Stationery
Royalty Fees
194 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Month YTD
to Budget
to Prior
to Budget
to Prior
Travel Meals and Entertainment
Travel Other
Uniform Cost
Uniform Laundry
Total Expenses per Occupied Room
The room segmentation presented in Rooms—Schedule 1 is the preferred method
of reporting rooms revenue. With the development of the revenue management
discipline and the evolution of the Internet and other technologies, the relevant
means of reporting and reviewing rooms revenue is constantly changing. At the
time of the writing of this book, one prominent approach to viewing rooms rev-
enue is to track and analyze it by booking channel or source. Therefore, it is recom-
mended, but not required, that rooms revenue be reported by booking channel as
supplemental information.
Average Daily Rate
Although room rates may vary seasonally, by market segment, or by room type
within a property, most lodging properties calculate an overall average room
rate, referred to as the average daily rate (ADR). The ADR reveals the average
rate charged per sold room and is calculated by dividing total rooms revenue for
a period by the number of rooms sold during that period. Rooms sold includes
rooms sold on a paid basis, as well as rooms sold without charge in connection
with a promotion or contract. Complimentary rooms are not included in the
denominator of the ADR calculation. The ADR is calculated as follows:
Total Rooms Revenue
Rooms Sold
ADR per Revenue Segment
For analytical purposes, many lodging properties calculate an ADR for each rev-
enue segment (transient, group, and contract). The ADR for a revenue segment
reveals the average rate charged per sold room and is calculated by dividing rooms
revenue for a specific revenue segment for a period by the number of rooms sold
to guests in that revenue segment during that period. Rooms sold by revenue seg-
ment includes rooms sold on a paid basis, as well as rooms sold without charge in
connection with a promotion or contract. Complimentary rooms are not included
in the denominator of the ADR per revenue segment calculation. The ADR for a
revenue segment is calculated as follows:
Average Room Rate
Gross Room Revenue for Revenue Segment
per Revenue Segment
Rooms Sold to that Revenue Segment
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 195
Rooms Revenue per Available Room
Rooms revenue per available room (RevPAR) measures the rooms revenue yield
a property achieves relative to the rooms available in the property for a period.
RevPAR includes the influence of two factors—occupancy and ADR. RevPAR can
be used as a way to compare rooms revenue results with prior period results or to
compare actual to budgeted results. In addition, since the rooms revenue is scaled
by the number of rooms at the property, it can be used as one comparison of the
rooms revenue yield of a property to its competitors or comparable properties.
RevPAR is calculated as follows:
RevPAR =
Total Rooms Revenue
Rooms Available
Total Operating Revenue per Available Room
Total operating revenue per available room (Total RevPAR) measures the total
operating revenue yield a property achieves relative to the rooms available in the
property for a period. Total RevPAR can be used as one measure of total operat-
ing revenue change from prior period results or to compare actual to budgeted
results. Since the total operating revenue is scaled by the number of rooms at the
property, it can be used as one comparison of the revenue yield of a property to
its competitors or comparable properties. For properties with significant revenue
sources other than rooms revenue, this may be a better indicator of revenue yield
or growth than RevPAR. Total RevPAR is calculated as follows:
Total RevPAR =
Total Operating Revenue
Rooms Available
Room Statistics and Occupancy Ratios
Lodging properties usually supplement the rooms operation information reported
on the Summary Operating Statement and Statement of Income with occupancy
ratio results. Occupancy ratios measure the success of the rooms operation in sell-
ing the primary product of the property. In order to calculate basic occupancy
ratios, various rooms statistics must be kept during the period.
The following is a list with definitions of several common rooms statistics
and occupancy ratios. Note that the term “room nights” can be substituted for the
word “rooms” in the following measurements and ratio definitions.
(1) Total Room Inventory
Rooms Not Available for Sale:
(2) Seasonally Closed Rooms
(3) Extended Closed Rooms
(4) Rooms for Permanent House Use
(5) Total Rooms Not Available for Sale
(6) Rooms Available
Number of Rooms Sold:*
(7) Transient Rooms Sold
(8) Group Rooms Sold
(9) Contract Rooms Sold
196 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
(10) Rooms Sold
(11) Occupancy %
(12) Complimentary Rooms Occupied
(13) Rooms Occupied
(14) Vacant Rooms
Occupancy %:
(15) Transient %
(16) Group %
(17) Contract %
(18) Complimentary %
Number of Guests:
(19) Transient
(20) Group
(21) Contract
(22) Complimentary
(23) Total Guests
(24) Arrivals
(25) Average Length of Stay
*See Rooms—Schedule 1 for definitions of types of guests by revenue category.
(1) Total Room Inventory
Total number of guestrooms (keys) in a property whether available for sale or
not. Included are (5) Total Rooms Not Available for Sale, (13) Rooms Occupied,
and (14) Vacant Rooms.
(2) Seasonally Closed Rooms
When all operations of a hotel are closed for a minimum of 30 consecutive
days due to seasonal demand patterns, then the rooms for this period should
be removed from the annual salable inventory. The hotel must be consistently
closed year-to-year.
(3) Extended Closed Rooms
Those rooms removed from salable inventory for a period of six consecutive
months or more. Examples include rooms that are damaged due to a
hurricane, earthquake, or fire, where there is intent to return the rooms to
salable inventory.
(4) Rooms for Permanent House Use
Those rooms removed from salable inventory for a minimum of six consecutive
months for use by a hotel employee (e.g., manager’s apartment).
(5) Total Rooms Not Available for Sale
Total of rooms that are (2) Seasonally Closed, (3) Extended Closed, or used for
(4) Permanent House Use.
(6) Rooms Available**
Total Room Inventory (1) less (5) Total Rooms Not Available for Sale.
(7) Transient Rooms Sold
Total rooms sold to guests on an individual basis. Included are rooms sold
on a paid basis, as well as rooms sold on a gratis basis in connection with a
promotion or contract.
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 197
(8) Group Rooms Sold
Total rooms sold to guests as part of a group (10 rooms or more). Included are
rooms sold on a paid basis, as well as rooms sold on a gratis basis in connection
with a promotion or contract.
(9) Contract Rooms Sold
Total rooms sold to guests as part of a special contract, generally of a longer-
term nature (i.e., multiple weeks or months). Included are rooms sold on a paid
basis, as well as rooms sold on a gratis basis in connection with a promotion
or contract.
(10) Rooms Sold
Total rooms sold to (7) Transient, (8) Group and (9) Contract guests.
(12) Complimentary Rooms Occupied
Free rooms provided to any guest, often for marketing purposes, but not related
to an existing contractual relationship. Examples of complimentary rooms
include rooms provided on a gratis basis to owners, employees, people on
familiarization tours, friends, and family. Also included are rooms used by the
hotel on a short-term basis (e.g., employee relocation, manager-on-duty, etc.).
Not classified as complimentary rooms are rooms provided due to a
trade-out arrangement, rooms provided in connection with a promotion (e.g.,
stay two nights, get one free), or rooms provided as part of a group contract
(e.g., book 50 rooms, get one free). These rooms should be classified as one of
the revenue categories (transient, group, or contract).
(13) Rooms Occupied**
Total rooms sold to (7) Transient, (8) Group, and (9) Contract guests and
occupied by (12) Complimentary guests.
(14) Vacant Rooms
Rooms Available (6) less (13) Rooms Occupied. Vacant rooms can be classified
into the following sub-categories:
Rooms Out-of-Order: Those rooms removed from salable inventory for a
period of less than six consecutive months due to renovation or a temporary
fault or problem rendering them inadequate for occupancy.
Temporary Closed Rooms: Those rooms removed from salable inventory on a
discretionary basis for a period of less than six consecutive months.
Rooms Unoccupied: Those rooms available for sale, but not occupied by a
paying or complimentary guest.
(19) Number of Guests—Transient
Total guests traveling as individuals.
(20) Number of Guests—Group
Total guests traveling as part of a group.
(21) Number of Guests—Contract
Total guests who occupy their room through a special contract.
(22) Number of Guests—Complimentary
Total persons staying on a complimentary basis as described in #12 above.
198 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
(23) Total Guests
Total (19) Transient, (20) Group, (21) Contract, and (22) Complimentary guests.
(24) Arrivals
Number of room check-ins, both paying and complimentary.
(11) Occupancy % =
(10) Rooms Sold
× 100
(6) Rooms Available
(15) Occupancy % Transient
(7) Transient Rooms Sold
× 100
(6) Rooms Available
(16) Occupancy % Group
(8) Group Rooms Sold
× 100
(6) Rooms Available
(17) Occupancy % Contract
(9) Contract Rooms Sold
× 100
(6) Rooms Available
(18) Occupancy % Complimentary
(12) Complimentary Rooms Occupied
× 100
(6) Rooms Available
(25) Average Length of Stay
(13) Rooms Occupied
× 100
(24) Arrivals
**Note for lodging properties with mixed-ownership units: When a lodging
property includes rooms owned by parties other than the owner of the hotel, it
is appropriate to develop a supplemental schedule of ratios and statistics that
includes the performance of such elements. The ratios and statistics in this sched-
ule can be used when providing data to independent industry reporting agencies
in order to reflect the performance of the entire property.
The measurements that are affected include rooms available, rooms sold, and
room revenue. These measurements are used to calculate occupancy, ADR, and
RevPAR. When preparing the ratios and statistics in the supplemental schedule,
note the following guidance:
Rooms Available: third-party-owned units under the control of hotel manage-
ment for the purpose of renting to guests other than the unit owners should
be added to the Rooms Available of the hotel.
Rooms Sold: third-party-owned units that are rented to guests other than the
unit owners should be added to the Rooms Sold of the hotel.
Rooms Revenue: revenue earned for the rental of third-party-owned units
to guests other than the unit owners should be added to rooms revenue as
defined in the discussion of Schedule 1.
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 199
Food and Beverage Department Operating Metrics
The following tables are recommended for the presentation of key food and bev-
erage department operating metrics. The tables are followed by definitions of ter-
minology as used in this section. See Schedule 2 for additional definitions. The
discussion continues with metrics developed by the AH&LA Food and Beverage
Council in 2012 for the purpose of benchmarking hotel food and beverage opera-
tions. Finally, formulas are provided for select ratios, along with descriptions of
their potential use.
Current Month YTD
to Budget
to Prior
to Budget
to Prior
Food and Beverage Operating Metrics: Revenue Mix, %
F&B Venue Revenue
Catering and Banquets Revenue
In-Room Dining Revenue
Function Room Rental Revenue
Food and Beverage Operating Metrics: Average Check, $
Food and Beverage
Food and Beverage Venues
In-Room Dining
Food and Beverage Operating Metrics: Cost of Food Sales, %
Food and Beverage Venues
In-Room Dining
Food and Beverage Operating Metrics: Cost of Beverage Sales, %
Food and Beverage Venues
In-Room Dining
Food and Beverage Operating Metrics: Inventory Turns
Inventory Turns
Bottled Beer
Draft Beer
Number of Days of Inventory on Hand
200 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Month YTD
to Budget
to Prior
to Budget
to Prior
Revenue: Food and Beverage Venues
F&B Venue Revenue per Available Seat, $
F&B Venue Revenue per Customer, $
Revenue: Catering and Banquets
Catering and Banquet Revenue per Group Room
Sold, $
Catering and Banquet Revenue per Square Foot
(Meter) of Function Space, $
Revenue: Function Room Rentals
Function Room Rental Revenue per Group
Room Sold, $
Function Room Rental Revenue per Square Foot
(Meter) of Function Space, $
Revenue: Audiovisual Revenue
Audiovisual Revenue per Group Room Sold, $
Audiovisual Revenue per Square Foot (Meter) of
Function Space, $
Audiovisual Revenue Cost of Sales, %
Revenue: In-Room Dining
In-Room Dining Revenue per Rooms Sold, $
Revenue: Total F&B Revenue
Total F&B Revenue per Available Room, $
Venue. An individual food and beverage facility in a hotel, usually a restau-
rant or lounge. Banquet rooms, guestrooms, group functions outside the property,
and the front desk are not considered food and beverage venues.
Number of Available Seats. The total number of available seats in a food and
beverage venue for the purpose of consuming food and beverage items. The num-
ber should be based on how the venue is set up during normal operations. Out-
door seating is not included unless it is available year-round; temporary seating
is not included.
Number of Available Seats per Venue. The number of available seats in a par-
ticular venue.
Function Space. Space between four walls used for meal functions and meet-
ing room sets. Outdoor space is not included.
Customer. One person served in a food and beverage venue or function space.
Total Customers. Total number of customers who are served in a food and
beverage venue or function space.
of Seats
Revenue Per Available Seat, $ Departmental Prot Per Available Seat, $
Current Month YTD Current Month YTD
to Budget,
to Prior
Year, $
to Budget,
to Prior
Year, $
to Budget,
to Prior
Year, $
to Budget,
to Prior
Year, $
Venue # 1
Venue # 2
Venue # 3
of Seats
Cost of Food Sales, % Cost of Beverage Sales, %
Current Month YTD Current Month YTD
to Budget,
to Prior
Year, PPT*
to Budget,
to Prior
Year, PPT*
to Budget,
to Prior
Year, PPT*
to Budget,
to Prior
Year, PPT*
Venue # 1
Venue # 2
Venue # 3
* Percentage Point
of Seats
Number of Customers Average Check, $
Current Month YTD Current Month YTD
to Prior
to Prior
Budget, $
to Prior
Year, $
Budget, $
to Prior
Year, $
Venue # 1
Venue # 2
Venue # 3
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 203
Average Customer Value. Venue Food Revenue and Venue Beverage Revenue
divided by the Total Customers served in the venue. This can be further deter-
mined by meal period.
Meal Period. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner, defined by time of day.
Total Customers per Meal Period by Venue. Number of customers during a
specific meal period in an individual venue.
F&B Venue Revenue. The total of Venue Food Revenue, Venue Beverage Rev-
enue, Cover Charges, Surcharges and Service Charges, and Miscellaneous Other
Revenue for a specific venue.
Catering and Banquets Revenue. The total of Banquet/Conference/ Catering
Food Revenue, Banquet/Conference/Catering Beverage Revenue, Audiovisual,
Function Room Rental and Setup Charges, Surcharges and Service Charges, and
Miscellaneous Other Revenue generated in a hotel’s function space.
In-Room Dining Revenue. The total of In-Room Dining Food Revenue, In-
Room Dining Beverage Revenue, and Surcharges and Service Charges for food
and beverages delivered to guests in their guestrooms.
Function Room Rental Revenue. The equivalent of Function Room Rentals
and Setup Charges on Schedule 2.
Total F&B Revenue. The sum of Total Food Revenue, Total Beverage Revenue,
and Total Other Revenue. This is the equivalent of Total Revenue on Schedule 2.
AH&LA Food and Beverage Council Metrics
Catering/Banquet Revenue per Square Foot (Meter) of Function Space
This is the total of Catering and Banquets Revenue divided by the total amount of
Function Space measured in square feet or square meters. This comparison helps
determine how effectively the sales staff is driving revenues for this specialized
Catering and Banquet Revenue
Catering and Banquets Revenue
per Square ft./m Square ft./m of Function Space
F&B Venue Revenue per Available Seat
This metric measures the F&B Venue Revenue yield a food and beverage venue
achieves relative to the seats available in the venue for a period. This can be used
when comparing the yield of one venue with a competitor or comparable venue.
F&B Venue Revenue
F&B Venue Revenue
per Available Seat Number of Available Seats
F&B Venue Revenue per Customer
This operating metric reveals the amount of the average food and beverage check
per customer and is calculated by dividing F&B Venue Revenue by the number
204 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
of customers. This analysis is typically carried out for each meal period and each
F&B Venue Revenue per Customer
F&B Venue Revenue
Number of Customers
In-Room Dining Revenue per Occupied Room
This operating metric reveals the amount of the in-room dining check per occu-
pied room and is calculated by dividing In-Room Dining Revenue by the total
number of rooms sold. This analysis is typically carried out for each meal period.
In-Room Dining Revenue
In-Room Dining Revenue
per Occupied Room Rooms Sold
Total F&B Revenue per Available Room
This metric measures the Total F&B Revenue yield a hotel achieves relative to the
number of available rooms at a property. This can be used when comparing the
yield of one hotel with a competitor or comparable hotel.
Total F&B Revenue per Available Room =
Total F&B Revenue
Rooms Available
Additional Food and Beverage Metrics
Revenue Mix
This ratio is calculated based on the revenue received by the venues, catering and
banquets, in-room dining, audiovisual, and function room rentals as percentages
of Total F&B Revenue. It is useful to understand how food and beverage revenues
are derived when evaluating the performance of the operation. For the complete
revenue mix, perform the following calculation for each revenue reference.
Revenue Mix Percentage
F&B Venue Revenue (or other revenue reference)
× 100
Total F&B Revenue
Average Food Check
This operating ratio reveals the amount of the average food check per customer
and is calculated by dividing Total Food Revenue by the number of customers.
This analysis is typically carried out for each meal period and each venue.
Average Food Check
Total Food Revenue
Number of Customers
Average Beverage Check
This operating ratio reveals the amount of the average beverage check per cus-
tomer and is calculated by dividing Total Beverage Revenue by the number of cus-
tomers. This analysis is typically carried out for each meal period and each venue.
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 205
Average Beverage Check
Total Beverage Revenue
Number of Customers
Average Food Check per Meal Period by Venue (or Banquet)
This operating ratio reveals the amount of the average food check per meal period
by venue (or catering/banquet function) and is calculated by dividing the Total
Food Revenue per meal period per venue (or catering/banquet function) by the
number of customers served in that venue (or catering/banquet function) during
that meal period.
Total Food Revenue per
Average Food Check per Meal
Meal Period per Venue (or Catering/Banquet Function)
Period by Venue (or Banquet)
Number of Customers Served during that Meal Period
in that Venue (or Catering/Banquet Function)
Average Beverage Check per Meal Period by Venue (or Banquet)
This operating ratio reveals the amount of the average beverage check per meal
period by venue (or catering/banquet function) and is calculated by dividing the
total beverage revenue per meal period per venue (or catering/banquet function)
by the number of customers served in that venue (or catering/banquet function)
during that meal period.
Total Beverage Revenue per Meal Period
Average Beverage Check per Meal
per Venue (or Catering/Banquet Function)
Period by Venue (or Banquet)
Number of Customers Served during
that Meal Period in that Venue
(or Catering/Banquet Function)
Food Cost Percentage
This measure evaluates if a venue or the catering/banquet department has issues
with portion size, waste, theft, or other problems in controlling costs of food.
Hotel managers should compare their actual cost percentages to their budgeted
or potential cost percentages. Potential cost percentages are determined by taking
into account an operation’s selling prices, purchasing costs, and sales mix. When
calculating a potential food cost percentage, the desired portion size needs to be
considered as well as the expected waste. Food cost percentage is calculated by
dividing the cost of food sales by total food revenue over the time period being
Food Cost Percentage
Cost of Food Sales
× 100
Total Food Revenue
Beverage Cost Percentage
This measure evaluates if a venue or the catering/banquet department has issues
with pouring controls, waste, theft or other problems in controlling cost of bev-
erage. Hotel managers should compare their actual cost percentages to their
206 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
budgeted or potential cost percentages. Potential cost percentages are deter-
mined by taking into account an operation’s selling prices, purchasing costs,
and sales mix. When calculating a potential liquor cost percentage, the desired
liquor shot size needs to be considered. When determining potential draft beer
cost percentages, the sales mix of each draft beer container used (mugs, glasses,
pitchers) has to be figured into the calculation. Beverage cost percentage is cal-
culated by dividing the cost of beverage sales by total beverage revenue over the
time period being measured.
Beverage Cost Percentage
Cost of Beverage Sales
× 100
Total Beverage Revenue
Cost per Customer
This ratio measures a variable cost that is influenced by food and beverage vol-
ume. For example, labor cost and related expenses for a venue may be measured
by cost per customer.
Total Labor Cost and Related
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses
Expenses per Customer
Number of Customers
Audiovisual Cost of Sales Percentage
This represents equipment rental or any other costs associated with the cost of
providing audiovisual services to customers. The cost of sales should be shown as
a percentage of audiovisual revenue and is calculated by dividing audiovisual cost
by audiovisual revenue.
Audiovisual Cost of Sales Percentage
Audiovisual Cost
× 100
Audiovisual Revenue
Catering and Banquet Revenue per Group Room Night Sold
This is the total of catering and banquet revenue divided by the total number of
group rooms nights sold. This comparison helps determine how effectively the
sales staff is driving these incremental revenues from group customers.
Catering and Banquet Revenue
Catering and Banquet Revenue
per Group Room Night Sold
Group Room Nights Sold
Function Room Rental Revenue per Square Foot (Meter) of Function Space
This is the total of function room rental revenue divided by the total amount of
function space measured in square feet or square meters. This comparison helps
determine how effectively the sales staff is driving these incremental revenues for
this specialized space.
Function Room Rental Revenue
Function Room Rental Revenue
per Square Foot (Meter)
Square ft./m of Function Space
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 207
Function Room Rental Revenue per Group Room Night Sold
This is the total of function room rental revenue divided by the total number of
group rooms sold. This comparison helps determine how effectively the sales staff
is driving these incremental revenues from group customers.
Function Space Rental Revenue
Function Room Rental Revenue
per Group Room Night Sold
Group Room Nights Sold
Audiovisual Revenue per Group Room Night Sold
This is the total of audiovisual revenue divided by the total number of group
rooms sold. This comparison helps determine how effectively the sales staff is
driving these incremental revenues from group customers.
Audiovisual Revenue per
Audiovisual Revenue
Group Room Night Sold
Group Room Nights Sold
Audiovisual Revenue per Square Foot (Meter) of Function Space
This is the total of audiovisual revenues divided by the total amount of function
space measured in square feet or square meters. This comparison helps determine
how effectively the sales staff is driving these incremental revenues for this spe-
cialized space.
Audiovisual Revenue per Square Foot (Meter)
Audiovisual revenue
Square ft./m of Function Space
Departmental (Venue) Profit per Available Seat
This measures the departmental profit yield a food and beverage venue achieves
relative to the seats available in the venue for a period. This can be used when
comparing the yield of one venue with a competitor or comparable venue.
Departmental (Venue) Profit
Food and Beverage Departmental (Venue) Profit
per Available Seat
Number of Available Seats
Golf Course and Pro Shop Metrics
The ensuing table is recommended for the presentation of key metrics Golf Course
and Pro Shop department metrics. Following the table, formulas are provided for
select ratios, along with descriptions of their potential use.
208 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Month YTD
to Prior
to Prior
Golf/Pro Shop Operating Metrics: Revenue Generated per Round
Average Greens Fee per round*
Merchandise/clothing revenue per round
Other revenue per round
Total Golf & Pro Shop Revenue per round
Golf/Pro Shop Operating Metrics: Golf Rounds per Occupied Room Night
Golf rounds per occupied room night
Golf/Pro Shop Operating Metrics: Golf Rounds by Category of Guest
Outside (non-member or non-guest)
Total Golf Rounds Played
* Additional detail can be provided by individual category, including member, member-guest, resort, outside, and
Average Greens Fee per Round
This operating ratio reveals the average greens fee generated per round of golf
played and is calculated by dividing total greens fee by the total number of golf
rounds played.
Average Greens Fee per Round = Greens Fees
Number of Rounds Played
Additional detail can be provided by individual category such as by member,
member guest, resort, and outside (non-member or non-resort).
Merchandise/Clothing Revenue per Round
This operating ratio reveals the average merchandise generated by the golf and
pro shop per round of golf played.
Merchandise Revenue + Clothing Revenue
Revenue per Round Number of Rounds Played
Total Golf and Pro Shop Revenues per Round
This operating ratio reveals the average total golf revenue generated by the over-
all golf department, which takes into consideration greens fees, merchandise rev-
enue, clothing revenue and other golf revenues.
Total Golf Revenues
Greens Fees + Merchandise Revenue
+ Clothing Revenue + Other Revenue
per Round
Number of Rounds Played
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 209
Golf Rounds per Occupied Room Night
This operating metric tracks the number of golf rounds generated per occupied
room night, which reveals the overall usage of the hotel’s golf operations.
Golf Rounds per Occupied Room Night
Number of Rounds Played
Total Occupied Room Nights
Golf Rounds by Category of User
This operating metric tracks users of the golf course by type. It is useful to know
how many golf rounds are played by members, member-guests, hotel/resort
guests, outside (non-member or non-resort) users, and employees.
Health Club/Spa Metrics
The following tables are recommended for the presentation of key health club/
spa metrics. After the tables, formulas are provided for select ratios, along with
descriptions of their potential use.
Current Month YTD
to Prior
to Prior
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Revenue Mix, % of Department Revenue by Source
Massage and Body Treatment
Skin Care
Hair Care
Nail Care
Health and Wellness
Membership Fee
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Revenue per Square Feet (Meter)
Treatment Revenue (massage and body treatment,
skin care)
Salon Revenue (hair care, nail care)
Health and Wellness
Membership Fee
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Revenue per Occupied Guestroom
Treatment Revenue (massage and body treatment,
skin care)
Salon Revenue (hair care, nail care)
Health and Wellness
Membership Fee
210 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Current Month YTD
to Prior
to Prior
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Treatment Revenue per Treatment Room
Massage and Body Treatment
Skin Care
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Treatment Revenue per Number of Treatments
Massage and Body Treatment
Skin Care
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Salon Revenue per Salon Station
Hair Care
Nail Care
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Expenses, % of Department Revenue
Salaries and Wages
Payroll-Related Expenses
Cost of Sales
Ambience and Decoration
Athletic and Health and Beauty Supplies
Equipment Rental, Cleaning Supplies, Swimming
Pool, Printing and Stationary, and Operating
Linen and Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Uniform Laundry and Costs
Travel—Meals and Entertainment and Other,
Royalty and Management Fees
Cluster Services, Contract Services, and Corporate
Complimentary Services and Gifts, Dues and
Subscriptions, Licenses and Permits, Training,
and Miscellaneous
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Guest Mix Percentages
Local Guests
Hotel Guests
Health Club/Spa Operating Metrics: Treatment Analysis
Treatments per Treatment Room
Treatments per Hour
Spa Revenue and Expenses per Square Foot (Meter)
Since the spa department is a specialized form of retail, revenue and expenses are
frequently measured on a per-square-foot or per-square-meter basis. Space used
includes indoor treatment rooms, outdoor treatment space, salon space, retail
space, fitness center/studio, indoor pool/whirlpool/sauna/stream (if operated by
health club/spa), indoor whirlpool, locker rooms, and waiting rooms. This metric
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 211
can be applied to any specific revenue source (i.e., massage and body treatment,
retail, fitness, etc.) within the spa department and its corresponding space usage.
Spa Revenue (Expenses)
Spa Revenue (Expenses)
per Square Foot/Meter Square ft./m of Space Used
Treatment Revenue and Expenses per Treatment Room
Treatment revenue/expenses per treatment room (where massage, facials and
other body work services are performed) provides a measure of utilization and
profitability of this specialized space.
Treatment Revenue (Expenses) per Treatment Room
Treatment Revenue (Expenses)
Number of Treatment Rooms
Salon Revenue and Expenses per Salon Station
Salon revenue/expenses per salon station (where manicures, pedicures, and hair
styling are performed) provides a measure of utilization and profitability of this
specialized space.
Salon Revenue (Expenses) per Salon Station =
Salon Revenue (Expenses)
Number of Salon Stations
Treatment Revenue and Expenses per Treatment
Treatment revenue/expenses per treatment provides a measure of utilization and
profitability for the various forms of treatments provided.
Treatment Revenue (Expenses) per Treatment
Treatment Revenue (Expenses)
Number of Treatments
Treatment Revenue and Expenses as Percentage of Departmental Revenue
Looking at treatment revenue/expenses as percentages of departmental revenue
provides a measure of revenue mix and profitability for the various forms of treat-
ments provided.
Treatment Revenue (Expenses) as a
Treatment Revenue (Expenses)
× 100
Percentage of Department Revenue Departmental Revenue
Spa Revenue per Occupied Guestroom
Spa revenue per occupied guestroom measures the ability of the spa department
to capture revenue from guests of the hotel.
Spa Revenue per Occupied Guestroom
Spa Revenue
Occupied Guestrooms
Percentage of Hotel Guests vs. Local Guests
These measures provide spa management with information on the source of their
212 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Percentage of Local Guests =
Number of Local Spa Guests
× 100
Total Number of Spa Guests
Percentage of Hotel Guests =
Number of Hotel Spa Guests
× 100
Total Number of Spa Guests
Treatments per Treatment Room
Treatments per treatment room provides a measure of utilization of this special-
ized space.
Number of Treatments
Number of Treatments
per Treatment Room
Number of Treatment Rooms
Treatments per Hour
Treatments per hour provides a measure of utilization and efficiency of this spe-
cialized space and the staff.
Number of Treatments per Hour
Total Treatments
Total Hours of Operation
Parking Metrics
The following table is recommended for the presentation of key financial and
operating metrics for parking. After the table, formulas are provided for select
ratios, along with descriptions of their potential use.
Current Month YTD
to Prior
to Prior
Parking Financial Metrics
Total Parking RevPAR
Total Parking RevPOR
Total Parking RevPAS
Overnight Parking RevPAR
Overnight Parking RevPOR
Parking Operating Metrics
Drive-In Capture
Overnight Drive-In Capture
Daily Parking Capture
Valet Parking Capture
Overnight Valet Parking Capture
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 213
Parking Revenue per Available Room
Parking revenue per available room (Parking RevPAR) provides a measure of
parking revenue yield from all customers relative to the size of the property. It is
useful for comparison to hotels with different room counts.
Parking RevPAR
Parking Revenue
Rooms Available
Parking Revenue per Occupied Room
Parking revenue per occupied room (Parking RevPOR) provides a measure of
parking revenue productivity (for all customers) relative to the number of rooms
occupied at the property.
Parking RevPOR
Parking Revenue
Rooms Occupied
Parking Revenue per Available Space
Parking revenue per available space (Parking RevPAS) provides a measure of
parking revenue productivity relative to the number of parking spaces at the hotel.
Parking RevPAS
Parking Revenue
Available Spaces
Overnight Parking Revenue per Available Room
Overnight parking revenue per available room (O/N Parking RevPAR) provides
a measure of parking revenue yield based solely on the revenue generated from
overnight hotel guests. It is useful for comparison to hotels with different room
O/N Parking RevPAR
O/N Parking Revenue
Rooms Available
Overnight Parking Revenue per Occupied Room
Overnight parking revenue per occupied room (O/N Parking RevPOR) provides
a measure of parking revenue productivity based solely on the revenue generated
from overnight hotel guests.
O/N Parking RevPOR
O/N Parking Revenue
Rooms Occupied
Parking Profits per Available Room
Parking profits per available room provides a measure of parking profit yield rela-
tive to the size of the property. It is useful for comparison to hotels with different
room counts.
Parking Profits per Available Room
Parking Profits
Rooms Available
214 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Parking Profits per Occupied Room
Parking profits per occupied room provides a measure of parking profitability
relative to the number of rooms occupied at the property.
Parking Profits per Occupied Room
Parking Profits
Rooms Occupied
Parking Department Profit Margin
The parking department profit margin measures management’s ability to produce
profits by generating revenues and controlling departmental expenses.
Parking Department Profit Margin
Parking Profit
× 100
Parking Revenue
Drive-In Capture
Drive-in capture measures the utilization of the parking lot by all customers.
Drive-In Capture
Number of Parked Cars
× 100
Rooms Occupied
Overnight Drive-In Capture
Overnight drive-in capture measures the utilization of the parking lot solely by
overnight guests.
Overnight Drive-In
Number of Overnight Parked Cars
× 100
Capture Rooms Occupied
Daily Parking Capture
Daily parking capture measures the utilization of the parking lot by day-use
Number of Daily Cars (Number of
Daily Parking
Local Meeting/Catering/Venue Customers)
× 100
Capture Total Number of Cars
Valet Parking Capture
Valet parking capture measures the utilization of the parking lot by valet customers.
Valet Parking Capture
Number of Valet Cars
× 100
Total Number of Cars
Overnight Valet Parking Capture
Overnight valet parking capture measures the utilization of the parking lot by
overnight guests using the valet parking service.
Overnight Valet
Number of Overnight Valet Cars
Parking Capture Total Number of Valet Cars
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 215
Utilities and Refuse/Waste Metrics
Hotel utilities, refuse, and waste are the subject of increased scrutiny because of
rising commodity rates and the emerging global focus on ecological sustainability
for existing hospitality assets. By applying basic financial and operating ratios to
their utility costs for usage and waste, hotel owners and operators can evaluate
and monitor performance trends over time. Tracking utility and energy usage will
help the hotel improve energy efficiency and energy management, which will lead
to reductions in energy usage, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions.
The following discussion provides broad monitoring and benchmarking
ratios to track regarding the hotel’s utilities usage, waste, and overall energy effi-
ciency. Reviewing these metrics for each property on a rolling basis will allow
a hotel to identify fluctuations or deviations in usage and efficiency. Identified
variations can signal overuse, rapidly increasing commodity rates, inefficacies, or
other indicators that warrant a more detailed review of utility consumption and
Caution should be used when using these ratios for comparison across com-
petitive sets or comparable property groups. Numerous factors combine to influ-
ence actual utility consumption, including building configuration and equipment,
climate and weather, occupancy levels, and more. To compare utility consumption
and efficiency among diverging types of properties, a more detailed, engineering-
based analysis of energy use intensity (units of energy per square foot or meter),
water use intensity (units of water per occupied room), and waste generation/
diversion is encouraged.
The following table is recommended for the presentation of key utilities met-
rics. The table is followed by definitions of terminology as used in this section.
Finally, formulas are provided for several ratios.
Per Available
Per Occupied
Per Total
Per Square
Feet (Meters)
Electrical—kWh (hps)
Steam—Mlb (Kgs)
Water/Sewer—Gallons (Liters)
Chilled Water—Ton (Metric Ton)
Total Energy Cost
Total Utility Cost
Kilowatt Hour. A unit of energy or work equal to 1,000 watt-hours or 3.6
megajoules (where 1 joule equals 1 watt per second). The kilowatt hour (kWh) is
commonly used to measure electric energy.
Therm. A unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (BTU);
1 BTU is the heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by 1
degree Fahrenheit or 0.56 degree Celsius. Stating the energy content of various
216 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
fuels in BTU allows for accurate comparisons between fuels. Natural gas in the
U.S. is measured by volume in cubic feet rather than by energy content. The therm
can be used to measure natural gas usage and to convert the volume of gas used to
its heat equivalent: 1 therm = 96.7 cubic feet of natural gas or 29.3 kilowatt hours.
Mlb. This represents a traditional unit of mass for steam equivalent to 1,000
Ton Hour. A unit of weight or volume used to measure chilled water. Chilled
water is typically used in HVAC units.
1 Ton = 2,000lbs (907kg) in U.S.
1 Ton = 2,240lbs (1,016kg) in U.K.
1 Ton = 2,204lbs (1,000kg) in International System of Units
1 Ton Hour of cooling capacity = 12,000 BTU/hour or 3.5169 kWh (where 3,412
BTU/hour = 1 kWh).
Electric Consumption (kWh and Horsepower)
kWh (hps) per Available Room
Kilowatt Hours (Horsepower)
Rooms Available
kWh (hps) per Occupied Room
Kilowatt Hours (Horsepower)
Rooms Occupied
kWh (hps) per Overnight Guest
Kilowatt Hours (Horsepower)
Total Overnight Guests
kWh per Square Foot or Meter
Kilowatt Hours
Total Square Feet/Meters
Gas Consumption
Therms per Available Room
Number of Therms
Rooms Available
Therms per Occupied Room
Number of Therms
Rooms Occupied
Therms per Overnight Guest
Number of Therms
Number of Overnight Guests
Therms per Square Foot/Meter
Number of Therms
Total Square Feet/Meters
Steam Consumption
Mlb (Kgs) per Available Room
Thousand Pounds (Kilograms)
Rooms Available
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 217
Mlb (Kgs) per Occupied Room
Thousand Pounds (Kilograms)
Rooms Occupied
Mlb (Kgs) per Overnight Guest
Thousand Pounds (Kilograms)
Number of Overnight Guests
Mlb (Kgs) per Square Foot/Meter
Thousand Pounds (Kilograms)
Total Square Feet/Meters
Water/Sewer Consumption
Gallons (Liters)/Available Room
Gallons (Liters)
Rooms Available
Gallons (Liters)/Occupied Room
Gallons (Liters)
Rooms Occupied
Gallons (Liters)/Overnight Guest
Gallons (Liters)
Number of Overnight Guests
Chilled Water
Ton (Metric Ton) Hours
Tons (Metric Tons)
per Available Room
Rooms Available
Ton (Metric Ton) Hours
Tons (Metric Tons)
per Occupied Room
Rooms Occupied
Ton (Metric Ton) Hours
Tons (Metric Tons)
per Overnight Guest
Number of Overnight Guests
Total Energy Cost (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Steam, Other Fuels)
Total Energy Cost
Total Energy Cost
per Available Room
Rooms Available
Total Energy Cost
Total Energy Cost
per Occupied Room
Rooms Occupied
Total Energy Cost
Total Energy Cost
per Overnight Guest
Number of Overnight Guests
Total Energy Cost
Total Energy Cost
per Square Foot/Meter
Total Square Feet/Meters
Total Utility Cost (Energy, Water/Sewer, and Chilled Water)
Total Utility Cost PAR
Total Utility Cost
Rooms Available
218 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Total Utility Cost POR
Total Utility Cost
Rooms Occupied
Total Utility Cost
Total Utility Cost
per Overnight Guest
Number of Overnight Guests
Total Utility Cost
Total Utility Cost
per Square Foot/Meter
Total Square Feet/Meters
Total Utility Cost as a Percentage
Total Utility Cost
of Total Operating Revenue
Total Operating Revenue
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
As with other industries, hotels are being asked by a variety of stakeholders,
including meeting planners, corporate and leisure customers, investors, and
municipalities, to quantify the environmental impact of a guest’s stay, as well as
the overall environmental impact of the hotel. While this Uniform System does not
attempt to provide the detailed calculations to determine the carbon footprint or
greenhouse gas emissions generated by the hotel, it does provide a general frame-
work to measure a hotel’s energy usage, water usage, and waste production in
a consistent manner to evaluate performance trends over time. Several metrics
and ratios appear are identified in the Utilities and Refuse/Water Metrics section
immediately preceding this section.
A starting point is to monitor and track the components necessary to under-
stand a hotel’s environmental impact. Metrics such as energy consumption per
occupied room, water consumption per occupied room, and waste production
per occupied room are important components of understanding and reducing a
hotel’s utilities cost and environmental impact.
Caution should be exercised when using metrics and ratios for comparison
across competitive sets or comparable property groups. Numerous factors com-
bine to influence actual utility consumption, including building configuration and
equipment, climate and weather, occupancy levels, and more. To compare utility
consumption and efficiency among diverging types of properties, a more detailed
analysis of energy use intensity, water use intensity, and waste generation/diver-
sion will be required.
Labor Cost Metrics
Labor cost represents the largest operating cost for hotels due to the labor-intensive
nature of hotel operations. Given the high correlation of labor cost with total oper-
ating revenues, a hotel’s profitability can rise and fall with labor cost. Therefore, it
is important to track and monitor this operating cost in order to manage employee
productivity and labor inefficiencies and to respond to business cycle changes.
This section focuses on the many statistics and ratios used to monitor and evalu-
ate labor performance in a hotel. These ratios represent the commonly used labor
statistics and can be applied to both operating and undistributed departments.
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 219
The following tables are recommended for the presentation of key labor met-
rics. After the table, formulas are provided for select ratios, along with descrip-
tions of their potential use.
Note: If necessary, the presentation of payroll titles in a table should be aggre-
gated to preserve the confidentiality of a specific employee’s payroll.
Consolidated Payroll Cost Stastics
Dollars Hours
Rooms Salaries & Wages POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Non-Management: Guest Services
Non-Management: Housekeeping
Non-Management: Laundry
Non-Management: Reservations
Non-Management: Transportation
Non-Management: Complimentary F&B
Total Rooms Salaries & Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Rooms Labor Costs and
Related Expenses
Dollars Hours
Food & Beverage Salaries & Wages
PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours
Management: Venue #1 Service
Non-Management: Venue #1 Service
Management: Venue #2 Service
Non-Management:Venue #2 Service
Management: Banquets, Conference,
& Catering Service
Non-Management: Banquets,
Conference, & Catering Service
Management: In-Room Dining Front
of House
Non-Management: In-Room Dining
Front of House
Management: Kitchen
Non-Management: Kitchen
Total F&B Salaries & Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total F&B Labor Costs and Related
* One customer served in a food and beverage venue or function space.
220 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Dollars Hours
Golf & Pro Shop Salaries & Wages
PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours
Non-Management: Golf Pros &
Non-Management: Greens &
Non-Management: Pro Shop
Total Golf & Pro Shop Salaries &
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
ToTal Golf & Pro ShoP labor CoSTS
and relaTed exPenSeS
Consolidated Payroll Cost Stastics (continued)
Dollars Hours
Health Club & Spa Salaries & Wages
Per Total or
PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours
Non-Management: Attendant /
Non-Management: Fitness
Non-Management: Reception & Retail
Non-Management: Spa Therapists &
Total Health Club & Spa Salaries
& Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Health Club & Spa Labor
Costs and Related Expenses
* Include massage, body treatments, salon service, fitness session, etc..
Dollars Hours
Parking Salaries & Wages POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Total Parking Salaries & Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Parking Labor Costs and
Related Expenses
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 221
Dollars Hours
Other Operated Department Salaries
& Wages
POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Total Other Operated Departments
Salaries & Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Other Operated Depts. Labor
Costs and Related Expenses
Dollars Hours
Administrative & General Salaries &
POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Non-Management: Accounting
Non-Management: General Support
Non-Management: Human Resources
Non-Management: Purchasing &
Non-Management: Security
Total A&G Salaries & Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total A&G Labor Costs and
Related Expenses
Dollars Hours
IT & Telecom Salaries & Wages POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Non-Management: IT
Non-Management: Telecom
Total IT & Telecom Salaries &
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total IT & Telecom Labor Costs
and Related Expenses
Consolidated Payroll Cost Stastics (continued)
222 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Dollars Hours
Sales & Marketing Salaries & Wages POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Total Sales & Marketing Salaries
& Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Sales & Marketing Labor
Costs and Related Expenses
Dollars Hours
Property Operations & Maintenance
Salaries & Wages
POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Total Property Operations &
Maintenance Salaries & Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Property Operations &
Maintenance Labor Costs and
Related Expenses
Dollars Hours
House Laundry Salaries & Wages POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Total House Laundry Salaries &
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total House Laundry Labor Costs
and Related Expenses
Dollars Hours
Staff Dining Salaries & Wages
POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours
Total Staff Dining Salaries & Wages
Service Charge Distribution
Contracted, Leased or Oursourced
Consolidated Payroll Cost Stastics (continued)
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 223
Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll-Related Expenses
Total Staff Dining Labor Costs and
Related Expenses
Dollars Hours
Total Hotel
Payroll Taxes
Supplemental Pay
Total Hotel Payroll-Related Expense
Food & Beverage
Golf & Pro Shop
Health Club & Spa
Other Operated Departments
Administrative & General
IT & Telecom
Sales & Marketing
Property Operations & Maintenance
House Laundry
Staff Dining
Total Bonuses & Incentives
Dollars Hours
POR PAR % Rev Avg. Wage Hours POR PAR # FTE
Total Hotel
Consolidated Payroll Cost Stastics (continued)
Salaries and Wages Cost Percentage
The total salaries and wages cost includes the salaries and wages paid out to hotel
employees for all departments and operational areas of the property. A total hotel
salaries and wages percentage is calculated by dividing total for employees sala-
ries and wages expense by total operating revenue. For control purposes, pay-
roll cost percentages also should be calculated and analyzed for each department
and operational area of the property. The payroll cost percentage is calculated as
Salaries and Wages
Total (or Department) Salaries and Wages
× 100
Cost Percentage Total Operating (or Department) Revenue
224 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Salaries and Wages Cost per Available or Occupied Room
An alternative method to measure salaries and wages is on a dollar per avail-
able room (PAR) basis or dollar per occupied room (POR) basis. For those depart-
ments having labor requirements that are significantly influenced by the number
of rooms occupied (e.g., rooms), labor cost per occupied room is one measure of
labor efficiency. For departments having labor requirements that are not signifi-
cantly influenced by the number of rooms occupied (e.g., undistributed), labor
cost per available room is one measure of labor efficiency. The salaries and wages
cost ratio is calculated as follows:
Salaries and Wages per
Total (or Department) Salaries and Wages
Available (Occupied) Room Rooms Available (Occupied)
Salaries and Wages Cost per Customer/Round/Service
For operated departments having labor requirements that are not necessarily
influenced by the number of rooms occupied (e.g., food and beverage, golf and
pro shop), salary and wage cost compared with a relevant variable component
is a measure of labor efficiency. For example, in food and beverage, the variable
component is the number of customers served, while in the golf and pro shop, the
variable measure is the number of golf rounds played. The salaries and wages cost
ratio is calculated as follows:
Salaries and Wages per
Total (or Department) Salaries and Wages
Customer/Round/Service Total Customers/Rounds/Services
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses Percentage
Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses includes the total salaries and wages
and payroll and related expenses for all departments and operational areas of the
property. A total hotel labor costs and related expenses percentage is calculated by
dividing Total Labor Costs and Related Expenses by Total Operating (or Depart-
ment) Revenue. The labor costs and related expense percentage is calculated as
Total (Department)
Labor Costs and Related
Labor Costs and Related Expenses
× 100
Expenses Percentage
Total Operating (Department) Revenue
Hours Worked
The following ratios are based on hours worked. Hours worked is the total num-
ber of hours worked by employees during the period. This total does not include
annual leave, unworked public holidays, sick days, days in lieu, etc.
Hours Worked per Available or Occupied Room
In order to analyze labor productivity, it is necessary to strip out salary differ-
ences and consider only the hours worked and this is done by measuring on a
hour per available room basis (PAR) or hour per occupied room basis (POR). For
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 225
those departments whose labor requirements are significantly influenced by the
number of rooms occupied (e.g., rooms), hours per occupied room is one measure
of labor efficiency. For departments whose labor requirements are not significantly
influenced by the number of rooms occupied (e.g., undistributed), hours per avail-
able room is one measure of labor efficiency. The productivity ratio is calculated
as follows:
Hours Worked per
Total (or Department) Hours Worked
Available (Occupied) Room Rooms Available (Occupied)
Hours Worked per Customer/Round/Service
For operational departments whose labor requirements are not necessarily influ-
enced by the number of rooms occupied (e.g. Food & Beverage, Golf & Pro Shop),
hours worked per the relevant variable component is a measure of labor efficiency.
For example, in Food & Beverage, the variable component of the operations are the
number of Customers served while in the Golf & Pro Shop the variable measure
would be the number of golf rounds played. The productivity ratio is calculated
as follows:
Hours Worked per
Total (or Department) Hours Worked
Customer/Round/Service Total Customers/Rounds/Services
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)
One way to express the number of hours worked is to use a measure known as
the full-time equivalent (FTE). This measure states the total number of hours
worked (including overtime) by all employees (including part-time) as the
equivalent number of full-time employees. An FTE is the number of hours that a
full-time employee would work over a standard work week (e.g., 40 hours in the
U.S.) or other period. FTEs are based on hours worked only and do not include
annual leave, public holidays, sick days, days in lieu, etc. The FTE is calculated
as follows:
Total (or Department) Number of Hours Worked
Number of Hours in
Number of Days in Period
Standard Work Week 7
Average Wage
Certain drivers, including geographical location, employee tenure, and labor nego-
tiations, can influence a hotel’s payroll cost with no relation to productivity. The
effects of these drivers can be observed in the average wage of all hotel employees.
The average wage is calculated as follows:
Average Wage =
Total (or Department) Salaries and Wages
Total Employee Hours Worked
226 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Financial Ratios
Financial statistics quantify many aspects of a hotel’s financial statements and
are an important part of the comprehensive analysis used to evaluate the overall
financial condition of a hotel. Financial statistics are categorized according to the
financial area of the hotel measured, including liquidity, solvency, activity, and
profitability. The following sections discuss useful ratios that should be part of
the overall comprehensive analysis of the hotel’s financial condition. This ratios
may be benchmarked against prior reporting periods, comparable hotels, and
budgeted targets.
The sources of the financial statistics are derived from the hotel’s balance
sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows. Employing this broad set
of financial statements gives greater value to the hotel’s financial analysis and
improved insight to the overall health of the hotel’s financial status.
Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity ratios measure an operation’s ability to meet its current, short-term obli-
gations. Owners and stockholders often prefer relatively low current ratios because
investments in many current assets may be less productive than investments in
non-current assets. Creditors, on the other hand, normally prefer relatively high
current ratios because this gives them assurance that the lodging property will
be able to meet its short-term obligations. Management must try to satisfy both
owners and creditors while maintaining adequate working capital and sufficient
liquidity to ensure the smooth operation of the property.
Current Ratio
The most common liquidity ratio is the current ratio, which is the ratio of total cur-
rent assets to total current liabilities:
Current Ratio
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
This ratio reveals the amount of current assets for every dollar of current liabilities.
Acid-Test Ratio
The acid-test ratio measures a property’s liquidity by considering only “quick
assets”—current assets minus inventories and prepaid expenses:
Acid-Test Ratio
Quick Assets
Current Liabilities
This ratio reveals the amount of quick assets for every dollar of current liabilities.
This is often a more stringent measure of a property’s liquidity because it may take
several months for many properties to convert their inventories to cash.
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 227
Accounts Receivable Turnover
Accounts receivable can be the largest current asset of lodging properties because
credit is often extended to guests. Therefore, any examination of a property’s
liquidity must consider how quickly accounts receivable are converted to cash.
This is determined by the accounts receivable turnover ratio, which divides total
operating revenue by the average accounts receivable. A refinement of this ratio
uses only charge sales in the numerator; however, quite often charge sales figures
are unavailable. Regardless of whether total operating revenue or charge sales are
used as the numerator, the calculation should be consistent from period to period.
To calculate the accounts receivable turnover, it is first necessary to determine
the average accounts receivable. This is accomplished by adding accounts receiv-
able at the beginning and end of the period and then dividing that figure by two.
The average accounts receivable figure is then divided into the total operating
revenue for the period:
Accounts Receivable Turnover
Total Operating Revenue
Average Accounts Receivable
Average Collection Period
This ratio reveals the number of days required to collect the average accounts
receivable. The average collection period is calculated by dividing the number of
days in the year by the accounts receivable turnover:
Average Collection Period =
Days in Year
Accounts Receivable Turnover
Solvency Ratios
Solvency ratios measure the degree of debt financing used by the lodging property.
These ratios reflect the ability of the property to meet its long-term obligations.
Owners view solvency ratios as a measure of their financial leverage, and often
prefer relatively low solvency ratios because their leverage increases as debt is used
in place of equity dollars to increase the return on equity dollars already invested.
Creditors, on the other hand, prefer relatively high solvency ratios because they
reveal an equity cushion available to absorb any operating losses. Management
is again caught in the middle, trying to satisfy owners by financing assets with
debt so as to maximize return on investments and trying to satisfy creditors by not
unduly jeopardizing the property’s ability to meet its long-term obligations.
Solvency Ratio
A lodging operation is solvent when its assets are greater than its liabilities. The
solvency ratio compares total assets to total liabilities:
Solvency Ratio
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
This ratio reveals the amount of assets for every dollar of liabilities.
228 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Debt Yield Ratio
The debt yield ratio is an important indicator for lenders interested in knowing the
size of loan to lend to an owner relative to the size of the hotel’s EBITDA (earnings
before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). Alternatively, it shows the
cash-on-cash return on the loan to the lender:
Debt Yield Ratio
EBITDA - Replacement Reserve
× 100
Total Debt
Debt-Equity Ratio
One of the most common solvency ratios is the debt-equity ratio, which compares
the total debt of the operation to the total investment in the operation by the owners:
Debt-Equity Ratio
Total Liabilities
Total Owners’ Equity
This ratio reveals the amount owed to creditors for every dollar of owners’ equity.
Debt Service Coverage Ratio
This ratio measures the extent to which a hotel generates sufficient EBITDA to
cover its debt obligations (interest and/or principal payments):
Debt Service
Coverage Ratio Interest Expense + Principal Expense
Activity Ratios
It is management’s responsibility to generate earnings for owners while provid-
ing products and services to guests. Activity ratios measure the effectiveness with
which management uses the resources of the property.
Inventory Turnover
This ratio measures the number of times inventory turns over during the period.
Generally, the greater the number of times the better, because inventories can be
expensive to maintain. Inventory turnovers are usually calculated separately for
food items and beverage items. To calculate inventory turnover, it is first neces-
sary to determine the average inventory. This is accomplished by adding inven-
tory at the beginning and end of the period and then dividing that figure by two.
An example of an inventory turnover ratio is the food inventory turnover ratio,
calculated as follows:
Food Inventory Turnover
Cost of Food Sales
Average Food Inventory
Profitability Ratios
Profitability ratios allow management and owners to compare their profit per-
formance to other competitive and/or comparable properties, to themselves over
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 229
time, or to budget. Profitability ratios reflect the overall effectiveness of manage-
ment in producing the bottom line figure expected by owners and creditors. Own-
ers invest in lodging properties in order to increase their wealth through divi-
dends and through increases in the value of the property. Dividends and values
are highly dependent upon the present and future profits generated by the opera-
tion. Since future profits may be required to repay lenders, creditors normally
perceive dealings with the more profitable businesses in their communities to be
less risky.
Caution should be used when using profitability ratios for comparison across
competitive sets or comparable property groups. Several factors influence the rela-
tive profitability of one type of hotel (e.g., convention versus limited service) or
individual hotel compared to another or within its competitive set or comparable
Gross Operating Profit per Available Room (GOPAR)
GOPAR measures management’s ability to produce profits by generating sales and
controlling the operating expenses over which they have the most direct control.
GOPAR is calculated by dividing gross operating profit by the rooms available in
the hotel:
Gross Operating Profit
Number of Rooms Available
GOPAR is somewhat useful in relating gross operating profits, on a proportional
basis, across properties within a competitive set or comparable property groups.
Because GOPAR is calculated before any deduction for management fees, this
ratio can be used to compare comparable properties that are operated by a third-
party management company with owner-operated properties.
Gross Operating Profit Margin Ratio
This ratio is another measure of management’s overall ability to produce profits
by generating sales and controlling the operating expenses over which they have
the most direct control. It is calculated by dividing gross operating profit by total
operating revenue:
GOP Margin Ratio
Gross Operating Profit
Total Operating Revenue
Because gross operating profit is calculated before any deduction for management
fees, this ratio can be used to compare comparable properties that are operated by
a third-party management company with owner-operated properties. Care should
be taken in comparing only gross operating profit margins among comparable
properties as the revenue mix achieved can significantly influence these margins.
Income Before Non-Operating Income and Expenses per Available Room
This ratio measures management’s ability to produce profits by generating sales
and controlling all departmental costs, undistributed expenses, and management
230 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
fees. It is calculated by dividing income before non-operating income and expenses
by the rooms available in the hotel:
Income Before Non-Operating
Income Before Non-Operating Income
Income and Expenses
and Expenses per Available Room
Rooms Available
Income Before Non-Operating Income and Expenses Margin Ratio
This ratio measures management’s overall ability to produce profits by generating
sales and controlling all departmental costs, undistributed expenses, and manage-
ment fees. It is calculated by dividing income before non-operating income and
expenses by total operating revenue:
Income Before Non-Operating
Income Before Non-Operating Income
Income and Expenses
and Expenses Margin Ratio
Total Operating Revenue
EBITDA per Available Room
This ratio measures management’s ability to produce profits by generating sales
and controlling all departmental costs, undistributed expenses, management fees,
property taxes, insurance, and rent. Care should be taken in comparing EBITDA
among comparable properties, since not all hotels have ground, building, or major
equipment leases. This ratio is calculated by dividing EBITDA by the rooms avail-
able in the hotel:
EBITDA per Available Room
Rooms Available
EBITDA Margin Ratio
This ratio measures management’s overall ability to produce profits by generating
sales and controlling all departmental costs, undistributed expenses, management
fees, and non-operating income and expenses. Care should be taken in compar-
ing only EBITDA margins among comparable properties, since not all hotels have
ground, building, or major equipment leases. This ratio is calculated by dividing
EBITDA by total operating revenue:
EBITDA Margin Ratio
Total Operating Revenue
Flow Through/Flex Ratios
The term “flow through” is used when revenues increase relative to budget or
the previous year and can be defined as the percentage of incremental profit that
“flows” to the bottom-line from each incremental dollar of topline revenue. The
term “flex” is used when revenues decrease relative to budget or the previous year
and can be defined as the amount of profit that is “flexed” or saved as revenue
Financial Ratios and Operating Metrics 231
Flow through and flex can be calculated for individual departments as well as
on the GOP, EBITDA before Non-Operating Income and Expenses, and EBITDA
levels. Both ratios can be calculated based on actual results relative to budget,
actual results relative to the previous last year, or budget projections relative to the
previous year.
The following formulas present flow through and flex, comparing actual to
budgeted results, for each scenario of revenue and GOP changes:
GOP Flow Through: Revenues Increase and Profits Increase
Actual GOP - Budgeted GOP
Actual Revenue - Budgeted Revenue
GOP Flow Through: Revenue Increase and Profits Decrease
Actual GOP - Budgeted GOP
Actual Revenue - Budgeted Revenue
GOP Flex: Revenues Decrease and Profits Decrease
1 -
Actual GOP - Budgeted GOP
Actual Revenue - Budgeted Revenue
GOP Flex: Revenues Decrease and Profits Increase
1 -
Actual GOP - Budgeted GOP
Actual Revenue - Budgeted Revenue
Cash on Cash Return
This calculation is one method of estimating return on investment. Cash on cash
return is determined by dividing the EBITDA less debt service by the average
owners’ equity for a period of time. Average owners’ equity is calculated by total-
ing owners’ equity at the beginning and end of the period and then dividing that
figure by two. Cash on cash return is calculated as follows:
Cash on Cash Return
EBITDA - Debt Service
Average Owners’ Equity
Note that owners, lenders, and analysts on specific investments frequently use
other ratios and calculations, such as internal rate of return.
Part IV
Revenue and Expense Guide
234 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
This Revenue and Expense Guide is designed to help members of the lodging
industry classify, in accordance with the
Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging
the numerous revenue and expense items encountered in their daily work.
It serves as a ready reference for accounting and non-accounting sta, indicating the
proper department and line item/account for recording each expense item.
This Revenue and Expense Guide is not intended to be a complete and com-
prehensive list of all items that can be recorded in a property. The intention is to
present a representative list that is large enough to allow a user either to nd the
classication of an item or to nd examples that will assist in classifying the item
if it is not in the guide. The guide does not deal with the question of when to capi-
talize versus when to expense. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles must be
used to make this decision, as well as the “materiality” policies of the owner and/
or management entity. One of the most common examples of how this decision
aects the departmental statements is with the recording of an expenditure made
to repair property or equipment. Many properties make this decision based on
the size of the expenditure when, in general, the expenditure should be capital-
ized only if it materially extends the life of the item being repaired or materially
increases its value.
This guide is organized into two groups: a Revenue Guide and an Expense
Guide. Each group is further organized into two sections showing items alphabeti-
cally by item and by department. Each section has three columns. In Section One
of each guide, the items to be recorded are presented alphabetically in the rst
column. The second column designates the department or schedule, and the third
column indicates the specic line item or account name to be used. In Section Two
of each guide, the department or schedule appears in the rst column. The second
column lists the specic line items or account names of the relevant department or
schedule. Column three presents various items that apply to the second column’s
line item. In the Expense Guide, Section Two begins with a listing of expense items
that can apply to multiple departments/schedules and then continues with an
alphabetical listing of individual departments/schedules.
Many expense items are shown to be charged to Multiple Departments. This
was done to eliminate unnecessary repetition when a given item could apply to the
same line item or account in several departments, depending on its actual use. When
looking up an item by department or schedule, remember to check under Multiple
Departments when an expected item does not appear under a specic department.
With the exception of the Multiple Departments category in the Expense Dic-
tionary, all department and account names used in these dictionaries match those
presented in the various sections of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging
Many items are listed under dierent names so that the user can more eas-
ily nd an item based on what he/she may perceive as the correct item name. In
the case of hotels that operate under a specic brand, users should consult their
brand’s standards to ensure consistency of classication. Finally, the user of the
Revenue and Expense Guide should refer to account denitions in the individual
departments of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry in order
to make classication decisions whenever an item being researched is not found
in the Guide.
Revenue and Expense Guide 235
Because of space considerations, the Revenue and Expense Guide makes use
of several abbreviations. The Key to Abbreviations explains all but the most basic
abbreviations used.
Abbreviation Department/Function/Item
A&G .......................................... Administrative and General
B&O ........................................... Business and Occupation
Banq./Conf./Catering .............. Banquet/Conference/Catering
Bev. ............................................ Beverage
Cent. Acct. ................................ Centralized Accounting
Cost of Merch. Sales ................ Cost of Merchandise Sales
Cur. ........................................... Currency
Dept. .......................................... Department
Elec. & Mech. ........................... Electrical and Mechanical Equipment
Exch ........................................... Exchange
Fam Trips ................................. Familiarization Trips
F&B ............................................ Food and Beverage
Grounds M&L.......................... Grounds Maintenance and Landscaping
HVAC ........................................ Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Info & Telecom ......................... Information and Telecommunication Systems
Minor Oper. Dept. ................... Minor Operated Department
Misc. .......................................... Miscellaneous
Mult. Depts. ............................. Multiple Departments
Non Op. I&E ............................ Non-Operating Income and Expenses
P&ODC ..................................... Postage and Overnight Delivery Charges
Payroll-Rel. Exp. ...................... Payroll-Related Expenses
POM .......................................... Property Operation and Maintenance
Rev. ............................................ Revenue
Travel—Meals & Enter. .......... Travel—Meals and Entertainment
Vehicle Rep. & Maint. ............. Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance
Revenue Guide
Section One: Sorted by Item
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Accessory sales .............................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Retail Rev.
Antenna lease income ................................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Income
Apparel sales ................................................................. F&B.......................... Misc. Other Rev.
Apparel sales ................................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Retail Rev.
Association/convention ................................................ Rooms ..................... Association/Convention
ATM commission income ............................................ Misc. Income .......... Commissions
236 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Arition fees .................................................................. Misc. Income .......... Arition Fees
Audiovisual services ..................................................... F&B.......................... Audiovisual
Bag storage fees ............................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Storage Fee Rev.
Banq./conf./catering business services ....................... F&B.......................... Misc. Other Rev.
Banq./conf./catering Internet access fee ...................... F&B.......................... Audiovisual
Banq./conf./catering recoverable supplies ................. F&B.......................... Misc. Other Rev.
Beer—bole .................................................................... F&B..........................
Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev.
Beer—bole .................................................................... F&B.......................... In-Room Beverage Rev.
Beer—bole .................................................................... F&B.......................... Mini-Bar Beverage Rev.
Beer—bole .................................................................... F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
Beer—draught ............................................................... F&B..........................
Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev.
Beer—draught ............................................................... F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
Beverage allowances ..................................................... F&B.......................... Allowances
Billboard or building wall rent .................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Income
Body treatment .............................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Massage and Body
Treatment Rev.
Business interruption insurance proceeds ................ Misc. Income .......... Proceeds from Business
Interruption Insurance
Cancellation fees............................................................ Misc. Income .......... Cancellations Fees
Cash discounts earned.................................................. Misc. Income .......... Cash Discounts Earned
China and glassware (sold in F&B) ............................ F&B.......................... Misc. Other Rev.
Clothing cost of sales .................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Clothing Sales
Clothing sales................................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Clothing Rev.
Concessions ................................................................... Misc. Income .......... Space Rental & Concessions
Contract corrections (e.g., error in posting
such as posting incorrect rate) ................................ Rooms ..................... Contract Rooms Rev.
Cooler/cider.................................................................... F&B..........................
Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev.
Cooler/cider.................................................................... F&B.......................... In-Room Beverage Rev.
Cooler/cider.................................................................... F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
Corkage ........................................................................... F&B.......................... Banquet/Conference/
Catering Beverage Rev.
Corkage ........................................................................... F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
Corporate ........................................................................ Rooms ..................... Corporate
Cover charges ................................................................ F&B.......................... Cover Charges
Daily facility fees ........................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Membership Fee Rev.
Day use ........................................................................... Rooms ..................... Other Rooms Rev.
Discount (advance purchase, loyalty redemption,
packages, promotions, OTA opaque) .................... Rooms ..................... Discount
Domiciled airline crews ............................................... Rooms ..................... Contract Rooms Rev.
Early departure fees ...................................................... Rooms ..................... Other Rooms Rev.
Exercise class .................................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Fitness Rev.
Revenue and Expense Guide 237
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Facial treatment ............................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Skin Care Rev.
Fitness evaluation .......................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Fitness Rev.
Food allowances ............................................................ F&B ......................... Allowances
Food sales ....................................................................... F&B ......................... Outlet Food Rev.
Food sales ....................................................................... F&B .........................
Banq./Conf./Catering Food Rev.
Food sales ....................................................................... F&B ......................... In-Room Dining Food Rev.
Food sales ....................................................................... F&B ......................... Mini-Bar Food Rev.
Function room rentals .................................................. F&B.......................... Function Room Rentals and
Setup Charges
Function room set-up charges ..................................... F&B.......................... Function Room Rentals and
Setup Charges
Golf allowances ............................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Allowances
Golf cart rentals ............................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Golf Cart Rental Rev.
Golf equipment rentals ................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Golf Equipment Rental Rev.
Golf lessons .................................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Lesson Fee Rev.
Golf maintenance charges ............................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Golf Club Maintenance Rev.
Golf membership fees ................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Membership Fee Rev.
Government ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Government
Greens fees ..................................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Greens Fee Rev.
Group corrections (e.g., error in posting such as
posting incorrect rate) .............................................. Rooms .....................
Group Rooms Rev.—
(relevant account)
Guest dry cleaning revenue—partially serviced
by the hotel ................................................................ Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Laundry Rev.
Guest fax revenue.......................................................... Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Communications
Guest fees ....................................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Membership Fee Rev.
Guest foreign currency exchange gains (losses) ...... Misc. Income .......... Guest Foreign Currency
Exchange Gains (Losses)
Guest laundry revenue—partially serviced by
the hotel ...................................................................... Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Laundry Rev.
Guest room internet revenue ....................................... Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Communications
Guest room telephone revenue ................................... Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Communications
Hair chemical treatment ............................................... Health Club/Spa .... Hair Care Rev.
Hair coloring .................................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Hair Care Rev.
Hair-cut and styling ...................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Hair Care Rev.
Hair shampoo revenue ................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Hair Care Rev.
Initiation fees ................................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Membership Fee Rev.
In-room movie rentals .................................................. Minor Oper. Dept. In-Room Movie Rentals
In-room refrigerator rental .......................................... Misc. Income .......... Other
In-room safes ................................................................. Misc. Income .......... Other
In-room video game commissions (outside tv
entertainment service agreement) .......................... Misc. Income .......... Commissions
Interest income—reserve accounts ............................. Non Op. I&E .......... Interest Income
238 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Interest income—restricted accounts ......................... Non Op. I&E .......... Interest Income
Interest income from bank accounts and
note receivable........................................................... Misc. Income .......... Interest Income
Kiosk sales operated by the front desk personnel .... Minor Oper. Dept. Retail Kiosk Sales
Late check-out fees ........................................................ Rooms ..................... Other Rooms Rev.
Laundry commissions received
(outside concessionaire) ........................................... Misc. Income ..........
Guest Laundry & Dry
Cleaning (Net)
Liquor.............................................................................. F&B..........................
Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev.
Liquor.............................................................................. F&B.......................... In-Room Beverage Rev.
Liquor.............................................................................. F&B.......................... Mini-Bar Beverage Rev.
Liquor.............................................................................. F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
Liquor—bole ................................................................ F&B.......................... In-Room Beverage Rev.
Locker rentals ................................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Storage Fee Rev.
Logo merchandise (sold in F&B) ................................ F&B.......................... Misc. Other Rev.
Mandatory pool towel charge ..................................... Health Club/Spa .... Other Rev.
Mandatory service charge ............................................ Health Club/Spa .... Other Rev.
Massage .......................................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Massage and Body
Treatment Rev.
Medically supervised services .................................... Health Club/Spa .... Health and Wellness Rev.
Membership dues .......................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Membership Fee Rev.
Merchandise cost of sales ............................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merchandise Sales
Merchandise sales ......................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Merchandise Rev.
Miscellaneous other F&B revenue .............................. F&B.......................... Misc. Other Rev.
Negotiated (special corporate) .................................... Rooms ..................... Negotiated
Non-alcoholic beverage sales ...................................... F&B .........................
Banq./Conf./Catering Food Rev.
Non-alcoholic beverage sales ...................................... F&B ......................... In-Room Dining Food Rev.
Non-alcoholic beverage sales ...................................... F&B ......................... Mini-Bar Food Rev.
Non-alcoholic beverage sales ...................................... F&B ......................... Outlet Food Rev.
No-shows ....................................................................... Rooms ..................... Other Rooms Rev.
Nutrition classes ............................................................ Health Club/Spa .... Health and Wellness Rev.
Occasional food and beverage revenue—
limited service hotels ............................................... Minor Oper. Dept.
Occasional Food and
Beverage Rev.
O-premises beer .......................................................... F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
O-premises cooler/cider ............................................. F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
O-premises liquor ....................................................... F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
O-premises wine ......................................................... F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
On-demand music commissions
(outside tv entertainment service agreement) ...... Misc. Income .......... Commissions
Ongoing corporate training seminars ........................ Rooms ..................... Contract Rooms Rev.
Other beverage revenue ............................................... F&B.......................... Other Beverage Rev.
Other food revenue ....................................................... F&B ......................... Other Food Rev.
Revenue and Expense Guide 239
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Other parking revenue
(in-house or outside contractor) ............................. Parking ................... Other Rev.
Other revenue ................................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Other Rev.
Package breakage .......................................................... Misc. Income .......... Breakage
Parking commissions (self/valet/other
with an outside concessionaire) ............................. Misc. Income .......... Commissions
Parking garage allowances .......................................... Parking ................... Allowances
Pay-per-view commissions
(outside tv entertainment service agreement) ...... Misc. Income .......... Commissions
Personal training ........................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Fitness Rev.
Practice range balls ....................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Practice Range Fee Rev.
Product sales .................................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Retail Rev.
Qualied (senior citizen, AAA,
government, employee rate) ................................... Rooms ..................... Qualied
Rental of rollaway beds and cribs ............................... Rooms ..................... Other Rooms Rev.
Resort fees ...................................................................... Misc. Income .......... Resort Fees
Retail (non-discounted, non-qualied rates) ............ Rooms ..................... Retail
Room upsell charges
(e.g., ocean view, high oor, etc.) ........................... Rooms ..................... Other Rooms Rev.
Safety deposit boxes ..................................................... Misc. Income .......... Other
Self-parking revenue
(in-house or outside contractor) ............................. Parking ................... Self-Parking Rev.
Service charges .............................................................. F&B.......................... Surcharges and Service
Service charges .............................................................. Rooms ..................... Other Rooms Rev.
Service problems/failures ............................................. Rooms ..................... Allowances
SMERF (social, military, educational,
religious, fraternal) ................................................... Rooms ..................... SMERF
Space license rent .......................................................... Misc. Income .......... Space Rental & Concessions
Space rent ....................................................................... Misc. Income .......... Space Rental & Concessions
Spiritual guidance ......................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Health and Wellness Rev.
Tobacco sales ................................................................. F&B.......................... Misc. Other Rev.
Tour/wholesaler group ................................................. Rooms ..................... Tour/Wholesalers
Tournament fees ............................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Tournament Fee Rev.
Transient corrections (e.g., error in posting
such as posting incorrect rate) ................................ Rooms .....................
Transient Rooms Rev.—
(relevant account)
TV on demand commissions (outside TV
entertainment service agreement) .......................... Misc. Income .......... Commissions
Valet parking revenue
(in-house or outside contractor) ............................. Parking ................... Valet Parking Rev.
Vending machine income—hotel operated ............... Minor Oper. Dept. Vending Rev.
Video game income—hotel operated ......................... Minor Oper. Dept. Video Game Sales
240 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Waxing services ............................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Skin Care Rev.
Wellness consultations ................................................. Health Club/Spa .... Health and Wellness Rev.
Wholesalers .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Wholesale
Wine ................................................................................ F&B.......................... Mini-Bar Beverage Rev.
Wine—bole .................................................................. F&B..........................
Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev.
Wine—bole .................................................................. F&B.......................... In-Room Beverage Rev.
Wine—bole .................................................................. F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
Wine—glass ................................................................... F&B..........................
Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev.
Wine—glass ................................................................... F&B.......................... In-Room Beverage Rev.
Wine—glass ................................................................... F&B.......................... Outlet Beverage Rev.
Revenue Guide
Section Two: Sorted by Department/Schedule and
Account Name
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................ Allowances ............................................................. Beverage allowances
F&B ............................ Allowances ............................................................. Food allowances
F&B ............................ Audiovisual ............................................................ Audiovisual services
F&B ............................ Audiovisual ............................................................ Banq./conf./catering internet
access fee
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev. .......................... Beer—bole
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev. .......................... Beer—draught
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev. .......................... Cooler/cider
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev. .......................... Corkage
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev. .......................... Liquor
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev. .......................... Wine—bole
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Bev. Rev. .......................... Wine—glass
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Food Rev. ......................... Food sales
F&B ............................ Banq./Conf./Catering Food Rev. ......................... Non-alcoholic beverage sales
F&B ............................ Cover Charges ....................................................... Cover charges
F&B ............................ Function Room Rentals and Setup Charges ..... Function room rentals
F&B ............................ Function Room Rentals and Setup Charges ..... Function room setup charges
F&B ............................ In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue ................... Beer—bole
F&B ............................ In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue ................... Cooler/cider
F&B ............................ In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue ................... Liquor
F&B ............................ In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue ................... Liquor—bole
F&B ............................ In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue ................... Wine—bole
F&B ............................ In-Room Dining Beverage Revenue ................... Wine—glass
Revenue and Expense Guide 241
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................ In-Room Dining Food Revenue .......................... Food sales
F&B ............................ In-Room Dining Food Revenue .......................... Non-alcoholic beverage sales
F&B ............................ Mini-Bar Beverage Revenue ................................ Beer—bole
F&B ............................ Mini-Bar Beverage Revenue ................................ Liquor
F&B ............................ Mini-Bar Beverage Revenue ................................ Wine
F&B ............................ Mini-Bar Food Revenue ....................................... Food sales
F&B ............................ Mini-Bar Food Revenue ....................................... Non-alcoholic beverage sales
F&B ............................ Miscellaneous Other Revenue ............................ Apparel (sold in F&B)
F&B ............................ Miscellaneous Other Revenue ............................ Banq./conf./catering
business services
F&B ............................ Miscellaneous Other Revenue ............................ Banq./conf./catering
recoverable supplies
F&B ............................ Miscellaneous Other Revenue ............................ China and glassware
(for sale in F&B)
F&B ............................ Miscellaneous Other Revenue ............................ Logo merchandise
(for sale in F&B)
F&B ............................ Miscellaneous Other Revenue ............................ Miscellaneous other revenue
F&B ............................ Miscellaneous Other Revenue ............................ Tobacco sales
F&B ............................ Other Beverage Revenue ..................................... Other beverage revenue
F&B ............................ Other Food Revenue ............................................. Other food revenue
F&B ............................ Surcharges and Service Charges ......................... Service charges
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... Beer—bole
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... Beer—draught
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... Cooler/cider
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... Corkage
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... Liquor
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... O-premises beer
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... O-premises cooler/cider
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... O-premises liquor
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... O-premises wine
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... Wine—bole
F&B ............................ Venue Beverage Revenue ..................................... Wine—glass
F&B ............................ Venue Food Revenue ............................................ Food sales
F&B ............................ Venue Food Revenue ............................................ Non-alcoholic beverage sales
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Allowances ............................................................. Golf allowances
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Clothing Revenue ................................................. Clothing sales
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Cost of Clothing Sales .......................................... Clothing cost of sales
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Cost of Merchandise Sales ................................... Merchandise cost of sales
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Golf Cart Rental Revenue .................................... Golf cart rentals
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Golf Club Maintenance Revenue ........................ Golf maintenance charges
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Golf Equipment Rental Revenue ........................ Golf equipment rentals
242 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Greens Fee Revenue ............................................. Greens fees
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Lesson Fee Revenue .............................................. Golf lessons
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Membership Fee Revenue ................................... Golf membership fees
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Merchandise Revenue .......................................... Merchandise sales
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Other Revenue ....................................................... Other revenue
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Practice Range Fee Revenue ................................ Practice range balls
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Storage Fee Revenue ............................................. Bag storage fees
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Storage Fee Revenue ............................................. Locker rentals
Golf/Pro Shop .......... Tournament Fee Revenue .................................... Tournament fees
Health Club/Spa ...... Fitness Revenue ..................................................... Exercise class
Health Club/Spa ...... Fitness Revenue ..................................................... Fitness evaluation
Health Club/Spa ...... Fitness Revenue ..................................................... Personal training
Health Club/Spa ...... Hair Care Revenue................................................ Hair chemical treatment
Health Club/Spa ...... Hair Care Revenue................................................ Hair coloring
Health Club/Spa ...... Hair Care Revenue................................................ Hair-cut and styling
Health Club/Spa ...... Hair Care Revenue................................................ Hair shampoo revenue
Health Club/Spa ...... Health and Wellness Revenue............................. Medically supervised services
Health Club/Spa ...... Health and Wellness Revenue............................. Nutrition classes
Health Club/Spa ...... Health and Wellness Revenue............................. Spiritual guidance
Health Club/Spa ...... Health and Wellness Revenue............................. Wellness consultations
Health Club/Spa ...... Massage and Body Treatment Revenue ............ Body treatment
Health Club/Spa ...... Massage and Body Treatment Revenue ............ Massage
Health Club/Spa ...... Membership Fee Revenue ................................... Daily facility fees
Health Club/Spa ...... Membership Fee Revenue ................................... Guest fees
Health Club/Spa ...... Membership Fee Revenue ................................... Initiation fees
Health Club/Spa ...... Membership Fee Revenue ................................... Membership dues
Health Club/Spa ...... Other Revenue ....................................................... Mandatory pool towel charge
Health Club/Spa ...... Other Revenue ....................................................... Mandatory service charge
Health Club/Spa ...... Retail Revenue ....................................................... Accessory sales
Health Club/Spa ...... Retail Revenue ....................................................... Apparel sales
Health Club/Spa ...... Retail Revenue ....................................................... Product sales
Health Club/Spa ...... Skin Care Revenue ................................................ Facial treatment
Health Club/Spa ...... Skin Care Revenue ................................................ Waxing services
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Guest Communications ....................................... Guest fax revenue
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Guest Communications ....................................... Guest room internet revenue
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Guest Communications ....................................... Guest room telephone revenue
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Guest Laundry Revenue ...................................... Guest dry cleaning revenue—
partially serviced by the hotel
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Guest Laundry Revenue ...................................... Guest laundry revenue—
partially serviced by the hotel
Revenue and Expense Guide 243
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Minor Oper. Dept. ... In-Room Movie Rentals ....................................... In-room movie rentals
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Occasional Food and Beverage Revenue ........... Occasional food and beverage
revenue—limited service hotels
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Retail Kiosk Sales .................................................. Kiosk sales operated by the
front desk personnel
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Vending Revenue .................................................. Vending machine income—
hotel operated
Minor Oper. Dept. ... Video Game Sales ................................................. Video game income—
hotel operated
Misc. Income ............ Arition Fees ......................................................... Arition fees
Misc. Income ............ Cancellations Fees ................................................. Cancellation fees
Misc. Income ............ Cash Discounts Earned ........................................ Cash discounts earned
Misc. Income ............ Commissions ......................................................... ATM commission income
Misc. Income ............ Commissions ......................................................... In-room video game
commissions (outside TV
entertainment service agreement)
Misc. Income ............ Commissions ......................................................... On-demand music commissions
(outside TV entertainment
service agreement)
Misc. Income ............ Commissions ......................................................... Parking commissions (self/
valet/other with an outside
Misc. Income ............ Commissions ......................................................... Pay-per-view commissions
(outside TV entertainment
service agreement)
Misc. Income ............ Commissions ......................................................... TV on demand commissions
(outside TV entertainment
service agreement)
Misc. Income ............ Guest Foreign Cur. Exch. Gains (Losses) .......... Guest foreign currency
exchange gains (losses)
Misc. Income ............ Guest Laundry & Dry Cleaning.......................... Laundry commissions received
(outside concessionaire)
Misc. Income ............ Interest Income ...................................................... Interest income from bank
accounts and note receivable
Misc. Income ............ Other ....................................................................... In-room refrigerator rental
Misc. Income ............ Other ....................................................................... In-room safes
Misc. Income ............ Other ....................................................................... Safety deposit boxes
Misc. Income ............ Package Breakage .................................................. Package breakage
Misc. Income ............ Proceeds from Business Interruption Insurance Business interruption insurance
Misc. Income ............ Resort Fees ............................................................. Resort fees
Misc. Income ............ Space Rental and Concessions ............................ Concessions
Misc. Income ............ Space Rental and Concessions ............................ Space license rent
Misc. Income ............ Space Rental and Concessions ............................ Space rent
244 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Non Op. I&E ............ Interest Income ......................................................
Interest income—reserve accounts
Non Op. I&E ............ Interest Income ...................................................... Interest income—restricted
Non Op. I&E ............ Other Income ......................................................... Antenna lease income
Non Op. I&E ............ Other Income ......................................................... Billboard or building wall rent
Parking ...................... Allowances ............................................................. Parking garage allowances
Parking ...................... Other Revenue ........................................................ Other parking revenue (in-house
or outside contractor)
Parking ...................... Self-Parking Revenue ........................................... Self-parking revenue (in-house
or outside contractor)
Parking ...................... Valet Parking Revenue ......................................... Valet parking revenue (in-house
or outside contractor)
Rooms ....................... Allowances ............................................................. Service problems/failures
Rooms ....................... Association/convention ........................................ Association/convention
Rooms ....................... Contract Rooms Revenue .................................... Contract corrections (e.g., error
in posting such as posting
incorrect rate)
Rooms ....................... Contract Rooms Revenue .................................... Domiciled airline crews
Rooms ....................... Contract Rooms Revenue .................................... Ongoing corporate training
Rooms ....................... Corporate ............................................................... Corporate
Rooms ....................... Discount ................................................................. Discount (advance purchase,
loyalty redemption, packages,
promotions, OTA opaque)
Rooms ....................... Government ........................................................... Government
Rooms ....................... Group Rooms Revenue—(relevant account) .... Group corrections (e.g., error in
posting such as posting
incorrect rate)
Rooms ....................... Negotiated.............................................................. Negotiated (special corporate)
Rooms ....................... Other Rooms Revenue ......................................... Day use
Rooms ....................... Other Rooms Revenue ......................................... Early departure fees
Rooms ....................... Other Rooms Revenue ......................................... Late check-out fees
Rooms ....................... Other Rooms Revenue ......................................... No-shows
Rooms ....................... Other Rooms Revenue ......................................... Rental of rollaway beds and cribs
Rooms ....................... Other Rooms Revenue ......................................... Room upsell charges (e.g.,
ocean view, high oor, etc.)
Rooms ....................... Other Rooms Revenue ......................................... Service charges
Rooms ....................... Qualied ................................................................. Qualied (senior citizen, AAA,
government, employee rate)
Rooms ....................... Retail ....................................................................... Retail (non-discounted,
non-qualied rates)
Rooms ....................... SMERF .................................................................... SMERF (social, military,
educational, religious, fraternal)
Rooms ....................... Tour/Wholesalers .................................................. Tour/wholesaler group
Revenue and Expense Guide 245
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ....................... Transient Rooms Revenue—(relevant account) Transient corrections (e.g., error
in posting such as posting
incorrect rate)
Rooms ....................... Wholesalers ............................................................ Wholesalers
Expense Guide
Section One: Sorted by Item
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Accessories (for sale in health club/spa) .................... Health Club/Spa .... Cost of Sales
Accident insurance for non-union employees .......... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Nonunion Insurance
Accountant’s fees, consulting ...................................... A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Accounting fees—centralized
(management company) .......................................... A&G ........................ Cent. Acct. Charges
Accounting fees—centralized (owner) ...................... A&G ........................ Cent. Acct. Charges
Accounting hardware, small value purchases .......... Info & Telecom ...... A&G
Accounting software licenses, support and
maintenance fees ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... A&G
Acids ............................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Ad design and creative ................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
ADA compliance items—not capitalized .................. POM ........................ Life/Safety
Adapter plug, electrical ................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Adding machine tape ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Adding machines .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Address list maintenance/purchase/rental ................ Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Adhesive, stair tread ..................................................... POM ........................ Floor Covering
Adhesive tape ................................................................ Mult. Depts. ........... Operating Supplies
Administrative fees for contributory savings plans Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Contributory Savings Plan
Advertising agency fees ............................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Agency Fees
Advertising assessments .............................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Advertising—direct mail ............................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Advertising—directories .............................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Advertising—Internet incl. OTA................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Advertising—magazines .............................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Advertising—newspapers ........................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Advertising—outdoor .................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Signage
Advertising production—magazines ......................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Advertising production—miscellaneous ................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Advertising production—newspaper ........................ Sales/Marketing ..... Media
246 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Advertising production—TV and radio .................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Advertising—radio ....................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Advertising—recruiting ............................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Advertising signs—interior ......................................... Sales/Marketing ..... In-House Graphics
Aliation advertising fee ............................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Aliation marketing fee .............................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Afghans, guestroom ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Aftershave lotion ........................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Air deodorizing accessories/systems ......................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Air lters ......................................................................... POM ........................ HVAC Equipment
Air freshener .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Airfare ............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Other
Airfare—corporate—sales and marketing ................ Sales/Marketing ..... Corporate Oce
Airline loyalty program fees ........................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Loyalty Programs
Airport van maintenance ............................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Transportation
Alarm systems repairs .................................................. POM ........................ Life/Safety
Alcohol (cleaning) ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
All-purpose cleaner....................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Aluminum foil ............................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Aluminum trays ............................................................ F&B ......................... China
Amenities, gifts ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Complimentary Services/
Amenities, guest ............................................................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Amenity baskets/containers (not reusable) ............... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Amenity baskets/containers (reusable) ...................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Ammonia ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Annual report fee .......................................................... A&G ........................ Licenses and Permits
Answering machines .................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Antacid (for use by guests in rooms) ......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Anti-fatigue mats .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Apparel (for sale in F&B) ............................................. F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Apparel (for sale in health club/spa) .......................... Health Club/Spa .... Cost of Sales
Aprons ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Aquarium, guestroom or lobby .................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Aquarium supplies, guestroom or lobby .................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Armored transport fee .................................................. A&G ........................ Security
Aromatherapy oils (health club/spa).......................... Health Club/Spa .... Ambience
Articial plant cleaner .................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Revenue and Expense Guide 247
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Artwork .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Ash cans .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Ashtrays .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Ashtrays, aluminum, glass .......................................... F&B ......................... China
Aspirin (for use by guests in rooms) .......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Asset manager fees ....................................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Owner Expenses
Association assessment—general. (Not if dened:
e.g., snow removal)................................................... Non Op. I&E ..........
Other Taxes and
Association dues—sales and marketing sta ........... Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Aorney’s fees/expenses—real estate taxes .............. Non Op. I&E .......... Real Estate Taxes
Audiovisual equipment rent (charged to customer) . F&B.......................... Audiovisual Cost
Audit fees, public accountants .................................... A&G ........................ Audit Charges
Auto fuel costs (guest transport) ................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Transportation
Auto/truck repair—property use ................................ POM ........................ Vehicle Repairs
Awards—employees ..................................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Awning repairs .............................................................. POM ........................ Building
Bad debt allowance ....................................................... A&G ........................ Provision for Doubtful
Baggage tags (gratis) ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bags—beverage glass covers, guestroom .................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Bags, paper leftover ...................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Bags, pastry .................................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Baked goods ................................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Ball washers, golf course .............................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Operating Supplies
Band-aids ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Bank checks, charges .................................................... A&G ........................ Bank Charges
Bank related fees and costs .......................................... A&G ........................ Bank Charges
Banners, golf tournament ............................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Tournament Expenses
Banquet space map and oor plans ........................... Sales/Marketing ..... Collateral Material
Banquet/conference/catering recoverable supplies . F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Bar fruit and garnish ..................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Bar mats .......................................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Bar supplies—consumable .......................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Barter/contra agreement ............................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Baskets, amenity ............................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Baskets, urinal ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Baskets, waste liners ..................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Baskets, welcome........................................................... Rooms ..................... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Baskets, wine (for gratis presentations)—
not reusable ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Complimentary Services/Gifts
248 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Baskets, wine (for gratis presentations)— reusable .. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Bath gel ........................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bath mats (health club/spa) ......................................... Health Club/Spa .... Linen
Bath salts ......................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bath sheets ...................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bath soap ........................................................................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bath tissue ...................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bath towels (all sizes) ................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Bathing cap ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bathing suits, disposable .............................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bathmats ......................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Bathrobes (health club/spa) ......................................... Health Club/Spa .... Linen
Bathroom cleaner .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Bathroom scale .............................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Bathroom throw rugs ................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Bathtub safety mats....................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Bathtub safety strips ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Baeries .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Beaters ............................................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Bed pads ......................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Bed rues ...................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Bed skirts ........................................................................ Rooms ..................... Linen
Bedspreads ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Beeper rental .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Equipment Rental
Beer—bole .................................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Beer coil cleaning (outside service) ............................ F&B ......................... Contract Services
Beer—draught ............................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Beverage assessment (this is not other tax
and assessment) ........................................................ F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Beverage lists ................................................................. F&B ......................... Menus and Beverage Lists
Beverages for fam trip aendees ................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Familiarization Trips
Billboards ....................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Signage
Binder clips .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Binders ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Blackout drapes ............................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Blanket covers ................................................................ Rooms ..................... Linen
Blankets, guestroom ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Blankets (health club/spa) ............................................ Health Club/Spa .... Linen
Bleach .............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Bleach packets ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Revenue and Expense Guide 249
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Blenders, bar .................................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Blouses ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Body lotion ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Boiler repairs .................................................................. POM ........................ HVAC Equipment
Book matches (guest) .................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Books, golf (for sale) ..................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merch. Sales
Books, in-room guest reading ..................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Books, outlet reservations log ..................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Books, technical ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Booths at trade shows ................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Trade Shows
Boots ................................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Bole openers ................................................................ F&B ......................... Utensils
Bole openers, guestroom ........................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Bole warmers ............................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Boled water (gratis in rooms) .................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Bowls, mixing/preparation (all sizes and materials) .. F&B ......................... China
Bowls, serving (all sizes and materials) ..................... F&B ......................... China
Boxes, carry out ............................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Boxes, pastry .................................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Braille signs .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Brand meetings fee........................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Travel—Other
Brochures ....................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Collateral Material
Brooms ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Brushes ........................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Buckets, mop .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Bug traps ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Building lease, base rent ............................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Land and Buildings
Building lease, participating rent
(based on operating results) .................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Land and Buildings
Building repairs ............................................................. POM ........................ Building
Bumpers, bed ................................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Bumpers, crib ................................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Bunting ........................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Business cards ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Business improvement district (bid)
assessment or tax ....................................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Real Estate Taxes
Business licenses, general ............................................ A&G ........................ Licenses and Permits
Business taxes that cannot be passed on to the
customer (non-revenue-generating department)
... Non Op. I&E .......... B&O Taxes
Butane fuel ..................................................................... F&B ......................... Kitchen Fuel
250 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Buer dishes (all materials) ......................................... F&B ......................... China
Buons (for use by guests in rooms) .......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Cable guide cover .......................................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Cable television service ................................................ Rooms ..................... Complimentary In-Room/
Media Entertainment
Caddy service ................................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Contract Services
Calculators ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Calendars and diaries ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Call accounting system lease (non-capital) ............... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property & Equipment
Call accounting system software lease
(non-capital) .............................................................. Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property & Equipment
Cameras, security .......................................................... Info & Telecom ...... A&G
Can openers ................................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Can openers ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Candle holders, tabletop .............................................. F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Candles ........................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Candlesticks ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Candy dishes, guestroom
(gratis candy for customers) ................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Candy (gratis) ................................................................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Canned food ................................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Canopies, bed ................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Cappuccino machines................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Caps ................................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Car rental ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Other
Car rental—corporate—sales and marketing ........... Sales/Marketing ..... Corporate Oce
Car rental loyalty program fees .................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Loyalty Programs
Car washing (rooms vans, carts, limos) ..................... Rooms ..................... Guest Transportation
Carafes ............................................................................ F&B ......................... Glassware
Carafes, guestroom ....................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Cardboard boxes ........................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Carpet cleaner chemical ............................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Carpet cleaner equipment ............................................ Rooms ..................... Cleaning Supplies
Carpet cleaning services ............................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Carpet cleaning supplies .............................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Carpet repairs ................................................................ POM ........................ Floor Covering
Carpet shampoo ............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Carpet shampoo machines .......................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Carpet sweepers ............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Carpet/rug cleaning (outside service) ........................ Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Revenue and Expense Guide 251
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Carry out containers ..................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Cart name plates, golf tournament ............................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Tournament Expenses
Carts, fuel costs (guest transport) ............................... Rooms ..................... Guest Transportation
Carts, housekeeper ........................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Carts, laundry ................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Cash boxes ...................................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Cash overages and shortages ...................................... A&G ........................ Cash Overages/Shortages
Cashier envelopes ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Cashier forms ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Casseroles ....................................................................... F&B ......................... China
CD-ROM, writable ........................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Ceiling fan repairs ......................................................... POM ........................ HVAC Equipment
Ceiling, wall and oor repairs ..................................... POM ........................ Building
Cell phone chargers ...................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Cell phone equipment .................................................. Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Cell Phones
Cellophane tape ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Cellophane wrap ........................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Central plant costs ......................................................... POM ........................ HVAC Equipment
Chang dishes ............................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Chamber of commerce dues ........................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Chamber of commerce events/registration ............... Sales/Marketing ..... Travel—Other
Chamois .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Charcoal, cooking .......................................................... F&B ......................... Kitchen Fuel
Charge vouchers............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Charitable contributions .............................................. A&G ........................ Donations
Charity events (fees, donations, registrations) ......... Sales/Marketing ..... Promotion
Check presenters ........................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Check verication ........................................................ A&G ........................ Credit and Collection
Check writer machines ................................................. A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Check/folio/statement presentation folders .............. Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Check-out folders .......................................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Check-out notices .......................................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Cheese baskets, gratis ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Chef hats ......................................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Chemicals, cooling tower ............................................. POM ........................ HVAC Equipment
Chemicals, re extinguishers ...................................... POM ........................ Life/Safety
China ............................................................................... F&B ......................... China
China and glassware (for sale in F&B) ....................... F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
China, guestroom .......................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
China rental .................................................................... F&B ......................... China
252 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Christmas decorations (inside and outside,
visible to guests) ....................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Decorations
Christmas gifts—employees ........................................ A&G ........................ Human Resources
Cigar cost ........................................................................ F&B ......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Claim/litigation selement costs, contract disputes .. A&G ........................ Selement Costs
Claim/litigation selement costs, EEOC .................... A&G ........................ Selement Costs
Claim/litigation selement costs, non-insured ......... A&G ........................ Selement Costs
Cleaner, concrete (parking garage) ............................ Parking ................... Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning beer coils (outside service) .......................... F&B ......................... Contract Services
Cleaning chemicals ....................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning cloths, compounds, uids, rags, sponges .. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning supplies .......................................................... F&B ......................... Cleaning Supplies
Cleansers (non-dishwashing) ...................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Cleansing powder ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Client gifts ...................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Promotion
Clipboards ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Clock radios for guestrooms ....................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Clock/DVD players, Blu-ray, Apple TV
for guestrooms .......................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Clocks for guestrooms .................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Closet rod ....................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Closet sachets ................................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Clothes brushes ............................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Clothing, golf (for sale) ................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Clothing Sales
Clothing hangers (health club/spa) ............................ Health Club/Spa .... Operating Supplies
Cluster accounting oce costs .................................... A&G ........................ Cluster Services
Cluster allocation from brand or management
(no breakdown) ......................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Cluster Services
Cluster allocation from brand or management
(payroll) ...................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Salaries and Wages
C02 for soft drink mix ................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
C02 for soft drink mix ................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Coasters .......................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Coats................................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Cocktail picks ................................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Coee lters ................................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Coee lters ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Coee for use by guests in rooms ............................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Coee mugs ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Coee pots for use by guests in rooms ...................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Coee pots (glass, plastic, silver) ................................ F&B ......................... China
Revenue and Expense Guide 253
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Coee urn ....................................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Coee/tea ........................................................................ F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Cogeneration of water .................................................. Utilities ................... Water/Sewer
Coin drawers .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Coin handling equipment ............................................ A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Coin wrappers ............................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Coin/currency bag seals ............................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Coin/currency equipment ............................................ A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Colanders ....................................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Collection fees ................................................................ A&G ........................ Credit and Collection
Combs ............................................................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Comforters ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Comment card processing (outside service) ............. Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Comment cards ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Commissions, meeting planners ................................. Rooms ..................... Commissions and Fees—
Commissions, rental agents ......................................... A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Commissions, travel agent
(food and beverage exclusively) ............................. F&B.......................... Commissions
Commissions, travel agent (rooms) ............................ Rooms ..................... Commissions
Company issued stock to employees ......................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Stock Benets
Complimentary beverage ............................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Complimentary beverages for guests
(health club/spa) ....................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Complimentary coon swabs and coon balls for
guest use (health club/spa) ...................................... Health Club/Spa .... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Complimentary food .................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Complimentary parking .............................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Complimentary razors for guest use
(health club/spa) ....................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Complimentary snacks for guests
(health club/spa) ....................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Complimentary soap and shampoo for guest use
(health club/spa) ....................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Computer books ............................................................ Info & Telecom ...... Other Equipment
Computer discs .............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Computer forms—commercial, printed .................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Computer hardware lease (non-capital) .................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property & Equipment
Computer keyboards .................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Hardware
Computer manuals, commercial ................................. Info & Telecom ...... Operating Supplies
Computer manuals, printed ........................................ Info & Telecom ...... Operating Supplies
254 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Computer monitors ...................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Hardware
Computer monitors, guestrooms ................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Computer mouse ........................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Hardware
Computer printer paper ............................................... Info & Telecom ...... Operating Supplies
Computer software lease (non-capital) ...................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property & Equipment
Computer supplies and accessories ........................... Info & Telecom ...... Operating Supplies
Conditioner, hair ........................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Conference registration ............................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Travel—Other
Consortia ads ................................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Consultant fees .............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Consultant fees, market research ................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Consultant fees, professional ...................................... A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Consultant fees—real estate property taxes .............. Non Op. I&E .......... Real Estate Taxes
Consultant fees (shared savings plans)...................... Utilities ................... Gas
Containers, amenity ...................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Contract cleaning—awning, oors,
fumigation, windows ............................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Contract cleaning, kitchen hoods ............................... F&B ......................... Contract Services
Convention bureau dues .............................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Cookie cuers ................................................................ F&B ......................... Utensils
Cookie wrappings, guestroom .................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Cookies, guestroom ...................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Cooking utensils ............................................................ F&B ......................... Utensils
Cooler/cider.................................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Cooling system repairs ................................................. POM ........................ HVAC Equipment
Cooling tower repairs ................................................... POM ........................ HVAC Equipment
Cooperative marketing charges .................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Copier lease (non-capital) ............................................ Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Copier paper .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Copier rental—temporary ........................................... A&G ........................ Equipment Rental
Copier rental/lease ........................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Equipment Rental
Copier toner ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Copy writing for advertising ....................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Copy writing for direct mail ........................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Copying service ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Cords ............................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Cords, drapery ............................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Corkscrews ..................................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Revenue and Expense Guide 255
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Corkscrews for use by guests in rooms ..................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Corporate oce reimbursables ................................... F&B.......................... Corporate Oce
Correction uid/tape .................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Cosmetics ....................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Cost of cell phone plans ............................................... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Cell Phones
Cost of complimentary Internet—function room ..... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Internet Services
Cost of complimentary Internet—guest room .......... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Internet Services
Cost of complimentary local telephone call—
guest room ................................................................. Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Local Calls
Cost of complimentary long distance
telephone call—guest room .................................... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Long Distance Calls
Cost of fax—guest room ............................................... Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Communications
Cost of Internet—function room ................................. F&B.......................... Audiovisual Cost
Cost of Internet—guest room ...................................... Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Communications
Cost of living adjustments (COLA) ............................ Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Expat Benets
Cost of local calls, admin. and guest ......................... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Local Calls
Cost of long distance calls, admin. and guest .......... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Long Distance Calls
Cost of telephone call—guest room ........................... Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Communications
Cots.................................................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Coon balls .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Coupons.......................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Collateral Material
Court/legal fees—other than collections .................... A&G ........................ Legal Services
Covers, toilet seats ........................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
CPR kits .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
CPU stands ..................................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Hardware
Creamer packets ............................................................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Creamers ........................................................................ F&B ......................... China
Creams, body/face (rooms) .......................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Credit card commissions .............................................. A&G ........................ Credit Card Commissions
Credit reports ................................................................. A&G ........................ Credit and Collection
Credit service expense .................................................. A&G ........................ Credit and Collection
Crib bumper pads ......................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Crib covers ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Crib maresses .............................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Cribs ................................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Crocks (all materials) .................................................... F&B ......................... China
Cups, china, for use by guests in rooms .................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Cups, disposable, for use by guests in rooms ........... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Cups, drinking (non-coee, all sizes & materials) ... F&B ......................... Glassware
256 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Cups, paper/plastic ....................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Cups/saucers, cappuccino ............................................ F&B ......................... China
Cups/saucers, coee ..................................................... F&B ......................... China
Cups/saucers, espresso ................................................. F&B ......................... China
Currency bill straps....................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Curtain holdbacks ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Curtain hooks ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Curtain rods ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Curtain stackbacks ........................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Curtains .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Curtains, dry cleaning .................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Customer parking paid to third party ....................... Parking ................... Contract Services
Customer research/survey—outside service ............. Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Cut owers ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Decorations
Cuing boards ............................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Dairy products ............................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Dance oor rental (one time event) ............................ F&B ......................... Equipment Rental
Data binders and accessories ....................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Data cartridges and tapes ............................................ Info & Telecom ...... Operating Supplies
Data processing supplies ............................................. Info & Telecom ...... Operating Supplies
Database purchase ........................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Decorations, holiday and special occasion ................ Mult. Depts. .......... Decorations
Decorations—inside—special events ......................... Sales/Marketing ..... Decorations
Debrillator .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Degreaser ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Dental oss ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Dental kit ........................................................................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Deodorant....................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Deodorizers .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Cleaning Supplies
Desalinization of water ................................................ Utilities ................... Water/Sewer
Desk accessories ............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Desk caddies .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Desk pad and holder .................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Desk pads (employee) .................................................. A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Detective service ............................................................ A&G ........................ Security
Detergent for use by guests in rooms ........................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Detergents (dish) ........................................................... F&B ......................... Dishwashing Supplies
Diusers (health club/spa) ........................................... Health Club/Spa .... Ambience
Direct mail expenses—outside service ...................... Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Revenue and Expense Guide 257
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Directional signs (outside) ........................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Signage
Directory advertising .................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Directory listing ............................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Dish drainer, guestroom .............................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Dish soap for use by guests in rooms......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Dishcloths, guestroom .................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Dishes for use by guests in rooms .............................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Dishwasher soap for use by guests in rooms ............ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Dishwashing soaps and rinsing agents ...................... F&B ......................... Dishwashing Supplies
Disinfectants .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Diskees ......................................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Other Equipment
Dispensers, bath tissue ................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Dispensers, lotion .......................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Dispensers, soap ............................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Do not disturb cards ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Document destruction fees .......................................... A&G ........................ Contract Services
Doilies, guestroom ........................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Doilies, paper ................................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Domain name registration ........................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Website
Donations ....................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Promotion
Door viewer ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Doormats ........................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Doorstop ......................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Double-stick tape .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Draperies, dry cleaning ................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Drapery baton ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Drapery cords ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Drapery liners ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Drapes ............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Drapes, blackout ............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Dresses ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Drug testing of employees ........................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Dry cleaning bags for use by guests in rooms .......... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Dry cleaning costs, non-guest (in-house laundry) ... Mult. Depts. .......... Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Dry cleaning services, non-guest (outside laundry) Mult. Depts. .......... Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Dry goods (our, pasta, etc.) ....................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Dry ice ............................................................................. F&B ......................... Ice
Dryers, hair .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Duct tape ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Dues, associations (marketing) ................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
258 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Dues—hotel associations (non-marketing) ............... A&G ........................ Dues and Subscriptions
Dues—professional associations (non-marketing) .. A&G ........................ Dues and Subscriptions
Dust cloths ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Dust mop ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Dusters ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Dusting mis ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Dustpan brushes ........................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Dustpans ......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Duvet covers .................................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Duvets ............................................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
DVD player, guestrooms.............................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Easels (charged to customer) ....................................... F&B.......................... Audiovisual Cost
Educational activities for employees .......................... Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Educational assistance .................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Educational books/pamphlets for employees ........... Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Educational cost of non-ex-pat family members ...... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Housing and Educational
Eggs ................................................................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
EIFS repair ...................................................................... POM ........................ Building
Electric bulbs—all ......................................................... POM ........................ Light Bulbs
Electric sub-meters maintenance ................................ POM ........................ Elec. & Mech.
Electric supplies ............................................................. POM ........................ Elec. & Mech.
Electrical adapters ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Electrical hookup (charged to customer) .................. F&B ......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Electrical repairs ............................................................ POM ........................ Elec. & Mech.
Electricity ........................................................................ Utilities ................... Electricity
Elevator and escalator repairs ..................................... POM ........................ Elevators and Escalators
Elixirs (health club/spa) ................................................ Health Club/Spa .... Health and Beauty Products
Email blasts .................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Emergency equipment and supplies .......................... POM ........................ Life/Safety
Emergency exit instruction card ................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Emergency exit signs repairs ....................................... POM ........................ Life/Safety
Emery boards ................................................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Employee auto leases ...................................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Automobile Allowance
Employee child care ....................................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Child Care
Employee housing—employee reimbursement
(contra) ....................................................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Land and Buildings
Employee housing—property lease ........................... Non Op. I&E .......... Land and Buildings
Employee meal food cost credit .................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Employee meals from cafeteria ..................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Meals
Employee meals in hotel restaurants at cost ............... Payroll-Rel. Exp. ..... Meals
Revenue and Expense Guide 259
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Employee pins ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Employer 401(k) contributions ...................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Contributory Savings Plan
Employer cost for non-union pension plans .............. Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Nonunion Pension
Employer cost of dental insurance ............................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Dental Insurance
Employer cost of disability insurance .......................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Disability Insurance
Employer cost of prot sharing plan ........................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Prot Sharing
Employer registered retirement savings plan
contributions ............................................................. Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Contributory Savings Plan
Employer share of a national retirement program ... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... National Retirement
Employer share of a state retirement program ......... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... State Retirement
Employer share of Canadian
employment insurance ............................................ Payroll-Rel. Exp. ....
National Unemployment
Employer share of employee health insurance .......... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Health Insurance
Employer share of federal unemployment
compensation ............................................................ Payroll-Rel. Exp. ....
National Unemployment
Employer share of governmental medical
program...................................................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... National Medical Insurance
Employer share of group life insurance ..................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Group Life Insurance
Employer share of insurance administered by
national insurance system ....................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... National Medical Insurance
Employer share of Medicare (FICA) ........................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... National Medical Insurance
Employer share of national disability insurance
program...................................................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. ....
National Disability
Employer share of Quebec pension plan ................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... State Retirement
Employer share of retirement administered by
national insurance system ....................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. ....
National Retirement
Employer share of social security Canadian
pension plan .............................................................. Payroll-Rel. Exp. ....
National Retirement
Employer share of Social Security (FICA) ................. Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... National Retirement
Employer share of unemployment administered
by national insurance system .................................. Payroll-Rel. Exp. ....
National Unemployment
Employer share of union employees insurance ........ Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Union Insurance
Employer share of union employees pension plan .... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Union Pension
Energy management hardware,
small value purchases .............................................. Info & Telecom ...... Energy Management
Energy management software licenses,
support and maintenance fees ................................ Info & Telecom ...... Energy Management
Entertainment of non-employees in-house ............... Mult. Depts. ........... Entertainment—In-House
Entertainment, outside—employee ............................ Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Meals & Enter.
260 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Entertainment while traveling .................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Travel—Meals & Enter.
Envelopes ....................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Envelopes—cashier ....................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Equipment instructions (health club/spa) ................. Health Club/Spa .... Printing and Stationery
Erasers ............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Espresso maker for use by guests in rooms .............. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Espresso pods for use by guests in rooms ................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Ethernet cables ............................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Hardware
Exchange on bank checks and currency .................... A&G ........................ Bank Charges
Expert witness costs ...................................................... A&G ........................ Legal Services
Express delivery charges .............................................. A&G ........................ P&ODC
Express mail/UPS (non-marketing) ............................ A&G ........................ P&ODC
Extension cords ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Extermination services ................................................. POM ........................ Contract Services
Face cream (health club/spa) ....................................... Health Club/Spa .... Health and Beauty Products
Facial tissue .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Facial tissue box cover .................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Familiarization (fam) tour expenses ........................... Sales/Marketing ..... Familiarization Trips
Fans, paper (for use by guests in rooms) ................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Fans, portable................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Fax machine supplies and accessories ....................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Feather duster ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Federal unemployment tax .......................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Payroll Taxes
Fees, aorney, for collections ...................................... A&G ........................ Credit and Collection
Fees, collection ............................................................... A&G ........................ Credit and Collection
Fees, medical .................................................................. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Fees, stock transfer agents ........................................... A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Fees, transfer .................................................................. A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Fees, trustees (handling bond, etc.) ............................ A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Fences and bridges maintenance ................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Fertilizer.......................................................................... POM ........................ Grounds M&L
Fertilizers, golf course .................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
File folders ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Film, camera ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Film purchase and developing .................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Filter paper ..................................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Filters, coee .................................................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Filters, vacuum .............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Fines (health, safety, etc.) ............................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Miscellaneous
Fingernail le ................................................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Revenue and Expense Guide 261
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Fire alarm service—third party ................................... POM ........................ Life/Safety
Fire alarm system repairs (smoke, heat, strobe,
aenuators, etc.) ........................................................ POM ........................ Life/Safety
Fireplace lighter ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Fireplace screen ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Fireplace tools ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Fire-starter packets for use by guests in rooms ........ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Firewood......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
First aid kits/supplies ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Fish .................................................................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Fitness class supplies (health club/spa) ..................... Health Club/Spa .... Athletic Supplies
Flag pins, golf ................................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Operating Supplies
Flags ................................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Flashlights ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Flatware cleaner ............................................................ F&B ......................... Dishwashing Supplies
Flatware for use by guests in rooms ........................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Flatware (includes silver, stainless) ............................ F&B ......................... Flatware
Flatware rental ............................................................... F&B ......................... Flatware
Flip charts (charged to customers) ............................. F&B.......................... Audiovisual Cost
Floor plans ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Floor polish .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Floor renishing ............................................................ POM ........................ Floor Covering
Floor soap ....................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Floor wax ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Floral arrangements ...................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Decorations
Flower purchases .......................................................... POM ........................ Grounds M&L
Flower vases, glass (tabletop) ...................................... F&B ......................... Decorations
Flowers, banquet tables ................................................ F&B ......................... Decorations
Flowers, fresh and articial ......................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Decorations
Flowers, golf course ...................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Flowers (tabletop) ......................................................... F&B ......................... Decorations
Fly strips ......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Fly swaers .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Flyers ............................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Collateral Material
Foam insulated cups ..................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Foil wrapping ................................................................ F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Folios ............................................................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Food and beverage software licenses, support and
maintenance fees ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Food and Beverage
Food and beverage systems hardware,
small value purchases .............................................. Info & Telecom ...... Food and Beverage
262 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Food processor............................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Food warmer fuel .......................................................... F&B ......................... Kitchen Fuel
Foreign exchange gain or loss related to
FF&E reserve accounts ............................................. Non Op. I&E ..........
Unrealized Foreign Exch.
Gains or Losses
Foreign exchange gain or loss related to
foreign currency account ......................................... Non Op. I&E ..........
Unrealized Foreign Exch.
Gains or Losses
Foreign exchange gain or loss related to
foreign denominated debt ....................................... Non Op. I&E ..........
Unrealized Foreign Exch.
Gains or Losses
Forks, kitchen ................................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Forms, general ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Forms, printed ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Fountain pens for use by guests in rooms ................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Frames, art ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Franchise advertising fee ............................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Franchise fee (chain royalty)........................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Franchise marketing fee ............................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Franchise royalty ........................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Freight and shipping charged to banquet customer
... F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Freight charges (non-marketing) ................................ A&G ........................ P&ODC
Frequent car rental fees ................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Loyalty Programs
Frequent yer fees ......................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Loyalty Programs
Frequent guest fees ....................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Loyalty Programs
Fruit ................................................................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Fruit baskets gratis to customers ................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Fuel costs, auto (guest transport) ................................ Rooms ..................... Guest Transportation
Fuel costs, cart (guest transport) ................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Transportation
Fuel, kitchen ................................................................... F&B ......................... Kitchen Fuel
Fumigation ..................................................................... POM ........................ Contract Services
Fumigators, kitchen/restaurant ................................... F&B ......................... Contract Services
Furniture polish ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Furniture renishing .................................................... POM ........................ Furniture and Equipment
Furniture repairs ........................................................... POM ........................ Furniture and Equipment
Furniture wax ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
FUTA ............................................................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... National Unemployment
Garage licenses .............................................................. Parking ................... Licenses and Permits
Garbage bags ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Garbage can liners ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Revenue and Expense Guide 263
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Garbage cans .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Gas for beer lines ........................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Gas (for utility use) ....................................................... Utilities ................... Gas
Gasoline and lubricants, golf cart ............................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Gasoline and Lubricants
Gasoline and lubricants, mowers (golf course) ........ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Gasoline and Lubricants
Gasoline and lubricants, tractors/trucks (golf course)
.. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Gasoline and Lubricants
Gasoline for food delivery vehicle .............................. F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Gasoline—motor vehicles (company and
employee use)............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
General insurance—legal selement costs or
audit adjustments ..................................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Generator rentals (property power back-up) ............ POM ........................ Equipment Rental
Generator repairs .......................................................... POM ........................ Elec. & Mech.
Geothermal power ........................................................ Utilities ................... Other Fuels
Gideon Bibles ................................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Gift certicates donated ............................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Promotion
Gifts to customers ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Glass bags ....................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Glass bowls .................................................................... F&B ......................... China
Glass cleaner .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Glass covers .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Glass dishes .................................................................... F&B ......................... China
Glass racks ...................................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Glasses, drinking (alcoholic beverage/all sizes
and materials) ............................................................ F&B ......................... Glassware
Glasses, drinking (non-alcoholic/all sizes
and materials) ............................................................ F&B ......................... Glassware
Glassware (all types) for use by guests in rooms ..... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Glassware rental ............................................................ F&B ......................... Glassware
Gloves, golf (for sale) .................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merch. Sales
Gloves, rubber ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Glue ................................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Goldsh .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Golf bags (for rental) ..................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Operating Supplies
Golf bags (for sale) ........................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merch. Sales
Golf balls (for sale) ........................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merch. Sales
Golf balls (practice range) ............................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Operating Supplies
Golf cart baeries .......................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Vehicle Rep. & Maint.
Golf cart rental ............................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Equipment Rental
Golf cart repairs and maintenance ............................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Vehicle Rep. & Maint.
Golf clubs (for rental).................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Operating Supplies
264 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Golf clubs (for sale) ....................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merch. Sales
Golf course software licenses, support and
maintenance fees ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Golf
Gratis food, bar .............................................................. F&B ......................... Complimentary Services/
Gross receipts taxes not paid by customers—
state/county/city ........................................................ Non Op. I&E .......... B&O Taxes
Guest checks .................................................................. F&B ......................... Printing and Stationery
Guest comment cards ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Guest dry cleaning expenses—partially serviced
by the hotel ................................................................ Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Laundry Revenue
Guest guide .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Guest laundry expenses—partially serviced
by the hotel ................................................................ Minor Oper. Dept. Guest Laundry Revenue
Guest loyalty fees .......................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Loyalty Programs
Guest questionnaire forms ........................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Guest relocation due to lack of room availability .... Rooms ..................... Guest Relocation
Guest suggestion forms ................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Guest surveys (outside service) .................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Contract Services
Guest transportation service contracts ....................... Rooms ..................... Guest Transportation
Guest treatment forms (health club/spa) ................... Health Club/Spa .... Printing and Stationery
Gum remover ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Hair dryers ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Hair nets for food service employees ......................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Hair nets for use by guests in rooms .......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Hair pins for use by guests in rooms ......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Hair shampoo (health club/spa).................................. Health Club/Spa .... Health and Beauty Products
Hair spray for use by guests in rooms ....................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Hairbrushes for use by guests in rooms .................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Hand lotion .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Hand sanitizer ............................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Hand soap for use by guests in rooms ....................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Hand towels ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Hangers (all types) ........................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Hardship premiums for ex-pats .................................. Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Expat Benets
Hats ................................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Hazardous materials remediation .............................. POM ........................ Life/Safety
Health club/spa hardware, small value purchases .... Info & Telecom ...... Health Club/Spa
Health club/spa software licenses, support and
maintenance fees ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Health Club/Spa
Health permits ............................................................... F&B ......................... Licenses and Permits
Revenue and Expense Guide 265
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Help wanted ads ........................................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
High chairs ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Highway signs ............................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Signage
Hole punch ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Holiday decorations (inside and outside,
visible to guests) ....................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Decorations
Holiday pay ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Supplemental Pay
Holiday/special event decorations for A&G areas ... A&G ........................ Decorations
Hooks, coat ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Hooks, door.................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Hot chocolate packets for use by guests in rooms ... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Hotel association dues (non-marketing) .................... A&G ........................ Dues and Subscriptions
Hotel maps ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Hotel sales and marketing association dues ............. Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Hotelligence fee ............................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Housekeeper carts ......................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Housekeeping reports .................................................. Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Housing and educational ............................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Human resources hardware, small value purchases
... Info & Telecom ...... Human Resources
Human resources software licenses, support and
maintenance fees ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Human Resources
Humidier ...................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
HVAC systems repairs ................................................. POM ........................ HVAC Equipment
Ice buckets and liners ................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Ice buckets and liners ................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Ice carvings/sculpture................................................... F&B ......................... Decorations
Ice consumption ............................................................ F&B ......................... Ice
Ice tongs .......................................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Ice tongs for use by guests in rooms .......................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Inatable beds ................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Information and telecommunication hardware
maintenance non-system specic ........................... Info & Telecom ...... Contract Services
In-house newsleer (for employees) .......................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Ink .................................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Ink cartridges ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Innkeepers liability card frames ................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Innkeepers liability cards ............................................. Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
In-room dining breakfast cards ................................... F&B ......................... Menus and Beverage Lists
In-room guest account services (check-out) .............. Rooms ..................... Contract Services
In-room movie rental expenses—hotel operated ..... Minor Oper. Dept. In-Room Movie Rentals
266 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Insecticides ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Insecticides, golf course ................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Inspection fees—boilers, elevators, escalators,
life/safety .................................................................... POM ........................ Licenses and Permits
Inspection fees for licensing ........................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Licenses and Permits
Instructor fees, training ................................................ A&G ........................ Training
Instructor fees, training ................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Insurance deductibles—property ............................... Non Op. I&E .......... Deductible
Insurance deductibles—general liability ................... Non Op. I&E .......... Deductible
Insurance deductibles—liability/burglary, theft,
umbrella, delity, auto, innkeeper, liquor, cyber .. Non Op. I&E .......... Deductible
Insurance expense, automobile ................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, boiler explosion ........................... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, building ........................................ Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, burglary........................................ Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, business interruption ................. Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, cyber ............................................. Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, director and ocer coverage .... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, earthquake ................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, EPLI .............................................. Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, delity .......................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, re ................................................. Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, ood .............................................. Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, furnishings and equipment ....... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, guest liability ............................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, innkeepers ................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, liability ......................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, liquor ............................................ Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, property ....................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, terrorism ...................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, theft ............................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, tornado ......................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance expense, umbrella ....................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Insurance expense, weather ......................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Insurance—legal or selement expenses ................... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Internal audit expense .................................................. A&G ........................ Audit Charges
Internal audit fees (chain properties) ......................... A&G ........................ Audit Charges
Internet access charges ................................................. Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Internet Services
Internet advertising....................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Internet equipment not subject to capitalization ...... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Internet Services
Revenue and Expense Guide 267
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Internet review monitoring fees.................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Internet web page, reservations .................................. Rooms ..................... Reservations
Interview expenses ....................................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Investigation of employees
(including background checks) .............................. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Iron .................................................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Ironing board covers ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Ironing board holders ................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Ironing boards ............................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Irrigation system repairs .............................................. POM ........................ Grounds M&L
Jackets ............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Juice ................................................................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Juices for cocktail mix ................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Jumpers ........................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Key blank, key cards (non-guestroom) and
key machine repairs ................................................. POM ........................ Building
Key cards ........................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Key chain coils ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Key chain reels ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Key lock box ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Key rings......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Key tags .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Key word buys .............................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Website
Keyboard drawers ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Keyboards, computer ................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Hardware
Keys, safe deposit box .................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Kiosk cost of sales operated by the front
desk personnel .......................................................... Minor Oper. Dept. Retail Kiosk Sales
Kitchen equipment repairs .......................................... POM ........................ Kitchen Equipment
Kitchen hood cleaning .................................................. F&B ......................... Contract Services
Kitchen smallwares ....................................................... F&B.......................... Kitchen Smallwares
Knife sharpening ........................................................... F&B ......................... Contract Services
Knives, kitchen .............................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Label maker .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Label maker supplies .................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Ladles, kitchen ............................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Lampshades ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
LAN/WAN e-mail hardware,
small value purchases .............................................. Info & Telecom ...... Information Security
LAN/WAN e-mail software licenses, support and
maintenance fees ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Information Systems
268 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Land lease ....................................................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Land and Buildings
Landscaping service (indoor and outdoor) ............... POM ........................ Grounds M&L
Laptop computers ......................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Hardware
Laundry bags (cloth) for use by guests in rooms ..... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Laundry bags (disposable) for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Laundry costs, non-guest (in-house laundry) ........... Mult. Depts. .......... Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Laundry equipment repairs ......................................... POM ........................ Laundry Equipment
Laundry services, non-guest (outside laundry) ....... Mult. Depts. .......... Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Legal fees for acquiring visas for ex-pats .................. A&G ........................ Legal Services
Legal fees/expenses for collections ............................. A&G ........................ Credit and Collection
Legal fees/expenses—real estate taxes ....................... Non Op. I&E .......... Real Estate Taxes
Legal retainer ................................................................. A&G ........................ Legal Services
Lemon oil ........................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Leers for bulletin/sign boards ................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Licenses, beverage ......................................................... F&B ......................... Licenses and Permits
Licenses, building.......................................................... POM ........................ Licenses and Permits
Licenses, cabaret ............................................................ F&B ......................... Licenses and Permits
Licenses, canopy ............................................................ POM ........................ Licenses and Permits
Licenses, checkrooms ................................................... F&B ......................... Licenses and Permits
Licenses, elevators ......................................................... POM ........................ Licenses and Permits
Licenses, engineering.................................................... POM ........................ Licenses and Permits
Licenses, health permit ................................................. F&B ......................... Licenses and Permits
Licenses, locksmith ....................................................... POM ........................ Licenses and Permits
Licenses, music copyright ............................................ F&B ......................... Licenses and Permits
Licenses, public assembly ............................................ F&B ......................... Licenses and Permits
Licenses, sidewalk ......................................................... POM ........................ Licenses and Permits
Licenses, temporary space liquor ............................... F&B ......................... Licenses and Permits
Life preserver (health club/spa operated).................. Health Club/Spa .... Swimming Pool
Limousine—employee use........................................... A&G ........................ Sta Transportation
Limousine services, guest (no charge) ....................... Rooms ..................... Guest Transportation
Linen cleaning (all types) ............................................. F&B ......................... Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Linen napkins ................................................................ F&B ......................... Linen
Linen rental .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Linen
Linen rental (all types).................................................. F&B ......................... Linen
Linen tablecloth ............................................................. F&B ......................... Linen
Liners, drapery .............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Liners, paper .................................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Lint brush ....................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Lint remover .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Liquid soap for use by guests in rooms ..................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Revenue and Expense Guide 269
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Liquor.............................................................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Liquor—bole ................................................................ F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Literature—educational for employees ..................... A&G ........................ Training
Lock repairs/service ...................................................... POM ........................ Building
Lodging of employees .................................................. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Log books ....................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Logo merchandise (for sale in F&B) ........................... F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Logoed items for marketing ....................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Lost and damaged articles—guest non-insured ....... A&G ........................ Loss and Damage
Lotions (health club/spa) .............................................. Health Club/Spa .... Health and Beauty Products
Luggage racks ................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Luggage tags for use by guests in rooms .................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Lye ................................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Machine stands .............................................................. A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Magazine advertising ................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Magazine subscriptions................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Dues and Subscriptions
Magazines for use by guests in rooms ....................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Magazines, golf (for sale) ............................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merch. Sales
Magazines, golf (for sta use) ..................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Dues and Subscriptions
Magazines—trade (non-marketing) ........................... A&G ........................ Dues and Subscriptions
Mail bags ........................................................................ A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Mail chute rentals .......................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Mailing lists .................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Maintenance contracts, elevators and escalators ...... POM ........................ Elevators and Escalators
Maintenance request forms ......................................... POM ........................ Miscellaneous
Makeup mirror .............................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Makeup remover for use by guests in rooms ........... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Management company expenses
(travel, entertainment, etc.) ..................................... Mult. Depts. ..........
Corporate Oce
Management fees .......................................................... F&B.......................... Management Fees
Management fees—specic department ................... Mult. Depts. .......... Management Fees
Manuals, instructional/training .................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Manuals, service (instructional materials) ................ POM ........................ Operating Supplies
Maps ................................................................................ Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Markers (ip chart) ....................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Market studies or audits—owner directed ............... Non Op. I&E .......... Owner Expenses
Marketing assessments ................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Marking ink.................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Massage oils (health club/spa) .................................... Health Club/Spa .... Health and Beauty Products
270 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Matches, customer use ................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Mats, oor ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Mats, oor ...................................................................... POM ........................ Operating Supplies
Mats, rubber (bar) ......................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Maress cover ................................................................ Rooms ..................... Linen
Maress pad................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Maress protectors ....................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Maress, crib .................................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Meals ............................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Travel—Meals & Enter.
Meals and entertainment, outside .............................. Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Meals & Enter.
Meals, business expense ............................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Meals & Enter.
Meals—corporate—sales and marketing................... Sales/Marketing ..... Corporate Oce
Meals for fam trip aendees ........................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Familiarization Trips
Meals, musicians and entertainers ............................. F&B ......................... Music and Entertainment
Meat................................................................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Mechanical, electrical or other recurring
contracted service ..................................................... POM ........................ Contract Services
Medical supplies and drugs for employees .............. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Medical supplies for employees ................................. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Meeting guides advertising ......................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Meeting guides listing .................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Meeting space map and oor plans ........................... Sales/Marketing ..... Collateral Material
Membership dues—associations (marketing) .......... Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Membership dues—associations (non-marketing) .. A&G ........................ Dues and Subscriptions
Membership fees—professional organizations ........ Mult. Depts. .......... Dues and Subscriptions
Memo pads ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Menu covers (food or beverage) ................................. F&B ......................... Menus and Beverage Lists
Menu design (food or beverage) ................................. F&B ......................... Menus and Beverage Lists
Menu printing (food or beverage) .............................. F&B ......................... Menus and Beverage Lists
Microwave, guestroom ................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Mileage reimbursement ............................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Other
Mini-blinds ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Mints, guest (restaurant) .............................................. F&B ......................... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Misc. banquet equipment rental
(for a function or to meet peak demand) .............. F&B.......................... Equipment Rental
Miscellaneous ................................................................ F&B.......................... Miscellaneous
Mixing bowls ................................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Mixing cans, bar ............................................................ F&B ......................... Utensils
Model fees ...................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Photography
Revenue and Expense Guide 271
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Modem lines .................................................................. Info & Telecom ...... Telecommunications
Modems .......................................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Hardware
Molds .............................................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Mop buckets ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Mop handles .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Mop wringers ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Mops ............................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Motor repairs (other than vehicles) ............................ POM ........................ Elec. & Mech.
Mouse, computer .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Mouse pads .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Mouse traps .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Mouthwash for use by guests in rooms ..................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Mowers, tractors, and trucks maintenance—golf .... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Mugs, coee, for use by guests in rooms ................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Music, live musicians.................................................... F&B ......................... Music and Entertainment
Music, mechanical ......................................................... F&B ......................... Music and Entertainment
Music on hold service ................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Telecommunications
Nail polish (health club/spa) ....................................... Health Club/Spa .... Health and Beauty Products
Nail polish remover for use by guests in rooms ....... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Name badges ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Napkins, cocktail ........................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Napkins, paper .............................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Napkins (paper/cloth) for use by guests in rooms ... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Newsleer production ................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Newspaper advertising ................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Newspaper bags for use by guests in rooms ............ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Newspaper subscriptions ............................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Newspapers ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Night lights .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Non-capitalized gym equipment (health club/spa) . Health Club/Spa .... Athletic Supplies
Notary fees ..................................................................... A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Notary fees, collection of accounts ............................. A&G ........................ Credit and Collection
Occasional food and beverage expenses—
limited-service hotels ............................................... Minor Oper. Dept.
Occasional Food and Bev. Rev.
Oce supplies, general ................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
O-premises beer .......................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
O-premises cooler/cider ............................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
O-premises liquor ....................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
O-premises wine ......................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
O-property housing costs for non-ex-pat employees Payroll-Rel. Exp. ..... Housing and Educational
272 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
O-site storage rent ...................................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Oil (for utility use) ......................................................... Utilities ................... Oil
Online travel agency (OTA) ads .................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Orientation expenses .................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Outdoor advertising ..................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Signage
Outlet safety plugs ........................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Overalls ........................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Overdraft fees ................................................................ A&G ........................ Bank Charges
Overnight delivery (marketing) .................................. Sales/Marketing ..... P&ODC
Overnight delivery (non-marketing) .......................... A&G ........................ P&ODC
Owners’ expenses (travel, entertainment, etc.) ......... A&G ........................ Corporate Oce
Oxalic acid ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Packing tape ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Paid time o ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Supplemental Pay
Pails ................................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Pain relievers .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Paint and ancillary chemicals ...................................... POM ........................ Painting and Wallcovering
Paint brushes/rollers/sprayers and other supplies ... POM ........................ Painting and Wallcovering
Paint sprayer rental ....................................................... POM ........................ Equipment Rental
Painting, contracted ...................................................... POM ........................ Painting and Wallcovering
Pamphlets, educational/instructional (for employees)
. Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Pans, baking, broiling, frying ...................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Pants ................................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Paper clips ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Paper, copier .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Paper liners..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Paper towel holders, guestroom ................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Paper towels, guestroom .............................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Paper tray liners, rooms ............................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Parchment ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Parking, gate tickets ...................................................... Parking ................... Printing and Stationery
Parking, gratis F&B guest ............................................ F&B ......................... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Parking lot repair .......................................................... POM ........................ Building
Parking permit cards .................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Parking violation stickers ............................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Paste ................................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Payroll, 401(k) costs ...................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, accounting clerk .............................................. A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Revenue and Expense Guide 273
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Payroll, administrative ................................................. A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, automobile ....................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, baker ................................................................. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, banquet/conference/catering aendant ....... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, banquet/conference/catering houseperson . F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, banquet/conference/catering porter ............. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, banquet/conference/catering runner ........... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, banquet/conference/catering server ............. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, bartender .......................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, bell service ....................................................... Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, beverage manager .......................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, bonus pay (discretionary) ............................. Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll, bonus pay (performance-based) ................... Mult. Depts. ........... Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll, breakfast aendant ......................................... Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, butcher ............................................................. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, chef de partie ................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, chief engineer .................................................. POM ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, child care, employee ....................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, city head tax .................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Payroll Taxes
Payroll, cleaner .............................................................. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, club oor aendant ........................................ Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, concierge .......................................................... Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, conference/event services manager ............. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, controller .......................................................... A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, cook ................................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, dental insurance .............................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, desk clerk ......................................................... Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, director of nance ........................................... A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, director of food and beverage ....................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, director of human resources ......................... A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, director of IT .................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, director of operations ..................................... A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, director of outlets............................................ F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, director of reservations .................................. Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, disability insurance ........................................ Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, dishwasher ....................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, door aendant ................................................. Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, engineer ............................................................ POM ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, executive chef .................................................. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, executive sous chef ......................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
274 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Payroll, food and beverage manager ......................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, front oce manager ....................................... Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, parking manager ............................................ Parking ................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, general manager ............................................. A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, golf hourly ....................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, golf management ............................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, group life insurance ....................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, guest services .................................................. Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, health club hourly .......................................... Health Club/Spa .... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, health club management ............................... Health Club/Spa .... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, health insurance .............................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, host(ess) ........................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, hourly wages ................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, housekeeping aendant ................................ Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, housekeeping director/manager .................. Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, incentive pay (discretionary) ........................ Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll, incentive pay (performance-based) ............. Mult. Depts. ........... Bonuses and Incentives
Payroll, informations technology................................ A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, in-room dining server .................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, jury duty pay ................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll, kitchen manager ............................................. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, kitchen steward ............................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, laundry aendant ........................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, laundry manager ............................................ Mult. Depts. ........... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, leased labor ...................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, long-term disability ........................................ Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, mâitre d’ .......................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, meals (cost allocation from sta dining) ..... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, miscellaneous .................................................. A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, national retirement contribution tax
(Social Security)......................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Payroll Taxes
Payroll, national unemployment tax (FUTA) ............ Mult. Depts. ........... Payroll Taxes
Payroll, night manager ................................................. Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, outlet aendant ............................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, outlet busperson ............................................. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, outlet cashier ................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, outlet houseperson ......................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, outlet porter ..................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, outlet runner.................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, outlet server ..................................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Revenue and Expense Guide 275
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Payroll, pension costs ................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, personal days .................................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll—plumber, HVAC, electrical, painter,
gardener, or other specialized trade ...................... POM ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, processing fees ................................................ A&G ........................ Payroll Processing
Payroll, prot sharing ................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, purchasing clerk ............................................. A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, purchasing manager ...................................... A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, receiving clerk ................................................. A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, relocation pay .................................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll, reservations agent ........................................... Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, restaurant manager ........................................ F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, room director................................................... Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, salaried wages ................................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, security director .............................................. A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, security ocer ................................................. A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, service captain ................................................. F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, service charges ................................................ Mult. Depts. ........... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, severance pay .................................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll, sick pay ............................................................ Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll, sommelier ........................................................ F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, spa hourly ........................................................ Health Club/Spa .... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, spa management ............................................. Health Club/Spa .... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, sta dining aendant ..................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, sta dining manager ...................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, state disability insurance ............................... Mult. Depts. ........... Payroll Taxes
Payroll, state unemployment tax ................................ Mult. Depts. ........... Payroll Taxes
Payroll, statutory holiday pay ..................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll, stewarding manager ...................................... F&B ......................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, storeroom clerk ............................................... A&G ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, swimming pool aendant
(health club/spa operated) ....................................... Health Club/Spa .... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, swimming pool aendant
(no health club/spa) .................................................. POM ........................ Salaries and Wages
Payroll, transportation driver ...................................... Rooms ..................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, union insurance .............................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, union other ...................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, union pension.................................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Payroll, vacation pay .................................................... Mult. Depts. ........... Supplemental Pay
Payroll, valet/parking aendant ................................. Parking ................... Salaries and Wages
276 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Payroll, valet/parking cashier ...................................... Parking ................... Salaries and Wages
Payroll, workers’ compensation insurance ............... Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
PCI compliance costs .................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Information Systems
Pencil holders ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Pencil sharpeners .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Pencils ............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Pens ................................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Personal computer lease (non-capital) ....................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Personal property tax refunds (contra)—
state/county/city ........................................................ Non Op. I&E .......... Personal Property Taxes
Personal property taxes—state/county/city .............. Non Op. I&E .......... Personal Property Taxes
Personnel forms, general .............................................. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Pest control, golf course ............................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Contract Services
Pest control services ...................................................... POM ........................ Contract Services
Pest control supplies (in-house use) ........................... POM ........................ Engineering Supplies
Phone books for guestrooms ....................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Photos ............................................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Photography
Physicians’ fees—employees (non-workers’
compensation) ........................................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Piano rental (lounge/restaurant entertainment) ....... F&B ......................... Music and Entertainment
Piano tuning ................................................................... F&B ......................... Contract Services
Pillow cases .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Pillow mints ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Pillow shams .................................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Pillows, down, foam, polyester, neck,
decorative throw ....................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Pins—employee, safety, stick, straight....................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Pitchers, guestrooms ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Pitchers, water ............................................................... F&B ......................... China
Placards ........................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Placemats, guestrooms ................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Plant and tree purchases (indoor and outdoor) ....... POM ........................ Grounds M&L
Plant and tree rentals .................................................... POM ........................ Grounds M&L
Plant services (watering, etc.) ...................................... POM ........................ Contract Services
Plants ............................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Plants and shrubs, golf course ..................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Plastic atware ............................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Plastic food storage containers .................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Plastic spray boles ....................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Plastic wrap .................................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Revenue and Expense Guide 277
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Plate cover, dome .......................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Plates, all sizes and materials (except paper/plastic)
.. F&B ......................... China
Plates, paper/plastic ...................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Platform lift/cherry picker rental ................................ POM ........................ Equipment Rental
Plaers, serving ............................................................. F&B ......................... China
Playing cards for use by guests in rooms .................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Playpens.......................................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Plumbing xture repair parts ...................................... POM ........................ Plumbing
Plumbing system repair parts ..................................... POM ........................ Plumbing
Plungers, toilet ............................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
PMS hardware lease (non-capital) .............................. Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
PMS software lease (non-capital) ................................ Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Pocket thermometers .................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Polish ............................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Pool chemicals (health club/spa operated) ................ Health Club/Spa .... Swimming Pool
Pool safety equipment (health club/spa operated)... Health Club/Spa .... Swimming Pool
Pool toys (health club/spa operated) .......................... Health Club/Spa .... Swimming Pool
Portable fans .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Portable sanitary facilities, golf tournament ............. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Tournament Expenses
Portable steam cleaners ................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
POS hardware lease (non-capital) .............................. Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
POS software lease (non-capital) ................................ Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
POS supplies .................................................................. F&B ......................... Printing and Stationery
Post oce box rental ..................................................... A&G ........................ P&ODC
Postage and overnight delivery charges .................... Mult. Depts. ........... P&ODC
Postage for direct mail ................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Direct Mail
Postage (marketing) ...................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... P&ODC
Postage meter rentals (marketing) .............................. Sales/Marketing ..... P&ODC
Postage meter rentals (non-marketing) ..................... A&G ........................ P&ODC
Postage (non-marketing) .............................................. A&G ........................ P&ODC
Postcards ........................................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Collateral Material
Postcards for use by guests in rooms ......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Poster board ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Posters ............................................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... In-House Graphics
Posters, safety ................................................................ A&G ........................ Human Resources
Post-it notes .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Potholder, guestroom ................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
278 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Potholder mi, guestroom ........................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Pots .................................................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Pour spouts, liquor........................................................ F&B ......................... Utensils
PPC fees .......................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Website
Presentation binders ..................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Presto logs, guestroom ................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Preventive maintenance hardware,
small value purchases .............................................. Info & Telecom ...... POM
Preventive maintenance software licenses,
support and maintenance fees ................................ Info & Telecom ...... POM
Printed forms ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Printer paper .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Printer supplies and accessories ................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Printing calculator ......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Prizes, employee ............................................................ A&G ........................ Human Resources
Prizes, golf tournament ................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Tournament Expenses
Production—magazines ............................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Production—newspapers ............................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Production—other ........................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Production—TV ............................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Professional dues (marketing) .................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Professional dues (non-marketing) ............................ A&G ........................ Dues and Subscriptions
Professional fees ............................................................ A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Promotional gifts ........................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Promotional signs, interior .......................................... Sales/Marketing ..... In-House Graphics
Propane, cooking and preparation ............................. F&B ......................... Kitchen Fuel
Propane (for utility use) ............................................... Utilities ................... Other Fuels
Property management system hardware,
small value purchases .............................................. Info & Telecom ...... Rooms
Property management system software license,
support and maintenance fees ................................ Info & Telecom ...... Rooms
Props, banquets ............................................................. F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Protective service .......................................................... A&G ........................ Security
Provision for doubtful accounts.................................. A&G ........................ Provision for Doubtful
Public address system repairs ..................................... POM ........................ Elec. & Mech.
Public area cleaning service, lobby/guestroom
corridors ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Contract Services
Public area cleaning service, restaurant/banquet
foyers .......................................................................... F&B ......................... Contract Services
Public relations ............................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Agency Fees
Revenue and Expense Guide 279
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Public restroom cleaning service ................................ F&B ......................... Contract Services
Publications, house (for employees) ........................... Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Pull carts, golf (for rental) ............................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Operating Supplies
Pull carts, golf (for sale) ................................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merch. Sales
Purchasing service fees ................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Q-tips............................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Quilt ................................................................................ Rooms ..................... Linen
Quilt rack ........................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Rack cards ...................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Collateral Material
Radio advertising .......................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Radios, guestroom ........................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Rags, cleaning ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Ramekins (all materials) ............................................... F&B ......................... China
Razors for use by guests in rooms .............................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Reader board service fee .............................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Real property tax refunds (contra)—
state/county/city ........................................................ Non Op. I&E .......... Real Estate Taxes
Real property taxes—state/county/city ...................... Non Op. I&E .......... Real Estate Taxes
Receiver fees ................................................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Owner Expenses
Record books ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Recorders, mini/micro cassee and accessories ....... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Recruiter fees ................................................................. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Recycle bins .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Reference checking, employee .................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Referral programs ......................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Loyalty Programs
Refuse/compactor container charges ......................... POM ........................ Waste Removal
Relocation costs ............................................................. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Rent, temporary parking space ................................... Parking ................... Rent
Repairs and maintenance, golf cart paths ................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Repairs, uniforms .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Report covers ................................................................. A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Reports ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Representation rms ..................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Sales Representation
Reputation management fee ........................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Reseeding golf course ................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Reservation books ......................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Reservation fees ............................................................. F&B.......................... Reservation Fees
Reservation fees (chain assessment) ........................... Rooms ..................... Reservations
Reservation fees (GDS) ................................................. Rooms ..................... Reservations
280 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Reservation fees (OTA) ................................................. Rooms ..................... Reservations
Reservation telephone expense ................................... Rooms ..................... Reservations
Reservation website building and maintenance ....... Rooms ..................... Reservations
Revenue management fee (third party) ..................... Sales/Marketing ..... Contract Services
Revenue optimization fee (third party) ..................... Sales/Marketing ..... Contract Services
Review monitoring fees ............................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Ribbons—typewriter, calculator, cash register ......... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Ring binders ................................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Road signs ...................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Signage
Robes ............................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Rollaway beds ................................................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Roller shades .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Roman shades ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Room aendant reports................................................ Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Room charges, travel ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Other
Room costs, musicians and entertainers .................... F&B ......................... Music and Entertainment
Room directories ........................................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Room directory binders ............................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Room rack forms ........................................................... Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Royalties for use of third-party brand name ............. Mult. Depts. .......... Royalty Fees
Royalty fee—franchise or aliation ........................... Sales/Marketing ..... Franchise and Aliation
Royalty fees .................................................................... F&B.......................... Royalty Fees
Rubber bands ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Rubber boots, kitchen ................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Rubber cement ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Rubber gloves ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Rubber sheets ................................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Rubber stamps ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Rubber tub mat .............................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Rug cleaners ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Rug cleaning services ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Rugs, bathroom ............................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Rugs, throw .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Rulers .............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Safe deposit box keys .................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Safe deposit box rentals (o-site) ................................ A&G ........................ Security
Safe deposit record cards ............................................. Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Safety glasses ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Revenue and Expense Guide 281
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Safety pins ...................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Salad bowls .................................................................... F&B ......................... China
Sales and marketing hardware, small value purchases
Info & Telecom ...... Sales and Marketing
Sales and marketing software licenses, support
and maintenance fees ............................................... Info & Telecom ...... Sales and Marketing
Sales and occupancy taxes not paid by customers ... Non Op. I&E .......... B&O Taxes
Sales initiated client amenities .................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Sales kits ......................................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Collateral Material
Salt and pepper shakers ............................................... F&B ......................... China
Sand, cinders, and top dressing, golf course ............. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Sanitary pads/tampons ................................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Satellite television service ............................................ Rooms ..................... Complimentary In-Room/
Media Entertainment
Sauce boats (all materials) ............................................ F&B ......................... China
Scissors ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Scissors, kitchen ............................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Scoreboard rental, golf tournament ........................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Tournament Expenses
Scorecards, golf .............................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Printing and Stationery
Scouring pads ................................................................ F&B ......................... Dishwashing Supplies
Scrapers, cleaning .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Scrapers, dish ................................................................. F&B ......................... Dishwashing Supplies
Scrub brushes ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Search engine optimization costs ................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Website
Security, contracted ...................................................... A&G ........................ Security
Security, golf tournament ............................................ Golf/Pro Shop ........ Tournament Expenses
Security hardware, small value purchases ................ Info & Telecom ...... A&G
Security system licenses, support and
maintenance fees ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... A&G
Seeds, golf course .......................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Self-insurance retention ............................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Deductible
SEO costs ........................................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Website
Service manuals (employee) ........................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Serving spoons for use by guests in rooms ............... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Serving utensils ............................................................. F&B ......................... Flatware
Sewer ............................................................................... Utilities ................... Water/Sewer
Sewing kits for use by guests in rooms ...................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Shakers, bar .................................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Shampoo, carpet ............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Shampoo for use by guests in rooms ......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Shams .............................................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
282 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Shaving cream/gel for use by guests in rooms ......... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Shaving mirror, guestroom ......................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Sheers .............................................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Sheet music .................................................................... F&B ......................... Music and Entertainment
Sheets, ed ................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Sheets, at ....................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Shelf paper ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Shipping supplies .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Shipping tags ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Shirts ............................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Shoe brushes for use by guests in rooms ................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Shoe mis for use by guests in rooms ........................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Shoe polish for use by guests in rooms ...................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Shoes ............................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Shoes, golf (for rent)...................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Operating Supplies
Shoes, golf (for sale) ...................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Cost of Merch. Sales
Shopping service .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Shopping services (bar spoers) ................................. F&B ......................... Contract Services
Shorts .............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Shot glasses, bar ............................................................ F&B ......................... Glassware
Shower caps for use by guests in rooms .................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Shower curtain liners .................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Shower curtain rings ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Shower curtains ............................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Shower slippers ............................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Sign repairs .................................................................... POM ........................ Building
Signage, golf maintenance ........................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Signs (inside) .................................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... In-House Graphics
Signs (outside) ............................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Signage
Signs and banners ........................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Silver polish ................................................................... F&B ......................... Dishwashing Supplies
Silverware for use by guests in rooms ....................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Skirts ............................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Slippers for use by guests in rooms ............................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Slippers (health club/spa) ............................................ Health Club/Spa .... Linen
Smocks ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Smoking urn sand stamp ............................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Sneeze guards ................................................................ F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Snow removal service ................................................... POM ........................ Grounds M&L
Soap and soap dishes, guestroom............................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Revenue and Expense Guide 283
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Soap scum remover, guestroom.................................. Rooms ..................... Cleaning Supplies
Soaps, cleaning .............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Social activities, employees.......................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Social media monitoring service ................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Socks ................................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Soda for use by guests in rooms ................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Soft drink syrup or premix .......................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Soft drinks for bar mix.................................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Software application upgrades ................................... Info & Telecom ...... System Expenses
Software, golf tournament ........................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Tournament Expenses
Solar power .................................................................... Utilities ................... Other Fuels
Soué dishes (all materials) ........................................ F&B ......................... China
Sound system repairs ................................................... POM ........................ Elec. & Mech.
Spa music ....................................................................... Health Club/Spa .... Ambience
Spa products (for sale in health club/spa) ................. Health Club/Spa .... Cost of Sales
Spatulas, kitchen ........................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Speaker fees, training ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Speakers, stereo, guestroom ........................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Sponges ........................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Sponges, dishwashing .................................................. F&B ......................... Dishwashing Supplies
Sponsorships .................................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Promotion
Spoons for use by guests in rooms ............................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Spoons, mixing .............................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Sports activities and equipment, employees ............. A&G ........................ Human Resources
Spray bole .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Squeegees ....................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Stain remover ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Stain remover packets .................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Stain spoer ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Stainless steel cleaner.................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Stamp pads ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Stamp pads (ink) ........................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Stamps (marketing) ....................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... P&ODC
Stamps, rubber ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Staplers ........................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Staples ............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
STAR Report fee ............................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
State disability insurance ............................................. Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... State Disability Insurance
284 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
State medical insurance ................................................ Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... State Medical Insurance
State unemployment insurance .................................. Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... State Unemployment
Stationery ....................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Printing and Stationery
Stationery for use by guests in rooms ........................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Stationery portfolio ....................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Steak markers ................................................................ F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Steam (for utility use) ................................................... Utilities ................... Steam
Steel wool ....................................................................... F&B ......................... Dishwashing Supplies
Stencils ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Sterno for food warming .............................................. F&B ......................... Kitchen Fuel
Stir sticks, cocktail ......................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Stir sticks for use by guests in rooms ......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Stirrers, beverage ........................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Stock benets ................................................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Stock options .................................................................. Mult. Depts. ........... Employee Benets
Stock transfer agents, fees ............................................ A&G ........................ Professional Fees
Stop payment charges .................................................. A&G ........................ Bank Charges
Stoppers, bole (bar) .................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Storage les .................................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Storage of equipment/records (o-site) ..................... A&G ........................ Contract Services
STR fee ............................................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
Strainers, bar .................................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Strainers, guestroom ..................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Straws, cocktail .............................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Straws, soft drink .......................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Styrofoam cups .............................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Subscription TV channels (e.g., HBO) ........................ Rooms ..................... Complimentary In-Room/
Media Entertainment
Subscriptions (marketing) ............................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Subscriptions—trade (non-marketing) ...................... A&G ........................ Dues and Subscriptions
Subsidized public transportation for employees...... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Public Subsidized
Sugar caddy, guestroom .............................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Sugar holders ................................................................. F&B ......................... China
Sugar packets for use by guests in rooms ................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Suggestion awards, employees ................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Suits ................................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Surge protectors ............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Survey—meeting planner ............................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Contract Services
Revenue and Expense Guide 285
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Sweetener packets for use by guests in rooms.......... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Swimming pool/spa parts, repairs, and chemicals/
maintenance (no health club/spa) .......................... POM ........................ Swimming Pool
Swimsuit bags for use by guests in rooms ................ Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Switchboard repairs ...................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Telecommunications
Swizzle sticks for use by guests in rooms.................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
T-1 ................................................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Telecommunications
Table and chair rental (banquets, charged to customer)
F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Table and chair rental (one time event) ...................... F&B ......................... Equipment Rental
Table and chair rental (short term or
for one time event) .................................................... F&B.......................... Equipment Rental
Table linen and chair cover rental
(banquets, charged to custmer) ............................. F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Table pads ....................................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Table pads, guestroom .................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Table protectors, guestroom ........................................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Table rental (banquet not charged to customer)....... F&B ......................... Banquet Expense
Table runners, linen ...................................................... F&B ......................... Linen
Table skirt clips .............................................................. F&B ......................... Linen
Table skirts, linen ........................................................... F&B ......................... Linen
Table tent cards, guestroom ......................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Table tents ....................................................................... F&B ......................... Printing and Stationery
Table top promotion printing ...................................... Sales/Marketing ..... In-House Graphics
Table undercloth, linen ................................................. F&B ......................... Linen
Tablecloths, guestroom ................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Tablecloths, linen ........................................................... F&B ......................... Linen
Tablecloths, paper/plastic ............................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Tags, baggage (gratis) ................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Tape, adhesive ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Tape, carpet .................................................................... POM ........................ Floor Covering
Tape holder .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Tape, Scotch .................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Tax equalization payments for ex-pats ...................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Expat Benets
Taxi fare .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Other
Tea bags for use by guests in rooms ........................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Teapots and lids (all materials) ................................... F&B ......................... China
Teapots, guestroom ....................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Technical books and publications, maintenance ...... POM ........................ Operating Supplies
Telecommunication software license, support and
maintenance fees ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Telecommunications
Telecommunications equipment maintenance ......... Info & Telecom ...... Other Equipment
286 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Telephone access charges ............................................ Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Local Calls
Telephone access charges ............................................ Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Long Distance Calls
Telephone cords............................................................. Info & Telecom ...... Other Equipment
Telephone directories for departmental use ............. Sales/Marketing ..... Operating Supplies
Telephone directories for guestrooms ........................ Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Telephone directory advertising ................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Telephone directory covers and holders .................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Telephone face plate ..................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Other Equipment
Telephone hardware lease (non-capital) .................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Telephone headsets ....................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Other Equipment
Telephone message cards ............................................. Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
Telephone message pads .............................................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Telephone software lease (non-capital) ...................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Telephone switch lease (non-capital) ......................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Telephone usage fees .................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Local Calls
Telephone usage fees .................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Long Distance Calls
Telephone utility taxes.................................................. Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Local Calls
Telephone utility taxes.................................................. Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Long Distance Calls
Television ad .................................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Television remote .......................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Television repairs .......................................................... POM ........................ Furniture and Equipment
Temporary housing, employee ................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Tent rental (banquets, charged to customer) ............ F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Tent rental for parties/banquets
(not charged to customer) ....................................... F&B ......................... Banquet Expense
Third-party outsourcing .............................................. A&G ........................ Contract Services
Thread for use by guests in rooms ............................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Throw, guestroom ......................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Ties .................................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Tile cleaner ..................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Tile repairs (oor) ......................................................... POM ........................ Floor Covering
Timeclocks ...................................................................... Info & Telecom ...... Human Resources
Tissue box covers, guestroom ..................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Tissue for use by guests in rooms ............................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Tobacco cost ................................................................... F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Toilet brushes................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Toilet paper (health club/spa) ..................................... Health Club/Spa .... Operating Supplies
Toilet tissue .................................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Revenue and Expense Guide 287
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Tolls, highway ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Other
Toner for copiers ........................................................... A&G ........................ Operating Supplies
Tongs, cooking ............................................................... F&B ......................... Utensils
Tongs, serving ............................................................... F&B ......................... Flatware
Tonics (health club/spa) ............................................... Health Club/Spa .... Health and Beauty Products
Tools ................................................................................ POM ........................ Engineering Supplies
Toothbrush holders, guestroom.................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Toothbrushes for use by guests in rooms .................. Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Toothpaste for use by guests in rooms ...................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Toothpicks ...................................................................... F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Toothpicks for use by guests in rooms ...................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Topsoil for golf course .................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Grounds M&L
Total quality management ........................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Tourist board/bureau fees ............................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Tourist guide ad ............................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Tourist guide listing ...................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Towelees for use by guests in rooms ....................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Towels, bar ..................................................................... F&B ......................... Linen
Towels, bar (guestroom) .............................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Towels, bath (all sizes) .................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Towels, cleaning rags ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Towels, hand .................................................................. Rooms ..................... Linen
Towels (health club/spa) .............................................. Health Club/Spa .... Linen
Towels, paper ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Toys for use by guests in rooms.................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Trade publication subscriptions (marketing) ........... Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Trade show booth construction .................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Trade Shows
Trade show promotional items ................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Trade Shows
Trade show registration ............................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Trade Shows
Training .......................................................................... F&B.......................... Training
Training program costs ................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Training
Transfer fees, licenses ................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Licenses and Permits
Transportation charged to customer, banquets ........ F&B.......................... Misc. Cost (of Other Rev.)
Transportation costs for home leave for ex-pats ...... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Expat Benets
Transportation of employees ....................................... A&G ........................ Sta Transportation
Trash can liners.............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Trash cans/receptacles .................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Trash compactor lease (non-capital) .......................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Travel click fee ............................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Outside Services Market
288 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Travel—corporate—sales and marketing .................. Sales/Marketing ..... Corporate Oce
Travel expenses (food/beverage) ................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Meals & Enter.
Travel expenses (non-food/beverage) ........................ Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Other
Travel meals ................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Travel—Meals & Enter.
Travel—other ................................................................. F&B.......................... Travel—Other
Tray jacks ........................................................................ F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Tray liners ...................................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Trays, guestroom ........................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Trays, serving (all materials) ....................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Tree purchases ............................................................... POM ........................ Grounds M&L
Tree removal and trimming service, golf course ...... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Contract Services
Trigger sprayer boles ................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Trousers .......................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Truck rental (food delivery) ........................................ F&B ......................... Equipment Rental
Trunk line charges ........................................................ Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Local Calls
Trunk line charges ........................................................ Info & Telecom ...... Cost of Long Distance Calls
T-shirts ............................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Tubes, pastry .................................................................. F&B ......................... Utensils
Tuition cost for family members of ex-pats ............... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Expat Benets
Tumblers, guestroom .................................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
TV advertising ............................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
TV Guides, guestroom .................................................. Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Tweezers for use by guests in rooms .......................... Rooms ..................... Guest Supplies
Umbrellas ....................................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Uncollectible accounts .................................................. A&G ........................ Provision for Doubtful
Underinsured losses, liability ...................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Liability
Underinsured losses, property .................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Building and Contents
Uniform .......................................................................... F&B.......................... Uniform Costs
Uniform cleaning .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Laundry
Uniform cleaning allowance ........................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Laundry
Uniform laundry ........................................................... F&B.......................... Uniform Laundry
Uniform repair ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Uniform Costs
Union dues ..................................................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Union Other
Union legal fund ........................................................... Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Union Other
Upholstery cleaner ........................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Upholstery repairs ........................................................ POM ........................ Furniture and Equipment
Urinal baskets ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Utensils, kitchen ............................................................ F&B ......................... Utensils
Revenue and Expense Guide 289
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Vacuum accessories ...................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Vacuum belts .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Vacuum cleaner accessories ......................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Vacuum cleaners ........................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Vacuum lters ................................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Vacuums—canister, portable, upright ....................... Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Vases (tabletop).............................................................. F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Vegetables ....................................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Food Sales
Vehicle lease (non-capital) ........................................... Non Op. I&E .......... Other Property and
Vehicle parts and supplies—not capitalized ............. POM ........................ Operating Supplies
Vending machine expenses—hotel operated ............ Minor Oper. Dept. Vending Revenue
Video camera ................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Video check-out service ............................................... Rooms ..................... Contract Services
Video comment card service ....................................... Rooms ..................... Contract Services
Video game expenses—hotel operated ...................... Minor Oper. Dept. Video Game Sales
Video—welcome channel ............................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Videotapes, training/safety .......................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Training
VIP guest gifts .................................................................... Mult. Depts. ............ Complimentary Services/Gifts
Virtual tour production ................................................ Sales/Marketing ..... Website
Visa costs for an ex-pat employee ............................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Visitors bureau dues ..................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Dues and Subscriptions
Visitors bureau events/registration ............................ Sales/Marketing ..... Travel—Other
Visitors guide ad ........................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Visitors guide listing ..................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Visual planners .............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
VoIP ................................................................................. Info & Telecom ...... Telecommunications
Walks, relocation of guest due to lack of
room availability ....................................................... Rooms ..................... Guest Relocation
Wall covering repairs, minor replacements .............. POM ........................ Painting and Decorating
Want ads (help wanted) ............................................... A&G ........................ Human Resources
Washcloths ..................................................................... Rooms ..................... Linen
Waste, garbage, debris, and recycling removal ........ POM ........................ Waste Removal
Waste receptacles .......................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Wastebaskets .................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Wastebaskets (employee) ............................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Wastewater surcharge .................................................. Utilities ................... Water/Sewer
Water and drainage systems maintenance,
golf course .................................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Irrigation
Water conservation cards ............................................. Rooms ..................... Printing and Stationery
290 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Item Name Schedule Account Name
Water controllers, computerized water systems,
golf course .................................................................. Golf/Pro Shop ........ Irrigation
Water for golf course .................................................... Golf/Pro Shop ........ Water
Water other than for golf course ................................. Utilities ................... Water/Sewer
Water pitchers, guestroom ........................................... Rooms ..................... Operating Supplies
Waxed paper .................................................................. F&B ......................... Paper and Plastics
Waxes .............................................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Website design and maintenance ............................... Sales/Marketing ..... Website
Website development ................................................... Sales/Marketing ..... Website
Weight scale (health club/spa) ..................................... Health Club/Spa .... Operating Supplies
Welcome baskets, guestroom .......................................... Rooms ....................... Complimentary Services/Gifts
Wet oor signs ............................................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Wind power ................................................................... Utilities ................... Other Fuels
Window cleaning services ........................................... Mult. Depts. .......... Contract Services
Window repair (glass screen, lock, mechanism,
framing, etc.) .............................................................. POM ........................ Building
Window shade and treatment repairs........................ POM ........................ Building
Wine—bole .................................................................. F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Wine cellar supplies ...................................................... F&B ......................... Operating Supplies
Wine—glass ................................................................... F&B.......................... Cost of Beverage Sales
Wine lists ........................................................................ F&B ......................... Menus and Beverage Lists
Wireless cards ................................................................ Info & Telecom ...... Other Equipment
Woolite packets ............................................................. Mult. Depts. .......... Cleaning Supplies
Workers’ compensation insurance premium ............ Payroll-Rel. Exp. .... Workers’ Compensation
Wrapping paper ............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Writing supplies ............................................................ Mult. Depts. .......... Operating Supplies
Yellow Pages ad ............................................................. Sales/Marketing ..... Media
Expense Guide
Section Two: Sorted by Department/Schedule and
Account Name
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Bonuses and Incentives .................................. Payroll, bonus pay
Mult. Depts. ............... Bonuses and Incentives .................................. Payroll, incentive pay
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Acids
Revenue and Expense Guide 291
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Air freshener
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Alcohol (cleaning)
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... All-purpose cleaner
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Ammonia
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Articial plant cleaner
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Bathroom cleaner
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Bleach
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Bleach packets
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Brooms
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Brushes
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Buckets, mop
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Bug traps
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Carpet cleaner chemical
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Carpet cleaning supplies
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Carpet shampoo
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Carpet shampoo machines
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Carpet sweepers
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Chamois
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Cleaning chemicals
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Cleaning cloths, compounds,
uids, rags, sponges
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Cleansers (non-dishwashing)
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Cleansing powder
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Degreaser
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Disinfectants
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Dust cloths
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Dust mop
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Dusters
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Dusting mis
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Dustpan brushes
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Dustpans
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Feather duster
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Filters, vacuum
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Floor polish
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Floor soap
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Floor wax
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Fly strips
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Fly swaers
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Furniture polish
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Furniture wax
292 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Glass cleaner
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Gloves, rubber
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Gum remover
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Insecticides
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Lemon oil
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Lint brush
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Lint remover
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Lye
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Mop buckets
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Mop handles
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Mop wringers
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Mops
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Oxalic acid
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Pails
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Plastic spray boles
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Polish
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Rags, cleaning
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Rubber gloves
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Rug cleaners
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Scrapers, cleaning
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Scrub brushes
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Shampoo, carpet
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Soaps, cleaning
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Sponges
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Spray bole
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Squeegees
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Stain remover
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Stain remover packets
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Stain spoer
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Stainless steel cleaner
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Tile cleaner
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Toilet brushes
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Towels, cleaning rags
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Towels, paper
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Trigger sprayer boles
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Upholstery cleaner
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Vacuum accessories
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Vacuum belts
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Vacuum cleaner accessories
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Vacuum cleaners
Revenue and Expense Guide 293
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Vacuum lters
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Vacuums—canister, portable,
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Waxes
Mult. Depts. ............... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Woolite packets
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Amenities, gifts
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Baskets, wine (for gratis
presentations)—not reusable
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Cheese baskets, gratis
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Complimentary beverage
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Complimentary food
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Complimentary parking
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Fruit baskets gratis to customers
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Gifts to customers
Mult. Depts. ............... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... VIP guest gifts
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Carpet cleaning services
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Carpet/rug cleaning
(outside service)
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Comment card processing
(outside service)
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Consultant fees
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Contract cleaning—awning,
oors, fumigation, windows
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Purchasing service fees
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Rug cleaning services
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Shopping service
Mult. Depts. ............... Contract Services ............................................ Window cleaning services
Mult. Depts. ............... Corporate Oce Reimbursables .................. Management company expenses
(travel, entertainment, etc.)
Mult. Depts. ............... Decorations ...................................................... Cut owers
Mult. Depts. ............... Decorations ...................................................... Decorations, holiday and
special occasion
Mult. Depts. ............... Decorations ...................................................... Floral arrangements
Mult. Depts. ............... Decorations ...................................................... Flowers, fresh and articial
Mult. Depts. ............... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Magazine subscriptions
Mult. Depts. ............... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Membership fees—professional
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Housing and educational
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, 401(k) costs
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, automobile
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, child care, employee
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, dental insurance
294 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, disability insurance
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, group life insurance
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, health insurance
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, long-term disability
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, meals (cost allocation
from sta dining)
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, pension costs
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, prot sharing
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, union insurance
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, union other
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, union pension
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Payroll, workers’ compensation
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Stock benets
Mult. Depts. ............... Employee Benets .......................................... Stock options
Mult. Depts. ............... Entertainment—In-House ............................. Entertainment of non-employees
Mult. Depts. ............... Equipment Rental ........................................... Beeper rental
Mult. Depts. ............... Equipment Rental ........................................... Copier rental/lease
Mult. Depts. ............... Laundry and Dry Cleaning ........................... Curtains, dry cleaning
Mult. Depts. ............... Laundry and Dry Cleaning ........................... Draperies, dry cleaning
Mult. Depts. ............... Laundry and Dry Cleaning ........................... Dry cleaning costs, non-guest
(in-house laundry)
Mult. Depts. ............... Laundry and Dry Cleaning ........................... Dry cleaning services, non-guest
(outside laundry)
Mult. Depts. ............... Laundry and Dry Cleaning ........................... Laundry costs, non-guest
(in-house laundry)
Mult. Depts. ............... Laundry and Dry Cleaning ........................... Laundry services, non-guest
(outside laundry)
Mult. Depts. ............... Licenses and Permits ...................................... Inspection fees for licensing
Mult. Depts. ............... Licenses and Permits ...................................... Transfer fees, licenses
Mult. Depts. ............... Linen ................................................................. Linen rental
Mult. Depts. ............... Management Fees ........................................... Management fees—specic dept.
Mult. Depts. ............... Miscellaneous .................................................. Fines (health, safety, etc.)
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Adapter plug, electrical
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Adding machine tape
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Adding machines
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Adhesive tape
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Air deodorizing accessories/
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Answering machines
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Anti-fatigue mats
Revenue and Expense Guide 295
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Artwork
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ash cans
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ashtrays
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Band-Aids
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Baskets, urinal
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Baskets, waste liners
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Baskets, wine (for gratis
presentations)— reusable
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Baeries
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Binder clips
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Binders
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Book matches (guest)
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Calculators
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Calendars and diaries
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Candles
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Candlesticks
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cashier envelopes
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cashier forms
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... CD–ROM, writable
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cellophane tape
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Clipboards
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Coin drawers
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Computer discs
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Copier paper
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Copier toner
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... CPR kits
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Curtain holdbacks
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Curtain hooks
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Curtain rods
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Curtain stackbacks
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Curtains
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Data binders and accessories
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Debrillator
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Desk accessories
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Desk caddies
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Desk pad and holder
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Double-stick tape
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Drapery baton
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Drapery cords
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Drapery liners
296 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Drapes
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Drapes, blackout
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Duct tape
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Electrical adapters
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Employee pins
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Erasers
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Extension cords
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Fans, portable
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... File folders
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Film, camera
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Fireplace lighter
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Fireplace screen
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Fireplace tools
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Firewood
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... First aid kits/supplies
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Flags
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Flashlights
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Frames, art
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Garbage bags
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Garbage can liners
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Garbage cans
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Gasoline—motor vehicles
(company and employee use)
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Glue
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Goldsh
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... High chairs
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Hole punch
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Hooks, coat
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Hooks, door
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ink
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ink cartridges
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Key chain coils
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Key chain reels
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Key lock box
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Key rings
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Key tags
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Keyboard drawers
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Label maker
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Label maker supplies
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Lampshades
Revenue and Expense Guide 297
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Liners, drapery
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Log books
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Marking ink
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Matches, customer use
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Mats, oor
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Memo pads
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Mini-blinds
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Mouse, computer
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Mouse pads
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Name badges
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Oce supplies, general
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Outlet safety plugs
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Packing tape
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Pain relievers
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Paper clips
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Paper, copier
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Paper liners
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Parchment
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Paste
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Pencil holders
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Pencil sharpeners
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Pencils
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Pens
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Pins—employee, safety, stick,
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Placards
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Plants
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Portable fans
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Portable steam cleaners
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Poster board
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Post-it notes
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Printer supplies and accessories
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Printing calculator
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Q-tips
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Record books
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Recorders, mini/micro cassee
and accessories
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Recycle bins
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Reports
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ribbons—typewriter, calculator,
cash register
298 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Roller shades
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Roman shades
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Rubber bands
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Rubber cement
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Rubber stamps
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Rugs, throw
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Rulers
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Safety glasses
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Safety pins
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Scissors
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Shelf paper
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Shipping supplies
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Shipping tags
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Signs and banners
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Smoking urn sand stamp
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Stamp pads
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Stamp pads (ink)
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Stamps, rubber
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Staplers
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Staples
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Stencils
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Surge protectors
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Tape, adhesive
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Tape holder
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Tape, Scotch
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Telephone directory covers
and holders
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Trash can liners
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Trash cans/receptacles
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Umbrellas
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Urinal baskets
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Video camera
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Visual planners
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Waste receptacles
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Wastebaskets
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Wastebaskets (employee)
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Wet oor signs
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Wrapping paper
Mult. Depts. ............... Operating Supplies ......................................... Writing supplies
Mult. Depts. ............... Payroll Taxes .................................................... Federal unemployment tax
Revenue and Expense Guide 299
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Payroll Taxes .................................................... Payroll, city head tax
Mult. Depts. ............... Payroll Taxes .................................................... Payroll, national retirement
contribution tax (Social Security)
Mult. Depts. ............... Payroll Taxes .................................................... Payroll, national unemployment
tax (FUTA)
Mult. Depts. ............... Payroll Taxes .................................................... Payroll, state disability insurance
Mult. Depts. ............... Payroll Taxes .................................................... Payroll, state unemployment tax
Mult. Depts. ............... P&ODC ........................................................... Postage and overnight delivery
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Business cards
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Charge vouchers
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Check/folio/statement
presentation folders
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Comment cards
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Computer forms—commercial,
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Copying service
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Envelopes
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Envelopes—cashier
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Floor plans
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Forms, general
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Forms, printed
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Guest comment cards
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Guest questionnaire forms
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Guest suggestion forms
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Parking permit cards
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Parking violation stickers
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Printed forms
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Printer paper
Mult. Depts. ............... Printing and Stationery ................................. Stationery
Mult. Depts. ............... Royalty Fees ..................................................... Royalties for use of third-party
brand name
Mult. Depts. ............... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, hourly wages
Mult. Depts. ............... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, laundry aendant
Mult. Depts. ............... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, laundry manager
Mult. Depts. ............... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, leased labor
Mult. Depts. ............... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, salaried wages
Mult. Depts. ............... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, service charges
Mult. Depts. ............... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, sta dining aendant
Mult. Depts. ............... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, sta dining manager
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Holiday pay
300 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Paid time o
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Payroll, bonus pay (discretionary)
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ...........................................
Payroll, incentive pay (discretionary)
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Payroll, jury duty pay
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Payroll, personal days
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Payroll, relocation pay
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Payroll, severance pay
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Payroll, sick pay
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Payroll, statutory holiday pay
Mult. Depts. ............... Supplemental Pay ........................................... Payroll, vacation pay
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ............................................................ Books, technical
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ...........................................................
Educational activities for employees
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Educational assistance
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Educational books/pamphlets for
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Instructor fees, training
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Manuals, instructional/training
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Orientation expenses
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Pamphlets, educational/
instructional (for employees)
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Publications, house (for employees)
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Service manuals (employee)
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Speaker fees, training
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Training program costs
Mult. Depts. ............... Training ........................................................... Videotapes, training/safety
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Meals & Enter................................... Entertainment, outside—employee
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Meals & Enter................................... Meals and entertainment, outside
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Meals & Enter................................... Meals, business expense
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Meals & Enter................................... Travel expenses (food/beverage)
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Meals & Enter................................... Travel meals
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Other ................................................. Airfare
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Other ................................................. Car rental
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Other ................................................. Mileage reimbursement
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Other ................................................. Room charges, travel
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Other ................................................. Taxi fare
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Other ................................................. Tolls, highway
Mult. Depts. ............... Travel—Other ................................................. Travel expenses (non-food/bev.)
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Aprons
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Blouses
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Boots
Revenue and Expense Guide 301
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Caps
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Coats
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Dresses
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Hats
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Jackets
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Jumpers
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Overalls
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Pants
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Repairs, uniforms
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Shirts
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Shoes
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Shorts
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Skirts
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Smocks
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Socks
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Suits
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Ties
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Trousers
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. T-shirts
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Costs ................................................. Uniform repair
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Laundry ........................................... Uniform cleaning
Mult. Depts. ............... Uniform Laundry ........................................... Uniform cleaning allowance
A&G ............................ Audit Charges ................................................. Audit fees, public accountants
A&G ............................ Audit Charges ................................................. Internal audit expense
A&G ............................ Audit Charges .................................................
Internal audit fees (chain properties)
A&G ............................ Bank Charges .................................................. Bank checks, charges
A&G ............................ Bank Charges .................................................. Bank related fees and costs
A&G ............................ Bank Charges .................................................. Exchange on bank checks
and currency
A&G ............................ Bank Charges .................................................. Overdraft fees
A&G ............................ Bank Charges .................................................. Stop payment charges
A&G ............................ Cash Overages/Shortages .............................. Cash overages and shortages
A&G ............................ Cent. Acct. Charges ........................................ Accounting fees—centralized
(management company)
A&G ............................ Cent. Acct. Charges ........................................ Accounting fees—centralized
A&G ............................ Cluster Services ............................................... Cluster accounting oce costs
A&G ............................ Contract Services ............................................ Document destruction fees
A&G ............................ Contract Services ............................................ Storage of equipment/records
A&G ............................ Contract Services ............................................ Third-party outsourcing
302 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
A&G ............................ Corporate Oce Reimbursables .................. Owners’ expenses (travel,
entertainment, etc.)
A&G ............................ Credit and Collection ..................................... Check verication
A&G ............................ Credit and Collection ..................................... Collection fees
A&G ............................ Credit and Collection ..................................... Credit reports
A&G ............................ Credit and Collection ..................................... Credit service expense
A&G ............................ Credit and Collection ..................................... Fees, aorney, for collections
A&G ............................ Credit and Collection ..................................... Fees, collection
A&G ............................ Credit and Collection ..................................... Legal fees/expenses for collections
A&G ............................ Credit and Collection ..................................... Notary fees, collection of accounts
A&G ............................ Credit Card Commissions ............................. Credit card commissions
A&G ............................ Decorations ...................................................... Holiday/special event decorations
for A&G areas
A&G ............................ Donations ......................................................... Charitable contributions
A&G ............................ Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Dues—hotel associations
A&G ............................ Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Dues—professional associations
A&G ............................ Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Hotel association dues
A&G ............................ Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Magazines—trade (non-marketing)
A&G ............................ Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Membership dues—associations
A&G ............................ Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Professional dues (non-marketing)
A&G ............................ Dues and Subscriptions .................................
Subscriptions—trade (non-marketing)
A&G ............................ Equipment Rental ........................................... Copier rental—temporary
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Advertising—recruiting
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Awards—employees
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Christmas gifts—employees
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Drug testing of employees
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Fees, medical
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Help wanted ads
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... In-house newsleer (for employees)
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Interview expenses
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Investigation of employees
(including background checks)
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Lodging of employees
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Medical supplies and drugs for
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Medical supplies for employees
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Personnel forms, general
Revenue and Expense Guide 303
Schedule Account Name Item Name
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Physicians’ fees—employees
(non-workers’ compensation)
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Posters, safety
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Prizes, employee
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Recruiter fees
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Reference checking, employee
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Relocation costs
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Social activities, employees
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Sports activities and equipment,
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Suggestion awards, employees
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Temporary housing, employee
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Total quality management
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Visa costs for an ex-pat employee
A&G ............................ Human Resources ........................................... Want ads (help wanted)
A&G ............................ Legal Services .................................................. Court/legal fees—other than
A&G ............................ Legal Services .................................................. Expert witness costs
A&G ............................ Legal Services .................................................. Legal fees for acquiring visas for
A&G ............................ Legal Services .................................................. Legal retainer
A&G ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Annual report fee
A&G ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Business licenses, general
A&G ............................ Loss and Damage ........................................... Lost and damaged articles—
guest non-insured
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Cash boxes
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Check writer machines
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Coin handling equipment
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Coin wrappers
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Coin/currency bag seals
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Coin/currency equipment
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Correction uid/tape
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Currency bill straps
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Desk pads (employee)
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Fax machine supplies and
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Film purchase and developing
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Leers for bulletin/sign boards
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Machine stands
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Mail bags
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Mail chute rentals
304 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Presentation binders
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Report covers
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Ring binders
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Storage les
A&G ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Toner for copiers
A&G ............................ P&ODC ............................................................ Express delivery charges
A&G ............................ P&ODC ............................................................ Express mail/UPS (non-marketing)
A&G ............................ P&ODC ............................................................ Freight charges (non-marketing)
A&G ............................ P&ODC ............................................................
Overnight delivery (non-marketing)
A&G ............................ P&ODC ............................................................ Post oce box rental
A&G ............................ P&ODC ............................................................ Postage (non-marketing)
A&G ............................ P&ODC ............................................................ Postage meter rentals
A&G ............................ Payroll Processing .......................................... Payroll processing fees
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Accountant’s fees, consulting
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Commissions, rental agents
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Consultant fees, professional
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Fees, stock transfer agents
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Fees, transfer
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Fees, trustees (handling bond, etc.)
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Notary fees
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Professional fees
A&G ............................ Professional Fees ............................................. Stock transfer agents, fees
A&G ............................ Provision for Doubtful Accounts ................. Bad debt allowance
A&G ............................ Provision for Doubtful Accounts ................. Provision for doubtful accounts
A&G ............................ Provision for Doubtful Accounts ................. Uncollectible accounts
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, accounting clerk
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, administrative
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, controller
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, director of nance
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, director of human
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, director of operations
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, general manager
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, information technology
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, miscellaneous
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, purchasing clerk
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, purchasing manager
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, receiving clerk
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, security director
Revenue and Expense Guide 305
Schedule Account Name Item Name
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, security ocer
A&G ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, storeroom clerk
A&G ............................ Security ............................................................. Armored transport fee
A&G ............................ Security ............................................................. Detective service
A&G ............................ Security ............................................................. Protective service
A&G ............................ Security ............................................................. Safe deposit box rentals (o-site)
A&G ............................ Security ............................................................. Security—contracted
A&G ............................ Selement Costs .............................................. Claim/litigation selement costs,
contract disputes
A&G ............................ Selement Costs .............................................. Claim/litigation selement costs,
A&G ............................ Selement Costs .............................................. Claim/litigation selement costs,
A&G ............................ Sta Transportation........................................ Limousine—employee use
A&G ............................ Sta Transportation........................................ Transportation of employees
A&G ............................ Training ........................................................... Instructor fees, training
A&G ............................ Training ........................................................... Literature—educational for
F&B ............................. Audiovisual Cost ............................................ Audiovisual equipment rent
(charged to customer)
F&B .............................. Audiovisual Cost ............................................ Cost of Internet—function room
F&B ............................. Audiovisual Cost ............................................ Easels (charged to customer)
F&B ............................. Audiovisual Cost ............................................ Flip charts (charged to customers)
F&B ............................. Banquet Expense ............................................. Table rental (banquet not charged
to customer)
F&B ............................. Banquet Expense ............................................. Tent rental for parties/banquets
(not charged to customer)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Aluminum trays
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Ash trays, aluminum, glass
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Bowls, mixing/preparation
(all sizes & materials)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Bowls, serving (all sizes &
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Buer dishes (all materials)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Casseroles
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ China
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ China rental
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Coee pots (glass, plastic, silver)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Creamers
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Crocks (all materials)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Cups/saucers, cappuccino
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Cups/saucers, coee
306 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Cups/saucers, espresso
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Glass bowls
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Glass dishes
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Pitchers, water
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Plates, all sizes & materials
(except paper/plastic)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Plaers, serving
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Ramekins (all materials)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Salad bowls
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Salt and pepper shakers
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Sauce boats (all materials)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Soué dishes (all materials)
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Sugar holders
F&B ............................. China ................................................................ Teapots and lids (all materials)
F&B ............................. Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Cleaning supplies
F&B .............................. Commissions ................................................... Commissions, travel agent
(food & beverage exclusively)
F&B ............................. Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Gratis food, bar
F&B ............................. Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Mints, guest (restaurant)
F&B ............................. Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Parking, gratis F&B guest
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Beer coil cleaning (outside service)
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Cleaning beer coils (outside service)
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Contract cleaning, kitchen hoods
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Fumigators, kitchen/restaurant
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Kitchen hood cleaning
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Knife sharpening
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Piano tuning
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Public area cleaning service,
restaurant/banquet foyers
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Public restroom cleaning service
F&B ............................. Contract Services ............................................ Shopping services (bar spoers)
F&B .............................. Corporate Oce Reimbursables .................. Corporate oce reimbursables
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Bar fruit and garnish
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Bar supplies—consumable
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Beer—bole
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Beer—draught
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Beverage assessment (this is not
other tax & assessment)
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... CO2 for soft drink mix
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Cooler/cider
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Gas for beer lines
Revenue and Expense Guide 307
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Juices for cocktail mix
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Liquor
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Liquor—bole
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... O-premises beer
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... O-premises cooler/cider
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... O-premises liquor
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... O-premises wine
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Soft drinks for bar mix
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Wine—bole
F&B .............................. Cost of Beverage Sales ................................... Wine—glass
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Baked goods
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Canned food
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... CO2 for soft drink mix
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Coee/tea
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Dairy products
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Dry goods (our, pasta, etc.)
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Eggs
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Employee meal food cost credit
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Fish
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Fruit
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Juice
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Meat
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Soft drink syrup or premix
F&B ............................. Cost of Food Sales ........................................... Vegetables
F&B ............................. Decorations ...................................................... Flower vases, glass (tabletop)
F&B ............................. Decorations ...................................................... Flowers, banquet tables
F&B ............................. Decorations ...................................................... Flowers (tabletop)
F&B ............................. Decorations ...................................................... Ice carvings/sculpture
F&B ............................. Dishwashing Supplies.................................... Detergents (dish)
F&B ............................. Dishwashing Supplies....................................
Dishwashing soaps & rinsing agents
F&B ............................. Dishwashing Supplies.................................... Flatware cleaner
F&B ............................. Dishwashing Supplies.................................... Scouring pads
F&B ............................. Dishwashing Supplies.................................... Scrapers, dish
F&B ............................. Dishwashing Supplies.................................... Silver polish
F&B ............................. Dishwashing Supplies.................................... Sponges, dishwashing
F&B ............................. Dishwashing Supplies.................................... Steel wool
F&B ............................. Equipment Rental ........................................... Dance oor rental (one time event)
F&B ............................. Equipment Rental ...........................................
Misc. banquet equipment rental (for
a function or to meet peak demand)
308 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................. Equipment Rental ........................................... Table & chair rental
(one time event)
F&B ............................. Equipment Rental ........................................... Table & chair rental (short term
or for one time event)
F&B ............................. Equipment Rental ........................................... Truck rental (food delivery)
F&B ............................. Flatware ............................................................ Flatware (includes silver, stainless)
F&B ............................. Flatware ............................................................ Flatware rental
F&B ............................. Flatware ............................................................ Serving utensils
F&B ............................. Flatware ............................................................ Tongs, serving
F&B ............................. Glassware ......................................................... Carafes
F&B ............................. Glassware ......................................................... Cups, drinking (non-coee, all
sizes & materials)
F&B ............................. Glassware ......................................................... Glasses, drinking (alcoholic
beverage/all sizes & materials)
F&B ............................. Glassware ......................................................... Glasses, drinking (non-alcoholic/
all sizes & materials)
F&B ............................. Glassware ......................................................... Glassware rental
F&B ............................. Glassware ......................................................... Shot glasses, bar
F&B ............................. Ice ...................................................................... Dry ice
F&B ............................. Ice ...................................................................... Ice consumption
F&B ............................. Kitchen Fuel ..................................................... Butane fuel
F&B ............................. Kitchen Fuel ..................................................... Charcoal, cooking
F&B ............................. Kitchen Fuel ..................................................... Food warmer fuel
F&B ............................. Kitchen Fuel ..................................................... Fuel, kitchen
F&B ............................. Kitchen Fuel ..................................................... Propane, cooking & preparation
F&B ............................. Kitchen Fuel ..................................................... Sterno for food warming
F&B .............................. Kitchen Smallwares ........................................ Kitchen smallwares
F&B ............................. Laundry and Dry Cleaning ........................... Linen cleaning (all types)
F&B ............................. Licenses and Permits ...................................... Health permits
F&B ............................. Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, beverage
F&B ............................. Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, cabaret
F&B ............................. Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, checkrooms
F&B ............................. Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, health permit
F&B ............................. Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, music copyright
F&B ............................. Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, public assembly
F&B ............................. Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, temporary space liquor
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Linen napkins
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Linen rental (all types)
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Linen tablecloth
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Table runners, linen
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Table skirt clips
Revenue and Expense Guide 309
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Table skirts, linen
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Table undercloth, linen
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Tablecloths, linen
F&B ............................. Linen ................................................................. Towels, bar
F&B .............................. Management Fees ........................................... Management fees
F&B ............................. Menus and Beverage Lists ............................. Beverage lists
F&B ............................. Menus and Beverage Lists ............................. In-room dining breakfast cards
F&B ............................. Menus and Beverage Lists ............................. Menu covers (food or beverage)
F&B ............................. Menus and Beverage Lists ............................. Menu design (food or beverage)
F&B ............................. Menus and Beverage Lists ............................. Menu printing (food or beverage)
F&B ............................. Menus and Beverage Lists ............................. Wine lists
F&B .............................. Miscellaneous .................................................. Miscellaneous
F&B .............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Apparel (for sale in F&B)
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Banquet/conference/catering
recoverable supplies
F&B .............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... China & glassware (for sale in F&B)
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Cigar cost
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Electrical hookup (charged to
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Freight & shipping charged to
banquet customer
F&B .............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Logo merchandise (for sale in F&B)
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Table & chair rental (banquets,
charged to customer)
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Table linen & chair cover rental
(banquets, charged to customer)
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Tent rental (banquets, charged
to customer)
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Tobacco cost
F&B ............................. Misc. Cost (of Other Revenue) ...................... Transportation charged to
customer, banquets
F&B ............................. Music and Entertainment .............................. Meals, musicians and entertainers
F&B ............................. Music and Entertainment .............................. Music, live musicians
F&B ............................. Music and Entertainment .............................. Music, mechanical
F&B ............................. Music and Entertainment .............................. Piano rental (lounge/restaurant
F&B ............................. Music and Entertainment .............................. Room costs, musicians and
F&B ............................. Music and Entertainment .............................. Sheet music
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Bar mats
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Books, outlet reservations log
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Candle holders, tabletop
310 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Check presenters
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Gasoline for food delivery vehicle
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Glass racks
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies .........................................
Hair nets for food service employees
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Ice buckets and liners
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Markers (ip chart)
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Mats, rubber (bar)
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Props, banquets
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Reservation books
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Rubber boots, kitchen
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Sneeze guards
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Steak markers
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Table pads
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Tray jacks
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Tray liners
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Trays, serving (all materials)
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Vases (tabletop)
F&B ............................. Operating Supplies ......................................... Wine cellar supplies
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Aluminum foil
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Bags, paper leftover
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Boxes, carry out
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Boxes, pastry
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Cardboard boxes
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Carry out containers
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Cellophane wrap
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Chef hats
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Cocktail picks
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Coee lters
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Cups, paper/plastic
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Doilies, paper
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Filter paper
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Foam insulated cups
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Foil wrapping
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Liners, paper
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Napkins, cocktail
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Napkins, paper
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Plastic atware
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Plastic food storage containers
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Plastic wrap
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Plates, paper/plastic
Revenue and Expense Guide 311
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Stir sticks, cocktail
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Straws, cocktail
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Straws, soft drink
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Styrofoam cups
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Tablecloths, paper/plastic
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Toothpicks
F&B ............................. Paper and Plastics ........................................... Waxed paper
F&B ............................. Printing and Stationery ................................. Guest checks
F&B ............................. Printing and Stationery ................................. POS supplies
F&B ............................. Printing and Stationery ................................. Table tents
F&B .............................. Reservation Fees ............................................. Reservation fees
F&B .............................. Royalty Fees ..................................................... Royalty fees
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, baker
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, banquet/conference/
catering aendant
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, banquet/conference/
catering houseperson
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, banquet/conference/
catering porter
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, banquet/conference/
catering runner
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, banquet/conference/
catering server
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, bartender
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, beverage manager
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, butcher
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, chef de partie
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, cleaner
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, conference/event services
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, cook
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, director of food and bev.
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, director of outlets
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, dishwasher
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, executive chef
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, executive sous chef
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, food & beverage manager
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, host(ess)
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, in-room dining server
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, kitchen manager
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, kitchen steward
312 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, maître d’
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, outlet aendant
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, outlet busperson
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, outlet cashier
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, outlet houseperson
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, outlet porter
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, outlet runner
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, outlet server
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, restaurant manager
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, service captain
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, sommelier
F&B ............................. Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, stewarding manager
F&B .............................. Training ............................................................ Training
F&B .............................. Travel—Meals & Enter................................... Travel—meals & entertainment
F&B .............................. Travel—Other ................................................. Travel—other
F&B .............................. Uniform Costs ................................................. Uniform
F&B .............................. Uniform Laundry ........................................... Uniform laundry
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Bags, pastry
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Beaters
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Blenders, bar
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Bole openers
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Can openers
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Chang dishes
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Coee urn
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Colanders
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Cookie cuers
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Cooking utensils
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Corkscrews
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Cuing boards
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Food processor
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Forks, kitchen
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Ice tongs
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Knives, kitchen
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Ladles, kitchen
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Mixing bowls
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Mixing cans, bar
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Molds
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Pans, baking, broiling, frying
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Plate cover, dome
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Pocket thermometers
Revenue and Expense Guide 313
Schedule Account Name Item Name
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Pots
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Pour spouts, liquor
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Scissors, kitchen
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Shakers, bar
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Spatulas, kitchen
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Spoons, mixing
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Stirrers, beverage
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Stoppers, bole (bar)
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Strainers, bar
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Tongs, cooking
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Tubes, pastry
F&B ............................. Utensils ............................................................. Utensils, kitchen
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Contract Services ............................................ Caddy service
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Contract Services ............................................ Pest control, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Contract Services ............................................ Tree removal & trimming service,
golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Clothing Sales .................................... Clothing, golf (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Merch. Sales ....................................... Books, golf (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Merch. Sales ....................................... Gloves, golf (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Merch. Sales ....................................... Golf bags (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Merch. Sales ....................................... Golf balls (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Merch. Sales ....................................... Golf clubs (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Merch. Sales ....................................... Magazines, golf (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Merch. Sales ....................................... Pull carts, golf (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Cost of Merch. Sales ....................................... Shoes, golf (for sale)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Magazines, golf (for sta use)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Equipment Rental ........................................... Golf cart rental
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Gasoline and Lubricants ................................ Gasoline and lubricants, golf cart
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Gasoline and Lubricants ................................ Gasoline and lubricants, mowers
(golf course)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Gasoline and Lubricants ................................ Gasoline and lubricants, tractors/
trucks (golf course)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Fences & bridges maintenance
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Fertilizers, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Flowers, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Insecticides, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Mowers, tractors, and trucks
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Plants and shrubs, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Repairs & maintenance,
golf cart paths
314 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Reseeding golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Sand, cinders, and top dressing,
golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Seeds, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Signage, golf maintenance
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Grounds M&L ................................................. Topsoil for golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Irrigation .......................................................... Water and drainage systems
maintenance, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Irrigation .......................................................... Water controllers, computerized
water systems, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Operating Supplies ......................................... Ball washers, golf course
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Operating Supplies ......................................... Flag pins, golf
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Operating Supplies ......................................... Golf bags (for rental)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Operating Supplies ......................................... Golf balls (practice range)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Operating Supplies ......................................... Golf clubs (for rental)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Operating Supplies ......................................... Pull carts, golf (for rental)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Operating Supplies ......................................... Shoes, golf (for rent)
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Printing and Stationery ................................. Scorecards, golf
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, golf hourly
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, golf management
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Tournament Expenses .................................... Banners, golf tournament
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Tournament Expenses .................................... Cart name plates, golf tournament
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Tournament Expenses .................................... Portable sanitary facilities, golf
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Tournament Expenses .................................... Prizes, golf tournament
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Tournament Expenses .................................... Scoreboard rental, golf tournament
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Tournament Expenses .................................... Security, golf tournament
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Tournament Expenses .................................... Software, golf tournament
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Vehicle Rep. & Maint. .................................... Golf cart baeries
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Vehicle Rep. & Maint. .................................... Golf cart repairs & maintenance
Golf/Pro Shop ............ Water................................................................. Water usage, golf course
Health Club/Spa ........ Ambience .........................................................
Aromatherapy oils (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Ambience ......................................................... Diusers (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Ambience ......................................................... Spa music
Health Club/Spa ........ Athletic Supplies ............................................. Fitness class supplies
(health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Athletic Supplies ............................................. Non-capitalized gym equipment
(health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Complimentary beverages for
guests (health club/spa)
Revenue and Expense Guide 315
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Health Club/Spa ........ Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Complimentary coon swabs and
coon balls for guest use
(health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Complimentary razors for guest
use (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Complimentary snacks for guests
(health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Complimentary soap and shampoo
for guest use (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Cost of Sales ..................................................... Accessories (for sale in health
Health Club/Spa ........ Cost of Sales ..................................................... Apparel (for sale in health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Cost of Sales ..................................................... Spa products (for sale in health
Health Club/Spa ........ Health and Beauty Products ......................... Elixirs (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Health and Beauty Products ......................... Face cream (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Health and Beauty Products ......................... Hair shampoo (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Health and Beauty Products ......................... Lotions (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Health and Beauty Products ......................... Massage oils (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Health and Beauty Products ......................... Nail polish (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Health and Beauty Products ......................... Tonics (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Linen ................................................................. Bath mats (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Linen ................................................................. Bathrobes (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Linen ................................................................. Blankets (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Linen ................................................................. Slippers (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Linen ................................................................. Towels (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Operating Supplies ......................................... Clothing hangers (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Operating Supplies ......................................... Toilet paper (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Operating Supplies ......................................... Weight scale (health club/spa)
Health Club/Spa ........ Printing and Stationery .................................. Equipment instructions (health
Health Club/Spa ........ Printing and Stationery .................................. Guest treatment forms (health
Health Club/Spa ........ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, health club hourly
Health Club/Spa ........ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, health club management
Health Club/Spa ........ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, spa hourly
Health Club/Spa ........ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, spa management
Health Club/Spa ........ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, swimming pool aendant
(health club/spa operated)
Health Club/Spa ........ Swimming Pool ............................................... Life preserver (health club/spa
Health Club/Spa ........ Swimming Pool ............................................... Pool chemicals (health club/spa
316 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Health Club/Spa ........ Swimming Pool ............................................... Pool safety equipment (health
club/spa operated)
Health Club/Spa ........ Swimming Pool ............................................... Pool toys (health club/spa operated)
Info & Telecom ........... A&G .................................................................. Accounting hardware, small
value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... A&G .................................................................. Accounting software licenses,
support and maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... A&G .................................................................. Cameras, security
Info & Telecom ........... A&G .................................................................. Security hardware, small value
Info & Telecom ........... A&G .................................................................. Security system licenses, support
and maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Cell Phones ......................................... Cell phone equipment
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Cell Phones ......................................... Cost of cell phone plans
Info & Telecom ........... Contract Services ............................................
Information and telecommunication
hardware maintenance
non-system specic
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Internet Services ................................ Cost of complimentary
Internet—function room
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Internet Services ................................ Cost of complimentary
Internet—guest room
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Internet Services ................................ Internet access charges
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Internet Services ................................ Internet equipment not subject
to capitalization
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Local Calls .......................................... Cost of complimentary local
telephone call—guest room
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Local Calls .......................................... Cost of local calls, admin. and guest
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Local Calls .......................................... Telephone access charges
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Local Calls .......................................... Telephone usage fees
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Local Calls .......................................... Telephone utility taxes
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Local Calls .......................................... Trunk line charges
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Long Distance Calls ..........................
Cost of complimentary long distance
telephone call—guest room
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Long Distance Calls .......................... Cost of long distance calls, admin.
and guest
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Long Distance Calls .......................... Telephone access charges
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Long Distance Calls .......................... Telephone usage fees
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Long Distance Calls .......................... Telephone utility taxes
Info & Telecom ........... Cost of Long Distance Calls .......................... Trunk line charges
Info & Telecom ........... Energy Management ...................................... Energy management hardware,
small value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... Energy Management ...................................... Energy management software
icenses, support & maintenance fees
Revenue and Expense Guide 317
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Info & Telecom ........... Food & Beverage ............................................. Food & beverage software licenses,
support and maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Food & Beverage ............................................. Food & beverage systems
hardware, small value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... Golf ................................................................... Golf course software licenses,
support and maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Hardware ......................................................... Computer keyboards
Info & Telecom ........... Hardware ......................................................... Computer monitors
Info & Telecom ........... Hardware ......................................................... Computer mouse
Info & Telecom ........... Hardware ......................................................... CPU stands
Info & Telecom ........... Hardware ......................................................... Ethernet cables
Info & Telecom ........... Hardware ......................................................... Keyboards, computer
Info & Telecom ........... Hardware ......................................................... Laptop computers
Info & Telecom ........... Hardware ......................................................... Modems
Info & Telecom ........... Health Club/Spa .............................................. Health club/spa hardware, small
value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... Health Club/Spa .............................................. Health club/spa software licenses,
support and maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Human Resources ........................................... Human resources hardware, small
value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... Human Resources ........................................... Human resources software licenses,
support and maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Human Resources ........................................... Timeclocks
Info & Telecom ........... Information Security ...................................... LAN/WAN e-mail hardware,
small value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... Information Systems ......................................
LAN/WAN e-mail software licenses,
support and maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Information Systems ...................................... PCI compliance costs
Info & Telecom ........... Operating Supplies ......................................... Computer manuals, commercial
Info & Telecom ........... Operating Supplies ......................................... Computer manuals, printed
Info & Telecom ........... Operating Supplies ......................................... Computer printer paper
Info & Telecom ........... Operating Supplies ......................................... Computer supplies and accessories
Info & Telecom ........... Operating Supplies ......................................... Data cartridges and tapes
Info & Telecom ........... Operating Supplies ......................................... Data processing supplies
Info & Telecom ........... Other Equipment ............................................ Computer books
Info & Telecom ........... Other Equipment ............................................ Diskees
Info & Telecom ........... Other Equipment ............................................ Telecommunications equipment
Info & Telecom ........... Other Equipment ............................................ Telephone cords
Info & Telecom ........... Other Equipment ............................................ Telephone face plate
Info & Telecom ........... Other Equipment ............................................ Telephone headsets
Info & Telecom ........... Other Equipment ............................................ Wireless cards
318 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Info & Telecom ........... POM .................................................................. Preventive maintenance
hardware, small value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... POM .................................................................. Preventive maintenance software
icenses, support & maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Rooms ............................................................... Property management system
hardware, small value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... Rooms ............................................................... Property management system
software license, support and
maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, director of IT
Info & Telecom ........... Sales and Marketing ...................................... Sales and marketing hardware,
small value purchases
Info & Telecom ........... Sales and Marketing ...................................... Sales and marketing software
licenses, support & maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... System Costs .................................................... Software application upgrades
Info & Telecom ........... Telecommunications ...................................... Modem lines
Info & Telecom ........... Telecommunications ...................................... Music on hold service
Info & Telecom ........... Telecommunications ...................................... Switchboard repairs
Info & Telecom ........... Telecommunications ...................................... T-1
Info & Telecom ........... Telecommunications ......................................
Telecommunication software license,
support and maintenance fees
Info & Telecom ........... Telecommunications ...................................... VoIP
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Guest Communications ................................. Cost of fax—guest room
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Guest Communications ................................. Cost of internet—guest room
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Guest Communications ................................. Cost of telephone call—guest room
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Guest Laundry Revenue ................................ Guest dry cleaning expenses—
partially serviced by the hotel
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Guest Laundry Revenue ................................ Guest laundry expenses—partially
serviced by the hotel
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... In-Room Movie Rentals ................................. In-room movie rental expenses—
hotel operated
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Occasional Food and Bev. Rev...................... Occasional food and beverage
expenses—limited service hotels
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Retail Kiosk Sales ............................................ Kiosk cost of sales operated by the
front desk personnel
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Vending Revenue ............................................ Vending machine expenses—hotel
Minor Oper. Dept. ..... Video Game Sales ........................................... Video game expenses—hotel
Non Op. I&E .............. B&O Taxes........................................................ Gross receipts taxes not paid by
Non Op. I&E .............. B&O Taxes........................................................ Other business taxes that cannot be
passed on to the customer (non-
revenue generating department)
Revenue and Expense Guide 319
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Non Op. I&E .............. B&O Taxes........................................................ Sales and occupancy taxes not
paid by customers
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, boiler
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, building
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, business
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, earthquake
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, re
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, ood
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, furnishings
and equipment
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, property
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, terrorism
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, tornado
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance expense, weather
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Insurance—legal or selement
Non Op. I&E .............. Building and Contents ................................... Underinsured losses, property
Non Op. I&E .............. Deductible ........................................................ Insurance deductibles—property
Non Op. I&E .............. Deductible ........................................................ Insurance deductibles—general
Non Op. I&E .............. Deductible ........................................................ Insurance deductibles—liability/
burglary, theft, umbrella, delity,
auto, innkeeper, liquor, cyber
Non Op. I&E .............. Deductible ........................................................ Self-insurance retention
Non Op. I&E .............. Land and Buildings ........................................ Building lease, base rent
Non Op. I&E .............. Land and Buildings ........................................ Building lease, participating rent
(based on operating results)
Non Op. I&E .............. Land and Buildings ........................................ Employee housing—employee
reimbursement (contra)
Non Op. I&E .............. Land and Buildings ........................................ Employee housing—property lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Land and Buildings ........................................ Land lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................
General insurance—legal selement
costs or audit adjustments
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, automobile
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, burglary
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, cyber
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, director &
ocer coverage
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, EPLI
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, delity
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, guest liability
320 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, innkeepers
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, liability
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, liquor
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, theft
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Insurance expense, umbrella
Non Op. I&E .............. Liability ............................................................ Underinsured losses, liability
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Call accounting system lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Call accounting system software
lease (non-capital)
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Computer hardware lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Computer software lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Copier lease (non-capital)
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... O-site storage rent
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Personal computer lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... PMS hardware lease (non-capital)
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... PMS software lease (non-capital)
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... POS hardware lease (non-capital)
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... POS software lease (non-capital)
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Telephone hardware lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Telephone software lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment ....................
Telephone switch lease (non-capital)
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Trash compactor lease
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Property and Equipment .................... Vehicle lease (non-capital)
Non Op. I&E .............. Other Taxes and Assessments ....................... Association assessment—general.
(Not if dened: e.g., snow removal).
Non Op. I&E .............. Owner Expenses ............................................. Asset manager fees
Non Op. I&E .............. Owner Expenses ............................................. Market studies or audits—
owner directed
Non Op. I&E .............. Owner Expenses ............................................. Receiver fees
Non Op. I&E .............. Personal Property Taxes ................................ Personal property tax refunds
Non Op. I&E .............. Personal Property Taxes ................................ Personal property taxes—state/
Non Op. I&E .............. Real Estate Taxes ............................................. Aorneys’ fees/expenses—real
estate taxes
Non Op. I&E .............. Real Estate Taxes ............................................. Business improvement district
(bid) assessment or tax
Revenue and Expense Guide 321
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Non Op. I&E .............. Real Estate Taxes ............................................. Consultant fees—real estate
property taxes
Non Op. I&E .............. Real Estate Taxes .............................................
Legal fees/expenses—real estate taxes
Non Op. I&E .............. Real Estate Taxes ............................................. Real property tax refunds
Non Op. I&E .............. Real Estate Taxes ............................................. Real property taxes—
Non Op. I&E .............. Unrealized Foreign Exch. Gains or Losses .. Foreign exchange gain or loss
related to FF&E reserve accounts
Non Op. I&E .............. Unrealized Foreign Exch. Gains or Losses .. Foreign exchange gain or loss
related to foreign currency account
Non Op. I&E .............. Unrealized Foreign Exch. Gains or Losses .. Foreign exchange gain or loss
related to foreign denominated debt
Parking ........................ Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Cleaner, concrete (parking garage)
Parking ........................ Contract Services ............................................
Customer parking paid to third party
Parking ........................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Garage licenses
Parking ........................ Printing and Stationery ................................. Parking, gate tickets
Parking ........................ Rent ................................................................... Rent, temporary parking space
Parking ........................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, parking manager
Parking ........................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, valet/parking aendant
Parking ........................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, valet/parking cashier
Payroll-Related Exp. . Automobile Allowance .................................. Employee auto leases
Payroll-Related Exp. . Child Care ........................................................ Employee child care
Payroll-Related Exp. . Contributory Savings Plan ............................ Administrative fees for
contributory savings plans
Payroll-Related Exp. . Contributory Savings Plan ............................ Employer 401(k) contributions
Payroll-Related Exp. . Contributory Savings Plan ............................ Employer registered retirement
savings plan contributions
Payroll-Related Exp. . Dental Insurance ............................................. Employer cost of dental insurance
Payroll-Related Exp. . Disability Insurance ....................................... Employer cost of disability
Payroll-Related Exp. . Expat Benets .................................................. Cost of living adjustments (COLA)
Payroll-Related Exp. . Expat Benets .................................................. Hardship premiums for ex-pats
Payroll-Related Exp. . Expat Benets .................................................. Tax equalization payments for
Payroll-Related Exp. . Expat Benets .................................................. Transportation costs for home
leave for ex-pats
Payroll-Related Exp. . Expat Benets .................................................. Tuition cost for family members
of ex-pats
Payroll-Related Exp. . Group Life Insurance ..................................... Employer share of group life
Payroll-Related Exp. . Health Insurance ............................................. Employer share of employee
health insurance
322 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Payroll-Related Exp. . Housing and Educational .............................. Educational cost of non-ex-pat
family members
Payroll-Related Exp. . Housing and Educational .............................. O-property housing costs for
non-ex-pat employees
Payroll-Related Exp. . Meals ................................................................ Employee meals from cafeteria
Payroll-Related Exp. . Meals ................................................................ Employee meals in hotel
restaurants at cost
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Disability Insurance ....................... Employer share of national
disability insurance program
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Medical Insurance .......................... Employer share of governmental
medical program
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Medical Insurance .......................... Employer share of insurance
administered by national
insurance system
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Medical Insurance .......................... Employer share of Medicare (FICA)
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Retirement Contribution ............... Employer share of a national
retirement program
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Retirement Contribution ............... Employer share of retirement
administered by national
insurance system
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Retirement Contribution ............... Employer share of social security
Canadian pension plan
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Retirement Contribution ............... Employer share of Social Security
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Unemployment Insurance ............ Employer share of Canadian
employment insurance
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Unemployment Insurance ............ Employer share of federal
unemployment compensation
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Unemployment Insurance ............ Employer share of unemployment
administered by national
insurance system
Payroll-Related Exp. . National Unemployment Insurance ............ FUTA
Payroll-Related Exp. . Nonunion Insurance ...................................... Accident insurance for non-union
Payroll-Related Exp. . Nonunion Pension .......................................... Employer cost for non-union
pension plans
Payroll-Related Exp. . Prot Sharing ..................................................
Employer cost of prot sharing plan
Payroll-Related Exp. . Public Subsidized Transportation ................ Subsidized public transportation
for employees
Payroll-Related Exp. . State Disability Insurance .............................. State disability insurance
Payroll-Related Exp. . State Medical Insurance ................................. State medical insurance
Payroll-Related Exp. . State Retirement Contribution ...................... Employer share of a state
retirement program
Payroll-Related Exp. . State Retirement Contribution ...................... Employer share of Quebec
pension plan
Revenue and Expense Guide 323
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Payroll-Related Exp. . State Unemployment Insurance ................... State unemployment insurance
Payroll-Related Exp. . Stock Benets ..................................................
Company issued stock to employees
Payroll-Related Exp. . Union Insurance .............................................. Employer share of union
employees insurance
Payroll-Related Exp. . Union Other ..................................................... Union dues
Payroll-Related Exp. . Union Other ..................................................... Union legal fund
Payroll-Related Exp. . Union Pension ................................................. Employer share of union
employees’ pension plan
Payroll-Related Exp. . Workers’ Compensation Insurance.............. Workers’ compensation insurance
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Awning repairs
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Building repairs
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Ceiling, wall and oor repairs
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ EIFS repair
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Key blank, key cards (non-guest-
room) and key machine repairs
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Lock repairs/service
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Parking lot repair
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Sign repairs
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Window repair (glass screen, lock,
mechanism, framing etc.)
POM ............................ Building ............................................................ Window shade & treatment repairs
POM ............................ Contract Services ............................................ Extermination services
POM ............................ Contract Services ............................................ Fumigation
POM ............................ Contract Services ............................................ Mechanical, electrical or other
recurring contracted service
POM ............................ Contract Services ............................................ Pest control services
POM ............................ Contract Services ............................................ Plant services (watering, etc.)
POM ............................ Elec. & Mech. ................................................... Electric sub-meters maintenance
POM ............................ Elec. & Mech. ................................................... Electric supplies
POM ............................ Elec. & Mech. ................................................... Electrical repairs
POM ............................ Elec. & Mech. ................................................... Generator repairs
POM ............................ Elec. & Mech. ................................................... Motor repairs (other than vehicles)
POM ............................ Elec. & Mech. ................................................... Public address system repairs
POM ............................ Elec. & Mech. ................................................... Sound system repairs
POM ............................ Elevators & Escalators .................................... Elevator and escalator repairs
POM ............................ Elevators & Escalators .................................... Maintenance contracts, elevators
and escalators
POM ............................ Engineering Supplies ..................................... Pest control supplies (in-house use)
POM ............................ Engineering Supplies ..................................... Tools
POM ............................ Equipment Rental ........................................... Generator rentals (property power
324 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
POM ............................ Equipment Rental ........................................... Paint sprayer rental
POM ............................ Equipment Rental ........................................... Platform lift/cherry picker rental
POM ............................ Floor Covering ................................................ Adhesive, stair tread
POM ............................ Floor Covering ................................................ Carpet repairs
POM ............................ Floor Covering ................................................ Floor renishing
POM ............................ Floor Covering ................................................ Tape, carpet
POM ............................ Floor Covering ................................................ Tile repairs (oor)
POM ............................ Furniture and Equipment .............................. Furniture renishing
POM ............................ Furniture and Equipment .............................. Furniture repairs
POM ............................ Furniture and Equipment .............................. Television repairs
POM ............................ Furniture and Equipment .............................. Upholstery repairs
POM ............................ Grounds M&L ................................................. Fertilizer
POM ............................ Grounds M&L ................................................. Flower purchases
POM ............................ Grounds M&L ................................................. Irrigation system repairs
POM ............................ Grounds M&L ................................................. Landscaping service (indoor and
POM ............................ Grounds M&L ................................................. Plant and tree purchases (indoor
and outdoor)
POM ............................ Grounds M&L ................................................. Plant and tree rentals
POM ............................ Grounds M&L ................................................. Snow removal service
POM ............................ Grounds M&L ................................................. Tree purchases
POM ............................ HVAC Equipment........................................... Air lters
POM ............................ HVAC Equipment........................................... Boiler repairs
POM ............................ HVAC Equipment........................................... Ceiling fan repairs
POM ............................ HVAC Equipment........................................... Central plant costs
POM ............................ HVAC Equipment........................................... Chemicals, cooling tower
POM ............................ HVAC Equipment........................................... Cooling system repairs
POM ............................ HVAC Equipment........................................... Cooling tower repairs
POM ............................ HVAC Equipment........................................... HVAC systems repairs
POM ............................ Kitchen Equipment ......................................... Kitchen equipment repairs
POM ............................ Laundry Equipment ....................................... Laundry equipment repairs
POM ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Inspection fees—boilers, elevators,
escalators, life/safety
POM ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, building
POM ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, canopy
POM ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, elevators
POM ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, engineering
POM ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, locksmith
POM ............................ Licenses and Permits ...................................... Licenses, sidewalk
POM ............................ Life/Safety ....................................................... ADA compliance items—not
Revenue and Expense Guide 325
Schedule Account Name Item Name
POM ............................ Life/Safety ....................................................... Alarm systems repairs
POM ............................ Life/Safety ....................................................... Chemicals, re extinguishers
POM ............................ Life/Safety ....................................................... Emergency equipment & supplies
POM ............................ Life/Safety ....................................................... Emergency exit signs repairs
POM ............................ Life/Safety ....................................................... Fire alarm service—third party
POM ............................ Life/Safety ....................................................... Fire alarm system repairs (smoke,
heat, strobe, aenuators, etc.)
POM ............................ Life/Safety ....................................................... Hazardous materials remediation
POM ............................ Light Bulbs ....................................................... Electric bulbs—all
POM ............................ Miscellaneous .................................................. Maintenance request forms
POM ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Manuals, service (instructional
POM ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Mats, oor
POM ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Technical books and publications,
POM ............................ Operating Supplies ......................................... Vehicle parts and supplies—not
POM ............................ Painting and Decorating ................................ Paint and ancillary chemicals
POM ............................ Painting and Decorating ................................ Paint brushes/rollers/sprayers &
other supplies
POM ............................ Painting and Decorating ................................ Painting, contracted
POM ............................ Painting and Decorating ................................ Wall covering repairs, minor
POM ............................ Plumbing .......................................................... Plumbing xture repair parts
POM ............................ Plumbing .......................................................... Plumbing system repair parts
POM ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, chief engineer
POM ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, engineer
POM ............................ Salaries and Wages .........................................
Payroll—plumber, HVAC, electrical,
painter, gardener, or other
specialized trade
POM ............................ Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, swimming pool aendant
(no health club/spa)
POM ............................ Swimming Pool ............................................... Swimming pool/spa parts, repairs,
and chemicals/maintenance
(no health club/spa)
POM ............................ Vehicle Repairs ................................................ Auto/truck repair—property use
POM ............................ Waste Removal ................................................
Refuse/compactor container charges
POM ............................ Waste Removal ................................................ Waste, garbage, debris, and
recycling removal
Rooms ......................... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Carpet cleaner equipment
Rooms ......................... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Deodorizers
Rooms ......................... Cleaning Supplies ........................................... Soap scum remover, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Commissions ................................................... Commissions, travel agent (rooms)
326 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Commissions & Fees—Group....................... Commissions, meeting planners
Rooms ......................... Comp. In-Room/Media Entertainment ....... Cable television service
Rooms ......................... Comp. In-Room/Media Entertainment ....... Satellite television service
Rooms ......................... Comp. In-Room/Media Entertainment .......
Subscription TV channels (e.g., HBO)
Rooms ......................... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Baskets, welcome
Rooms ......................... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Newspapers
Rooms ......................... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Welcome baskets, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Contract Services ............................................ In-room guest account services
Rooms ......................... Contract Services ............................................ Public area cleaning service,
lobby/guestroom corridors
Rooms ......................... Contract Services ............................................ Video check-out service
Rooms ......................... Contract Services ............................................ Video comment card service
Rooms ......................... Guest Relocation ............................................. Guest relocation due to lack of
room availability
Rooms ......................... Guest Relocation ............................................. Walks, relocation of guest due to
lack of room availability
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Aftershave lotion
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Amenities, guest
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Amenity baskets/containers
(not reusable)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Antacid (for use by guests in rooms)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Aspirin (for use by guests in rooms)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Baggage tags (gratis)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Bath gel
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Bath salts
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Bath sheets
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Bath soap
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Bath tissue
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Bathing cap
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Bathing suits, disposable
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Body lotion
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Boled water (gratis in rooms)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Buons (for use by guests in rooms)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Candy (gratis)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Cell phone chargers
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Coee lters
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Coee for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Combs
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Conditioner, hair
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Cookie wrappings, guestroom
Revenue and Expense Guide 327
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Cookies, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Cosmetics
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Coon balls
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Creamer packets
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Creams, body/face (rooms)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Cups, disposable, for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Dental oss
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Dental kit
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Deodorant
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Detergent for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Dish soap for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Dishwasher soap for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Dry cleaning bags for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Emery boards
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Espresso pods for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Facial tissue
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Fans, paper (for use by guests
in rooms)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Filters, coee
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Fingernail le
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Fire-starter packets for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Fountain pens for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Hair nets for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Hair pins for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Hair spray for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Hairbrushes for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Hand lotion
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Hand sanitizer
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Hand soap for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Hot chocolate packets for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Laundry bags (disposable) for use
by guests in rooms
328 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Liquid soap for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Luggage tags for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Magazines for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Makeup remover for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Mouthwash for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Nail polish remover for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Newspaper bags for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Pillow mints
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Playing cards for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Postcards for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Razors for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Sanitary pads/tampons
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Serving spoons for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Sewing kits for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Shampoo for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Shaving cream/gel for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Shoe brushes for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Shoe mis for use by guests in
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Shoe polish for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Shower caps for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Silverware for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Soap and soap dishes, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Soda for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Stationery for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Stir sticks for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Sugar packets for use by guests
in rooms
Revenue and Expense Guide 329
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Sweetener packets for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Swimsuit bags for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Swizzle sticks for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Tags, baggage (gratis)
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Tea bags for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Telephone message pads
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Thread for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Tissue for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Toilet tissue
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Toothbrushes for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Toothpaste for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................ Toothpicks for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Towelees for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Supplies ................................................
Tweezers for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Guest Transportation ..................................... Airport van maintenance
Rooms ......................... Guest Transportation ..................................... Auto fuel costs (guest transport)
Rooms ......................... Guest Transportation ..................................... Car washing (rooms vans, carts,
Rooms ......................... Guest Transportation ..................................... Carts, fuel costs (guest transport)
Rooms ......................... Guest Transportation ..................................... Fuel costs, auto (guest transport)
Rooms ......................... Guest Transportation ..................................... Fuel costs, cart (guest transport)
Rooms ......................... Guest Transportation ..................................... Guest transportation service
Rooms ......................... Guest Transportation ..................................... Limousine services, guest
(no charge)
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bath towels (all sizes)
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bathmats
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bathroom throw rugs
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bed pads
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bed rues
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bed skirts
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bedspreads
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Blanket covers
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Blankets, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bumpers, bed
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bumpers, crib
330 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Bunting
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Comforters
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Duvet covers
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Duvets
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Hand towels
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Maress cover
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Maress pad
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Pillow cases
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Pillow shams
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Pillows, down, foam, polyester,
neck, decorative throw
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Quilt
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Robes
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Rubber sheets
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Rugs, bathroom
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Shams
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Sheets, ed
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Sheets, at
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Towels, bar (guestroom)
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Towels, bath (all sizes)
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Towels, hand
Rooms ......................... Linen ................................................................. Washcloths
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Afghans, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Amenity baskets/containers
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Aquarium, guestroom or lobby
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Aquarium supplies, guestroom
or lobby
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Bags—beverage glass covers,
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Baskets, amenity
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Bathroom scale
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Bathtub safety mats
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Bathtub safety strips
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Blackout drapes
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Books, in-room guest reading
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Bole openers, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Bole warmers
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Braille signs
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Can openers
Revenue and Expense Guide 331
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Candy dishes, guestroom
(gratis candy for customers)
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Canopies, bed
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cappuccino machines
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Carafes, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Carts, housekeeper
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Carts, laundry
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... China, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Clock radios for guestrooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Clock/DVD players, Blu-ray,
Apple TV for guestrooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Clocks for guest rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Closet rod
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Closet sachets
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Clothes brushes
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Coasters
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Coee mugs
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Coee pots for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Computer monitors, guest rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Containers, amenity
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cords
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cords, drapery
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Corkscrews for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cots
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Covers, toilet seats
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Crib bumper pads
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Crib covers
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Crib maresses
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cribs
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Cups, china, for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Dish drainer, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Dishcloths, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Dishes for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Dispensers, bath tissue
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Dispensers, lotion
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Dispensers, soap
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Do not disturb cards
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Doilies, guestroom
332 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Door viewer
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Doormats
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Doorstop
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Dryers, hair
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... DVD player, guestrooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Emergency exit instruction card
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Espresso maker for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Facial tissue box cover
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Flatware for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Gideon Bibles
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Glass bags
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Glass covers
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Glassware (all types) for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Hair dryers
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Hangers (all types)
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Housekeeper carts
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Humidier
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ice buckets and liners
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ice tongs for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Inatable beds
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Innkeepers liability card frames
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Iron
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ironing board covers
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ironing board holders
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Ironing boards
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Key cards
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Keys, safe deposit box
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Laundry bags (cloth) for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Luggage racks
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Makeup mirror
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Maress, crib
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Maress protectors
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Microwave, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Mouse traps
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Mugs, coee, for use by guests
in rooms
Revenue and Expense Guide 333
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Napkins (paper/cloth) for use by
guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Night lights
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Paper towel holders, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Paper towels, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Paper tray liners, rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Phone books for guestrooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Pitchers, guestrooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Placemats, guestrooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Playpens
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Plungers, toilet
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Potholder, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Potholder mi, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Presto logs, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Quilt rack
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Radios, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Rollaway beds
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Rubber tub mat
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Safe deposit box keys
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Shaving mirror, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Sheers
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Shower curtain liners
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Shower curtain rings
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Shower curtains
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Shower slippers
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Slippers for use by guests
in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Speakers, stereo, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Spoons for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Stationery portfolio
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Strainers, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Sugar caddy, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Table pads, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Table protectors, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Table tent cards, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Tablecloths, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Teapots, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Telephone directories for
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Television remote
334 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Throw, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Tissue box covers, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Toothbrush holders, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Toys for use by guests in rooms
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Trays, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Tumblers, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies .........................................
TV Guides, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Operating Supplies ......................................... Water pitchers, guestroom
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Cable guide cover
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Check-out folders
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Check-out notices
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Folios
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Guest guide
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Hotel maps
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Housekeeping reports
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Innkeepers liability cards
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Maps
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Room aendant reports
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Room directories
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Room directory binders
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Room rack forms
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Safe deposit record cards
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Telephone message cards
Rooms ......................... Printing and Stationery ................................. Water conservation cards
Rooms ......................... Reservations .................................................... Internet web page, reservations
Rooms ......................... Reservations .................................................... Reservation fees (chain
Rooms ......................... Reservations .................................................... Reservation fees (GDS)
Rooms ......................... Reservations .................................................... Reservation fees (OTA)
Rooms ......................... Reservations .................................................... Reservation telephone expense
Rooms ......................... Reservations .................................................... Reservation website building and
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, bell service
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, breakfast aendant
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, club oor aendant
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, concierge
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, desk clerk
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, director of reservations
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, door aendant
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, front oce manager
Revenue and Expense Guide 335
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, guest services
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, housekeeping aendant
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, housekeeping director/
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, night manager
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, reservations agent
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, room director
Rooms ......................... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Payroll, transportation driver
Sales/Marketing ......... Agency Fees ..................................................... Advertising agency fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Agency Fees ..................................................... Public relations
Sales/Marketing ......... Cluster Services ............................................... Cluster allocation from brand or
management (no breakdown)
Sales/Marketing ......... Collateral Material .......................................... Banquet space map & oor plans
Sales/Marketing ......... Collateral Material .......................................... Brochures
Sales/Marketing ......... Collateral Material .......................................... Coupons
Sales/Marketing ......... Collateral Material .......................................... Flyers
Sales/Marketing ......... Collateral Material .......................................... Meeting space map & oor plans
Sales/Marketing ......... Collateral Material .......................................... Postcards
Sales/Marketing ......... Collateral Material .......................................... Rack cards
Sales/Marketing ......... Collateral Material .......................................... Sales kits
Sales/Marketing ......... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Logoed items for marketing
Sales/Marketing ......... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Promotional gifts
Sales/Marketing ......... Complimentary Services/Gifts ...................... Sales initiated client amenities
Sales/Marketing ......... Contract Services ............................................ Guest surveys (outside service)
Sales/Marketing ......... Contract Services ............................................ Revenue management fee
(3rd party)
Sales/Marketing ......... Contract Services ............................................ Revenue optimization fee
(3rd party)
Sales/Marketing ......... Contract Services ............................................ Survey—meeting planner
Sales/Marketing ......... Corporate Oce Reimbursables .................. Airfare—corporate—sales
and marketing
Sales/Marketing ......... Corporate Oce Reimbursables .................. Car rental—corporate—sales
and marketing
Sales/Marketing ......... Corporate Oce Reimbursables .................. Meals—corporate—sales
and marketing
Sales/Marketing ......... Corporate Oce Reimbursables .................. Travel—corporate—sales
and marketing
Sales/Marketing ......... Decorations ...................................................... Christmas decorations
(inside & outside, visible to guests)
Sales/Marketing ......... Decorations ......................................................
Decorations—inside—special events
Sales/Marketing ......... Decorations ...................................................... Holiday decorations (inside &
outside, visible to guests)
336 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Address list maintenance/
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Advertising—direct mail
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Copy writing for direct mail
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Database purchase
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Direct mail expenses—
outside service
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Email blasts
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Mailing lists
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Newsleer production
Sales/Marketing ......... Direct Mail ....................................................... Postage for direct mail
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Association dues—sales and
marketing sta
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Chamber of commerce dues
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Convention bureau dues
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Dues, associations (marketing)
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Hotel sales and marketing
association dues
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Magazine subscriptions, trade
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Membership dues—associations
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Newspaper subscriptions
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Professional dues (marketing)
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Subscriptions (marketing)
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Tourist board/bureau fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Trade publication subscriptions
Sales/Marketing ......... Dues and Subscriptions ................................. Visitors bureau dues
Sales/Marketing ......... Familiarization Trips ...................................... Beverages for fam trip aendees
Sales/Marketing ......... Familiarization Trips ...................................... Familiarization (fam) tour
Sales/Marketing ......... Familiarization Trips ...................................... Meals for fam trip aendees
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise & Aliation Fees—Royalties ...... Franchise fee (chain royalty)
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise & Aliation Fees—Royalties ...... Franchise royalty
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise & Aliation Fees—Royalties ...... Royalty fee—franchise
or aliation
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise and Aliation Marketing ............ Advertising assessments
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise and Aliation Marketing ............ Aliation advertising fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise and Aliation Marketing ............ Aliation marketing fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise and Aliation Marketing ............ Cooperative marketing charges
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise and Aliation Marketing ............ Franchise advertising fee
Revenue and Expense Guide 337
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise and Aliation Marketing ............ Franchise marketing fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Franchise and Aliation Marketing ............ Marketing assessments
Sales/Marketing ......... In-House Graphics.......................................... Advertising signs, interior
Sales/Marketing ......... In-House Graphics.......................................... Posters
Sales/Marketing ......... In-House Graphics.......................................... Promotional signs, interior
Sales/Marketing ......... In-House Graphics.......................................... Signs (inside)
Sales/Marketing ......... In-House Graphics.......................................... Table top promotion printing
Sales/Marketing ......... Loyalty Programs ........................................... Airline loyalty program fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Loyalty Programs ........................................... Car rental loyalty program fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Loyalty Programs ........................................... Frequent car rental fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Loyalty Programs ........................................... Frequent yer fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Loyalty Programs ........................................... Frequent guest fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Loyalty Programs ........................................... Guest loyalty fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Loyalty Programs ........................................... Referral programs
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Ad design & creative
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Advertising—directories
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Advertising—Internet incl. OTA
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Advertising—magazines
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Advertising—newspapers
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Advertising production—
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Advertising production—misc.
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Advertising production—
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................
Advertising production—TV & radio
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Advertising—radio
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Barter/contra agreement
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Consortia ads
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Copy writing for advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Directory advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Directory listing
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Internet advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Magazine advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Meeting guides advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Meeting guides listing
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Newspaper advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Online travel agency (OTA) ads
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Production—magazines
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Production—newspapers
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Production—other
338 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Production—TV
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Radio advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Telephone directory advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Television ad
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Tourist guide ad
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Tourist guide listing
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ TV advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Video—welcome channel
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Visitors guide ad
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Visitors guide listing
Sales/Marketing ......... Media ................................................................ Yellow Pages ad
Sales/Marketing ......... Operating Supplies ......................................... Telephone directories for
departmental use
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Sales Representation ....................... Representation rms
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Consultant fees, market research
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Customer research/survey—
outside service
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Hotelligence fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Internet review monitoring fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Reader board service fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Reputation management fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Review monitoring fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Social media monitoring service
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... STAR report fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... STR fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Services Market Research ............... Travel click fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Signage .............................................. Advertising—outdoor
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Signage .............................................. Billboards
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Signage .............................................. Directional signs (outside)
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Signage .............................................. Highway signs
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Signage .............................................. Outdoor advertising
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Signage .............................................. Road signs
Sales/Marketing ......... Outside Signage .............................................. Signs (outside)
Sales/Marketing ......... P&ODC ............................................................ Overnight delivery (marketing)
Sales/Marketing ......... P&ODC ............................................................ Postage (marketing)
Sales/Marketing ......... P&ODC ............................................................ Postage meter rentals (marketing)
Sales/Marketing ......... P&ODC ............................................................ Stamps (marketing)
Sales/Marketing ......... Photography .................................................... Model fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Photography .................................................... Photos
Sales/Marketing ......... Promotion ........................................................ Charity events (fees, donations,
Revenue and Expense Guide 339
Schedule Account Name Item Name
Sales/Marketing ......... Promotion ........................................................ Client gifts
Sales/Marketing ......... Promotion ........................................................ Donations
Sales/Marketing ......... Promotion ........................................................ Gift certicates donated
Sales/Marketing ......... Promotion ........................................................ Sponsorships
Sales/Marketing ......... Salaries and Wages ......................................... Cluster allocation from brand or
management (payroll)
Sales/Marketing ......... Trade Shows .................................................... Booths at trade shows
Sales/Marketing ......... Trade Shows .................................................... Trade show booth construction
Sales/Marketing ......... Trade Shows .................................................... Trade show promotional items
Sales/Marketing ......... Trade Shows .................................................... Trade show registration
Sales/Marketing ......... Travel—Other ................................................. Brand meetings fee
Sales/Marketing ......... Travel—Other ................................................. Chamber of commerce events/
Sales/Marketing ......... Travel—Other ................................................. Conference registration
Sales/Marketing ......... Travel—Other ................................................. Visitors bureau events/registration
Sales/Marketing ......... Travel—Meals & Enter................................... Entertainment while traveling
Sales/Marketing ......... Travel—Meals & Enter................................... Meals
Sales/Marketing ......... Website ............................................................. Domain name registration
Sales/Marketing ......... Website ............................................................. Key word buys
Sales/Marketing ......... Website ............................................................. PPC fees
Sales/Marketing ......... Website ............................................................. Search engine optimization costs
Sales/Marketing ......... Website ............................................................. SEO costs
Sales/Marketing ......... Website ............................................................. Virtual tour production
Sales/Marketing ......... Website ............................................................. Website design & maintenance
Sales/Marketing ......... Website ............................................................. Website development
Utilities ........................ Electricity ......................................................... Electricity
Utilities ........................ Gas .................................................................... Consultant fees (shared savings
Utilities ........................ Gas .................................................................... Gas (for utility use)
Utilities ........................ Oil ...................................................................... Oil (for utility use)
Utilities ........................ Other Fuels ...................................................... Geothermal power
Utilities ........................ Other Fuels ...................................................... Propane (for utility use)
Utilities ........................ Other Fuels ...................................................... Solar power
Utilities ........................ Other Fuels ...................................................... Wind power
Utilities ........................ Steam ................................................................ Steam (for utility use)
Utilities ........................ Water/Sewer .................................................... Cogeneration of water
Utilities ........................ Water/Sewer .................................................... Desalinization of water
Utilities ........................ Water/Sewer .................................................... Sewer
Utilities ........................ Water/Sewer .................................................... Wastewater surcharge
Utilities ........................ Water/Sewer .................................................... Water
Part V
Gross vs. Net Reporting
342 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
The determination to report revenue on a net or gross basis influences the classifi-
cation of a revenue source as Miscellaneous Income or an Other Operated Depart-
ment. An entity must determine whether it is acting as an agent or as a principal
in the transaction.
The decision to recognize revenue based on the net amount retained (i.e., the
amount billed to the customer less the amount paid to a supplier) as an agent or
the gross amount billed to a customer as a principal is based on a comparison of
the revenue source to a series of indicators. The determination to report a revenue
source on a net or gross basis is made based on the predominance of indicators
describing the production, execution, collection risk, and delivery of the revenue.
Note that the evaluation of whether an indicator exists may not result in a clear yes
or no answer; rather, an indicator may partially exist (or the risk may be partially
mitigated) based on the specific facts and circumstances of the arrangement. None
of the indicators should be considered presumptive or determinative. The relative
strength of each indicator should be considered in the overall evaluation.
The following paragraphs summarize the indicators that provide guidance
for the determination of reporting hotel revenues on a net or gross basis.
Indicators of Net Revenue Reporting
1. The supplier (not the property) is the primary obligor. The primary obligor is the
party responsible for fulfillment, including the acceptability of the product
or service ordered or purchased by the customer. Representations (written or
otherwise) made by a property during marketing and the terms of the sales
contract generally will provide evidence as to a customer’s understanding of
whether the property or the supplier is responsible for fulfilling the ordered
product or service.
The amount the property earns is fixed. This may be a fixed dollar amount
per customer transaction regardless of the amount billed to a customer or a
stated percentage of the amount billed to a customer. The percentage may
vary based on discounts or negotiated terms with the customer.
Credit/collection risk is with the supplier. This fact may indicate that the prop-
erty is an agent of the supplier and should record revenue on a net basis. If the
property collects revenue as a convenience for the customer or supplier, this
doesn’t imply credit risk is with the property.
Indicators of Gross Revenue Reporting
1. The property is the primary obligor in the transaction. The customer’s perspective
that the property is responsible for providing the product or service desired,
including remedies if the customer is dissatisfied, is a strong indicator the prop-
erty has risks and rewards as a principal in the transaction. Representations
made by the property during marketing and the terms of the sales contract
generally will provide evidence as to whether the property or the supplier is
the primary obligor. In the case where the property is responsible for the cus-
tomer remedies, but the supplier is responsible for the fulfillment of the goods/
services, the hotel’s risk as primary obligor would be partially mitigated.
Gross vs. Net Reporting 343
2. The property has credit/collection risk. The property is responsible for collecting
the sales price from a customer, but must pay the amount owed to a supplier
after the supplier performs, regardless of whether the sales price is fully col-
lected. The risk of loss is an indicator that the company has risks and rewards
as a principal in the transaction. Credit risk is not present if:
a property returns or refunds only the net amount it earned in the trans-
action if the transaction is cancelled or reversed;
a property fully collects the sales price prior to the delivery of the product
or service to the customer (in other words, before the property incurs an
obligation to the supplier); and
a customer pays by debit or credit card and a property obtains autho-
rization for the charge in advance of product shipment or service
The property determines the nature, type, characteristics, or specifications of the
product(s) or service(s) ordered by the customer. This is an indicator that the
property is primarily responsible for fulfillment.
The property has multiple suppliers for a customer-ordered product or service and
discretion to select the supplier at the time of the transaction.
This is an indicator
that the property is primarily responsible for fulfillment.
Unmitigated general inventory risk is a strong indicator that the property has
risks and rewards as a principal in the transaction and, therefore, that it should
record gross revenue based on the amount billed to the customer. Inventory risk
exists if a property takes title to a product before that product is ordered by a
customer (the property maintains the product in inventory) or will take title
to the product if the customer returns it (back-end inventory risk) and the
customer has a right of return. An equally strong indicator of gross reporting
exists if a customer arrangement involves services and the entity is obligated
to compensate the individual service provider for work performed, regard-
less of whether the customer accepts that work.
Physical loss inventory risk is present. Although not as applicable in the hos-
pitality industry, physical loss inventory risk exists if title to the product is
transferred to an entity at the shipping point and is transferred from that
entity to the customer upon delivery. This indicator, although less persua-
sive than general inventory risk, may be applicable in the case of property
retail sales. If the service contract provides to the property a fixed level of
adjustment (i.e., dollar or percentage) to the amount due to account for ser-
vice credits issued to the customer, the property’s general inventory risk
would be partially mitigated.
The property has reasonable latitude, within economic constraints, to establish
the exchange price with a customer for the product or service. This fact may
indicate that the property has risks and rewards of a principal in the transac-
tion and that it should record gross revenue based on the amount billed to the
customer. A requirement imposed by the supplier to sell products or services
344 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
at specified prices is not an indicator that a company should record revenue
only at the net amount earned in the transaction. Conversely, the property
may require the supplier to provide prices that are commercially reasonable
in order to be competitive in the market. This requirement does not constitute
evidence that the property has latitude in establishing pricing for purposes of
gross versus net calculations, but rather establishes a parameter for conduct-
ing business with the customer.
The property adds meaningful value to the product or provides a significant por-
tion of the services ordered by the customer.
This is an indicator that the prop-
erty is primarily responsible for fulfillment. Meaningful value is evaluated
from the perspective of the product or service ordered by the customer such
that the selling price of that product is greater as a result of the property’s
Case Study Examples of Gross vs. Net Revenue Reporting
The following case studies provide examples of applications of the preceding indi-
cators to common property revenue sources. Many more revenue instances will
fall into these types of determinations. In each case, it is the reporting entity that
determines if the revenues are reported as gross or net. Each case will depend on
the facts and circumstances of the arrangement, written or otherwise, between the
property and the supplier.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Scenario One: In-House Operation
Structure. Property A operates a laundry facility that performs laundry and
dry cleaning services for the guests of the hotel. All employees are employed by
the property. In addition, the equipment and supplies are also owned (or leased)
by the property.
Evaluation. Since Property A is responsible for providing the service to the
guest, sets the prices charged, and assumes the risk of collection, the revenues and
expenses under Scenario One are reported on a gross basis within a Guest Laun-
dry on Other Operated Departments.
Scenario Two: Outside Contract
Structure. Property B issues an RFP to several local laundries that specifies
quality standards, delivery and pickup times, and other elements of providing
laundry and dry cleaning services to its guests. After evaluating all proposals sub-
mitted, Property B contracts with XYZ Cleaners to launder and dry clean clothing
for its guests. Property B collects the clothing from the guest, passes the clothing
on to XYZ Cleaners for laundering or dry cleaning, and then returns the cloth-
ing to the guest’s room. XYZ Cleaner charges Property B the contracted amount
to clean each item of clothing. Property B then marks up the cost charged by
XYZ (by a fixed dollar amount or percentage) and charges the guest the higher
amount. Property B is the primary obligor in providing the service and takes all
Gross vs. Net Reporting 345
responsibility for resolving guest service issues. Property B also has discretion in
selecting which outside laundry service to use.
Evaluation. Since Property B is the primary obligor, does provide a moderate
degree of service to the guest (pick up and return of the clothing), sets the stan-
dards of service and prices charged to the guest, and assumes the risk of collection,
the revenues and expenses under Scenario Two are reported on a gross basis as
either an Other Operated Department or as a Minor Operated Department.
Scenario Three: Outside Concessionaire
Structure. XYZ Cleaners approaches Property C to provide laundry and dry
cleaning services for the property’s guests. Guests of Property C bring their cloth-
ing to the front desk with a completed laundry service request form. The property
then passes the clothing on to XYZ Cleaners for laundering or dry cleaning. Upon
return to the property, the clothing is stored at the front desk for guest pick-up.
Property C passes on the cost of the charge received from XYZ Cleaners directly
to the guest without a markup. Property C then pays XYZ Cleaners the amount
of laundry/dry cleaning revenue collected by the property, minus a commission
(percentage of revenue or fixed dollar amount per item).
Evaluation. Since Property C provides only a limited degree of service to the
guest, does not mark up the price from that charged by XYZ Cleaners, and receives
a fixed commission, the revenue to the property under Scenario Three (the com-
mission) is reported in Miscellaneous Income on a net basis.
In-Room TV Entertainment
Scenario One: In-House Operation
Structure. Property A owns its own TVs and MATV system and provides
free local, basic, and some premium cable channels to guests. Each room has its
own DVD player and the property maintains a library of DVDs for rent by guests.
In-room promotions list the titles available and the charges to rent a DVD.
Evaluation. Since Property A is responsible for providing the service to the
guest, sets the prices charged, carries the inventory of DVDs, and assumes the
risk of collection, the revenues and expenses under Scenario One are reported on
a gross basis as either an Other Operated Department or as a Minor Operated
Scenario Two: Outside TV Entertainment Service Agreement
Structure. Property B enters into a service agreement with XYZ Video Corpo-
ration (XYZ Video) to provide pay-per-view movies and other electronic guest ser-
vices which may include on-demand music, video games, TV on demand, music
on demand, and Internet access, all charged to the guest on a per-usage basis. The
guest is made aware through in-room literature and/or video content that XYZ
Video is providing these electronic video and guest services. XYZ Video sets the
pricing of all services charged to the guest.
346 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Property B owns or leases its TVs and MATV system. XYZ Video owns and
maintains its “system” of in-room electronic services.
Property B bills the guests the gross amount of the pay-per-view service as
recorded by XYZ Video’s monitoring system, plus any applicable sales and use
taxes. On a monthly basis, XYZ Video invoices Property B for the pay-per-view/
usage fees recorded by its monitoring device. Property B is allowed to deduct a
commission from its remittance to XYZ Video that is typically a percentage of the
pay-per-view/usage fees.
XYZ Video provides training to Property B’s personnel in operating the sys-
tem, using in-room electronic services, managing guest issues and complaints,
and programming content, among other things. XYZ Video may permit a set
number of monthly adjustments to guest pay-per-view charges, permit a flat
percentage of total pay-per-view revenue to be adjusted on the monthly invoice,
or permit Property B’s management to determine all rebates to accommodate
guest complaints, depending on the contract.
Evaluation. Since Property B receives a percentage commission of the pay-
per-view/usage fees charged to the guest, it would record the net commission in
Miscellaneous Income. Although it does provide some level of service, Property B
has no inventory risk, little collection risk, and also has the adjustments allowed
by XYZ Video to mitigate guests’ disputes. To the guest, XYZ Video is prominently
featured in all in-room advertising and equipment as the provider (primary obli-
gor) of the movies and other electronic guest services.
Scenario One: Property Operation
Structure. Property A operates the parking lot and performs all services for
guests using the facility. Property A sets the prices, collects the revenue, employs
the parking employees, and is responsible for the costs of operating the facility.
Evaluation. As Property A directly provides the services to the guests, con-
trols the pricing, and has retained the risks and rewards of ownership, the revenue
and expenses under this scenario are properly recorded on a gross basis and Park-
ing is considered an Other Operated Department.
Scenario Two: Outside Contractor
Structure. Property B contracts with Contractor Z to provide parking admin-
istration and valet parking services for Property B’s guests. Property B owns the
parking structure, employs the personnel, is responsible for costs of maintenance
of the facility (including liability insurance), and has approval rights over the price
to be charged to guests. Contractor Z charges the property a contracted amount
(percentage of revenue or fixed amount) to provide the parking services. Property
B is responsible for collecting the amounts charged to guests’ folios.
Evaluation. As Property B provides the facility for the service, assumes the
risk of collection, retains control over pricing, and bears the risk of departmental
loss, the revenues and expenses are reported on a gross basis under this scenario
and Parking is considered an Other Operated Department.
Gross vs. Net Reporting 347
Scenario Three: Outside Concessionaire
Structure. Property C contracts with Company Z to provide parking facili-
ties in a preferred provider relationship with the property. Company Z owns and
operates the parking lot. Property C passes the charge set by Company Z on to
its guests without a mark-up and is responsible for the collection from the guest.
The amounts collected on behalf of Company Z are remitted to Company Z on a
periodic basis net of a contracted commission.
Evaluation. As Property C has not assumed the risk and rewards of operat-
ing the parking, the revenues are recorded on a net basis, with Property C only
recording the amount of the commission in Miscellaneous Income.
Scenario Four: Lease to Outside Concessionaire
Structure. Property D leases a parking facility to a third party (Company Z)
that operates the parking lot. Under the terms of the lease, the parking facility is
to provide parking services for the property. Company Z establishes the price to
be charged for the service with input from Property D. The parking employees are
employed by Company Z, but wear uniforms similar to those worn by the employ-
ees of Property D; it is not explicitly communicated to the guests of Property D
that the parking employees are working for Company Z. Guests are able to charge
the parking fees to their folios, in which case Property D remits the amount of col-
lections back to Company Z on a periodic basis. Property D is not responsible for
uncollectable parking fees from guests. Property D is not responsible for vehicle
losses and/or damage.
Evaluation. Some indicators point toward gross recording, while other indi-
cators point toward net recording. The facts that Company Z is the primary pro-
vider of the service and has the predominant credit risk are strong indicators that
support recording on a net basis.
Factors that support recording on a gross basis are that the guests of Property
D may believe that Property D is providing the services, since the employees wear
a uniform similar to other employees at Property D. Property D also had several
other third-party concessionaires to select from before choosing Company Z to
lease out Property D’s parking facility and, therefore, had discretion in supplier
Although indicators of gross recording exist for this example, those indica-
tors are not sufficient to overcome the stronger indicators that revenues should be
recorded on a net basis as part of Property D’s revenues in Miscellaneous Income.
Scenario One: Property Operation
Structure. Property A operates its audiovisual services, owns or rents the
necessary equipment, sets the sales price, invoices the guests, and performs all
services for guests requiring the services.
348 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Evaluation. As Property A directly provides the services to the guest, controls
the pricing, and has retained the risks and rewards of ownership, the revenue and
expenses under this scenario are properly recorded on a gross basis. If Property
A has a Food and Beverage department, it reports these revenues and expenses as
Audiovisual and Audiovisual Cost on
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2. If Property
A does not have a Food and Beverage department, it reports these revenues and
expenses as a Minor Operated Department in Other Operated Departments.
Scenario Two: Outside Contractor
Structure. Property B contracts with Contractor Z as the exclusive recom-
mended vendor to provide audiovisual services for Property B’s guests. Contractor
Z employs the personnel to provide the service and is responsible for the costs to
purchase and maintain the equipment (including liability insurance). Property B
employs the sales managers who coordinate the services of Contractor Z with its
guests and is responsible for collecting the revenue from guests. The sales contract
between Property B and guests does not explicitly mention Contractor Z. Property
B coordinates and satisfies customer disputes. Property B and Contractor Z agree
jointly upon the prices to charge and the standard of service. Contractor Z pays
Property B a contracted amount (percentage of revenue or fixed amount) to provide
the audiovisual services. Property B is responsible to pay Contractor Z for the ser-
vices once they are performed, regardless of whether the sales price is fully collected.
Evaluation. Some indicators point toward gross recording while others point
toward net recording. Strong indicators that support recording on a gross basis
include the fact that Property B acts as the primary obligor from the customer’s
perspective; it has assumed credit risk and it has the ability to set pricing within
certain economic constraints.
A factor that supports recording on a net basis is that the amount earned by
Property B is fixed (whether this is a percentage of revenue or a fixed dollar amount).
Although an indicator of net recording exists for this example, it is not suf-
ficient to overcome the stronger indicators that revenues should be recorded on
a gross basis. If Property B has a Food and Beverage department, it reports these
revenues and expenses as Audiovisual and Audiovisual Cost in
Food and Bever-
age—Schedule 2.
If Property B does not have a Food and Beverage department, it
reports these revenues and expenses as a Minor Operated Department on Other
Operated Departments.
Scenario Three: Outside Contractor
Structure. Property C contracts with Contractor Z as the exclusive recom-
mended vendor to provide audiovisual services for Property C’s guests. Contrac-
tor Z employs the personnel to provide the service and is responsible for costs
of purchase and maintenance of the equipment (including liability insurance).
Contractor Z determines the prices to charge for services to guests, but Property
C has the ability to require Contractor Z to change its prices if it determines that
Contractor Z’s prices are unreasonable. The sales contract between Property C and
its guests states that the audiovisual services will be provided by Contractor Z
Gross vs. Net Reporting 349
and that Contractor Z is solely responsible or that Contractor Z has a contract
with guests directly. Contractor Z pays Property C a contracted amount (percent-
age of revenue or fixed amount) to provide the audiovisual services. Property C
is responsible for collecting the revenue and remitting it to Contractor Z for the
services once they are performed. However, if a guest fails to pay, Property C is
not liable to Contractor Z.
Evaluation. Property C has not assumed the risk and rewards of operating
the audiovisual services as Contractor Z is the primary obligor from the custom-
ers’ perspective and has assumed credit and inventory risk. Although Property C
has the ultimate ability to adjust prices if it determines Contractor Z’s prices are
unreasonable, this is not a strong enough indicator to support recording revenue
on a gross basis. Revenue should be recorded on a net basis. If Property C has
a Food and Beverage department, it reports this net revenue as Audiovisual on
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2. If Property C does not have a Food and Beverage
department, it reports this net revenue as Miscellaneous Income.
Retail Outlets
Scenario One: Property Operation
Structure. Property A operates an on-premises retail outlet, employs the staff,
owns or rents the necessary fixtures for the shop, and purchases the inventory.
Evaluation. As Property A directly owns the inventory, controls the pricing,
and has retained the risks and rewards of ownership, the revenue and expenses
under this scenario are properly recorded on a gross basis and the retail outlet is
considered an Other Operated Department.
Scenario Two: Leased Space
Structure. Property B rents space on the premises to Retailer Z. Retailer Z
operates the retail outlet, employs the staff, owns or rents the necessary fixtures
for the shop, and purchases the inventory. The rental agreement between Property
B and Retailer Z details what goods and services Retailer Z is allowed to sell, as
well as the minimum or maximum price that certain products or services can be
sold at. Retailer Z pays a fixed rent and/or a percentage rent to Property B. Prop-
erty B can collect the outlet’s retail sales charged to guestrooms through its guest-
room billing and remit the amount to Retailer Z.
Evaluation. Some indicators point toward gross recording, while other indi-
cators point toward net recording. Strong indicators that support recording on a
net basis include the fact that Retailer Z is the primary obligor of the services and
products provided in the retail store. In addition, Property B earns a fixed dollar
and/or percentage of sales amount.
A factor that supports recording on a gross basis is that Property B may have
some credit risk on the amount it collects from guests.
Although an indicator of gross recording exists for this example, this indica-
tor is not sufficient to overcome the stronger indicators that revenues should be
recorded on a net basis in Miscellaneous Income.
350 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Recreational Activities
Scenario One: Property Operation
Structure. Property A operates the tennis center at the resort. Staff and
instructors are either full-time or commissioned employees of Property A, which
also purchases the equipment and insurance coverage. Property A charges guests
for the use of the services and is responsible for collection of the revenues and pay-
ment of the expenses.
Evaluation. As Property A directly provides the services to guests, controls
the pricing, and has retained the risks and rewards of ownership, the revenue and
expenses under this scenario are properly recorded on a gross basis and the tennis
center is considered an Other Operated Department.
Scenario Two: Outside Contractor
Structure. Property B contracts with Contractor Z to provide tennis instruc-
tion, rental equipment, and court maintenance for Property B’s guests. Contrac-
tor Z employs the personnel to provide the service and is responsible for the
costs of purchasing and maintaining the equipment (including liability insur-
ance). Contractor Z requires guests to sign a liability waiver in its legal operating
name prior to delivery of the services. Contractor Z pays Property B a contracted
amount (percentage of revenue or fixed amount) to provide the tennis services
and retail. Property B collects the amounts charged to guests’ rooms and remits
it to Contractor Z.
Evaluation. Contractor Z is responsible for fulfillment of the service and
assumes the risks and rewards of ownership. While certain credit risk may be
borne by Property B, the predominance of factors indicates that revenues should
be reported on a net basis in Miscellaneous Income.
Scenario Three: Third-Party Management
Structure. Property C has certain facilities for use as a tennis center, but not
the in-house expertise to operate it. Property C therefore enters into an agreement
with Contractor Z to provide advice on tennis instruction, rentals, and services for
Property C’s guests. Contractor Z provides recommendations on employees for
Property C to hire and the levels and quality of insurance, equipment, and retail
items for Property C to purchase (including liability insurance). In return for pro-
viding this service, Contractor Z receives a management fee based on the revenue
and an incentive fee based on the profit of the tennis center. All of the revenues
and expenses of the tennis center are the responsibility of Property C, including
the fees.
Evaluation. Property C is responsible for fulfillment and has retained all of
the risk for the operation inclusive of inventory risk and credit risk. Under this
scenario, revenue is properly recorded on a gross basis and the tennis center is
considered an Other Operated Department.
Gross vs. Net Reporting 351
Surcharges, Service Charges, and Gratuities
Surcharges, service charges, and gratuities should be evaluated to determine
whether they should be reported revenue. While this is different from determin-
ing whether to record revenue at gross or net, the same indicators and process
used in examining gross versus net recording apply when classifying surcharges,
service charges, and gratuities. The property must determine whether it is acting
as an agent or as a principal in the transaction in order to properly report that
Surcharges and service charges generally include any mandatory, non-
discretionary, or other charge automatically added to a customer account in
respect of the service or use of an amenity. They may include, but are not restricted
to, such items as the following:
Item Revenue Recorded in Department
Resort fees Miscellaneous Income
Bag handling charges Rooms Other Revenue
Banquet service charge F&B Other Revenue
Restaurant service charge F&B Other Revenue
Room service delivery charge F&B Other Revenue
Corkage charge F&B Other Revenue
Pool towel charge Health Club/Spa Other Revenue
Spa service charge Health Club/Spa Other Revenue
GAAP related to revenue recognition is fully applicable to both surcharges
and service charges.
When such charges are mandatory and the client does not have the ability
to alter the amount or direct where the payment of the service charge should be
made, the property is considered to:
be the primary obligor;
establish the price;
determine the product or service specification;
retain the general credit risk.
In such cases, surcharges and service charges should be recorded as revenue and
may not be credited to any expense account.
All mandatory non-discretionary fees that are disclosed to the client as a ser-
vice charge should be classified as a service charge. Those would include the ser-
vice charges added to rooms (usually outside the United States), banquet service
charges, in-room dining service charges, etc.
Those mandatory non-discretionary fees that do not contain the words “ser-
vice charge” in their name would be surcharges. Included in this group would be
resort fees, bag handling fees, corkage charges, and pool towel charges.
In contrast, a gratuity is generally a discretionary amount added to an account
or left directly with an employee by the customer.
352 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
When the customer establishes the price through the unrestricted right to
determine the amount of the charge, makes the pricing decision free from compul-
sion, and the charge is not the subject of negotiation or dictated by the property’s
employment policies, an evaluation of GAAP would likely determine the amount
to be a gratuity, notwithstanding that the property remains the primary obligor.
Gratuities are generally retained by the employee at the time of the transac-
tion in the case of cash or disbursed by the employer as trustee for the employees
in the case of charged gratuities.
A gratuity is not income to the property. It is treated as income directly in the
hands of the employee.
Following are some examples relating to food and beverage venues and spas.
Food and Beverage Venue
Structure 1. The policy of the food and beverage venue is to charge an 18 per-
cent fee on parties larger than eight people. The guest does not decide the amount
of the charge or even whether he or she actually wanted to leave any amount in
respect of the service provided.
Evaluation. In such cases, the amount would be considered a service charge
and should be recorded as Other Revenue—Surcharges and Service Charges in
Food and Beverage—Schedule 2. In many jurisdictions, the amount is also subject
to sales tax.
Structure 2. The food and beverage venue has no minimum gratuity policy
and relies on guest to freely decide how much, if anything, to leave the service staff.
Evaluation. In this case, any amount the guest provides would be considered
a gratuity. The determination is independent of whether the guest voucher pro-
vides a blank line for the client to add a gratuity.
Structure 3. The food and beverage venue adds a suggested charge of 15 per-
cent on all guest checks, as a matter of convenience for customers, with full disclo-
sure (on menus and guest checks) that guests have the right to change the amount
at their discretion.
Evaluation. In this case, the amount the guest provides would be considered
a gratuity.
Structure 1. The policy of the spa is to charge a 20 percent fee on all treat-
ments. Following a spa treatment, the guest is presented with a charge voucher to
sign that includes the additional 20 percent; the guest has no discretion to elimi-
nate or change the amount.
Evaluation. In this case, the amount would be considered a service charge
and should be recorded as Other Revenue in
Health Club/Spa—Sub-schedule 3-2.
In many jurisdictions, the amount is also subject to sales tax.
Structure 2. The spa has no minimum gratuity policy and relies on the guest
to freely decide how much, if anything, to leave the spa staff.
Gross vs. Net Reporting 353
Evaluation. In this case, the amount is considered a gratuity. The determina-
tion is independent of whether the guest voucher provides a blank line for the
client to add a gratuity.
Structure 3. It is the policy of the spa to add an 18 percent charge on all spa
bills, which is paid to the therapist providing the service. The policy evolved due
to the profile of the customer who is unfamiliar with the local tipping policy. There
is no communication or disclosure made to the guest in respect of any discretion
allowed in the amount charged unless the guest initiates such enquiry or com-
plains about the charge.
Evaluation. In this case, guests are unaware that they have the ability to
decide either the amount of the charge or whether they actually want to leave any
amount in respect of the service provided. The amount would be considered a ser-
vice charge and should be recorded as Other Revenue in Health Club/Spa—Sub-
schedule 3-2
. In many jurisdictions, the amount is also subject to sales tax.
354 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Amended and Restated
Part V
Gross vs. Net Reporting
Part V Amended and Restated: Gross vs. Net Reporting 355
Section Introduction
The value of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
(USALI) is directly tied to strong industry adoption, which is largely driven
by the major brand companies incorporating compliance with USALI in their
operating agreements. Owners, asset managers, brands and operators all have
a voice in the USALI by virtue of their balanced representation on the AHLA
Financial Management Commiee (FMC), the nal approver of its content.
It is important to note that USALI does NOT dene the accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). Rath-
er, USALI provides guidance for standard nancial reporting and analysis,
critical for eective management and benchmarking, that is intended to be
consistent with GAAP. Therefore, when GAAP changes, this may create the
need to update related reporting guidance. The change in GAAP for Revenue
Recognition (ASC 606), eective January 1, 2018 for publicly-traded compa-
nies, created the need to update Part V: Gross vs. Net Reporting. These are
reected in the following pages.
We appreciate our partnership with HFTP which, as the USALI copyright
owner, has permied publication of this Part V addendum to the 11th edition
AHLA Financial Management Commiee
356 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Reporting Revenue on a Gross versus Net Basis
In many revenue transactions, an entity other than the hotel is involved in
delivering the goods and services to the customer. In those situations, a hotel
must determine whether it is acting as a principal or as an agent in the transac-
tion. A hotel must determine whether the nature of its promise is to provide the
specied goods or services to the customer or to arrange for another entity to
provide them. If the nature of the promise is to provide the specied goods or
services to the customer, the entity is a principal and recognizes revenue on a
gross basis. A principal in a transaction controls the specied goods or services
before they are transferred to the customer. An agent arranges for another party
to provide the goods or services and therefore recognizes revenue in the net
amount it is entitled to for its agency services. The determination that the hotel
is acting as an agent in the transaction results in the determination to record the
transaction on the net basis. A determination of accounting for the revenues on a
gross basis, as a principal, results in the gross (full) amount billed to the customer
recorded as revenue. A determination of accounting for the revenues on a net
basis, as an agent, results in the net amount retained, the amount billed to the
customer less the amount paid to the supplier or the net commission retained,
recorded as revenues.
A hotel should apply the following two steps to evaluate whether it is a
principal or an agent in transactions involving more than one party delivering
goods or providing services:
Identify the specied goods or services to be provided to the customer
Assess whether it controls the specied goods or services before they are
transferred to the customer.
The hotel determines whether it is a principal or an agent for each speci-
ed good or service promised to the customer. A specied good or service is a
distinct good or service (or a distinct bundle of goods or services) to be provided
to the customer. If a contract with a customer includes more than one specied
good or service, the hotel could be a principal for some specied goods or ser-
vices and an agent for others.
The hotel is a principal if it controls the specied good or service before
that good or service is transferred to a customer. If a hotel does not control the
good or service before it is transferred to the customer, the hotel is an agent in
the transaction. Therefore, a key element of the determination is the concept of
control. Control of a product or service refers to the ability to direct the deliv-
ery of, and obtain substantially all the remaining benets from, the product or
service. Control includes the ability to prevent other entities from directing the
use of, and obtaining the benets from, the product or service. The benets of the
product or service are the potential cash ows that can be obtained directly or
indirectly from using, selling, or holding the product or service.
It is not always clear whether the hotel obtains control of the specied
good or service. Therefore, the following three indicators of control can be use-
ful in making the determination the hotel is a principal in the transaction, but
should not be considered a checklist to be met in all scenarios (not all indicators
must be present).
Part V Amended and Restated: Gross vs. Net Reporting 357
Estimating gross revenue as a principal
Estimating the proper amount of gross revenue to record as a principal
can be dicult in some transactions. The hotel does not always know the price
charged to its customer for its goods or services by another entity. Such uncer-
tainty may arise because the hotel does not have, and will not obtain, sucient
transparency into the intermediary’s pricing. If the uncertainty related to the
transaction price is not ultimately expected to be reasonably resolved, it should
not be included in the transaction price. Therefore, in circumstances where the
hotel is acting as a principal and the transaction price charged by an interme-
diary is not known, the amount which the hotel expects to be entitled from the
intermediary should be recorded as revenue.
Reporting classification
The determination to report revenue on a net or gross basis also inuences
the classication of a revenue source for certain types of revenue. Room revenue,
whether determined to be recorded gross or net, is recorded in the Rooms de-
partment. Audio Visual revenue, whether determined to be reported on a gross
or net basis, continues to be recorded in the Food and Beverage department. For
all other revenues, a determination of accounting on a gross basis results in re-
cording revenue and expenses separately within an Other Operated department.
A determination of accounting on a net basis results in recording revenue and
expense net within Miscellaneous Income.
Three Indicators of Control
1. The hotel is primarily responsible for fullling
the promise to provide the specied good or
2. The hotel has inventory risk before the specied
good or service has been transferred to a customer,
or after transfer of control to the customer.
3. The hotel has discretion in establishing the
prices for the specied goods or service.
Not all indicators must be present.
358 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
The following case studies provide examples of applications of the preceding
indicators to common property revenue sources. Many more revenue instances
will fall into these types of determinations. In each case, it is the reporting entity
that determines if the revenues are reported as gross or net, and each case will
depend on the facts and circumstances of the arrangement, wrien or otherwise,
between the property and the supplier.
Case Study Examples of Gross vs. Net Reporting
Room Revenue
Online Travel Agent and Wholesaler
Scenario One: “Retail Model – Pay Later”
Structure. Property A contracts with OTA Z to sell room inventory online.
Property A establishes the price to be oered to the guest and pays OTA Z a
stated commission on room inventory sold in exchange for marketing services
performed by OTA Z. OTA Z does not guarantee minimum room nights sold.
The guest is required to pay Property A directly and Property A remits the com-
mission to OTA Z.
Evaluation. Property A is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide the specied good or service to the guest, has inventory risk before the
specied good or service has been transferred to the guest and has discretion in
establishing the prices for the specied goods or service. As Property A has all
three control indicators, it records gross room revenue.
Scenario Two: “Merchant Model – Pay Now”
Structure. Property B contracts with OTA Z to market and sell room invento-
ry online. OTA Z does not guarantee minimum room nights sold. Property B and
OTA Z agree upon the price OTA Z will pay to Property B net of any commission
and OTA Z has discretion over the price oered to the guest. OTA Z collects pay-
ment from the guest and remits the agreed upon price to the Property B. OTA Z
may charge the guest additional booking fees and/or taxes and Property B has no
knowledge of the total amount paid by the guest to OTA Z.
Evaluation. Property B is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide the specied good or service to the guest and has inventory risk before
the specied good or service has been transferred to the guest while OTA Z has
discretion in establishing the prices charged to the guest. As Property B has two
of three control indicators, it is entitled to record gross revenue. However, since
Property B does not know the price charged to its guest by OTA Z and it is not
permissible to estimate the gross price, Property B should record as revenue the
negotiated rate OTA Z will pay Property B, the net revenue.
Part V Amended and Restated: Gross vs. Net Reporting 359
Scenario Three: “Opaque Model”
Structure. Property C contracts with OTA Z to market and sell room inven-
tory online where the hotel name is revealed only after booking or as part of a
travel package. Property C and OTA Z agree upon the price OTA Z will pay to
Property C, and OTA Z has full discretion over the price oered to the guest.
OTA Z guarantees a minimum number of room nights sold in a given period.
OTA Z collects payment from the guest and remits the agreed upon price to the
Property C.
Evaluation. Property C is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide the specied good or service to the guest, and OTA Z has discretion in
establishing the prices charged to the guest and inventory risk before the speci-
ed good or service has been transferred to the guest. Since Property C has only
one control indicator, it records net room revenue.
Group Negotiated Rates with Commissions and Rebates
Scenario One: Third Party Commission
Structure. Company Z leverages a third party meeting planner to select
Property A as the site for a large meeting. The third party meeting planners acts
as a liaison between Property A and Company Z and negotiates the terms of the
contract. Property A is required to pay a xed commission per actualized room
to the third party meeting planner. Company Z is responsible for paying the
nightly room rate or payment of rooms minimum guarantee.
Evaluation. Property A is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide rooms, food and beverage and other services to Company Z, has inventory
risk and has discretion in establishing the respective prices. As Property A has all
three control indicators, it records gross room revenue and a commission expense.
Scenario Two: Group Direct Bill
Structure. Property A contracts with Company Z to host a large meeting.
Property A negotiates directly with Company Z and the contract terms require
Property A to pay a xed commission per actualized room directly to Company Z.
Company Z is responsible for all meeting charges and pays Property A directly.
Evaluation. Gross vs. Net indicators do not apply as the commission is con-
sidered a rebate and qualies as consideration paid to a customer which reduces
the transaction price. Therefore, Property A records the revenue net of commission.
Scenario Three: “Individual Pays Own – Minimum Guarantee”
Structure. Property A contracts with Corporate Group Z to host a meeting.
Corporate Group Z negotiates a room rate with Property A on behalf of the meet-
ing aendees and guarantees a minimum number of room nights. The meeting
aendees contract with Property A and are responsible for paying their individ-
ual room charges to the Property A directly. Property A is required to pay a xed
commission per actualized room to Corporate Group Z.
Evaluation. Property A records the revenue net of commission. Corporate
Group Z is considered the customer of Property A and therefore the commission
is considered a rebate and qualies as consideration paid to a customer.
360 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Scenario One: In–House Operation
Structure. Property A operates a laundry facility that performs laundry and
dry cleaning services for the guests of the hotel. All employees are employed by
the property. In addition, the equipment and supplies are also owned (or leased)
by the property.
Evaluation. Since Property A is primarily responsible for fullling the prom-
ise to provide laundry services to the guest, has inventory risk and has discretion
in establishing the prices, the revenues and expenses are reported on a gross
basis within a Guest Laundry Operated department.
Scenario Two: Outside Contract
Structure. Property B contracts with XYZ Cleaners to launder and dry clean
clothing for its guests. Property B collects the clothing from the guest, passes
the clothing on to XYZ Cleaners for laundering or dry cleaning and then returns
the clothing to the guest’s room. XYZ Cleaner charges Property B the contracted
amount to clean each item of clothing. Property B then marks up the cost charged
by XYZ (by a xed dollar amount or percentage) and charges the guest the high-
er amount. Property B is the primary obligor in providing the service and takes
all responsibility for resolving guest service issues. Property B also has discretion
in selecting which outside laundry service to use.
Evaluation. Property B is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide dry cleaning services to the guest and has discretion in establishing the
prices for the specied goods or service. Since Property B has two control indica-
tors, the revenues and expenses are reported on a gross basis as either an Other
Operated Department or as a Minor Operated Department.
Scenario Three: Outside Concessionaire
Structure. XYZ Cleaners approaches Property C to provide laundry and
dry cleaning services for the property’s guests. Guests of Property C bring their
clothing to the front desk with a completed XYZ Cleaners laundry service re-
quest form. The property then passes the clothing on to XYZ Cleaners for laun-
dering or dry cleaning. Upon return to the property, the clothing is stored at the
front desk for guest pick-up. Property C passes on the cost of the charge received
from XYZ Cleaners directly to the guest without a markup. Property C then pays
XYZ Cleaners the amount of laundry/dry cleaning revenue collected by property,
minus a commission (percent of revenue or xed dollar amount per item).
Evaluation. Property C is not primarily responsible for fullling the promise
to provide dry cleaning services, does not have inventory risk and does not have
discretion in establishing the prices. Since Property C does not have any control
indicators, the revenue (commission) to the property is reported in Miscellaneous
Income on a net basis.
Part V Amended and Restated: Gross vs. Net Reporting 361
In–room TV Entertainment
Scenario One: In–House Operation
Structure. Property A owns its own TVs and MATV system and provides
free local, basic and some premium cable channels to guests. Each room has its
own VCR/DVD player and the property maintains a library of tapes and DVDs
for rent by guests. In-room promotions list the titles available and the charges to
rent a tape or DVD.
Evaluation. Since Property A is responsible for fullling the promise to pro-
vide entertainment services to the guest, has inventory risk and has discretion in
establishing the prices, the revenues and expenses are reported on a gross basis
as either an Other Operated department or as a Minor Operated department.
Scenario Two: Outside TV Entertainment Service Agreement
Structure. Property B enters into a service agreement with XYZ Video Cor-
poration (XYZ Video) to provide pay-per-view movies and other electronic guest
services which may include on-demand music, video games, TV on demand, mu-
sic on demand and Internet access, all charged to the guest on a per-usage basis.
The guest is made aware through in-room literature and/or video content that
XYZ Video is providing these electronic video and guest services. XYZ Video sets
the pricing of all services charged to the guest.
Property B owns or leases its TV and MATV system. XYZ Video owns and
maintains its “system” of in-room electronic services.
Property B bills the guests the gross amount of the pay-per-view service as
recorded by XYZ Video’s monitoring system plus any applicable sales and use
taxes. On a monthly basis, XYZ Video invoices Property B for the pay-per-view/
usage fees recorded by its monitoring device. Property B is allowed to deduct a
commission from its remiance to XYZ Video that is typically a percentage of the
pay-per-view/usage fees.
XYZ Video provides training to Property B’s personnel in the operation of
the system, use of in-room electronic services, managing guest issues and com-
plaints, and programming content, among other things. XYZ Video may permit a
set number of monthly adjustments to guest pay-per-view charges, a at per-
centage of total pay-per-view revenue to be adjusted on the monthly invoice, or
it may allow Property B’s management to determine all rebates to accommodate
guest complaints depending on the contract.
Evaluation. Property B is not primarily responsible for fullling the prom-
ise to provide entertainment services, does not have inventory risk and does not
have discretion in establishing the prices. Although it does provide some level
of service, Property B does not have any control indicators. Therefore Property
B would record the net commission it receives (a percentage commission of the
pay-per-view/usage fees charged to the guest), in Miscellaneous Income.  
362 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Scenario One: Property Operation
Structure. Property A operates the parking lot and performs all services for
guests using the facility. Property A sets the prices, collects the revenue, employs
the parking employees and is responsible for the costs of operating the facility.
Evaluation. Property A is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide parking services, has inventory risk and has discretion in establishing the
prices. As Property A has all three control indicators, the revenue and expenses
are recorded on a gross basis in the Parking operating department.
Scenario Two: Outside Contractor
Structure. Property B contracts with Contractor Z to provide parking admin-
istration and valet parking services for Property B’s guests. Property B owns the
parking structure, is responsible for costs of maintenance of the facility (includ-
ing liability insurance) and has approval rights over the price to be charged to
guests. Contractor Z charges the Property a contracted amount (percent of reve-
nue or xed amount) to provide the parking services. Property B is responsible
for collecting the amounts charged to guests’ folios.
Evaluation. Property B is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide parking services, has inventory risk and has discretion in establishing
prices. As Property B has all three control indicators, the revenues and expenses
are reported on a gross basis in the Parking operating department.
Scenario Three: Outside Concessionaire
Structure. Property C contracts with Company Z to provide parking facil-
ities in a preferred provider relationship with the property. Company Z owns
and operates the parking lot. Property C does not have pricing approval rights,
passes the charge set by Company Z on to its guests without a mark-up and is
responsible for the collection from the guest. The amounts collected on behalf of
Company Z are remied back to Company Z on a periodic basis net of a con-
tracted commission.
Evaluation. Property C is not primarily responsible for fullling the prom-
ise to provide parking services, does not have inventory risk and does not have
discretion in establishing the prices. As Property C does not have any control
indicators, the revenues are recorded on a net basis in Miscellaneous Income.
Part V Amended and Restated: Gross vs. Net Reporting 363
Scenario Four: Lease to Outside Concessionaire
Structure. Property D leases a parking facility to a third party (Company Z)
that operates the parking lot. Under the terms of the lease, the parking facility is
to provide parking services for the property. Company Z establishes the price to
be charged for the service with input from Property D. The parking employees
are employed by Company Z, but wear uniforms similar to those worn by the
employees of Property D; it is not explicitly communicated to the guests of Prop-
erty D that the employees are working for Company Z. Guests are able to charge
the parking fees to their folios, in which case Property D remits the amount of
collections back to Company Z on a periodic basis. Property D is not responsi-
ble for uncollectable parking fees from guests. Property D is not responsible for
vehicle losses and/or damage.
Evaluation. Property D is not primarily responsible for fullling the prom-
ise to provide parking services, does not have inventory risk and does not have
discretion in establishing the prices. As Property D does not have any control
indicators, the revenues are recorded on a net basis in Miscellaneous Income.
364 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Audio Visual
Scenario One: Property Operation
Structure. Property A operates its audio visual department, owns or rents
the necessary equipment, sets the sales price, invoices the guests and performs all
services for guests requiring the services.
Evaluation. As Property A is primarily responsible for fullling the promise
to provide audio visual services, has inventory risk and has discretion in estab-
lishing the prices. As Property A has all three control indicators, the revenue and
expenses are recorded on a gross basis. If Property A has a Food and Beverage
department, it reports these revenues and expenses as Audiovisual and Audiovi-
sual Cost on Food and Beverage – Schedule 2. If Property A does not have a Food
and Beverage department, it reports these revenues and expenses as a Minor
Operated department in Other Operated departments.
Scenario Two: Outside Contractor
Structure. Property B contracts with Contractor Z as the exclusive recom-
mended vendor to provide audio visual services for Property B’s guests. Contrac-
tor Z employs the personnel to provide the service and is responsible for costs to
purchase and maintain the equipment (including liability insurance). Property
B employs the sales managers who coordinate the services of Contractor Z with
the guests and is responsible for collecting the revenue from the guests. The sales
contract between Property B and guests does not explicitly mention Contractor
Z, and Property B coordinates and satises customer disputes. Property B and
Contractor Z agree jointly upon the prices to charge and the standard of service.
Contractor Z pays Property B a contracted amount (percent of revenue or xed
amount). Property B is responsible to pay Contractor Z for the services once they
are performed regardless of whether the sales price is fully collected.
Evaluation. Property B is primarily responsible for fullling the promise
to provide the specied good or service and Property B has discretion in estab-
lishing the prices for the specied goods or service. Therefore the two indicators
support recording revenue on a gross basis.
Part V Amended and Restated: Gross vs. Net Reporting 365
Scenario Three: Outside Contractor
Structure. Property C contracts with Contractor Z as the exclusive recom-
mended vendor to provide audio visual services for Property C’s guests. Con-
tractor Z employs the personnel to provide the service and is responsible for
costs of purchase and maintenance of the equipment (including liability insur-
ance). Contractor Z determines the prices to charge for services to guest, but
Property C has the ability to require Contractor Z to change their prices if it de-
termines that Contractor Z’s prices are unreasonable. The sales contract between
Property C and guests states that the A/V services will be provided by Contractor
Z and that Contractor Z is solely responsible for providing such services, or
Contractor Z has a contract with guests directly. Contractor Z pays Property C a
contracted amount (percent of revenue or xed amount). Property C is responsi-
ble to collect the revenue and remit it to Contractor Z for the services once they
are performed, however, if a guest fails to pay, Property C is not liable to Con-
tractor Z.
Evaluation. Contractor Z is primarily responsible for fullling the promise
to provide the audio visual services, has inventory risk and establishes the prices.
Although Property C has a right to require Contractor Z to adjust pricing if it
determines Contractor Z’s prices are unreasonable, pricing control has not been
established by Property C. Revenue should be recorded on a net basis in Miscel-
laneous Income.
366 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Retail Outlets
Scenario One: Property Operation
Structure. Property A operates an on-premises retail outlet, employs the sta,
owns or rents the necessary xtures for the shop and purchases the inventory.
Evaluation. As Property A is primarily responsible for fullling the promise
to provide the retail goods, has inventory risk and has discretion in establishing
prices, the revenue and expenses are recorded on a gross basis.
Scenario Two: Leased Space
Structure. Property A rents space on the premises to Retailer Z. Retailer Z
operates the retail outlet, employs the sta, owns or rents the necessary xtures
for the shop and purchases the inventory. The rental agreement between Proper-
ty A and Retailer Z details what goods and services Retailer Z is allowed to sell,
as well as the minimum or maximum price that certain products or services can
be sold at. Retailer Z pays a xed rent and/or a percentage rent to Property A.
Property A can collect the retail sales charged to guestrooms through its gues-
troom billing and remit the amount to Retailer Z.
Evaluation. Retailer Z is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide the retail goods, has inventory risk and establishes the prices for the
specied goods or service. Although Property A has established minimum and
maximum prices in the contract, pricing control has not been established by
Property A. Revenues should be recorded on a net basis in the Miscellaneous
Income department.
Part V Amended and Restated: Gross vs. Net Reporting 367
Recreational Activities
Scenario One: Property Operation
Structure. Property A operates the tennis center at the resort. Sta and
instructors are either full time or commissioned employees of the resort and the
equipment, operating expenses, and insurance coverage are all purchased by
Property A. Property A charges guests for the use of the services and is responsi-
ble for collection of the revenues and payment of the expenses.
Evaluation. As Property A is primarily responsible for fullling the promise
to provide the tennis facility and services, has inventory risk and has discretion
in establishing prices, the revenue and expenses are recorded on a gross basis in
the Tennis Center operating department.
Scenario Two: Outside Contractor
Structure. Property B contracts with Contractor Z to provide Tennis instruc-
tion, rental equipment and court maintenance for Property B’s guests. Contractor
Z employs the personnel to provide the service, establishes prices and is respon-
sible for costs of purchase and maintenance of the equipment (including liability
insurance). Contractor Z requires the guests to sign a liability waiver in its legal
operating name prior to delivery of the services. Contractor Z pays the Property
a contracted amount (percent of revenue or xed amount) to provide the tennis
services and retail. Property B collects the amounts charged to guests’ rooms and
remits it to Contractor Z.
Evaluation. Contractor Z is primarily responsible for fullling the promise
to provide the tennis services, has inventory risk and has discretion in establish-
ing prices. As Property B has none of the control indicators, revenues should be
reported on a net basis in Miscellaneous Income.
Scenario Three: Third Party Management
Structure. Property C has certain facilities for use as a tennis center, but not
the in-house expertise to operate it. Property C therefore enters into an agree-
ment with Contractor Z to provide advice on tennis instruction, rentals and
services for Property C’s guests. Contractor Z provides recommendations on em-
ployees for Property C to hire and the levels and quality of insurance, equipment
and retail items for Property C to purchase (including liability insurance). In
return for providing this service, Contractor Z receives a management fee based
on the revenue and an incentive fee based on the prot of the tennis center. All of
the revenues and expenses of the tennis center are the responsibility of Property
C, including the fees.
Evaluation. Property C is primarily responsible for fullling the promise to
provide the tennis services, has inventory risk and has discretion in establishing
prices. As Property C has all three control indicators, revenue is recorded on a
gross basis in the Tennis Center operating department.
368 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
Surcharges and Service Charges
Surcharges and service charges generally include any mandatory, non-dis-
cretionary or other charge automatically added to a customer account in respect
of the service or use of an amenity, and may include, but are not restricted to,
such items as:
Surcharge, Service Charges and Gratuities
Resort Fees: Miscellaneous Income
Bag Handling: Rooms Other
Banquet Service: F&B Other
Restaurant Service: F&B Other
Room Service Delivery: F&B Other
Corkage Charge: F&B Other
Pool Towel: Health Club/Spa Other
Spa Service: Health Club/Spa Other
The property must make a judgment on whether it is acting as an agent or as
a principal in the transaction in order to make a determination on reporting the
revenue from that transaction on a net or a gross basis.
GAAP related to revenue recognition is fully applicable to both surcharge
and service charges.
When such charges are mandatory and the client does not have the ability
to alter the amount or direct where the payment of the service charge should be
made, the Property is considered to:
Be primarily responsible for fullling the promise to provide the specied
good or service;
Have inventory risk; and
Have discretion in establishing the prices.
In such cases, surcharges and service charges should be recorded as revenue
and may not be credited to any expense account.
All mandatory non-discretionary fees that are disclosed to the client as a
“service charge” should be classied as a service charge. Those would include
the service charge added to rooms (usually outside the United States), banquet
service charge, in-room dining service charge, etc.
Those mandatory non-discretionary fees that do not contain the words ser-
vice charge in their name would be surcharges. Included in this group would be
resort fees, bag handling fees, corkage charges and pool towel charges.
Part V Amended and Restated: Gross vs. Net Reporting 369
A gratuity is generally a discretionary amount added to an account, or left
directly with an employee, by the customer.
When the customer established the price, through the unrestricted right
to determine the amount of the charge, makes the pricing decision free from
compulsion, and the charge is not the subject of negotiation or dictated by the
property’s employment policies; then an evaluation of GAAP would likely deter-
mine the amount to be a gratuity, notwithstanding that the property remains the
principal to the transaction.
Gratuities are generally retained by the employee at the time of the transac-
tion in the case of cash or disbursed by the employer as trustee for the employees
in the case of charged gratuities.
A gratuity is not revenue to the property, rather is treated as income directly
in the hands of the employee.
Determination of Surcharges,
Service Charges and Gratuities
Food and Beverage Venue
1. The policy of the food and beverage venue is to charge an 18 percent fee on
parties larger than 8 people. The guest does not get to decide:
The amount of the charge; or
Whether they actually wanted to leave any amount
in respect of the service provided.
In such cases, the amount would be considered to be a service charge and
should be recorded as revenue to the property. In many jurisdictions the
amount is also subject to sales tax.
2. The food and beverage venue has no minimum gratuity policy and relies on
the guest to freely decide how much, if anything, to leave the service sta.
In this case the any amount provided by the customer would be considered
a gratuity and not recorded as revenue to the property. The determination is
independent of whether the guest voucher provides a blank line for the client
to add a gratuity.
3. The food and beverage venue adds a suggested charge of 15 percent on all
guest checks, as a maer of convenience for the customer, with full disclosure
(on menus and guest checks) that the customer has the right to change the
amount at their discretion. In this case the amount ultimately provided by the
customer would be considered a gratuity.
370 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry
1. The policy of the spa is to charge a 20 percent fee on all treatments. Following
a spa treatment, the guest is presented with a charge voucher to sign which
includes the additional 20 percent; the guest has no discretion to eliminate
or change the amount. In this case, the amount would be considered to be a
service charge and should be recorded as revenue to the property. In many
jurisdictions the amount is also subject to sales tax.
2. The spa has no minimum gratuity policy and relies on the guest to freely
decide how much, if anything, to leave the spa sta. In this case the amount is
considered a gratuity and should not be recorded as revenue to the property.
The determination is independent of whether the guest voucher provides a
blank line for the client to add a gratuity.
3. It is the policy of the spa to add an 18 percent charge on all spa bills, which
is paid to the therapist providing the service. The policy evolved due to the
prole of the customer who is unfamiliar with the local tipping policy. There
is no communication or disclosure mae to the guest in respect of any discre-
tion allowed in the amount charged, unless the guest initiates such inquiry or
complains about the charge. In this case, the guest is unaware that it has the
ability to decide:
The amount of the charge; or
Whether they actually wanted to leave any amount
in respect of the service provided.
The amount would be considered a service charge and should be recorded
as revenue to the property. In many jurisdictions the amount is also subject to
sales tax.